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With this message I wanted to reiterate again the importance of UNCONDITIONAL Self Love. Without is you can not give 100% love to others, care for others, help others. And you cant receive others' love towards you either because they are reflections of your beliefs about who you are.

If you have any doubts about your worth, about your deservance, qualities, etc, dig deep to find out what is the source of these beliefs. Know that beliefs are not facts and they can be changed at any time in any way by changing your perspective and gaining knowledge of who you truly are. 

Celebrate your existence today with enhanced gratitude! And know that creation does not make mistakes when creating. You exist, therefore All That Is needs you to be complete. That alone should give you a hint about your worth. You are priceless!
Yes, Joe Dispenza and Dolores Cannon are incredible authorities. As far as energy development goes, one more I would add to the list is Robert Bruce's Treatise On Astral Projection Director's Cut V9. The earlier ones are fine as well, but the latest version appears more refined.
After I took Joe Dispenza's course (over 20 hrs worth of intense motivational speaking and scientifically based information, practical exercises, etc.) I noticed a significant shift, like skipping several steps of the ladder. I literally could not stop watching. The information was resonating so strongly with me and it was like an addiction. I didn't want to pause it. A few months after I finished the course I took Dolores Cannon's QHHT course and I noticed a lot more skipped steps :). The best best things I ever spent my money on were these two courses. They really accelerated my development. Joe Dispenza opened my eyes to the concept of meditating with my eyes open, meaning I feel my power, I feel and know who and what I am at all time, not only during mind quieting/meditation but at all time no matter what am I doing.
Here is an excellent video from Dr. Joe Dispenza that describes this energy phenomena in great detail. This explains a lot from a bio-metaphysical analysis. Really fascinating.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Post your favorite songs a...
Last post by Tak - Yesterday at 21:43:03
Just enjoying the (almost) full moon and chilling for a while.
Enjoy nature! Although this planet is so chaotic, I am grateful to have been born on Earth because of its enormous beauty. If it weren't for nature, I really couldn't stand this world in any way.
Thank you Mother Earth!
Updated Link to Updated Book:

Buy / Read Review (Look Inside) on Amazon.

On (English Edition):
The Eye Of The Gods (new version): The Awakening Of Consciousness
By Grazietta Salcedo D'Crescenzo (Author)

Quote from: PhaPriSpa on February 12, 2025, 12:38:0939. The Eye of the Gods 2012: An Awakening of the Conscience

(Similar to "The Third Eye" by T. Lobsang Rampa, but as a Maya Version)

Buy / Read Review (Look Inside) on Amazon.

On (English Edition):
The Eye of the Gods 2012: An Awakening of the Conscience

Comprar / Leer Revisión (Mirar al Interior) en Amazon.
{Buy / Read Review (Look Inside) on Amazon.}

En (Edición En Español):
EL OJO DE LOS DIOSES : Nueva Versión Aumentada (Spanish Edition)

En (Edición En Español):
EL OJO DE LOS DIOSES (Spanish Edition)

La terapia que te permite conectar con tus vidas pasadas - Grazietta Salcedo con Nayo Escobar

La ciencia detrás de la hipnosis: Desde un parto hasta sacarse una muela sin dolor - Isabel Tena


What an important video/message from JB Pritzker, Governor of Illinois. Yes, as rare as it is, a billionaire can be a [spiritual], empathetic, kind and an evolved person. His comments on these topics and his comments on fear and judgment are incredibly accurate and applicable to what we often talk about here. He also states that "the kindest person in the room, is often the smartest". I so agree with that.  He also warns of just how awful and counterproductive using cruelty as a means of gaining power in a so called "advanced society". Unfortunately many (the current masses) find this alluring, and almost as if it is some bizarre form of entertainment, even though it is clearly not in their interest to do so. Many will say these are lessons for humanity to endure and learn from, which may be so. I am very thankful they are not my lessons.

With any luck we will be seeing more of JB Pritzker in the coming days. We need leaders of good character and deep spiritual or sincere (actual) religious beliefs. Nothing is worse than people "claiming" to be religious, but acting the opposite. Such hypocrisy. As Jesus warned, such actions will result in the response "I never knew you".

I am not an overly political person, and make an effort to not watch the news, but thought this video's overall theme is very important.

Dream and Projection Journals / Re: Traveler_2649's journal
Last post by Traveler_2649 - February 12, 2025, 15:08:17
Seeing my daughter in the future was a powerful thing to witness, but trying to figure out who or what I could potentially be communicating with (or who/what could be using me to communicate) has been the thing that was the most broadening for me.
Dream and Projection Journals / Re: Traveler_2649's journal
Last post by Tak - February 12, 2025, 13:55:17
Traveler, what you shared today it's amazing! Well done! You have great insight. It's incredible that there's a group of beings helping us on this path. Michael Newton's books describe very well the work of guides with us and how they help us develop.

Two years ago, before I started reading more about the topic and even finding the Pulse, I received some revelations from my guides too. It seems that many of our helpers are also learners; two of them who assist me were people who recently passed away (whom I didn't know), one of them a great psychologist. Their greatest desire was to become invisible helpers (a term I learned here) after death. I've never met anyone in this life with such a great vocation of service and love for humanity as these guides; their greatest desire is truly to help/assist. They are guided by my main guide, who has more experience. Let's say they're also doing their internships! And they practice with me.
They also grow through love, continuing to learn. All this fills me with great joy, and I have no words to thank them. And yes, as you mentioned, they influence our lives more than we're aware of, but most of the time they prefer to go unnoticed. I thank them every day for their service, and I hope I'm not a headache for them! lol. There's a whole team behind the scenes working with us. Sometimes I feel like a little plant in a garden, and they're like my gardeners, patiently waiting for the fruits to come out, but the main work is ours.

It's lovely that you know the name of one of them! I don't know their names. May I ask why that shattered your worldview?
Welcome to Writers Corner! / Re: Learning LUCID DREAMS Tips...
Last post by PhaPriSpa - February 12, 2025, 12:48:16
Versión en Español (Spanish Version):

Quote from: PhaPriSpa on February 12, 2025, 12:19:45Updated Link (Enlace Actualizado):

Sueños Lucidos PhaPriSpa - Revision 6.pdf

Quote from: PhaPriSpa on February 12, 2025, 12:24:27Another Updated Link - Only in Spanish (Otro Enlace Actualizado - Solo en Español):

Sueños Lucidos PhaPriSpa - Solo Relatos.pdf