Excellent Free e-Books About 2012...

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Another great read (for free) are the free e-books by David Wilcock.  Start with Shift of the Ages as thats the first in the series and lays the basis for the other two.  The books get very scientific but they make sense to me.  And everything in it is linked to the 'shift' in 2012.  SOmething I found interesting in the Shift of the Ages was where he mentioned that psychics who tried to sense anything beyond Dec 21, 2012 could not penetrate that date, as if there was no 'time' after that date.  He suggested that time travel has been successful (as in philadelphia experiment) using tesla and einsteins works, and that time travel can only occurr in certain years ( 40 yrs apart) and that they also can not go past 2012.  He writes alot about the channelings of RA and information about the shift.  He also talks about the quickening.. how time is accelerating (I have actually noticed this myself) and how it is actually collapsing on itself.

I dont know if everything in the book is true or not, but it does keep you interested right until the end and some of it does ring true.  He is basically setting the stage with everything that has been going on through history for this upcoming event!


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