Where will you be on Dec 21, 2012?

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I am sure you have all heard about 2012 and whatever else. I am reading a book called the Orion Prophecy, and its got me thinking.
I know, and have always beleived that a major event will happen, in this year. I did not know that untill recently, what that "event" will be.
A Geomagnetic Pole reversal. The earth will spin the other way, and the poles will switch (north becoms south. . .) It will be set off by massive solar flares that will rip though our atmosphere, and cause the reversal.
I was sceptical at first, but the more research i do, the most the peices seem to fit.
This cataclysm has happened before. it happens every some 27 thousand years. (not an exact #) This happened in the time of Horus, Set, and the like. I have read first hand of the tales as they unfolded in the forth told "Mathmatical Celestial Combonations"
They knew it was comming. The Ancient Egyptions knew about it as well as the Maya.
I was just curious about what you all thought about this paticular subject.

"I do not take drugs. I am drugs." -Salvadore Dali

~Music is my Sinaquanon~



This topic has been talked to death..now I just wish it would die and go away.  If something happens fine, if nothing happens..fine.  To spend another second wondering about it is a waste of time.

With the risk of being attacked by the younger folk, I have to say this seems to be something one thinks about while in the younger years of life... ya know, mortality and all..the fear of your own death, the fear of the unknown, or just seeking out something that will give you an adrinaline rush. :)

How about living for right now...or tomorrow?  



Where will I be?

Assuming that i am still on this mortal coil by then, I will be busy laughing at all the gullable types as they stand around confused and as they try to talk their way out of why nothing happened, just like last time and the time before that!

Sorry, but I've seen all this before and it gets boring eventially... trust me :wink:

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


I agree with Nay and Gandalf. Too many people simply took this 2012 stuff to bring out their own prophecies and what not. Maybe I should write a book with the keywords "mayan calendar", "2012", "demon war", "good vs evil", "poleshift" etc., and earn some money.

But for the sake of the question: I'll either be at home (in my own home by then, most certainly) doing something, or at work doing something.
I don't do much, and I do it well.


I'll be on CNN doing an interview about winning Randi's challenge, after it went to court. I'll be saying that it's time for humanity to throw down the shackles that have held us back all the long. Whackos from both sides will conjecture that I am the antichrist or the second coming. In short order the nuclear war between the US and China will stop, and we'll usher in a new age of spiritual liberation and actualizing dreams.

Just not in this universe.


how i'm i supposed to know?
maybe i'm dead



I have also read about 2012, and quite frankly, I do believe something is going to happen.  As for the pole shift...  I am not sure if that is (to be?) a litteral occurence.  I do feel, however, that 2012 is the approximate date that which the vibrational "prison" we humans have been locked in will be broken.  Meaning that by then, enough people will have "awoken" and stepped into their full power as creative beings.  Now, whether natural catyclismic disasters will happen... could be.   I wouldn't doubt it.  

I understand why other people scoff and discredit "another doomsday prediction" -- but I feel that the 2012 date is different.   Think about it... the Mayan's have supposedly been amazingly accurate with their natural calculations.  I would be hard-pressed to believe that they chose just an ARBITRARY stop date for their calendar.  Also, many researchers from various diciplines, not just "young, adreniline-junkies", have put forward well-constructed theories, supported by facts and reasonable connections.    ... Why all this attention to the date 2012, if it were arbitrary?

Also, perhaps the increase (or at least seeming increase) of doomsday predictions (i.e. Y2k, Heaven's Gate, or whatever) was just the result of more and more people waking up to their sense that SOMETHING is coming...  perhaps this energy is felt, but out of a mixture of confusion, wishful thinking, etc., people f-ed up on the exact date.

I am rather surprized that all the responses you got you so far Teomim have been so one-sided.  ?



Quote from: joya250Teomim,

I have also read about 2012, and quite frankly, I do believe something is going to happen.  As for the pole shift...  I am not sure if that is (to be?) a litteral occurence.  I do feel, however, that 2012 is the approximate date that which the vibrational "prison" we humans have been locked in will be broken.  Meaning that by then, enough people will have "awoken" and stepped into their full power as creative beings.  Now, whether natural catyclismic disasters will happen... could be.   I wouldn't doubt it.  

I understand why other people scoff and discredit "another doomsday prediction" -- but I feel that the 2012 date is different.   Think about it... the Mayan's have supposedly been amazingly accurate with their natural calculations.  I would be hard-pressed to believe that they chose just an ARBITRARY stop date for their calendar.  Also, many researchers from various diciplines, not just "young, adreniline-junkies", have put forward well-constructed theories, supported by facts and reasonable connections.    ... Why all this attention to the date 2012, if it were arbitrary?

Also, perhaps the increase (or at least seeming increase) of doomsday predictions (i.e. Y2k, Heaven's Gate, or whatever) was just the result of more and more people waking up to their sense that SOMETHING is coming...  perhaps this energy is felt, but out of a mixture of confusion, wishful thinking, etc., people f-ed up on the exact date.

I am rather surprized that all the responses you got you so far Teomim have been so one-sided.  ?


I believe it's always good to have an open mind. I neither believe or scoff at predictions such as these. I think the reactions have been so one-sided because people have become a bit (a lot) jaded. In a sense, I guess it's to be expected. Living it this world, you tend to receive a lot of useless, ignorant, and/or inaccurate information. Whatever the year though, it does seem to be the nature of the Earth to erupt in some major cataclysm from time to time. It's BOUND to happen again, I believe... just a matter of when.



Ha ha, and every time they say, "But this time it's different". These kinds of things have me falling off my chair laughing. I mean, if that's what someone chooses to believe then whatever floats their boat. It's one of the tamer constructs and far less damaging than firing missiles at people, for example, or clubbing innocent creatures to death.

Low on factual accuracy, but high on chuckle value, so keep 'em coming is what I say!

Personally, I cannot wait to hear all the excuses. I'm never one to say, "I told you so" but this time I'm going to make the exception that proves the rule. I'll be there on January 1st, 2013 laughing my socks off. I really like being older. You see the same things coming around time and again with each new generation, and each one sees it all afresh and thinks they invented it.  

To everyone who subscribes to the 2012, whatever it is, Doom and Gloom, could I ask you to please check and make sure you got your dates correct?

The number one all-time excuse with this kind of thing is, "Sorry, we were right but we just got the date wrong." Of course, and my dad was an astronaut, the cheque is in the post, and the moon really is made from Swiss cheese.



I'm sorry but there is a difference between open mind and a "true believer". It's a passion of the human race, maybe because of death or other issues, that we have to have prophecies.  What's amazing is that when seeming solid prophecies don't happen that the believer's are amazing at ducking what didn't happen and STILL believe.  I personally don't believe as such.  I work "energy" work as per Robert Bruce's NEW and chi kung because I personally can feel it, reproduce it regularly and do stuff with it for myself.  If something requires faith alone I ignore it-I don't believe or disbelieve, as either way too much mental energy is required.
^ This statement applies to things like AP, OOBE, afterlife, God(s), spirits etc. Yes it's interesting to talk about but believing OR being closed are not that useful. If I'd experienced spirits, and other things then I'd not need belief-though I'd have an opinion about what I experienced.
This 2012 stuff sounds and feels like yet more NEW age nonsense to me. I for one am sick to death of "Yoghurt weavers", prediciting this/that/the other, talking of new age coming and other stuff. Long windy passages said to be channelled etc.  To me any real exploration needs to be from within.
So yes, people can definitly pick apart what I say in different ways. But I'm a skeptic to all blind belief, and that kind of nonsense. I'm a great "believer" in DIY. If the New Age stuff being published (and profited by in many cases) was that important-we'd all be getting in our dreams, in our lives and it would be pitched so that each individual could follow it.
It's not. I've nailed my colours to the mast with this post-I don't go for the wishy washy misty tinkly stuff at all. I go for real experience, that's what I respond to. Anyone can say anything with sufficient thought, time and motivation. It doesn't mean it's real.
And damn I did it again, I rambled. :-)

Bottom line-unless there's some way to solidly prove prediction (HOW!!!) without just using yet more channelled stuff-I don't think it has any reality. :-).

P.S there's a reason i'm a little vitriolic. For several years a lady who I thought was a very dear friend had me going along with her on this stuff-she even had me believing I was meant to be one of the "technical team" to help the planet through this time and help work out space folding and other stuff.
yes, I was seriously naive and dumbass and wanted something to hang onto. It took me a few years to regain my independent critical thinking.  I stopped short of closed minded skeptism last year due to the fact I could STILL move chi-an ability I'd had since I was small.
May your [insert choice of deity/higher power etc here] guide you and not deceive you!


I have heard of the Pole reversal thing and the fact that it's long over due and will render technology useless, etc. but what's this about 2012?

Can someone please elaborate?


Hi All,
Allowances should be made for newcomers who want to search out this topic, and so there really is no room for jaded-ness from the Team.  IMHO   :D

Scientifically, we know the earth does undergo massive upheavals about every 26 to 30 million years, and it does so as a matter of course during it's immense cycles and movements.

We also know that the last such event was about 32 million years ago..  therefore it is overdue in Planetary terms.

And we know the Mayan calender was designed to record extremely large time spans for the Earth and it's Cycles, as well as recording the timing of other natural events over lesser periods.

Since many cultures kept track of the movement of planets, stars and other travellers in space, we also know that they recorded these same time spans and events.

Those cultures who lived in connection with the planet instead of trampling it like second-hand carpet, had racial memories of the same events and time spans.

And we sit here in judgment about something we really know little about !!

For some years I've been watching the earthquake activity of this planet, expecting to see a steady growth of frequency and magnitude, according to the visions that I was unfortunate to have been gifted with, of the years from 2004 up into 2012 and continuing to 3000.  I was not so surprised to find that this growth was actually happening, just as I had been shown it would.

Added to this is the weight of scientific observations made of every aspect of this planet, including the sudden change in gravity direction flow back in 1998, the sudden massive growth in understanding that this Solar system of ours actually does descend into more dense regions of the Galaxy about every 30 million years... coinciding with the highest extinction level events on record.

These few past years I have seen so much of the visions become reality in this world, that I tend to think the visions were showing me the probable future for this little planet.

2012 was shown to me as a massive year of upheavals on a worldwide scale..  and it is survivable by a much reduced population.  From there we can build anew, and hopefully we will choose to do everything differently in the next ages.  I am excited at the prospect of being able to help steer that initial effort.

In summary, LOL...  As naturally as humans eating and breathing, this planet will have to undergo change as a part of it's own evolution...  this it has done many times in it's long life.  Exactly what the events will be and what other parts of the visions come to be reality, will only be known if and when it does happen.

Until then, live life like there is no tomorrow, because tomorrow may not come for some of us.




I liked the "Subject" of your post: "Where will you be . . .?"

I don't know if we're going to have a poll shift.  I don't know if aliens are coming or an asteroid is going to hit the earth or if we as a species are just going to dumb ourselves into a hole we can't technology or spend our way out of.

Maybe nothing is coming, altho I think that's such a long shot as to be astronomically remote.

I'm not familiar with your Orion book but the thing I like about prophecy and the people who write about them, is that it's a tool to bring me up short and to check in with myself and the world and see if I'm living the life I need to live to get where I need to be.  

I like that prophesy and it's translators are little reminders that the humnan patterns to which I've become accustomed and that seem so solid are ephemeral viewed through a longer lens.  

By 2010 (well before 2012) I intend to be living in a community of people not bracketed by the status quo, people who view change -- even radical change to the point of death with a sense of curiousity and adventure.  I want a group of people who are honest about their needs and gifts plus aware of how those exist in balance with the needs and gifts of the world around them -- including but not limited to other people.  

In 2010 and 2012 I hope to be living generally where I am right now -- simply because this general areas FEEL like the right place for me to be -- but I'm not locked into that concept.  Life is full of ebb and flow and if I need to be physically elsewhere, I hope to be attentive enough to make that alteration with grace.
Why 2010?  Dunno.  I used to be focused on 2003 and it's too late for that now!  I suspect that part of it is that I would like to have my 2010 goal RIGHT NOW even though right now I'm probably not mature enough to fit into that kind of community.  2010 gives me room to work, living my life moment by moment and shaping myself and the world around me with that goal in mind.

A number of people in my current extended community are focused on books and writings like the Orion book you have read.  Personally, I think these are a tool for their unconscious mind to get their linear mind on board with the life changes their higher self wants them to make.  It give the linear mind something to think about and frees them up to change their lives in ways that would just seem CRAZY without a context.  But that's just the view from the "cheap seats"  since I'm just an observer.  

These distant prophecy writings just don't resonate for me.  That's okay, professional sports on tv don't resonate for me either and I KNOW they have a valuable context for lots of people.  

Prophecy and posts like your automatically send me off checking to see where I am in my approach to all this.

My life has been full of radical shifts and changes.  Without intuition, my intellect believe as it looks at the world radical changes are going to be the order of the day for my lifetime.

I want to be a healthy aspect of the choices that come today, and healthier still tomorrow.

Oh yeah and well before 2010,  and I WANT MY GOATS BACK.  That has nothing to do with prophecy, I just miss my herd of little weed eating geniuses.


This planet for thousand upon thousands of years has been having cataclismic activity.  The only reason why we've been noticing these things in the last oh.. lets say a hundred years (perhaps Joya can help out with that number, cause I never claimed to know it all) is because of the introduction of the mail delivery, telegraph, phone, then the computer.  

This planet is doing nothing more than it's been doing all along, we're just hearing about now everyday on the news.

As for the jaded comments...whatever. I suppose I'll just sit back and let y'all talk about it until your blue in the face and you've wasted years of your lifes that could have been spent doing something productive.

Karna, that is creepy about the "technical team" *shivers* I'm happy you got away from that cultish behaviour.  :D


Each to their own i guess... but it does get scary when you realise the extent to which these people believe this and indeed 'look forward' to it...

btw the 'evidence' is not very convincing: the reason more 'catacalysms' seem to occur nowadays is because they are more widely reported now due to advances in communication technology; the 'evidence' that everyone seems to have had 'insights' on the run up to 2000 and thereabouts is more due to ingrained fixations with Christian apocalyptic mythology than reality; this apocalyptic mythology has been merged which much ill quoted and mistranslated Mayan writings to produce predictable results (pardon the pun).

As I've said before, a desire for some kind of catacalysm or sudden change is due to people being deeply unhappy about aspects of their own lives or their perception of the world..
The good news is that change CAN occur, but true change comes from within, not without... Change yourself and the sky's the limit (actually its not  :wink: )

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


Quotebtw the 'evidence' is not very convincing: the reason more 'catacalysms' seem to occur nowadays is because they are more widely reported now due to advances in communication technology
Ok..you said it better. *says over and over in mind, advances in communication technology*   :wink:



hmmm... tried to post this earlier, but it didn't go through... trying it again...

You know, I do not appreciate (Frank and others) labeling people with different ideas as "younger" and therefore implying that WISDOM comes with age.  It seems that I see the same people posting their "I know better than you" or "you only believe this because you are young" opinions over and over.

So, to those who have said they have seen this sort of thing (prediction dates missed)... would you be so kind to provide specific examples?

I am a highly aware, highly intelligent (hehe, and not too-modest) 28  year old.  I have done the whole "new agey" thing -- and I too have been duped by sprititual preditors, who pretty much "raped" me on almost all levels (spiritually, psychologically, and most of all financially).  Yet, I have come through that time of exploration and learning even stronger and more intact.  I respect myself for still having the ability to mix reason with an open-mind, and to not be bitter or shattered by these experiences.  I consider myself WISE, despite the fact that I may be younger then some others here.

I do not push my beliefs on others, but I do offer my thoughts.  I try to do this in a non-offensive, non-namecalling way.  I would appreciate if others would do the same.    Would YOU like to post your ideas, in the nature of sharing, only to be called OLD and ridiculed???

peace, joya


Quote from: NayThis planet for thousand upon thousands of years has been having cataclismic activity.  The only reason why we've been noticing these things in the last oh.. lets say a hundred years (perhaps Joya can help out with that number, cause I never claimed to know it all) is because of the introduction of the mail delivery, telegraph, phone, then the computer.  

This planet is doing nothing more than it's been doing all along, we're just hearing about now everyday on the news.


Hey Nay,

I totally agree that earthquakes and other natural "disasters" have been going on for as long as there is time.  

Hell they're only "disasters" from a human point of view.  From a geologic point of view they're just part of the daily bump and grind -- the planet brushing it's teeth and going about it's geological day.

Where I find "wake up calls" useful -- independant of whether or not their "clock" is set accurately or the specific alarm is the right one -- is in the reminder of just how deeply imbedded I am in the mass hypnosis that is human culture.  

Natural "disasters" have greater effect right now from a human perspective because of the way we have populated and built up structures and moved from a distributed economics into specialization of skills and even regions.  That matters because the emotional and strategic thinking that comes along with the natural adjustments shift suddently -- and the various nearly instant communication techniques can sweep that emotional thinking around the world before the stabilization of time and perspective can do it's thing.  

That quick sweep can add to that the manufactured disasters we create and their consequences.  

I have a friend who likes to chuckle and remind me that there's an old Chinese curse that goes:  May you live in Interesting Times.

My personal goal is to grow to the point I can revel in Interesting Times without losing my sense of mundane and the personal.


I too am surprised by the negitive stigma attached to this. I could make this post pages and pages long, typing out pages of this book. If you want, i have been very careful to not set off the right wing extreamists, but We only know now, with the most Advanced science we know toady, what that mayans, have been telling us this whole time.
Beleive me, the numbers DO add up, and the peices fit too well together. If you want, i can type up a condensed version of this book, indicating the exact who's what's and where's. But this will be based of the feed back i get here. Im not gonna waste my time, if i don't need to.

its kinda funny. You know the movie "The day after tomorrow"? i feel like the main charachter we he told the prez "We need to start preperations for a mass scale evacuation"
straight up, exodus style.
The egyptions knew of this comming event, the last time it happened. They took years and years of preperations, building Mandjits (boats reputed to be unsinkable), food and water for everyone. At this time was a war, and most of the ships were destryoed, as the war raged on, the cataclysm, started, and the people fled in a terrible panic, while the earth convulsed, spurted lava, ash, and doom fell from the sky's. As the paniced masses trampled each other to the few ships left, the over filled them, and sunk them. . . wich brings me to my next point.
Never Underestimate The Power Of Stupid People, In Large Groups!

This indeed is a crude rendetion of the story, of horus, and set and the like. I will go into mass detail, like i said before, if you all feel so compelled.

"I do not take drugs. I am drugs." -Salvadore Dali

~Music is my Sinaquanon~


Quote from: ChimeraeI have a friend who likes to chuckle and remind me that there's an old Chinese curse that goes:  May you live in Interesting Times.

LOL, that made me chuckle. I like that line.
I just think it's important to consider, even if 1,000 of these prophecies come and go and never amount to anything... only ONE needs to be right.
I agree with you when you say, things like this are important in that they give you a bit more motivation to examine your life. Regardless of if they're true or not, it does make you think. Of course, it can also back-fire, when people become immune to all of it.


Quote from: joya250hmmm... tried to post this earlier, but it didn't go through... trying it again...

You know, I do not appreciate (Frank and others) labeling people with different ideas as "younger" and therefore implying that WISDOM comes with age.  It seems that I see the same people posting their "I know better than you" or "you only believe this because you are young" opinions over and over.

So, to those who have said they have seen this sort of thing (prediction dates missed)... would you be so kind to provide specific examples?

I am a highly aware, highly intelligent (hehe, and not too-modest) 28  year old.  I have done the whole "new agey" thing -- and I too have been duped by sprititual preditors, who pretty much "raped" me on almost all levels (spiritually, psychologically, and most of all financially).  Yet, I have come through that time of exploration and learning even stronger and more intact.  I respect myself for still having the ability to mix reason with an open-mind, and to not be bitter or shattered by these experiences.  I consider myself WISE, despite the fact that I may be younger then some others here.

I do not push my beliefs on others, but I do offer my thoughts.  I try to do this in a non-offensive, non-namecalling way.  I would appreciate if others would do the same.    Would YOU like to post your ideas, in the nature of sharing, only to be called OLD and ridiculed???

peace, joya
That is weird because I saw the ORIGINAL post you say didn't go through, thus why I commented about you helping with the dates.  

This link is pretty interesting.  There are alot of links out there showing failed predictions that have gone on through the ages. I know I posted a better link somewhere on the forums..I can't find it now..hehe  but I think you'll get the point.

As for calling me old, hey no problems here with that!  Believe me I've been called worse than that on these forums when certain people got all defensive..lol   I find it funny that so many people think because one calls you young it is offensive. :P  If it is no problem then why the raised hackles?

Nay~ Peace out Maaaaaaan.. :wink:


Quote from: Teomim. . . which brings me to my next point.
Never Underestimate The Power Of Stupid People, In Large Groups!

LOL, that gave me another good chuckle! For such a "tired" topic, I'm finding this thread to be pretty interesting. Seeing both sides gives it depth, I think.


Quote from: TeomimI too am surprised by the negitive stigma attached to this. I could make this post pages and pages long, typing out pages of this book. If you want, i have been very careful to not set off the right wing extreamists, but We only know now, with the most Advanced science we know toady, what that mayans, have been telling us this whole time.
Beleive me, the numbers DO add up, and the peices fit too well together. If you want, i can type up a condensed version of this book, indicating the exact who's what's and where's. But this will be based of the feed back i get here. Im not gonna waste my time, if i don't need to.

its kinda funny. You know the movie "The day after tomorrow"? i feel like the main charachter we he told the prez "We need to start preperations for a mass scale evacuation"
straight up, exodus style.
The egyptions knew of this comming event, the last time it happened. They took years and years of preperations, building Mandjits (boats reputed to be unsinkable), food and water for everyone. At this time was a war, and most of the ships were destryoed, as the war raged on, the cataclysm, started, and the people fled in a terrible panic, while the earth convulsed, spurted lava, ash, and doom fell from the sky's. As the paniced masses trampled each other to the few ships left, the over filled them, and sunk them. . . wich brings me to my next point.
Never Underestimate The Power Of Stupid People, In Large Groups!

This indeed is a crude rendetion of the story, of horus, and set and the like. I will go into mass detail, like i said before, if you all feel so compelled.


Gee, how in the world did I miss this post?  eh, thinking too much about the end of the world I suppose.  :?

Quoteits kinda funny. You know the movie "The day after tomorrow"? i feel like the main charachter we he told the prez "We need to start preperations for a mass scale evacuation"
straight up, exodus style.
See, I'm sorry, but it is times like this that make me totally shake my head.  It is a MOVIE!  

I promise I won't call you stupid for getting your facts from a movie, THAT is offensive, but I will say you seem misguided.  Don't get me wrong I saw the movie and enjoyed it, but lordy, do you really think that the world is going to freeze over sooo fast that it freezes up in mere seconds??

Like I said, if anything happens I'll deal with it at THAT moment, but I won't waste my days worrying about it.. I totally have other things to do, like the dishes..ugh  :P



I don't think people are stupid.  

I think "what you focus on determines what you miss" and our cultural world is so complex and intense that there is simply TOO MUCH INFORMATION of all kinds available.

As a byproduct of systems design, we respond naturally to mirroring -- it was part our earliest learning about how to learn.  

Groups protect themselves from cohesion destroying interpersonal chaos by silently agreeing what information will be acceptable and what will -- by mutual unconscious agreement -- be ignored and relegated to "false or trivial"  There's aggressive policing of those rules within any functioning group for the simple reason that addressing EVERY piece of info with equal regard creates a tower of babel effect.  

What happens over generations of time is that human intepersonal cues and standards actually become more important than tracking the Big Real -- and individuals who grow to majority in those cultures increasingly lack the very tools to even experience the Real.  (I'm talking very much about myself here.)

Individuals NOT in tune with the subtle unwritten rules find themselves unable to interact with the culture and the group and are marginalized to the point of not being heard.

I think (read those two words softly because this is an area where I am significantly uncertain instead of my usual level of basic bewilderment) Ahem.  I think there's something in much of this stuff that sounds like nonsense that speaks to the wise intuitive parts of all of us -- but is the right message in the right time and the right place for some people to come into a different and better level of balance between their human interpersonal cultural selves and the larger reality.

I think of them as contemporary mythology, struggling to translate something real and important but not quite being able to fit it into words.

Or, as Mel Brooks said in 2000 Year Old Man:  THERE'S SOMETHING BIGGER THAN PHIL!


when i quote the movie it was only just that. A quote of a movie. I am not basing ANY facts beleifs or ideas from the said movie, but that paticular line keeps running though my head, and the helplesness and empty feeling of tring to get people to understand as well as accept. Do not think i am misguided, at least no more or less than anyone eles, I just find Anaologies easier to deal with people on a mass scale. Not so much as persons, that i can connect with, ya know?

Chimerae said
"Individuals NOT in tune with the subtle unwritten rules find themselves unable to interact with the culture and the group and are marginalized to the point of not being heard."


"I do not take drugs. I am drugs." -Salvadore Dali

~Music is my Sinaquanon~