well .. if we're lazy maybe we could choose among some terms already in existence, labels that "some of the others" might already have for us (depending on their pre-knowledge about these fields):
esotericists, occultists, new agers, mysticists, spiritualists, theosophists, metaphysicists, magicians and witches , etc ...
Personally, I would choose none of these, I'd rather call myself a "spiritual freethinker".
(freethinker is to stress my being free of any dogmatic belief systems.
however, I know the term is not unproblematic, since I have the impression that it is often "occupied" by this type of materialist atheist / close-minded skeptic person. This they do to my mind without any real justification, since a materialist atheist has a very rigid belief system and is NOT thinking freely at all, now matter how strongly they claim to, these guys are as dogmatic and close-minded as religious fundamentalists and far from any "free thought").
esotericists, occultists, new agers, mysticists, spiritualists, theosophists, metaphysicists, magicians and witches , etc ...
Personally, I would choose none of these, I'd rather call myself a "spiritual freethinker".
(freethinker is to stress my being free of any dogmatic belief systems.
however, I know the term is not unproblematic, since I have the impression that it is often "occupied" by this type of materialist atheist / close-minded skeptic person. This they do to my mind without any real justification, since a materialist atheist has a very rigid belief system and is NOT thinking freely at all, now matter how strongly they claim to, these guys are as dogmatic and close-minded as religious fundamentalists and far from any "free thought").