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Hi Frosty, I just wanted to report here on your thread that about a month ago, I started practicing Qigong for an hour every night before bed. Although I'm still at a really very basic level, I can see my progress and how I'm getting better and my joints are creaking less, lol. While I still have a lot to learn about this venerable practice, I feel a noticeable difference in my mood; it's like night and day. It's really helped me with my anxiety issues, and I truly believe it's helping me balance my energy.
I feel very relaxed after practicing, and I feel a sense of well-being, like my whole body is smiling. It's also my daily mindfulness meditation moment, where I connect with my body, the Earth, and the present moment.

I actually wanted to comment that I had an episode of waking up in the middle of the night feeling something very strange, like what often happens to you.
After practicing, I went to bed and two hours later, I woke up feeling like I was partially out of my body, but there was a huge, very strong "swirl" spinning clockwise in my lower abdomen area, which could be the place between the second and third chakras. But this swirl was so strong that there was a moment of great confusion; I left my body for a moment, something happened with that swirl but I don't know what, I got disoriented or something, and then I returned to my body and opened my eyes. I've never felt anything so strong before that has to do with swirls in the body, and I woke up scared, thinking something bad had happened. But no, everything was perfectly fine, and I fell back asleep.
I really believe that the energy is starting to move and improve.

Thanks for all!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Feeling "flipped"
Last post by Traveler_2649 - Today at 09:20:08
Hey everyone, I just wanted to ask a question.

Recently during meditations, I don't necessarily project, as far as I'm aware, but as my meditations come to an end, I'll feel as though I've been rotated 180 degrees.

Typically when I meditate, I'll lay on the ground with my head facing away from my desk, which happens to be pointing north. As I start to "come to" from deep meditations, I've had numerous instances where I feel as if the whole room I'm in has been mirrored. Objects that I know are on the right side of my body "feel" as if they're now on my left side, and I sense as though my head is now pointing south and is almost under my desk. Upon opening my eyes, I'm back in my original position and my room hasn't changed whatsoever.

Has anyone else encountered anything like this? What would you interpret this as?
This video titled Life In The World Unseen By Anthony Borgia (Unabridged Audiobook) is a fascinating tour of the Spirit World from the eyes of a deceased Orthodox Priest who had metaphysical abilities when living. The Priest now reaches across the veil to tell his story via a Medium. It may sound a bit far fetched, but this rings true in so many ways. Have a listen to the intro and Chapter 1. By then you may be hooked, but be warned it is 8.5 hours long. I have not finished it yet, but so far it's pretty gripping.

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Love & Fear
Last post by LightBeam - Yesterday at 16:27:55
Thanks for starting this thread, Tides! Fear and negative emotions associated with it definitely need to be analyzed and faced. It's good to talk bout them and not try to ignore them or be afraid that we feel fear in the first place.

First, it's very normal to experience all these emotions and have limiting beliefs that trigger these emotions because we signed up for them :) It was our choice to enter the game and adhere by its rules, set tests, most of the time very challenging tests. Just for that choice alone, I admire all souls that had taken this quest, as they are  brave beyond imagination, regardless if they appear to be learning or create chaos. Everyone is playing a role, and at times souls agree to play the villains to create lessons for those who had asked them. So, no judgement at all on the roles, as in other lives they may be reversed.

Fear may have many reasons to be present as many beliefs there are, and as many points of consciousness experiencing these sorts of schools. I for example rarely get angry, but I do have fears for example for the well being of my loved ones because I love them too much. I am not angry if they experience challenges, but I hurt and I feel sadness. I do understand though that everyone has their paths and have chosen to experience certain challenges, so I no longer react the way I was reacting before to unfortunate circumstances. I direct my emotions towards analyzing what are the lessons behind and what beliefs I may have that manifest these circumstances.

So is anger the product of fear? I would say yes. But fear doesn't always produce anger (observed in my own life). When the ego is in absolute control and someone is not aware that there is more to the equation than this physical character, they most likely will be trapped within these cycles of judgement, self doubt, helplessness, powerlessness. Until this accumulates so much that they start asking questions, who am I, what is in control, what can I do, etc. And they start looking for answers. But until then, they want to be where they are so they can keep trying again and again and again to pass the test. And that is perfectly fine.

Once we become aware of the bigger picture, we still have to continue discovering and accumulating more experience/knowledge which eventually leads to shifting to higher frequencies where fear is not even logical.
When I experience higher AP shifts there is NEVER fear, not in the slightest. I dont even think of a possibility to meet something scary, or something/someone hurting me. There is absolutely no existence of the idea itself. My fear ends on the threshold of passing through the sleep paralysis and vibrations while adjusting to AP. These can be scary, but once I am refocused to a relatively high frequency this becomes nonexistent. I have been at a lower frequencies during APs during retrievals (we have a separate thread) where I observe others being afraid and I help them, so there are non-physical frequencies where fear exists, but I don't think it exists at a higher frequencies. The amount of knowledge and absence of filters there simply make this idea illogical.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Love & Fear
Last post by tides2dust - Yesterday at 07:56:45
This thread has the potential to cover a wide array of emotions that fall into the fear or love spectrum. This particular post I wish to discuss anger and get the opinion of others.

I have always thought of love as existing on the same wavelength as fear. Two sides of the same coin, different poles of a shared vibration??

What do you think? And - more to the point, I think anger is actually a type of fear.

I think fear as anger comes from a need to control or lack of control. Anger can also come from impatience which, again, is a (mostly) unrealized reaction to things that are not happening in the manner we want or expect.

Anger can also come from an exaggerated sense of self importance- like feeling we have been wronged or treated in a manner we shouldn't... Which... Again... I think comes from a lack of control or need to control. 

Anger manifest but Fear is the unconscious or unrealized lack of.

Most people don't see anger as belonging to fear. Some people who are angry would think it means they are tough and ready to fight and destroy. They could never see themselves as being afraid in that moment.

But "fight or flight" is all fear. When you feel "threatened" and it is irrational, it could be because of some attachment towards a particular perversion happening in the mind. Be you on drugs and you are extra paranoid or be you in a city with a skewed and shallow viewing lens of the world around you. Not that shallow means wrong, it just means lacking depth. In some instances, survival dictates you have to be on guard... In a hostile environment, it would be appropriate to judge a book by its cover. That's not "wrong" that's wisdom. Like... that manic guy waving his machete at the bus stop. You would be fool hearted thinking you can exchange pleasantries. But wisdom doesn't create anger.

It's possible that fear enters because your survival is threatened, but it doesn't mean you act belligerent.

Fear has its place. This thread isn't necessarily about overcoming fear- unless you wish to share that too..
But I am more curious if others agree or disagree that anger belongs to fear.

And also curious whether or not, anger has its place?

As a separate point. There are spiritual doctrines that discuss righteous anger. But I think that's more so a way for humans to try and rationalize actions of God- considering God may perform actions that are hard to understand as it relates to the human drama. My belief is God is not limited to human faculties. I don't think it's a humans job to try and exercise, "righteous anger." I believe that is a misunderstanding because humans can only relate things from their viewing lens- their senses and experiences with. But really I don't even know if righteous anger exist.

God or no god, anger exist and I believe it is under the umbrella of Fear.

What are your thoughts?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Newbie needing some guidan...
Last post by Tak - January 20, 2025, 20:45:19
Quote from: Amongthestarz333 on January 19, 2025, 17:54:04At some point I think my fingers get stuck somewhere and I can feel the pain, and I thought this was strange.. I'm like how can I feel pain here unless... my physical body is experiencing pain. Okay I snap back again and my fingers were uncomfortable—but in hindsight that was maybe a FA.

It's incredible how the mind is capable of reproducing almost perfectly what we've learned in the physical. We can reproduce a reality identical to this one, feeling aromas, flavors, temperature, and even pain - yes, in the non-physical realm. In my case, sometimes animals bite me, but it's never intense pain; it's like when your dog or cat bites you playfully, a gentle sensation.

On the other hand, I realized while being in my energy body that it's not completely subtle; it's still material in some way, just vibrating at a higher speed, but still having some degree of density. That's why we can perceive certain textures and sensations, as described by Monroe and Buhlman in their books, when touching certain materials, for example. In my case, I enjoy rubbing my hands together; it's like a magnetic sensation, like many particles frictioning against each other.

Keep sharing!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Personal Reality
Last post by Xanth - January 19, 2025, 19:52:42
I kinda wish @personalreality was still around.  :)
Hello Everyone,

Came to log my recent experience and really try to remember and understand it. This was a bit chaotic so bare with me.


I woke up in the morning and went back to sleep, setting the intention to have an OBE. So I wake up and I feel like I can slip out. I think of a motion in my head, something I was thinking about & it helps me project. At first it is difficult, I can't tell what's the physical or not. Feels like I'm moving my real body, but I try to tell myself I'm not. There were so many exits I don't really remember the timeline here.
I think I snapped back to my body and then fully slipped out again. Through my feet. Then I was falling or flying, I think I see a sign of some sort, I can't remember it now. I think I end up back in my room, floating, remembering that this might be a test to figure out how to move in the NP. So I try, I think I spin a bit, go through the floor, a wall, but I have very little control. It's like a force is moving me. At some point I think my fingers get stuck somewhere and I can feel the pain, and I thought this was strange.. I'm like how can I feel pain here unless... my physical body is experiencing pain. Okay I snap back again and my fingers were uncomfortable—but in hindsight that was maybe a FA. Because I was not awake the way I am now writing to you. I slip out the same way again. This time everything is more clear, better.

Okay so now I'm flying over this place, looks like a creepy building with washing machines? There's one woman doing her laundry. She has short hair and she appears African American. I talk to her but I thought I was going to leave, until I stop myself and think maybe I'm supposed to talk to her. She appeared sad, confused, and I think she was talking to herself. This laundry room or building felt eerie, sad.

I try to stay, I ask her how she is doing.. I'm not sure we have a really long conversation.. I don't remember what she tells me but after a little bit I get pulled back.

That's the last thing I remember. I can't remember the other exits, I think I fell asleep after then woke up.

Interesting experience. Thanks for listening.

Quote from: Xanth on January 18, 2025, 14:08:47Are you lying down when you're doing this?
If you're "relaxing", then I'd suggest that's just the sensation of your physical body starting the "falling asleep" process.  Your muscles are relaxing, especially your chest and you're feeling the pull of gravity as you "let go".

I'm lying on my back. The pressure causes a sort of numbing effect in my chest. Perhaps I'm more aware of it because I'm conscious of it?

Quote from: Lumaza on January 18, 2025, 16:08:57I see this as being one of your first "fear tests". They show up in strange ways to test "how far you are willing to go". I start all my practice sessions by mentally saying, "by my act of will I release my focus over my physical body". My body will then become an afterthought, and then I can give my complete focus on what lies ahead. When I was new to this, I had a number of different hurdles to jump before I became a welcomed visitor. I made a thread here called "Exit Symptoms/Signposts". It can be found here:!/exit-symptomssignposts/

 The fact that it aligns with a chakra shows you that, as EV said, there is some kind of work to do there.

 I use Robert's NEW often. He actually created a NEW 2 version, before he passed on. I find it a great way to defer pain. It is also a great tool to use to test, strengthen and learn to hold your focus on "only" what you are doing, unabated, for a good period of time. Everything else disappears. Many times, while doing this, the "shift" in consciousness has already occurred. 

Could there be subconscious fear in my case? Absolutely. But I'm not convinced yet that this is a "fear test" quite yet. My focus has been the rising and falling of my chest between breaths. AKA me being more aware of my physical movements during the relaxation stage could be pooling the energy into the heart center. Or so that's my current theory

Quote from: Vyapini on January 18, 2025, 11:23:31The heart chakra can become quite active during astral projection and cause symptoms of "chest pressure". That is normal.. I would suggest that if you are worried up about the chest pressure to stand up out of bed... if the chest pressure immediately goes away you do not have anything to worry about... looks like you are heading in the right direction

It doesn't hurt so I'm not worried about it right now? I wasn't sure if this was a common exit symptom for OBEs or not. Thanks for the ideas!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Personal Reality
Last post by LightBeam - January 18, 2025, 21:56:30
What an incredible story! Thanks for posting it, Tides! He said something very powerful - "I choose life of no excuses"

And to this story applies one of my favorite truths "When I believe it I will see it".