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Here is a quick video clip of the importance of evolving one's soul. The evolving type stand out like a beacon of light, while the de-evolving type are best avoided if possible.

The Alchemist has an excellent channel. 

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: The Doorway
Last post by Tak - Yesterday at 23:18:58
Wow! Reading this entire thread from start to finish has been an incredible journey in itself  :-o  It's been a while since this thread has received a response, and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to revive it a bit in 2024. I had started reading it months ago and abandoned it to practice until I reached a certain point. But now I felt the need to finish it and started reading it from scratch again. I really liked the evolution of all this.

This Doorway thread has been incredibly enriching in my Phasing practice over the past year. As I mentioned once, I learned the art of LD over ten years ago using WBTB. I wasn't fully aware of the entire process; I'd lose awareness and then regain it in the NP. That's not bad; it's just another way to reach the goal.

I learned LD through Labergue's book, and Phasing seems to be what's known as WILD (I love the double meaning of the word - the method is totally wild!). He said it was difficult to achieve, with a lower success rate than WBTB, same for his students. Maybe there's been an update to the book that says otherwise, but my Spanish version says that.
So, I never practiced Phasing because I thought it was 'difficult' - I conditioned myself with that statement. However, I've had spontaneous, deep hypnagogic experiences that made me want more. It's an incredible state where creativity, problem-solving, conversations with Guides, future vision, remote viewing, lose ego, etc. flourish... There's a whole world of possibilities in this threshold.

Not to mention, I feel a change in perception and being. When I'm sad or stressed physically, it completely dissolves, replaced by fulfillment, ecstasy, or a «delightful drunkenness/adrenaline rush». Phasing goes beyond creating a path to the NP; it opens many possible states of being unknown to the conscious mind.
One thing that fascinates me about this, is that while practicing and still feeling my body in bed, I've felt ethereal hands grasping mine, pushing me. I'm not scared; I know they're my NP helpers, who've 'pulled' me out of my body during deep trance. Sometimes I sense someone watching, as saying, 'Go ahead, cya on the other side!' Then I don't see anyone, but I love that!

To Lumaza and his Guides (and all participants), I wholeheartedly thank you for this incredible and meticulous work. It's a gem! The love, dedication, and passion shine through. Countless hours and energy invested here. Every written word radiates love and effort, palpable from miles away. Simply, THANK YOU ❤

I've also read messages expressing sadness about people abandoning practice, lacking enthusiasm, or not commenting. Regarding that, I assume many members «in the shadows» have practiced and achieved success thanks to these explanations, though we may never know.
Perhaps others have read the thread, felt interested, and will return years later when they're ready to explore NPR. They may take years to prepare, but they'll do it. This work benefit many practitioners, even if we never know. No book replaces a direct teacher sharing their experiences and interacting actively; that's pure gold!

I have friends who had spontaneous OBEs; I've tried teaching them, sparking interest. They're not bored or unenthusiastic, but fearful of 'lower astral entities' and possession. I reassure them: I find Light there, and everything reflects our inner selves. My Guides' love accompanies me; unpleasant experiences are lessons, likely simulations. Still, I can't convince them; overcoming fear is their personal journey.

Returning to my Phasing practice, I've achieved aware Phasing leading to AP several times, but not at will, only spontaneously. I play with hypnagogic images, guiding me to incorporate into scenarios or ethereal experiences. While in deep trance, I sense 'it's time' and simply rise from bed in my energy body.
I've had also experiences leaving my physical body, becoming just a point of consciousness and crossing the veil without separating my astral body. However, I acquire a holographic body conditioned by physical thinking, needing legs to walk or arms to touch. This changes, and I suppose it relates to lucidity levels.

Now, my challenge is overcoming physical plane worries when closing my eyes. A turbulent storm of thoughts bombards me. How to put that aside and focus? It is the challenge I experience. Forget for a while about problems on the physical plane, even the most superficial ones. The Gateway power conversion box didn't work for me, I guess I don't take it seriously, I even put a lock on it! Because it seems that toxic gases are seeping through the material. I would have to change the strategy a little bit, maybe a hermetic sphere as a box is the solution. That's why I liked the doors exercise on the first page so much, because it gradually leads you to focus on another situation.

You are a great example for me, since I have read that you work many hours a day, many have children, pets that get into bed, chronic pain/illnesses, etc. And obviously the daily life problems that any adult has. But you overcome all that and just "leave." It's incredible, and in just minutes! I admire you guys 8-) .

My Journal experiences take up to three hours to induce, usually 2:30 hours. I could spend hours in bed with closed eyes amidst thought hurricanes and growing anxiety with no images in my black screen.
This year, I've worked hard on my anxiety problems, achieving significant progress. All our practices enhance 'mind's eye' development, even allowing me to experience hypnagogic images while listening to music, manifesting incredible visions! I never thought I would come to that.

Practicing everything in this thread has provided a solid foundation for my progress!
Thank you, Lumaza, and everyone who shared invaluable advice to help us. My current challenge is reducing Phasing time, aiming to enter within an hour or hour and a half – that would make me very happy! Entering in just a few minutes would be like a dream come true. But I have faith in this, since as I mentioned, sometimes just by closing my eyes on this physical plane I am already seeing very vivid things, so there is hope lol.

Another challenge is mastering passive observation. When a scene appears, I often become engaged, losing awareness. People start talking to me, asking questions, inviting me to join them, and I become part of the scene... losing focus.
Fear tests also emerge in Phasing, with horrifying images appearing before my eyes. Even opening my eyes and closing them again brought the same scene, causing me to abort practice. I understand I must overcome these emotions, remaining immutable, passive, and contemplative.

This has become lengthy! I just want to say that practicing Phasing with you all has been an incredible year. You're all excellent Teachers, and I hope to achieve these objectives. Let's continue exploring! We're as free as we think we are, so... no limits!

A grateful student  :-)
Awareness Bouncing and energy friction
A energy body that is absorbed allot of chi from Qi Qong or Tai Che creates energy friction when awareness bouncing up and down the body together with the presence of allot of chi in the chakra system. Making NEW more effective because of the presence of allot of chi is what i have experienced it myself

timelessness and awareness bouncing
In the timelessness you can have  hell of allot more awareness bouncing because time has slowed down making NEW enhanced or more effective

Awakening and awareness bounces
NEW becomes more enhanced because of the quality of consciousness from awakening effects and enhances the practice of NEW

holy spirit and energy work
god living inside of you and has life force presence in your energy body

^^ plus the combination of new creates intense energy friction and enhanced NEW development
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Finally got out!
Last post by Vanessa - Yesterday at 13:12:23
Congratulations :D Getting out is always exciting
Quote from: Lumaza on October 18, 2024, 13:03:12I apologize. I think you read my comment in the wrong context. That does happen often when posting. I knew what I had meant to say, and I have found that words and their meanings can get misconstrued when posting in threads. My meaning was that some other members here have written that they were stuck on something along their process, but they haven't really described what that something was. When I spoke to EV about this thread idea, it was more of a "if you were stuck, hit the "red/panic button" (being figurative) and explain where you were stuck. We would then immediately reply and attempt to aid the person in need of assistance. The hope was to keep this thread active as a way for other new members and visitors to find solutions right away too.

Please do not apologise! As you may have realised, English is not my first language, and although I do my best to read your replies over and over again, it can easily happen that I misunderstand this or that. So I apologise if you have to repeat something because I got it wrong!

Quote from: Lumaza on October 18, 2024, 13:03:12I would think that being chronically physically fatigued would aid in relaxation and meditation. It isn't your "physical" body that is projecting or Phasing, it is your consciousness.

Wow! That's interesting! I thought it was harder to concentrate because of the tiredness. Good to know!

Quote from: Lumaza on October 18, 2024, 13:03:12A few nights ago, I stayed consciously aware, not by choice, the entire night. I knew though that my physical body was getting the rest it needed. The circumstance of that occurring was that I was feeling sick on Friday. I had a show to do the next day on Saturday, which meant a 5:00 am wake up time. All night I kept hearing the same words of a song playing over and over again in my head. The words of the song seemed to be targeted at "healing", so I could do my show the next day. I spoke to a few Healers at the show the next day and they basically confirmed that for me as well. As annoying as it was, it was for a good purpose. Like I say, you don't always get what you "want" but many times do get what you "need".

What an incredible story! Did you feel better in the morning? How can you get such help? Through your experiences with AP? Or can you do something else apart from AP?

T H A N K  Y O U   T O O! ! !
oh sweet love
silent flood
flood, rushing
from above
from above
silent flood, rushing
gushing from above
oh sweet love
oh sweet love!
silent love
deafening chills
creative thrills
such overpowering presence
and no one would know the better
from within
from above
silent love, oh silent love!
still my mind
call you back
oh sweet love, my silent love
Quote from: Adrian on October 18, 2024, 08:12:32We and the Astral Pulse generally have always been here to help and support people wishing to experience realities and realms beyond the confines of the physical level consciousness, so please do feel free to ask any questions pertaining to this that may further help. The questions and answers also help others visitors here.

This is very much appreciated! Thank you all for this!!!

Quote from: Adrian on October 18, 2024, 08:12:32Over the years/decades I have observed that a major reason for failure is people trying a "method" for a couple of days, getting frustrated and jumping to another method before finally giving up altogether. It is wise to stick to a single method until successful. Ultimately it is about impressing your intent on the subconscious mind, which, when fully accepted, will reproduce the experience at will. In my view "phasing" is an excellent approach for several reasons which I will not address here. If you go to Xanths' page at where you can download an archive of posts by Frank Kepple and also Xanths' own book, both excellent phasing resources.

I understand. This is important to know and very encouraging to continue so thanks to your experience I have already started using Xanth's phasing method again and will continue until I see results. I have also read through all the articles on
Thanks again!

Quote from: Adrian on October 18, 2024, 08:12:32Edit - as for the fatigue question, it will only affect your success to the extent you believe it will. If you can relax, for example before sleep and completely shift your attention to your AP method and away from any thought of fatigue, it will likely not affect your success.

Thought it could be some believe system thing.
Many questions answered! T H A N K  Y O U ! ! !
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Finally got out!
Last post by Chris W - October 20, 2024, 08:35:17
Thank you both! I plan on trying to "get out" often without forcing it.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: CE5 Contact App
Last post by LightBeam - October 19, 2024, 23:53:59
I am posting my experience since it is a continuation with my previous CE5 Contact app experiences posted here.
As I had mentioned before I dont use CE5 often. I feel like these should be very special occasions when I feel someone is calling me for experience. A few days ago, I had a thought popped in my mind to turn on the app and play the crop circles tones and send an invite. I did this before bed. I have no recollection of any dreams or experiences, none at all. I experienced again loss of time, but when I opened my eyes in the morning what seemed like a few seconds from the time I fell asleep I felt violent vertigo by truing my head. I thought I was experiencing sleep paralysis, but I realized that I was fully awake. I got up and every time I bent to get something from the floor, the room would start spinning and I would lose balance. I have NEVER in my life experienced anything like that and I got a little scared. I said "where the hell did you take me last night and how many worm holes did we go through lol". Now, the timing may be have been a coincidence with a medical condition that people experience when calcium crystals dislodge and start floating into the inner ear causing vertigo. I don't know, but my first thought was a wild space ride haha. Then I said, well, now you have to tell me how to fix this. A minute later I am holding my phone and the first article that pops up explains the Epley maneuver. I apply the exercise and within 2 hours the vertigo is gone. Kind of unusual outcome this time of the CE5 Contact invite lol.
Dream and Projection Journals / Re: shineling’s APs
Last post by Lumaza - October 19, 2024, 15:29:47
 Your use of the word "ritual" is spot on, as in the meaning "a way of doing something in which the same actions are done in the same way every time". I believe that some words, songs and especially Mantras do have power. I have been using the same Mantra, as part of my NP ritual, for years now that is focused on the Elements and their true meanings.

 it's funny how when you bring in the word "ritual" you find that some people will cringe. They immediately think of "Magick" and evil things. They don't realize though that "prayer" is ritual as well. Prayer, Magick, both of them have the same thing in common and that is that at their nucleus, they are "focused will and intent", just as we find in the Art of non-physical exploration too.