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Messages - LightBeam

Quote from: Xanth on November 22, 2024, 14:23:49hehe The complete irrational nature of ourselves boggle the mind sometimes!  :)

Hey, imagine we had nothing to overcome and discover. How boring our lives would be lol
I've head hundreds of APs in the past 20 + years. I know very well what the sleep paralysis and vibrations are, I know I am safe, but if I feel like something is walking in my bed and I can not see it and I am paralyzed, hell I freak out and wake myself up lol.
Quote from: Adrian on November 19, 2024, 05:30:48The fact is, when the masses finally know that we are all the authors of our own reality

Yes, we on a mass level are experiencing exactly what we have created and agreed on collectively. When we shift or perceptions we will create applicable reflections. But we can not experience what we are not the vibration of, and that applies on a personal level as well. Those of us who already know beyond any doubt and have no fear are experiencing connections on a personal level.
No government can stop ETs to land and start mass communicating face to face if they want to establish mass open contact. What if the ETs have instructed the world government not to reveal until the masses as a whole are ready. That's why the "disclosures" are happening so gradually, to condition the mind especially for those who fear. A baby needs to be spoon-fed soft food for a long time before is able to eat a steak lol. That is from Dolores Cannon and is very true.
On the other hand we do know that government is corrupt. Just because someone may be aware of/encountered ET life will not make them compassionate. Earth is an interesting mixture of characters and choices.
Quote from: Adrian on November 16, 2024, 05:16:22We never really left.

That's it! We are everywhere all at once, only changing our focus (zooming in and out) and point of view to explore everything there is in a form of stories (time, space, continuity), so the perception that we "leave" is a simulation.  So we all are in the Garden, but we have a few blankets over our heads and we forgot that we are in the Garden when we put them on. When we remove them all we not only realize that we never left but we realize that we ARE the Garden.
Quote from: Frostytraveler on November 15, 2024, 14:04:45Lastly, your comment about "it makes this life feel like a dream". I can't tell you how true that is with me. I had a projection where I encountered a loved one and my waking awareness was so high I began questioning if the realm I projected in was the "real realm" and the physical realm was the dream or illusion, where the loved one died.

This aligns with the concept of physical reality being a simulation/a dream. When our focus returns to being in spirit (which is our NATURAL state) we will look back on the physical life and say "whew, what a dream" haha
Below is a poem that Adrian posted on another thread, which just by reading and understanding the meaning, your energy instantly raises its frequency. I will add a suggestion to understand who you truly are and then automatically your since of self worth will become visible to you. And remember, you are only as powerful. successful, abundant, and worthy as you believe you are. Change your beliefs and all this will change accordingly. You exist, therefore without you, God would not be complete, would not be ALL that is. Think about it. That alone should give you understanding how worthy you are and everything that exists.

When you remove your filters that you have imposed upon yourself when you assumed a persona you will find that you are already One with everything. The separation is just a simulation. Like putting blankets over yourself. You wont be able to see that you are in a beautiful garden, but when you remove it, you will see that you are already there. Oneness/God/higher self can be experienced in any state. The non-physical is just one of the infinite frequencies of energy. I have experienced it via AP but also at this time I am experiencing it every waking moment, because i know the below to be true for me. And we circle back to what you believe is what you experience.

God Became Me That I Could Become God, Therefore I Am God

God Is All, I Am God, Therefore I Am All

God Is Mind, I Am God, Therefore I Am Mind

God Is Light, I Am God, Therefore I Am Light

God Is Love, I Am God, Therefore I Am Love

God Is Infinite, I Am God, Therefore I Am Infinite

God Is Eternal, I am God, Therefore I Am Eternal

God Is Perfect, I Am God, Therefore I May Realize Perfection

God Expresses Through Me, As Me, Therefore I Express Experience

God Is, Therefore I Am

And So It Is.
Welcome to Dreams! / National Heroes
November 14, 2024, 16:12:32
Last night I had a very vivid dream. I was in a large old building made out of red bricks. Inside the furnishing and objects indicated 1800s. I was looking at the objects, they were mostly military. At one point I saw a door on the floor, I opened it and saw a skeleton with a general's hat still on its head and a military uniform. There were many other people in the building. I thought it was a museum. All of a sudden the building started collapsing, I saw the red bricks flying one after another off the walls and in a slow motion collapsing. Everyone started running. Then I felt two spirits lifting me and floating me around the falling roof to avoid any bricks hitting me and then I was above the building unharmed. The most interesting thing is that these two spirits had no form but I instantly knew who they were. They were two of my country's national heroes who formed resistance, fought and sacrificed their lives two centuries ago for the freedom of the people. When I connected with them telepathically during my rescue, they showed me that they have been guardians of our nation and still protecting its people. That was very heart warming. I realized that every culture has its special guardians on a mass level, just like the native Americans have their ancestors and animal/nature spirits as guides for all its people.
Quote from: tides2dust on November 13, 2024, 09:54:21Today is a good day for losing. And it feels like a victory.  :-)

Everything is victory, although on this level we as characters have our own perception and definitions based on the isolated stories we have set up to experience. And it's ok, this is the intent for learning. But when we reach realization at this level that truly there is NO FAILURE and everything happens for a reason, a reason that serves us to learn and we start to understand why things happen on a personal and mass level, then we reach peace and content. To understand that everyone has their paths and lessons and we should respect them no matter what it may appear to be from our judgement point. Maybe these who cause turmoil have been asked by the "victims" to create tests for them  (on a higher level).

And we should look at our changes of perception in a positive way. We are constantly discovering more and more pieces of the mysterious puzzle of existence and our understanding and perception changes as we keep discovering.
Quote from: Spiritual-Show2431 on November 10, 2024, 16:52:14The book is by William Buhlman. My main technique is to relax, and project myself into the living room sometimes while I talk to a loved one, I try to feel every sensation and to perceive the environment.

That's exactly the technique I used to trigger my first AP, however a few elements are critical to be followed precisely.
1.The technique needs to be done AS you ARE FALLING asleep. And let yourself fall asleep while being "there".
2.The technique has to be done every night for at least 3-4 weeks before you see results
3. While you are visualizing you also have to touch things, feel the textures, walk around, turn on and off lights, turn on/off the water, feel it with your hands, etc.

When your energies adjust after a few weeks of transporting yourself someplace else during prelude to sleep, you may be waken up during sleep in sleep paralysis, hear voices, noises, feeling like you are being shaken, etc. Remain calm and immediately imagine yourself standing by the door. When you find yourself projected then start exploring, give commands for clarity, vision if they are not clear and see what happens.

Explore this first, give it time and see if it works. In the meantime you can read here about many other techniques that you may want to try, but stick to the rules and do one at a time.
Yep, agree, no politics. It truly is like a kindergarten with no teachers lol. But old systems will eventually break, just like it has been happening since the dawn of civilization.
My sister asked me why I didn't run for a president haha, and I told her that if a lamb enters an apex predator  territory it will be eaten.

The other day a group of friends met at a restaurant and I asked if we only share funny and heart warming stories. I said no politics, no religion. If anyone needs advice sure they can share and ask, but focus on positivity. Everyone followed and we became the loudest group in a packed restaurant. We were laughing so hard, that I could see the other people around and the servers picked up on our energy and they started laughing and smiling. We couldn't even realize that at one point there was no one left at the restaurant and the workers were washing the floor. No one looked at their phones, we were all absorbed on exchanging good vibes face to face. When I finally looked at the time it was close to midnight. I said wow we have been here for 6 and a half hours, we are closing the place haha. Everyone could not believe that much time had passed.
In conclusion, focus is so important to trigger experiences that we prefer out of a pool of infinite possibilities.
Welcome to the Pulse! Can you tell us who is the author of this book, what techniques have you tried, how long have you practiced, what time of the day and how frequently.
There are so many techniques and we have described them here. Please read the stickies on this forum, pick one technique and practice it daily for at least 3 months. If it doesn't work move to another until you see what works for you. The most important things for success are curiosity, imagination, perseverance, patience and fearlessness.
I want to clarify that a simulation should not be insignified by any means, but perhaps human ego interprets it as something less, as something that does not exist and it threatens its survivorship and validity. But it's just the opposite. It's a great toll for learning. Knowing that this life is a simulation makes challenges less challenging and scary, you understand the "drama" and its necessity, but on the other had makes positive events feel even grander.
To me simulation is pretty evident. I don't like to use the word illusion because our definition of illusion suggests something that does not exit. But everything that can be imagined exists. However, simulation does make sense to me because the experience of the simulation IS REAL, no doubt. Simulation is something set up and programmed for specific experiences. Our natural state is in high frequency spirit form. This is real at least in my opinion. Smaller compartmentalization are simulations. We as humans are mimicking these simulations in smaller scales through our theater,  tv shows, movies, book stories, video games, theme park rides, etc. We are creating this because we have that intuitive deep knowledge (maybe not consciously aware).

A few days ago while I was walking something interesting occurred and I felt truly I was in a video game. I found myself on a cross road with 4 streets. On that cross road there was me as a single female, there was single male, there was  a pair of 2 females, a pair of two males and a pair of a male and a female. It was only us at that moment on that cross road, no one else. But I clearly saw the basic blocks of the coding. The 0s and 1s in the basic parings from which all other more complex coding is created. That was pretty cool to observe. I just felt for a moment how my spirit is lifting above that scene and is looking at the building blocks of a game from a higher perspective. I even stopped walking because for that moment my focus became different, like I had to pause the game.
I think that when we enter our chosen characters and main themes within a given play, we also preload to that character certain set of beliefs to match the theme and the stage settings. For example we created collectively this particular reality we are currently focused on with certain "rules" such as gravity, aging, body limitations, amount of knowledge, etc. These rules were accepted as true and so we create the applicable experiences. Technically nothing is impossible, BUT the condition is ONLY if you truly believe so. Now, I have always known this, however, I also know how existence works and the purposes of different playgrounds and their settings, so I know that as a human I CANNOT convince myself for example that junk food and sugar is not harmful to the physical body. Believe me I have tried so many times to convince myself and change my belief knowing the general rule that nothing is impossible and it is just a matter of belief, but I could not. And I came to this realization and that it is ok to keep testing and trying to challenge ourselves as characters to defy the preset rules. I think this is part of the fun entering simulations. So, we have created paths to least resistance to achieve things. Meaning if we can not fly or teleport with our bodies, we have created machines to transport us. If we are not aware and do not know/believe that we can heal ourselves we have created medicine, etc. You get the idea. It's just a part of the game. But to me that's fascinating. So, I decided not to waste time to continue trying changing my belief about food and took the path of least resistance to achieve health and wellness and follow clean eating and exercising.

If anyone truly believes anything without any doubt and they are consciously aware of their belief/it's like knowing and no one can convince them otherwise, then they create such circumstances that avoid the opposite of their belief. We have all heard stories about "my grandpa eat bacon and smoked all his life and and he lived to be 100 without any health issues". Well, he must have chosen to enter his character with these beliefs and certain dna expressions that made his body stronger than an average person,  and no scientific "evidence" of the opposite could ever convince him, so good for grandpa. But this is an example how one size does not fit all. Believe it what you do, but you experience applicable circumstances. If this is truly realized, one can take it to the next level and start playing with analyzing, adjusting, changing beliefs consciously to test what happens. I can see these patterns clearly within my own life and it's fun to play that game. 

Great topic, Frosty! Maybe people don't think geometrical patters have significance. I experience vivid colors and patterns during meditation and APs. They are of all kinds, but the most frequent is seeing spinning galaxies. I too see particles and clouds of energies that form objects while APing. When I command to go places during AP< I experience vacuum like sensation that lasts maybe one second and I do see passing very quickly through a light blueish vortex that goes parallel in terms of sensation. Not up or down, but straight ahead. I never just pop from one place to another, but always experience this vacuum vortex when changing "worlds". Perhaps this is how shifting frequencies feels like in the multiverse. This sensation may be a result of how I think multiversal teleportation happens and I create the experience of it. Maybe others can share their experiences to compare. 
Sorry for the multiple posts lol. I just wanted to give you one example with myself. I have always been so proud of my ability to solve problems. At work everyone knew I was a problem solver and everyone came to me with their problems. But this started stressing me out and I wished things were smoother and more balanced. I started wondering why there were so many problems. I asked to be shown and one day it clicked "Well, I am defining myself as a problem solver, and as such I am creating more opportunities and circumstances to fulfil this template."
I am a template that is ever changing and the physical reality is the actualization of this template. The maker of the template are my beliefs, perceptions and definitions. So, if I wanted to change the template so the physical reality actualization can also change, I need to redefine things about myself. I replaced problem solver with guide, and shortly after the patterns changed precisely. People started coming to me for guidance. I now guide them how to solve their problems but I no longer need to solve the problems for them. Quite different.
I just thought of something else. We essentially are everything, all elements. But if you perceive water as your enemy on this level whether you think literally or figuratively (the mind will still be influenced), and the human body is 65% water, then the equation will read "My body is my enemy". Then you will create the applicable experience.

As far as making others better, the best way is to be the best version of yourself, follow your passion every moment of every day and serve as an example. What they do with the information you give them is none of your concern because they chose what to experience and when and how to progress. Don't get frustrated if you don't observe change in someone you think should change. Observe, but do not absorb. Help them the best way you can but take it no further upon yourself, because if someone accepts the help they will receive it, but if they don't (may be on a higher level) then this is their choice and you let it go.

Another thing is if you define yourself as always sorting thing out, then you will keep creating circumstances that present the opportunity to sort things out. If you believe that here in this world one has to always fight and struggle for survival or resources you will keep creating more of these scenarios. The way we see the world and ourselves becomes our reflections and experiences. A good exercise to analyze ourselves is to see first what is around us, the people, the circumstances, our homes, surroundings, etc. These are all reflections of ourselves. If we prefer different reflections, we have to think about what beliefs about myself do I need to replace to match the circumstances I would rather experience.
Great, Jen!
May I suggest to reevaluate some definitions. See, words and thoughts like enemy and fight would bring as reflections more of it. From a character perspective we perceive extreme polarity and we define things in a certain way. But if we remove some filters we will see that these things are opportunities to learn and were created for that purpose. If we replace these words and the charging thoughts behind them we automatically will start creating things in alignment with our definitions. Replace enemy with teacher. replace fight with opportunity and see what happens :)
Jen, if you feel stuck, know that this group is your support. Do an exercise and imagine all of us from the Pulse sitting together in a circle. A circle of support and understanding, friendship and fellowship. In the center of the circle a warm crackling fire spreads warmth and coziness. Feel it. And feel the warmth and love coming from each and one of us, merging collectively into a strong unified energy. The fire burns away and cleanses all our fears and melts away pain and doubt. The fire is one of the elements. It has the power to cleanse and renew.
You said you have to put out fires. Don't pout them out, increase them and let what needs to be burned and cleansed get burned and cleansed.

Another exercise is to imagine your challenge as a big monster standing right in front of you. You may feel afraid. But try to say to it "hello my dear, how are you? Lets get to know each other. I am Jen, would you like me to hold your hand?" Then take its hand, touch it and transfer the greatest love you can imagine. Then see how it will start shrinking, getting smaller and smaller and at the end it will become a cute little puppy. Small and innocent. Take it in your arms and thank it for teaching you haw to face your fears. Because the whole time it truly was just a puppy in disguise. 
Hi Traveler, my experiences are usually the opposite. I dont think NP experienced deplete physical energy, unless you believe they do. Anything you believe or expect you can create the experience or perception of it, and that applies to anything in existence. This may be even a belief that is not conscious to you. But the best way to understand and analyze this particular episode is to ask your higher self why are you experiencing the perception of low energy and depression in relation to this AP. Maybe it was the content of the experience itself.
You already exist multidimensionally simultaneously. You are not here and then go there, needing fuel/energy to transport. All you do during NP experiences is remove filters that make things visible to you, change focus/frequency. Everything exists by frequency signatures not space locations. Even when you walk in the physical, every physical location is actually a frequency coordinates. You are shifting frequency from frame coordinates to frame coordinates energetically. You just create the experience of moving in space but this is a simulation. This is to illustrate that energy is never increased or depleted, it just changes frequencies.

Quote from: Yesmar00 on October 31, 2024, 17:31:43How did you go about those downloads?

I start with a very specific question and may ask and focus on it for a while with intent to receive answer. Then I release it to all that is and go about my day. I may receive answer immediately in form of thoughts that pop up into my mind or I may receive it soddenly at a later time. Usually that happens when I am driving because I am focused on one single thing that has become automated and the rest of my mind is free to receive. The "downloads" happen in a form of stream of thoughts that I know are from the larger self. For example, one time I asked "who we are and what is the structure of existence". That took a while, but one day as I was driving my mind flooded with information about zooming in and out. I saw with my mind's eye myself as a character in the car with a very narrow focus of a telescope. When the telescope started zooming out, I saw myself as a sum of many characters, then zooming out more, I saw myself as a larger entry, then a group of larger entities, soul families. As the zooming out continued and reached full capacity, I felt one with all that is and was looking from the perspective of the One. All that information was received while I was wide awake. It was sudden. It was not forced by my physical mind to understand or analyze, it just came through unexpectedly. But it came through because I asked previously. I think it's important to ask specific questions one at a time and wait for answer until you ask another question.
Quote from: Yesmar00 on October 31, 2024, 15:38:39Hello. I really don't know why I'm like this. My physical life is  very balanced. I think I was so used to consistent projections (in my terms of consistent)that I didn't realize until recently that I have way more than the average person does. Something in me wants to have them multiple times a week because I feel like I can? I have always been a very driven individual and I know that this is a gift and a curse in a way.

 At the same time I think I'm at a point where so much of my physical life is wonderful for the first time ever. I have so many things I want to discover and questions I want answered out of body. This seems like the natural progression of my curiosity. Maybe I'm pushing too hard? I'm not sure. I'm very open to any advice that you have. I have a fair amount of opportunities to project during the week and because I  Havent been able to consistently "exit", it caused some frustrations. Much of that has dwindled in the last two weeks but your question has me thinking again about my desire to do this so much. I do feel like I'm getting where I want to be.

When I first started this, my physical life was in the dumps. In the last year and a half life has been great especially recently. It feels like because that part of my life is so great, I'd like the non physical part to match up.

Anyway, I don't want to ramble. If you have any guidance or thoughts please share them. I probably need some perspective. 

I understand what you are saying. Just wanted to bring to your attention feelings such as frustration and stress, because feelings try to tell you something. As long as you feel balanced, go for it, but watch the negative feelings and analyze the root cause. Afterall it should be fun, not a demand or effort.
You can receive answers in many ways. I have received more answers via "knowledge downloads" while awake, than during APs. No one will give you straight answers during AP either. Many people want to find their guides, sit down and ask them a bunch of questions. That's not how it works. We need to find the answers ourselves. All other help provides hints, clues and sign posts. These are what we need to be aware of in life and pay attention.
Hi Yesmar, and welcome :)

Just curious, why do you have the need to have so many projections day and night. Your slow periods have more projections than most members here have. Keeping balance between physical life and non-physical explorations is very important.
"God is not a man. If anything ,God would have been a woman" LOL. I love Dolores!
I apologize if my opinion appears too strong. It comes from unconditional love and wish that everyone can feel what I feel, which is truly indescribable and my mind even feels too small to hold such intense love and feeling of self power. But, I understand that everyone has their own ways.

When I was 6-7 years old, I could not understand why there was so much suffering. My little heart was broken and I felt such compassion towards everyone, that one night I decided that I would offer my soul to whoever was the creator of all this. I was willing to be locked for eternity somewhere, but in exchange the one with the ultimate power to remove all pain forever. I was going to be content although sacrificed and alone, if I knew that everyone else was happy. Well, back then these thoughts were the result of a pure child's mind and the impulse to help, the feel of unconditional love towards everything and everyone. I now understand existence and the reasons for everything. But my unconditional love still remains and my actions are always driven by it.