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Messages - David Warner

anything is possible, but I am not 100% sure about eating lunch at the same time while projecting.. maybe
having a latte at star bucks and projecting will do the trick..: )

honestly, it takes a lot of relaxation, mental control and focus to project. the physical body at the same time
eating while projecting I would need to research and be skeptical. Unless, Bruce was extremely tired and he drifted
into the trance, that I can see. But just to say "I am going to have a full course meal and project at the same time.." I can't see that happening.

I know on occasion when I am watching a movie, listening to audio book/music or back in the day in classroom - I was able to project. The moment, tranquility, relaxed atmosphere was conducive for projecting.


Thanks for explaining it better.

I agree with the voices, weird sensations - it can be scary and even still after so many years doing this. It does catch me off guard at times. I think for the most part is just remaining calm, try to relax and understand that this is part of the package deal when moving between the physical into the astral body. Easy as said than done, but it is the truth - have to take a little weird feelings at first to get to paradise.


Next time, just set up a video camera in your room while you experience the SP, OBE sensations. You will see that there is no scary monster, aura weird looking entities. I do agree it is scary in the beginning but once you get past those imaginary voices that trick you - its all yours.

Drugs + OBEs = lack of experiences. I have done both in the past and only conclusion I can draw is that you need to be at all mental facilities to control the OBE and have a better experience. This is just not with one drug, but every drug that is out there from alcohol to tylnol pm, or mushrooms. To be really on the ball when it comes to projecting, it takes a lot of mental discipline.

So my advice - give me all your mushrooms and start focusing on projecting clean..: )

Everything is a goal and a small step towards projecting. If it's getting to the vibrational state, it is a start in the right direction. If that is all you reached, pat yourself on the back for a job well done *just reaching that level*.

From many years of experience, everytime that I project there is always a cause and reason, a goal that I set to accomplish. It can be something as reaching the vibrational state, or a full body exit into the astral. Other goal can be simple as walking through a wall, or exiting the house. Remember to take small steps than big one's. You are in the beginning stages learning how to enter a trance, feel vibrations, make a clean exit from the body and then experience a foreign new world and beyond. That is a big undertaking but can be exercised with time, patience, with proper documenting, and statistics.

Just remember that every night, this could be the one. If its not, you can try the next night, and so on. I would recommend that you find a comfort level of technique that you can work with over a period of time. Just because one technique might not yield immediate results, don't abandon it until 3-4 months. If does not work, move on to another technique.

There are no fast food drive thru's or magic pill to instant success when trying to project.  This goes without saying with anything we do in life. It all takes time and patience to develop. Remember to enjoy the fight, trial by error and passion behind your motivation. Being scared is normal and I can assure you that you will not die from a OBE. You might have a negative experience and be scarred for a little while, but that is rare. I have been out thousands of times and in all honestly, about 2% I ran into difficulty or a bad experience. It happens and you think positive to the next experience. Just do your best and please remember that if you really want to project whole heartedly, you will have to go the distance and train for that marathon.

Good Luck,

Hey Lionhart,

I must have mis-read your post earlier, my apologies. What I was stating is that many people buy into gizmo's that think they need as a crutch to help project, but in actuality it's just novelty, etc..

I have an eye-pillow myself and every so often I will use it in the morning. So I can concur with what you are explaining. I have filmed about 10 videos capturing my physical body during the OBE. I have noticed a few times that my eyes would briefly open but not long enough. We are talking milliseconds and then shut.  All my experiences occur late morning hours and at that time, I expect it to be lighted in the astral. Sometimes, that is not the case and it's dark or when I am projecting at night time it is lighted. Its all what the mind makes up and wants to create at that moment in time or what I think it should be. Sometimes, thats a little tricky and easily can be fooled so its hard to decipher night and day. The astral world follows no rules when it comes to creating that I have found. The best thing you can do is question and challenge at that time...

Even after all these years of projecting, I am a sucker and always get blinded with false awakenings. Go figure..: )



You will run into those scary experiences and it will definitely leave an impressionable scare. However, I can reassure that like anything in life - gotta take the good with the bad. Not all OBE experiences will be beautiful rainbows and happy times.

I have had experiences where I honestly NEVER wanted to go back to sleep. Either from being attacked, shot point range in the chest, entity sticking its razor sharp tree limbs into me. Pushed down to the floor and couldn't move with a evil force. Having a woman stab me to death, and the worse was being burned by a fire breathing dragon pinned between two cars. Was this enough to question continence "ahh yah" but from all the other beautiful experiences that out weight the negative, it wasn't a deciding factor to throw it all away.

Folks - ya gotta take the good with the bad. Average of positive beautiful experiences are as followed:

Good - 98%
Bad - 2%
Decision - continue. This is after 20 + years of projecting.


I am a avid projector since 1987 and had had dry spells, but only lasted a month at the most. I have been pretty much consistent and relaxed lately in the last couple of years still projecting but not at the level I would like to be at. At least once a week, I will project and I am content, but when I am on fire and focused it is 2-3 OBEs weekly. It also depends on what is going on in your life that the physical takes away that focus.

What I am getting at is this: casual projecting w/o intent will get you no where. Many people fall into this trap and expect the OBE will happen naturally. It all takes time, patience and having a goal, desire for (wanting to project not expecting).

Please look at putting a goal out there for you to achieve, a realistic and obtainable goal. I would only focus on that one goal and not inundate yourself with multiple goals. If you have to write your goal down daily, tape it on the wall with paper, email yourself, text, what ever.. This will get you back on track and focused bringing the OBEs to return.

Good Luck,


I am not sure of your documenting methods, but I found it extremely useful to use Date,time of OBE, and Title and write about the experience. Also, categorize the type of OBE - EX: Dream to OBE, False Awakening, Wide Awake Induced.

A lot of people who start out projecting question when the next time it will happen. So by doing all these statistical tracking, it paints a clearer picture to focus on the good and the bad days of when, to try and project.

Hope this helps, but otherwise it looks like your on track.

Good work,


There are many excellent techniques out there for exiting the body clean. There are no right or wrong techniques and everyone has their specialty. As for using novelty items like special pillows, wearing a necklace or pointing east/west/north/south - it does not make no difference. I have tested all these old ancient claims and still been able to project under any circumstance. Even with dogs barking, light coming into my bedroom, tv on, sleeping in a car, airplane, facing any direction, what I ate, exercised, and so fourth. It does not make difference.

I did a three year study and tracked every food I ate, how much sleep leading up to the OBE, tracked the days, months, years statistically and it all comes down to one conclusion. "Your desire and fire to project".
Also, remember projecting is a never ending story up till physical death. There are no short-cuts or fast food drive throughway's, magic happy pill. Good ole time, patience, documenting and tracking. If it takes you three months to a year to project - stick it out and be patient. It will eventually happen!

Please read more of "Why I can't Project". This is just not directed to you but others in the board reading your post and thread.

Focus on "what works for you". You might have to by trial and error spend a year crafting your technique, but it will come.

For now, try the roll technique when you enter the trance state and you feel vibrations. Image your a tree log on the water, spinning faster and faster until you roll right out of the body. Be calm, relaxed and enjoy the spinning sensation. I execute this technique all the time and never has failed me. What your doing is deepening the level, the state, increasing the vibrations and exiting while in a spin motion out into the astral world. Once your there, don't be alarmed if your vision, there will be a brief darkness - eventually you will tune in and you will start seeing with your spirit eyes of the astral body....

After you master that - now it's time to take a BIG leap into the astral worlds... Of course, thats a whole different discussion and why we are here..: )


Hello Stellina757,

The vibrational states can last anywhere from five seconds to what seems like a lifetime..: ) But honestly, you would be surprised that it only lasts for 15-30 seconds perceived at the time forever.

I have done video work with actual taping my physical body during an OBE. Documented on video right when the vibrations hit and upon awakening. For me personally, it is usually 10 seconds and then I am out of body.

Also, your eyes twitching are more likely the astral eyes, felt as physical. Again, having this "proof" of recording is a gold mind to a lot of answers "what happens during the spirit and physical during the obe" or "does my eyes twitch, which one spirit or physical"? - Going back once more, everytime that I have recorded my physical body during the OBE, there is very slight movement in my face and bodily limbs. But at the time when the vibes hit, it's a different story.

When you enter the trance state - please be passive and relaxed. Don't focus on "if I do this, it will be wrong" or "if I open my eyes, sneeze, outside noises that will wake me up". Keep a very clear and passive mind and go with the flow. Try to hold back excitement, which I know is difficult but lay low and be passive.

A whole new world awaits you!

Good Luck,


I am always interested in technology that promotes and can assist with OBE / LDE.

However, one should not put faith in these devices as the end all be *all*. Stay away from such advertisements till you run through the basics of learning how to enter the trance state. There is no magic pill, just hard work, patience, time with trial and error. Quick gizmo's like these remind me of fast food OBE drive through.

If I were too purchase a device, I would want a 5 - 10 day money back guarantee.

Back in the day, I tried all sorts of methods, crystals, sleep positions,food you name it. It doesn't matter period.. If you want to project, you'll find a way.. Best advice I can offer is focus on writing everything down on a spreadsheet when you project - date, time, type of obe, when you went to sleep and immediately awakened from the OBE. This establishes a BIGGER picture and paints your progress with patterns. Seeing yourself at the best times to induce the OBE.

Stay away from such products that promote OBE - quick and easy, fast food drive through approach.



Decided to jump into this topic and give my .2 worth. Reading the previous posts about religion, upbringing, faith, practice and worship. If astral projection is legitimate testing by books or beliefs you need to be look further by experience. If that is the case then we would never know what is right or wrong if we took everything by instructions.

I had the opportunity to discuss OBE / NDE (near death experiences) with many religious instructors, priests and people who have experienced. Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Indian Native practices, beliefs - in the grand scheme the consistencies of the elements found in OBE / NDE are there and can't be ignored. Just because we live on the other side of the world, doesn't mean the other is going about their beliefs incorrect manner. We are all equal and should practice being open to learning, going outside the box and understanding each other. God, Allah, Yahweh has a million names. Not one religion is invalid.

Recently, I just finished a book on evidence of NDE by Jeffrey Long found at: In one of this chapters, Jeffrey discussed religion and NDE's. What I really liked about his writing was the scope of information based on people who have experienced the NDE from all walks of life. All reported the constant values of love, spirit guides, peace, tunnel etc.. but with different interpretations of events witnessed. Religion in itself is personal to the one's who practice, belief and faith to connect with God. If we take time to study, learn and grow understanding different religions, practices it helps us to be more well rounded respecting others practices.

I have been projecting for over 20+ years now. Am I perfect because I follow Christianity "No" but I try to do what I can to make this place on earth better for family, friends, and the world around me. I have friends who have projected who are Jewish, Muslim and they are the most loving, caring and good honest citizens of the world.

Point I am trying to get across is that *everyone* has it in them to project. It all depends on how we utilize this experience to better ourselves and others in our world. Fighting and Bickering about who's right or wrong based on religion is just a endless vicious circle that will never promote advancement.

All religions are welcomed to the AP forum - We can learn so much from each other and compare thru experiences of OBE / NDE and views.


Decided to jump into this topic and give my .2 worth. Reading the previous posts about religion, upbringing, faith, practice and worship. If astral projection is legitimate testing by books or beliefs you need to be look further by experience. If that is the case then we would never know what is right or wrong if we took everything by instructions.

I had the opportunity to discuss OBE / NDE (near death experiences) with many religious instructors, priests and people who have experienced. Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Indian Native practices, beliefs - in the grand scheme the consistencies of the elements found in OBE / NDE are there and can't be ignored. Just because we live on the other side of the world, doesn't mean the other is going about their beliefs incorrect manner. We are all equal and should practice being open to learning, going outside the box and understanding each other. God, Allah, Yahweh has a million names. Not one religion is invalid.

Recently, I just finished a book on evidence of NDE by Jeffrey Long found at: In one of this chapters, Jeffrey discussed religion and NDE's. What I really liked about his writing was the scope of information based on people who have experienced the NDE from all walks of life. All reported the constant values of love, spirit guides, peace, tunnel etc.. but with different interpretations of events witnessed. Religion in itself is personal to the one's who practice, belief and faith to connect with God. If we take time to study, learn and grow understanding different religions, practices it helps us to be more well rounded respecting others practices.

I have been projecting for over 20+ years now. Am I perfect because I follow Christianity "No" but I try to do what I can to make this place on earth better for family, friends, and the world around me. I have friends who have projected who are Jewish, Muslim and they are the most loving, caring and good honest citizens of the world.

Point I am trying to get across is that *everyone* has it in them to project. It all depends on how we utilize this experience to better ourselves and others in our world. Fighting and Bickering about who's right or wrong based on religion is just a endless vicious circle that will never promote advancement.

All religions are welcomed to the AP forum - We can learn so much from each other and compare thru experiences of OBE / NDE and views.



OBEs are real, just as the physical world we reside in is real. This happens to be old news that a reporter just found on the Internet deciding to write the article.

In all honesty, one can't say that this is final proof without further research, three control groups 1. Non-Projectors 2. Experienced Projectors 3. Near Death Experiencer's. I do not see anywhere in these studies even discussed or admitted to the testing. Also, people who write these articles and the scientists need to really sit down and learn the art of having the OBE. Having book knowledge and science is awesome - always test it but be also willing to experiment and have the experience yourself, not just a few times but couple hundred times.

I am not slamming the author of the article - it just needs more attention of the variables I just listed vs. putting a claim on validation.

When you have time, I like for you to research Near Death Experiences and read up at this site: Also, you might want to review the book that Jeffrey Long (author of the web site NDERF) wrote.

Thank You,



Fear is the toughest battle to over-come when learning how to exit the body and what awaits us. We definitely take in the different religious views about this from the Churches, Family, and Friends.

I am going to point out to you about "Religion" and "Experience". You definitely need to be careful with anything you approach in life. You can look at religion and follow your heart, love others, offer your time to others less fortune etc. You can also twist religion around and follow a negative path and Kill in the name of God, steal from the poor, have mansions, cars, fame, drugs, or become a pedophile molestrating alter boys. Religion is here to help us become closer to God. However, along the lines the churches twisted the interpretations with their beliefs putting fear into the masses of what is acceptable and what isn't. 

Now, lets take something simple as water. It can be used as good for many things. Our bodies, growing out vegetables, grass, trees, dogs, cats etc.. We then can take water and hurt people as well by drowning them, blasting the water at high pressure removing someone's skin etc. You get the picture.. Enuf said

With astral projection, out of body experiences the same principals should be practiced when exercising on the other side. What you bring back from your experiences, how will it help you, loved one's, and others around you?

I have been at projecting for 20+ yrs now and been involved in church activies, foster temp care, hospice voluteer companion to the dying, running marathons for diseases and raising funds. I am now looking into supporting and becoming a mentor to children in South Africa. I am not boasting here and yes I also am human and have my huge downfalls too.

So in the twenty years now, if the devil was deceiving me down this path of positiveness of helping others just because I have projected. I do find that as a unique twist on what religion purposes and states as Satan in the long run being deceptive.

I know not everyone will agree to this especially religious clergy and congregations. Many feel that these experiences are dark, evil, satanic. A lot of those people who say this either have had a brief encounter with OBE and were scarred to death or never experienced multiple times. I am not talking 10-20 times. We are talking couple thousands times to really experience, know how to work with the spirit body and confront those fears.

So in all - the most important thing to learn about projecting, leaving the body is to base it on your experiences and how it helps you grow, love, help others and test the validation of your actions.

Thank You,


It does not take much to fall into a quick trance where your looking at the room and semi-conscious. This is very close to the trance state, just need to deepen the level and you are there.

I had the opportunity of filming myself with video which took many attempts and months to SEE what actually happens during this transitional phase. You can swear that your physical eyes open before or  during the OBE, but in reality the video and what it picks up does not lie.

Your eyes are shut during the astral projection. You might catch a flicker here and there but from my documented experiences, eyes are closed.

Good Luck,

It doesn't matter how you sleep or position. I ran experiments on this for 3 years and found out exactly what I needed to know. You can sleep in a car, underneath a bridge, on a airplane, in the arms of your loved one. You still can project no matter what. Sure you need to be comfortable and relaxed to enter the trance state that is w/o no doubt.

Focus on entering the trance state and vibrations.

Hope this helps,


Try reading my sticky post: Why I can't Project

This might help you better understand and use different approach to projecting.

Good Luck,

southern comfort, and bud light with lime..: )

i be there..


Excellent way of putting it!

I am all for natural and have been consistent at projecting where I can pretty much close my eyes
and project. I do like *however* the studies and new technologies introduced to compare to the real
experience vs. simulated. Just because the device can help others simulate a OBE, it is also good to
experiment with those who are proficient at it as well.

It is all good.

It is really interesting device and the results that the scientists have discovered that pay tribute to neurological research of the brain for out-of-body / near death experiences commonalities.

Unfortunately, we have not yet seen or have listened that this device produces these states as fact and prove exact duplication of OBE / NDE. I would enjoy listening to the people who have been tested with this helmet with two sets of control groups. People that have had out-of-body experiences on a weekly basis's who are adept, or the real life near death full blown experience would be first group. The second group would be people that have never experience the out-of-body experience using this helmet to induce.

My honest opinion and talking from experience is that the conscious spiritual awareness this produces is different from the wide awake body asleep full blow OBE or NDE. Sure there might be some similarities in the feel or experience during but I don't think it could compete.

Remember that people are are near death due to trauma, they are certainly not relaxed. And even if the person who is under anesthesia that has the nde, they are not aware of conscious. They have flat lined and died - the people in this experience were alive, breathing, aware, except for being placed in a room that is dark, eyes closed and not given any idea what to expect. I didn't see or hear anything mentioned about Peace, Love, Warmth, Mental Telepathy, Angelic encounters etc.. Most of felt outside the body, ways from it. The feeling of being re-located to another position.

If anyone has more information on this research or who does decide to purchase this helmet. Please contact me and we can perform in-depth comparisons.

I for myself am tempted to contact the institution for more info. for better clarification so I can post this and share with the community.

Thank You,


You will find that when  you wake-up briefly from a dream, then going back to sleep is the PERFECT time for entering the trance state. Reason why I say this is that our physical bodies are drowsy, somewhat conscious of the physical but heading back to the relaxed trance state. This is the best you can every be when trying
to shift into the astral body.

Don't focus on position, all that matters is the comfort level you are at that time. The more relaxed and comfortable upon awakening, it will be easier to slip into the trance. I also, suggest focusing on a pleasant
thought that you can hold while falling back to sleep which will keep your mind awake during body asleep.

I noticed this morning and after so many years of projecting all I have to do is close my eyes, lightly focus on the thought and can immediately start seeing out of my eye-lids "clear seeing" and simple to enter the trance to exit.


test validation of using playing cards - place card to back of the door (do not look at it). project and view the card and then after you return to physical, validate the card.

record your physical body during the OBE - during the experience scream, move thing around, get close to the camera.. - return to physical view the video footage.

the speed of travel
ability to breath under water
look at yourself in the mirror
driving a car
setting yourself on fire
find your aura
the clock and read the numbers
what it is like flying with someone else
sit down on a park bench and hold your concentration, focus and just watch what is
going on all around you. asorb the moment and just do nothing for 5-10 minutes on the other side.

the list is endless..

i edited the document and added a few things to it, make it a little clearer.

web address is corrected as well.

enjoy the video,

did you watch the whole video and pause at different spots for the detailed descriptions?
did you visit my web site and download the audio journal?

probably not, but that is okay..

click on the video link to the youtube video, everything is 100% documented. also, visit my site and you can
access the audio journal.
