Not Dec. 21, 2012... but Oct. 14, 2008?????

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Seeking ET

Many of you have probably heard the recent theories that on October 14 of this year Earth will make contact with ET's in a manner which will be undeniable to the world of their existence.  For those who haven't, apparently contactees (abductees?) have told us that their contact with aliens has revealed that on this date an incredibly large and unmistakable UFO will appear, and for the next 3 days it will traverse across the world for everyone to see.  Our government, and perhaps others, will do everything they can to make contact or try to break the security of the ship to infiltrate it, but it will be to no avail.  Our technology is too weak to interfere with them at this point.  The aliens have said that they will not make contact with anyone at this time.  They will simply show their ship in a manner that the world will recognize aliens do exist and are indeed here with us, then leave after 3 days and let the process sink it.  Our government will also try to cover this event up, saying that it is something of their own making, or, as they often do, claim the object doesn't exist at all.  But the aliens tell us this will be an undeniable event.  I do know that this date has some relevence to the Maya, such as a soltice or something, not positive.  Other than that I am unaware of why this date was chosen.  But it's likely that now is the time, and something could occur on this date.  Just wondering if anyone has any deeper information on the cause of this event, or its purposes on that date?  Less than one month to go.  How will you all react if something of this magnitude does indeed occur?   :-o

The following is the elleged transcript from the aliens to Goodchild...


We wish it to be understood that on the 14th day of your month of October in the year 2008 a craft of great size shall be visible within your skies. It shall be in the south of your hemisphere and it shall scan over many of your states. We give to you the name of Alabama.

It has been decided that we shall remain within your atmosphere for the minimum of three of your twenty four hour periods. During this time there will be much commotion upon your earth plane. Your highest authorities will be intruding into 'our' atmospherics that surround our ship. This 'security field' is necessary for us, as there shall take place a 'farce' from those in your world who shall try to deny that we come in LOVE.


We are beings from other planets, who for many eons of your time have been preparing for these days ahead. We ask each soul that reads of these words to accept in their heart the Truth that lies within. For in that place there is the knowing that this is to take place. There shall be many who deny. There shall be many who dismiss. There shall be those who KNOW of this TRUTH. Which ever you may be ... let this be understood. IT SHALL TAKE PLACE.

We give you the opportunity to capture on screen this particular ship. There shall be no contact in the form that those of your planet would like. For this initial presentation, we shall simply be presenting our ship to you. We say to you ... That shall certainly be enough to comprehend initially.

All kinds of methods shall be carried out in order to try and penetrate through our security barrier, but they shall be to no avail. Until we can PROVE to you that we come in LOVE, we will not allow the fullness of our visits to be uncovered.


Your governments and your media will try to disguise us. This will fail. All avenues have been covered by us. Your media will have no choice but to portray the TRUTH for it shall be there for all to see. Friends of earth. Do not be afraid. We beseech you to TRUST that we come to bring the downfall of those who have misintentions for the well being of your planet. If we do not intervene now ... as has been planned for eons of your earth time ... then we fear it would be too late.


The sayings that your world have been aware of via your movie screens etc were not merely make believe. We have been planting and watering seeds of Truth on your planet in preparation for these days. FOR INDEED WE COME IN PEACE.

Fill your souls with TRUST in that knowledge. We are your brothers and sisters from other places. Our technology is far advanced. There are those in high places of ruling that KNOW full well of this. Therefore they know that there would be little point trying to 'pretend' that they need weapons to destroy us.

On this day that we appear, we ask you to listen only to your hearts and NOT to the words of those who shall be in great fear of losing their power. For too long your world has lived under a cloud that most of you have been unaware of. If you were to KNOW the Truths of what has been hidden from you, you would be appalled and in great disbelief. It is time for your souls to be allowed to be who they are. The veil is to be removed.


We choose to leave it at that. Be vigilant. Keep your eyes to the skies. Keep LOVE in your heart. WE ... THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT ... SIGN OFF, GIVING YOU ENCOURAGEMENT AND HOPE AS WE BEGIN THE ASCENSION INTO THE NEW WORLD.

Each one of you has chosen to be here for this ascension. Choose now whether your human form will ... Accept it through LOVE Or Reject it through FEAR. May the Highest aspect of your soul fill you with Light as you move bravely forward. Gratitude to each one as they assist us in the cause.

A note from Blossom- I am aware that Alabama is NOT in the Southern Hemisphere. I queried this to the Federation and was told ... 'In days of old, it used to be'. If anyone can find information on this, I would be most grateful if you could contact me via my website. It has also been suggested that 'Alabama' maybe the name of a craft. On researching it appears that Alabama has a NASA space centre. I thank each one of you for taking the time to read this and to pass it on. It required great courage to send this out. I hope this allows you the courage within yourselves to continue on your own personal search for YOUR TRUTH.


Awesome.  Can't wait.  October 14.  Don't forget.


I really can't wait... to see what excuses the new agers are going to come up with when nothing happens.

By the way, the note at the end is very funny. x)


Just thought about this, you know what's gonna be really funny? After the date, a lot of people will claim having seen UFO's, others being abducted, etc. Books will be written and money will be made.

Steel Hawk

[deleted by hackers]

Steel Hawk



Very interesting.  I just finished watching the youtube videos on Project Blue Beam, and I have a few thoughts about it.

First of all I see nothing wrong with Project Blue Beam.  Actually some of the methods described in the video could be quite beneficial.  For instance there is nothing wrong with destroying the christian, muslim, or any belief system.  Strongly held belief systems do nothing but enslave people, prevents enlightenment, and hinders spiritual development and progress.  A major step to enlightenment is dropping all beliefs.

As far as these telepathic machines that might be capable of mind control, they would have no effect on anyone who has control of their mind, their reality, and because of the Law of Free Will could not possibly effect anyone unless that person, through the creation of their own reality by the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Attraction, has given permission on a conscious or sub-conscious level.

The number of claims and speculations about government, corporate, and religious conspiracies have been increasing quite a lot lately across the Internet.  While I believe that a lot of them are true there is absolutely nothing to fear from any conspiring organization whatsoever.  Anything and everything that happens to society is a result of the collective consciousness, and as long as a lot of people continue to believe and focus on these conspiracies they will most likely come true, which of course there is nothing wrong with that - it's just something else to experience.  As long as there continues to be a lot of energy focused on these organizations they will continue to exist.  If everyone focused on world peace instead of conspiracies the conspiracies would cease to exist.  The reason I seen nothing wrong with Project Blue Team or any conspiring organization is that it is our creation and again created at the level of the collective consciousness.  For one thing right and wrong are nothing more than human concepts anyway.  The people that work and participate in these conspiring organizations are here for the same reasons as everyone else on this planet, and that is to gain experience to learn, grow, and progress along the wonderful journey back to Source.

A lot of these conspiracy videos are beneficial in that they seem to increase awareness, but I also notice a bit of fear mongering propaganda in a lot of them as well.  Again there is nothing to fear from any conspiracy as we create and have the ability to control our own reality.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.  If this October 14th event does actually take place, then I look forward to it whether it be real or a holographic image.  It makes no difference either way.  I think it will make for good entertainment and another notch on my belt of experience.  I always enjoy a good light show.  And who knows, maybe an event like this could actually change the perception of the majority of society, preferably in a positive way.

Oh and back to the topic of the telepathic machines.  I noticed in the video that it said they could use the telepathic machines to enter the brain making you think you are hearing the voice of God.  There is a nice little guideline I got from Kryon's Website about determining the validity and credibility of channelers.  I believe the same guideline could be used in this situation as well:

1. There will always be useful information for everyone. Beware of the channel that gives you useful information for only a few, or tells you that it's only for a special group or a sequestered number. It must be useful for ALL humanity, every single Human. This is an area of discernment allowing you to know you are hearing the truth.

2. The message should be uplifting. Watch for an empowering message - NOT ONE OF FEAR, not one that drags you down - not one that makes you want to take fearful action or hide - but an enabling message! This is a staple of God energy. It must be there. It should inspire the listener and reader. Every recorded angel appearance before a Human Being has begun with "Fear not!"

3. Spirit (God) will never, ever channel a message that asks you to give up your free will. Never! For your free will is what your experience on Earth is all about as you sit in your "chairs of gold" (a metaphor created in Kryon Book Six). Free will! FREE CHOICE is what drives your future.

4. Spirit will never give you a message - ever - that asks you to violate the integrity of what you believe. You are honored in your thought processes. Spirit will never trick you or "talk you" into anything. The message must never violate your integrity. You must feel comfortable with it, and it must ring true to your heart.

5. Spirit will never represent a channeller as being the only source. Watch for this, for there are many channels of Spirit and they all coordinate their information to create a bigger picture, especially in this New Age. They will NEVER represent themselves as the ONLY source of information.

6. Watch for the fact that the information is normally new information. Beware of the channel that simply re-hashes the old, for they are not channelling anything but the ego of the Human Being. New information is necessary, combined with "core information," it is the entire reason for the channel. Think about it.

7. Watch for the fact that channelled information should have spiritual solutions presented. Solutions to life challenges on Earth, via new information, is the purpose of channelling.


Of all the places in the world to be seen, why Alabama? That would probably be on my list right over Antarctica.


I have channeled with some members of the Galactic Federation.  I was told that this event will happen, unless it's absolutely necessary to delay it, but all signs point to a go ahead.  I do believe they will arrive to HELP humanity, since one channeling suggested the sharing of technologies including the introduction of 'free energy' so that Earth's resources may be untapped.  They were also in touch with the light and wish to spread love. War and famine were obsolete to them.


Quote from: Stookie on September 19, 2008, 11:42:15
Of all the places in the world to be seen, why Alabama? That would probably be on my list right over Antarctica.

She had to include some place from the US, but she should have first checked what the southern hemisphere is. :-P

Seeking ET

Just a couple of related video links from YouTube, one of an alien that was killed by a man walking his dog in the woods.  The alien attacked and killed the dog and the man struck it on the head with an object killing it. 
The second is of what is being called the Flordia phenomonon, which happened last month and has yet to be explained.


That's all very interesting, but (about the second video, the 'snow cone' thing)- How is a painting of a prediction made two days later undeniable proof?  I live in Florida, and funnel clouds are fairly common. So I'm not sure what this is supposed to prove?


the wording goes"It shall be in the south of your hemisphere and it shall scan over many of your states." So, south of YOUR hemisphere(asuming here the channeler is in the USA)would mean in the southern part of the northern hemisphere-thus the alabama reference... :-D

kurai kokoro

when i saw this i was overwhealmed  :-D or something I have always known but people called me and my brother crazy, lol, I would say, so whos crazy now huh? lol this is such an undescribable feeling. i just hope they are coming to help humanity. if so then live long and prosper, peace and long life.
"I am the Phoenix that engulfed the dragon."


I won't deny that something like this will be very exciting if it does indeed happen, assuming they are really benevolent aliens and not something else entirely.

Also, these beings would have to do more than just show up and prance their ships around our skies. I for one would love to see them introduce free-energy tech, but without everything going to hell in a hand-basket - which it so easily can when you disrupt a world's economy so drastically in such a short space of time.

Many have predicted this kind of thing before, so I won't be holding my breath this time.


I could be misinterpreting the message but the impression I got is that the ship would be centered in the southern hemisphere and stretch as far as Alabama.  That would make for a very large ship.  Probably several thousand miles wide if I'm assuming that statement correctly.


Well, regardless of it's veracity, it's only approx. 3 weeks away.  Not that long now.


Dear friends,

I have been reading about this 14-10-2008 prediction on the net, checking different sources to collect different points of view.
Now, personally I see myself as an open-minded person, but at the same time aware enough to not be easily fooled or taken advantage of.
I have never been really interested in UFO's or the like, but I prefer to give things the benefit of the doubt and draw personal conclusions later.
Therefor I urge people to not simply take for granted what they find on the net. Why do I say this?
If you start digging a little deeper in subjects connected to this one, you will come out on conspiracy theories.
Personally I'm not sure what I should or should not believe about such theories, that's for each individual to decide for themselves. Anyway, when you dig deeper you will find info concerning "Project Blue Beam". Now this conspiracy theory seems to link this event somewhere as a staged holographic scene by our own leaders. When I noticed this I couldn't believe my eyes that there's even theories out on the net like that. They seem so far-fetched that they boggle the mind, nevertheless...

At this moment I have no idea what to believe. Let's even wait to see if this 14-10-2008 thing is gonna happen in the 1st place.
I may sound pessimistic, but I'm just trying to protect myself from taking things for granted too easily also. As many people do, I also long for a world of Love & Equality, but that does not mean that everything that has a label with 'Love' on it, is what it portays it to be.

My point being: keep open-minded, but keep rational thinking also in the picture and do not be fooled with exterior appearances or seemingly beautiful explanations from others (incl. myself). Foremost listen to yourself & the truth inside you!

Apologies if people are offended by this, but I felt it necessary to put this out there, do with it what you want.
Wishing you Love & Light


Here we go:

"A note from Blossom- I am aware that Alabama is NOT in the Southern Hemisphere. I queried this to the Federation and was told ... 'In days of old, it used to be'. If anyone can find information on this, I would be most grateful if you could contact me via my website. It has also been suggested that 'Alabama' maybe the name of a craft. On researching it appears that Alabama has a NASA space centre. I thank each one of you for taking the time to read this and to pass it on. It required great courage to send this out. I hope this allows you the courage within yourselves to continue on your own personal search for YOUR TRUTH."

(found here: )

See, there's a perfectly logical explanation. And if it's not on Oct. 14, it's possible that Oct. 14 is really the name of the craft. It's not her fault she doesn't properly understand what they mean by "Alabama".


Lol @ Stookie. All I can say about this is that some things have to change on our planet, regardless of whether this prophecy comes true or not.
The answer to all paradoxes shows this: "Reality contains logic therefore logic cannot contain reality."
The paradox here is "how can one know this is true?".

If the answer to one paradox is another then the question is the answer.


Quote from: Seeking ET on September 18, 2008, 14:44:08
We are beings from other planets, who for many eons of your time have been preparing for these days ahead. We ask each soul that reads of these words to accept in their heart the Truth that lies within. For in that place there is the knowing that this is to take place. There shall be many who deny. There shall be many who dismiss. There shall be those who KNOW of this TRUTH. Which ever you may be ... let this be understood. IT SHALL TAKE PLACE.

There's a growing interest in these things, agencies are feeling pressed, they have people spread rumours, and they create big expectations. Then the day comes, nothing happens, off course, everything turns into a joke, people lose interest. Situation is under control again.

If I'm wrong then you can mock me afterwards.
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


Quote from: AndrewTheSinger on September 25, 2008, 04:25:49
There's a growing interest in these things, agencies are feeling pressed, they have people spread rumours, and they create big expectations. Then the day comes, nothing happens, off course, everything turns into a joke, people lose interest. Situation is under control again.

If I'm wrong then you can mock me afterwards.

Assuming these aliens just show up without doing anything else, will the revelation that aliens exist really shake the foundations of the various control systems?

Won't things just stay more or less the same? Goverments might own up on some of the UFO stuff, but will keep lying about other stuff. People will now know for sure aliens exist, but unless these aliens interfere in some way (by dropping ZPE machines for example :)), won't Monday morning just be another Monday morning for most people?


They don't seem to be really concerned about what people believe, what bothers them the most is when official institutions start losing credibility. The power they have is they are given, a starship or a big deception is just a distraction.

By the way, cool video lol
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


If you look at how it coincides with our economic problems, it makes sense that the idea of "saviors from space" would arise out of our collective unconscious. Not that it's real, but the idea is comforting. In a way, it's no different from many religions.

Just because I don't believe it right now, how I react when I see it would be the same in any case:
"Holy Schamollians, there's a spaceship over Alabama!".

But right now I'm more focused on making McCain lose the election with my psychic powers. Can't get off track.


Quote from: interception on September 25, 2008, 05:58:38
Assuming these aliens just show up without doing anything else, will the revelation that aliens exist really shake the foundations of the various control systems?

Won't things just stay more or less the same? Goverments might own up on some of the UFO stuff, but will keep lying about other stuff. People will now know for sure aliens exist, but unless these aliens interfere in some way (by dropping ZPE machines for example :)), won't Monday morning just be another Monday morning for most people?

The aliens need to make their presence known first before they can simply walk among men and share technology and ideas.  A dramatic change in the way we function as a society and knowing that other civilizations exist can be overwhelming for some.  Many may resort to violence or suicide in fear of enslavement or war. These aliens know which is best to help humanity and have practiced this event many times.