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Messages - LightBeam

What an incredible story! Thanks for posting it, Tides! He said something very powerful - "I choose life of no excuses"

And to this story applies one of my favorite truths "When I believe it I will see it".
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Personal Reality
January 18, 2025, 19:09:17
I just heard Julia Cannon sharing a story her mother Dolores Cannon told her. Dolores traveled to India with a friend. Dolores observed and experienced beauty and wonders. Her friend saw poverty, destruction and crime. Although they went together everywhere, sat on the same bus, ate at the same restaurants, met the same people, went to the same places, etc they saw different worlds. They experienced what appears as a "shared" reality through their own filters based on their beliefs and state of mind, thus making each of their reflective perceptions two different personal realities. I experience this many times when I am with other people and observe their state of mind and emotions while we are experiencing the "same" thing. The closest to my excitement and state of mind when comes to shared experiences is my sister, her husband and my nieces. We are always in awe when we travel and explore, and laugh all the time. We always meet people who are always there at the right time and the right place to help if we need, or to reflect love and fellowship to us.
And that confirms my theory, if we see OURSEVES as beautiful, powerful, loving, loved, worthy, fearless, magnificent, THIS is what we will see as reflections in a form of a physical/personal reality. And sometimes, we may observe other people's realities or something of a collective nature, but we don't have to make it ours if it doesn't align to who we think we are. It will not affect us directly. It will just be an observation for a purpose maybe to send our good vibes, or offer help or information, but again we dont have to be sucked into it, unless we chose to. 
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Shifting
January 17, 2025, 19:05:36
Quote from: tides2dust on January 17, 2025, 18:54:07I just want to confirm this as a part of my personal reality. I feel I am learning more about energies and personalities that would otherwise not be considered. Invisible forms becoming visible as if I'm entering an entirely new world/reality.

There are also beings that have guided me up to this point who have been nothing but loving and patient as it has been 17 conscious years of participation. I am sure their guidance has been with me for even longer. There is some connection to other worlds and other dimensions.

It's a very exciting time to be alive!  :-)   

Quote from: tides2dust on January 17, 2025, 18:54:07I just want to confirm this as a part of my personal reality. I feel I am learning more about energies and personalities that would otherwise not be considered. Invisible forms becoming visible as if I'm entering an entirely new world/reality.

There are also beings that have guided me up to this point who have been nothing but loving and patient as it has been 17 conscious years of participation. I am sure their guidance has been with me for even longer. There is some connection to other worlds and other dimensions.

It's a very exciting time to be alive!  :-)   

This is absolutely wonderful, Tides! What an exciting time of major transition and transformation! We just have to keep the excitement going, because fear gets less of a chance to sneak in. The state of excitement raises our vibration to where no fear can function or appear even logical to us.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Shifting
January 17, 2025, 15:10:39
I just thought of something else in regards to reality static frames like a film of a motion picture. The denser the reality is, the more alike each frame will be from the one before with very slight differences, so change appears slow. For example in order for me to get to the nearest shopping center I need to walk or drive my car, and that will take "time". I will be experiencing frame after frame slowly changing appearance until I "arrive" to my destination. But in higher frequencies consciousness can jump to frames that look very different from the one before. In a higher frequency if I want to go to the shopping center I can just think of it and I will be shifted instantly to a very different frame of reality. I can also think of being on another planet and will shift there instantly as well. So existence consists of infinite frames, and except from the point of view of Oneness where there is no space and time, everywhere else on all levels there is some form of time/space experience but each frequency/level has its own "speed" laws of moving from frame to frame and the degree of differentiation of the frames, as well as the order of experience, so linearity is not even experienced, but it's more like multiple "stories and lives" being experienced in which ever order someone desires.

And I hear this question so often. So, what's the point of me experiencing anything since everything ALREADY exists and I am all knowing already on the highest level. In my view all frames(infinite) exist simultaneously, which is the structure that never changes. But consciousness shifts from frame to frame to frame in infinite orders and infinite ways, so every experience is truly a unique experience. And since the frames are infinite, so are the points of view how consciousness can experience itself infinite. That's why existence is in a state of becoming because of the infinite points of view it can experience itself. 
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Shifting
January 17, 2025, 11:47:01
Tak, I am so thrilled about your healing experience! This is incredible, and you were able to observe the actual energy cluster around your chest area and tear it off. Then its physical manifestation of course changed accordingly. What we create in the invisible (to our conscious mind and physical senses) template from raw energy with our beliefs, thoughts and emotions, in one shape or form crystalizes into our physical reflections (what we call manifestation). And yes, we have to be careful of what we speak, what we think, what do we believe is true about ourselves and the world, etc, but I want to make a point to everyone reading this that we should NOT be afraid if we catch ourselves having negative thoughts and reactions and try to push them under the rug. NO, just the opposite, we have to bring them up to the surface, look at them closely and ask ourselves "what do I believe is true about MYSELF that is triggering this believe, though, emotion". If we are willing to see the answer from a neutral perspective and without judgement, eventually it will come in some form. Then we will realize that we may have bought to beliefs from parents, others, from society, maybe some connection to other lives, etc, but we don't have to accept them as our own. We can form our own beliefs based on who we want to be. But first we need to let go of negative perceptions about ourselves, because we are worthy, we are all that is and without our personality expressions, all that is will not be complete. Creation does not make mistakes, therefore, we exist and we are worthy, and we ARE all that is.

And about the Earth shift, besides Bashar, Dolores Cannon and many others had also put this concept out there. We shift all the time to different versions of ourselves and each of us perceives our own personal reality + the collective agreement of perceived shared reality, but this shift is more of a major one on a collective planetary level that also involves inclusion of Earth to intergalactic communities.

EV, it appears you had made a great progress with energy block releases. Challenging childhood definitely creates traumatic experiences and energy blockage accumulations. And you are right that we may subconsciously call these things back at times. The way I have changed my perspective about my challenges is that I view each day as I am a different version of myself with complete change in a new frame of reality and the past is actually not linked at all to this version of myself.....unless... I chose to define the past as linked and so I will create the experience as such, although mechanically each frame if reality is static and independent from all others. But what we do when experiencing a story is jumping from static/independent frame to static/independent frame to static/independent frame to make it look like they are linked, much like the film of a motion picture. And we chose each next frame to be just slightly different in appearance than the one before to create a continuity, but mechanically speaking all these frames are different, so we dont have to link them consciously, and if we realize that, then we get completely free from the past and we perceive the NOW version of ourselves as independent, unique and free to chose whatever next frame desired without baggage to drag us down from the "past", because there is no past. All frames are just different frames of now. And if in this frame of now you feel healthy and fear free, then nothing else had ever existed for this version of you now as far as trauma, illness, etc. What you perceive as yourself from the past is NOT the now you, it's a different personality. But we tend to package all these frames together as ONE personality. I think if we free ourselves from this packaging, we realize the power of the now. I dont know if that makes sense to you guys but this is how I see existence.
Welcome to Dreams! / Shifting
January 16, 2025, 19:59:59
Since the beginning of 2025 I've had very strange dreams. Different than a typical dream. Different even from the very vivid dreams. I think they were triggered by my understanding/knowing that this is a major shift not only for me but Earth collectively. I knew the soon the clock turned and 2025 started that we moved with a greater leap/shift.

The first dream that started this chain of unusual dreams was a large waiting room with thousands of people that I could see within my vicinity. The room was like a train station's waiting room. Suddenly everything turned black and while and then started disintegrating, like the reality was disappearing. I saw the people formed 2 waiting lines, as if there were two trains. One of the lines was very long, I could not see the end of it. The other one was very short. I attempted to go and line up behind the long line, but someone grabbed me and said " You need to stand in this line" (the short one)
When I woke up I thought of Earth shifting and some people will shift to one dimension, others will shift to another and the shift had started.

The other dreams were so heavily charged that I can not describe how they felt, except almost like being in even a heavier density reality than ours, if anyone can imagine how would that feel. I did ask though to have all unconscious/conscious fears/uneasiness that come from my current character be resolved in the dream state. And while many have already been resolved during dream state because I have been asking with specifics in the past few years, to some degree some fears were not 100% resolved, so I wanted to completely clear out my energy of all human character burdens.
So, this triggered the dreams and per my ask here are a few lol

I was at a doctor's office and someone was performing a full physical exam. In this reality I have needle phobia, and while most of it has been resolved, there is a residual fear still lingering. The doctor pulled two HUGE needles and said that I had to be vaccinated. Surprisingly I rolled out my sleeves and said without any hesitation "yeah, sure, go for it" lol. He stuck one of them into my arm and pumped the substance.  I did not even blink haha. Then he pulled the second needle. I did not care and let him do the second shot.

In another dream I was given a young child to be her parent. In life I didn't want to have children because I am too empathetic and I would suffer to a point of not being able to function if a child of mine is ill or experiences difficulties. I was not going to be able to deal with it. But in the dream, I was perfectly fine, and confident.

In another dream I was pushed to an elevator by myself. in life I dont like small spaces, but in the dream the elevator kept going up and up for a long time and I did not freak out at all.

Previously I've had these kind of dreams and I have always reacted in the dreams with fear just like I would react in life. This is the first where three nights on a row, these heavily charged dreams played out my fears, and for the first time in all three of them I did not exhibit even the slightest negative emotion. Yay.

This thing with the ask before bed to resolve issues during dream state really works. Try it guys. It may take a while though, but with perseverance eventually it accumulates to a point of resolution.
The big test we had set up for ourselves knowing that we will forget is to realize the game programming while in the forgetful state playing the game. Pretty challenging test, but once passed, it's a game changer :)
I came across this photo on FB and instantly was drawn to the scene. I knew that I wanted to get there during AP. I made a plan to save the photo, look at it, study the details, and when I go to bed to visualize that I am sitting on this window with my feet dangling outside, looking at the snow and the nature, breathing in the snowy, crisp air, feeling a pleasant chill. Then jumping outside, start walking on the snow, make a snow ball, seeing now the entire scene 360, going towards an enchanted village, touching the trees covered with beautiful snowflakes, etc.
So, last night I did just that. The visualization was so pleasant. Then sometime in the middle of the night I was awaken by mild buzzing vibrations, I remembered the scene because I made an affirmation when I AP to go to that scene and not someplace else. So, that intention took me there. The experience was incredible. The snow was actually glistening and sparkling. It was pleasant to the touch, not freezing at all. The air was not cold, but it felt crisp. I saw the village nestled on the bottom of a beautiful mountain. The houses were fairy tale like. I thought of being in the tow square and I instantly teleported there. There was a market day going. Many people were trading goods, people were laughing, kids running around and playing. Their clothing was like from the fairy tale movie  Hansel and Gretel if you have seen it. The people were able to see me. As I walked among them, they were smiling at me. I said to one man who was selling hand made candles "What a beautiful day! Are you happy here?" He said  "Happiness never leaves this village" I felt the collective atmosphere of fellowship and community. I looked at the mountain again and I found myself back in my bed. I can still feel the essence of the village.

Here is the picture if any of you want to try this visualization if the scene resonates with you and raises a desire for you to be there.

Quote from: Tak on January 10, 2025, 15:41:22If you have given 'the Higher Self Now command' and want to share your experience here, you are very welcome! One of my favorites was Lightbeam's when she asked to see God.

That was my most profound experience ever, but before that I had given that command Higher Self Now many times with little results. However, I think it's important for us not to assume what is supposed to happen because we are placing conditions and limitations on the outcome, boxing it to something that we THINK should be, where in reality we are being heard what we command, but we are taken to experience what we NEED to experience at that time. We may not understand consciously why is it what we need as suppose to what we want/assume should be.
Although, you have not experienced yet what you have been expecting, you are still acknowledging that you feel something is accumulating. I see your glass getting full, and at some point it will reach the level where you will be taken/shown more.

And about the ego, you are right, the ego is not enemy. It is a part of the physical experience. As long as we don't surrender full control to it, but rather include it within the team to collaborate and work in tandem with the higher mind, then optimal balance would be reached. But we need to recognize when the ego is dominating and responding with fears, and bring it back to a balanced point. The most common fear is the fear of something unfamiliar or unknown. It assumes the worst case scenario. And this is where awareness of who we are, what is or true power come to play, where we unlock the door for the higher mind to join the party and provide guidance through knowing that if we trust the synchronicities and the guide posts we can let go of the buoy and we wont drown.
Quote from: Tak on January 09, 2025, 15:55:25I think what I don't fully understand is why in the non-physical, we end up doing every day things, when we have limitless possibilities now. I suppose it's because the mind is still deeply rooted in the human, full of programming and patterns, beliefs and conditioning, which don't disappear overnight.

Yes, per my observation the state of my body and mind does affect my dreams, because we are focused on the body/physical life, which influences all of our experiences physical on non-physical. For example, when I restrict too much my diet, I start craving the foods I restrict and I end up having dreams where I am eating, because my body is still sending these signals to my brain, which produces applicable thoughts, and these thoughts do mold the energy in the template reality, which we observe during dreams, but perceive the molded energy through symbols. Also, when I overeat (during holidays) and I dont feel good, I have sort of nightmarish dreams, because again, my body is in discomfort, sends signals to my brain, produces like thoughts, which create from the raw energy in the non-physical and I observe these energies. So, I think the body/conscious mind do influence our dreams and our APs, but hey, I'm all for French fries and parties, and for me particularly chocolate cakes. And when someone says food tastes heavenly, this comes from unconscious knowing what food in heaven actually tastes like. And I can proudly say that I've had a first hand experience tasting it in heaven lol.
When comes to giving advice, opinion, healing, etc, all we need to do is provide the information/energy. After that what others do with it is none of our concerns. No convincing needed, because we don't know their paths and what they have chosen to experience for their own learning curriculum. The same goes if we are receivers. We have to discern what is true for us at that time, what to accept and what to reject. Maybe we would have beliefs where we would reject certain ideas but at a later time we would accept them as true. This is the nature of learning and growth. Eventually all of us would remember again who we are and what is the nature of existence. No rush, we have eternity :)

But I know one thing. Even if none of this is real and we have just this one life and then will cease to exist, I am having hell of a fun and joy by believing what I am believing  and making the most of it. Where as if someone is pondering on negativity and doubt, constantly chasing, constantly worrying, then this one life is spent in pain. Is it worth it.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Happy new year
January 09, 2025, 10:39:53
Happy New Year, fowlskins and everyone!
I would rephrase this though to May WE treat ourselves well in 2025. I have started paying attention how I phrase things and what words I use when I think and communicate. If we say 2025 treat us well, that implies that we are at the mercy of the circumstances. But we create it all. When we realize that we are powerful and we are creators of our own realities, this changes the game completely. At least it has for me.
If we have agreed on a higher level to experience challenges, or create negative experiences out of certain beliefs, or observe mass level world events, if we know that these are there for reasons that serve us to learn, then we will react to challenges differently, extract the lessons with gratitude and move on quickly.
What a great guiding force you have, Tak!
Have you tried setting questions and intent before bed on something very specific. I have resolved phobias and fears that way. I had to ask very specific questions over and over before bed and it took a while through dreams mainly that revealed the reasons I had these phobias and fears. I also asked for opportunities to deal with them in the dream state and it worked. Then I would find myself not being afraid anymore in physical life. I posted about my snakes fear a while ago here on how it resolved and how I realized I didn't have it anymore. The same principle can apply for something specific you would like to experience during AP, set the intent before bed, but be as specific as you can. And one question at a time. This will focus energy and amplify the experience.
Going with the flow is always fun, but to keep the balance we can ask specific questions and give commands what do we need to learn/experience.
You can also affirm before bed that you will carry your full awareness within the dream state. I find that level of awareness plays a significant role on the ability to navigate the NP.

Look at that sunset. Can you spot the Orca. The other picture has a pair of them (mom and a baby). I didnt take many pictures because I wanted to focus on them and less on holding my phone. When they would jump to see them in full size it's so fast that you need a camera with continuous snapping to be able to capture.
Quote from: Nameless on January 05, 2025, 01:03:00Question, did you book this day cruise before or after your amazing dream?

Thank you so much, Nameless! Here is the interesting thing! I had this dream on 30Dec and if you look above, Lumaza hinted for me to head to the beach. I didn't really acted on this. I thought, maybe in the summer because now it's winter and it's cold out there. But then I experienced strong astral wind on 01Jan which I posted on the Exit Symptoms thread. And there Lumaza hinted again that I should head to the beach! I took this as a synchronicity sign and I booked the trip right after I read Lu's second nudge attempt :)
Right after I booked the trip, I thought more about the astral wind experience and which direction was blowing (I felt like it was going to blow me away, even my hair felt moving), and I looked at the map, the direction was exactly a straight line from my bed (point A) to the port from which the cruises start (point B). That was amazing discovery and I knew it was not a coincidence. And boy, did I experience strong physical wind for 4 hours during that trip with the boat literally flying and jumping from wave to wave haha. I did not move from that front rail at all, but I had my winter jacket and did not feel cold at all. It was very pleasant! I had the prime viewing spot :)
So, in conclusion, I am convinced we act as each other's guides as well, in events where we dont pay attention to hint post signs and experiences from within, then someone from our physical surrounding would enhance the signs to help us make certain realizations. In this case, Lu was my guide to make the sign more clear and get my attention to act :). Thank youuuuuuu Lumaza :)
I just came back from my whale watching cruise. What an incredible day! First, being out in the open ocean is magical on its own. Our boat was going so fast and literally becoming airborne between waves. That was one of a kind thrill ride lol. People were screaming and laughing hysterically. 1000 times better than any Disneyland rides. And it lasted over an hour until we reached calmer regions. I was standing right up front, holding onto the rail trying not to fly off the boat haha. The tour guide said in the beginning that although this is a whale watching cruise, we will be searching for them because lately there hasn't been much activity. So, he didn't want to set the expectations too high, but 30 min into the wave jumping ride I was like, hell even if we don't see anything, this by itself is worth the trip. But then several dolphins started swimming alongside the boat, we slowed down, started circling and they kept jumping, some of them right in front of the boat. It was incredible! Then we kept going and searching for whales. Two hours later, nothing. Then we turned around and headed towards the port. People were disappointed, they went inside, but I kept standing out on the front. Then 30 min before we reached the port I closed my eyes and sent a message to the whales. I asked them if they would like to meet us to follow my signal to detect our location. I did this three times. And......10 minutes later surprise! Our boat was surrounded by Orcas. The tour guide yelled "Wow, killer whales are very rare in these waters. You guys are so lucky. Maybe 1 in 100 boats see them". We slowed down and started gently circling. They went along side with us, jumping, diving, rolling. I smiled and thanked them for coming. They stayed with us for about half an hour. I really felt deep connection to them, the dolphins and the ocean. Very powerful feeling. I almost felt physically that I am submerged and swimming with them. It made me recall several beautiful underwater worlds APs and the feeling of being underwater and existing in these worlds and their unique beauty.
I'll definitely be doing these day cruises often from now on. :)
Quote from: Volgerle on January 04, 2025, 12:06:17It's not wrong to make plans and have goals. It's only human and thus only 'normal'.

Absolutely! We are creators and we have imagination. The imagination bring to us ideas that we find exciting and we plan to act on them. It's important to act on them, see the synchronicities and sign posts and take the opportunities. When we let the synchronicities (higher mind) guide us, we dont set conditions, we trust whatever happens to be for our benefits to learn regardless if we experience something positive or negative.  If we allow full control to the ego/conscious mind, it's only normal they place conditions because that's their role (survival), but placing conditions closes the flow of energy. The best way to function as a physical being is to get the ego, conscious mind and the higher mind work together as a team, where no side feels invalidated. 
Quote from: Lumaza on January 03, 2025, 17:04:08"changing your mindset" really does change your "reality"!  :-) 

Totally! Another way to look at things is if you see something within your reality that is not of your preference, ask what must be my state of mind that is causing it. What state of mind would change the reflection I am seeing.
Quote from: tides2dust on January 03, 2025, 15:49:21Ah well learning to be present is in fact a great goal.  :-D  I insist- to increase my focus and mindfulness.  :wink:

Now try replacing the word "insist" with "enjoy". I think the frequency of the idea would increase drastically when you look at it that way and you will flow through the process without resistance.
Quote from: Xanth on January 03, 2025, 10:09:07This kinda reminded me of "The Mermaid" by Great Big Sea...

Haha, what a fun song! Mermaids actually did cross my mind when I was analyzing this dream.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: The Doorway
January 02, 2025, 18:52:35
I think you have shifted significantly back then during this event and are now existing on a higher vibratory state than the majority of people in this reality.
For me, when I close my eyes with the intention to listen inward, I get a high pitch riming in my ears, but that's about it. I get frequent SP and vibrations in the middle of the night triggered by my before bed techniques. But these are only happening then and don't affect me while awake.
Have you tested remote viewing while closing your eyes, since you have the vibes perhaps you can switch easily and experiment with telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing, connecting with ETs, asking questions, etc?
With the beginning on a new year, there is a new beginning in general symbolically. Many have new year resolutions and set goals and desired outcomes. They visualize the way things should happen and keep insisting. But insistence creates resistance. Conditions create anxiety and disappointment. Reactions of disappointment keep the cycles closed and repetitive. 
I found that focusing on the journey itself and not the destination, brings the most joy and content. I no longer care about or set outcomes/conditions/deadlines. They come automatically (I still do not expect them though, because if I do that becomes insistence) as pleasant surprises as side affects of following my highest excitement every moment of every day and be the best version of myself I am capable of. To do the right thing per my intuition and see "efforts" as opportunities. So these opportunities do not feel like efforts but as adventures. If I see them that way, these adventures become exciting and enjoyable.
The response "so what" if something I desire does not happen gives me incredible freedom, because I know that I am eternal multidimensional being with infinite opportunities to experience everything. If not in this lifetime, then it is in another, and it's still mine. I am grateful for the opportunities to learn and that's what matters.
Focus on the journey/the now, don't rush to arrive somewhere and tell yourself that you will be happy once you get something or achieve something, because right after you get something, you start focusing on something else and you end up constantly chasing goals and never actually living and experiencing true joy by appreciating the journey itself.

There are 360+ blank pages on your story book for 2025. What would you write on each page.
Wow, I never thought of the Krill People! Thanks for the reminder, Nameless! It totally makes sense as all life on Earth had originated from water. I will do some more reading on that :)
Quote from: Tak on January 01, 2025, 20:23:42I still try to find my place in the world

Some time ago when we had to sell my childhood home, I was devastated because I identified it with my true home, but later I realized that as I am a multidimensional being existing everywhere, so is my home everywhere, the entire multiverse is my home, and I explore different regions of it constantly. And everywhere I go no matter how long I stay there IS my home. Imagine the multiverse is a castle and you are one of the owners, owning the entire castle. Although you may go from room to room to room, every room is in your home. When I changed my perspective I reached full content.
Quote from: LightBeam on January 01, 2025, 18:24:31And when I thought about it, the direction of the wind was actually towards the ocean.  :-o

Wow, I just looked at the map more closely and the wind was blowing at a perfect straight line towards the port from which the cruise starts. Mind blowing! I guess it takes a team sometimes to have us understand what we need to do. Thanks again, Lu :) I will let you know how the cruise goes.