Quote from: Xanth on June 16, 2012, 14:45:44I think this discussion here helping Pauli in regards to Focus 12 could really assist Robin Goodfellow in regards to her original post to provide some extra guides for her in regards to Focus 12 and beyond.

I'm curious now where this conversation might evolve to so thought I might throw out some observations I've made about past experiences. I do tend to distinguish between OBE and lucid dream.
OBE Experience:
While laying down I was having trouble getting to sleep so thought I might experiment a bit. Went through my progressive relaxation routine until the heaviness overtook me and began using ROPE. Almost immediately I felt pressure in my solar plexus and tingling throughout my body. My chest began to vibrate which caught my focus and as I held my attention on the vibrations they sped up and moved throughout my body. I started to feel myself lifting up out of my body at this point but it wasn't quite that clear cut. I could feel the numbness in my physical body, the non-physical vibrations, and a bodily awareness moving outside my physical body all at the same time. During the whole process I also retained spatial awareness regarding the room I was in as well. It felt very much like moving outward.
LD Experience:
Was feeling restless while trying to fall asleep so thought I would play with my imagination a bit. I settled down into my usual sleeping position and started watching the mental imagery behind my closed eyes. Its always so random I wonder if this stuff is floating around in my mind all day. Most of it is cartoonish scenes mixed with constantly changing patterns of light. Suddenly a very realistic scene popped up. It was at first just a tree but it was so real I could have reached out and touched it. I looked down and could see the ground, looked up into a blue sky. Very realistic so I kept playing. At some point I must have drifted off to sleep because I don't recall a transition but I woke up in my imaginary woods scene. I knew it was a dream and I also knew I was creating it. I cant explain how I knew I was creating it, was just my sense or my feeling. I knew I was within a self created reality.
These are two of my experiences with non physical realities with two very different feelings about them. My level of awareness felt the same in both. The OBE felt like an external projection and the environment around me felt stable, but I had the sense it was also external to me and not a creation of my mind. The LD felt like an internal projection and the environment felt just as stable as the OBE, but I had the definite sense it was being manufactured by my own mind like I was walking around within myself.