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19 hours ago (approx.)....

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I think I experienced similar symptoms from what you described, but my experience might be slightly different. I used to get what I thought were panic attacks. I felt like I was being pulled out of my body sometimes. It would get so bad that I would have to place my hands over my head and crouch. It was as if some force was hitting me on the back of my head. I don't get these symptoms as frequently anymore. Only when I think I make some sort of big discovery about my life (its meaning/purpose, etc). You know, the kind of thing that makes you say "holy sh**!!!" anyway, I wonder who was doing that to you. I wonder if they are also responsible for my own experiences."


that's the first time in my life that something like that has ever happened. and i'd personally like for the person to do it again so i can try to get some practice with telepathy [|)].

thanks for the response enderwiggin.



i was on the net and doing stuff when all of a sudden someone/thing pushed against the back of my mind with a fairly decent amount of force. i have no idea who it was, but i'm not mad; i'm just wondering if someone here did it.  :)

i'll be asking on other boards too, but since i have no clue as to who did it, i thought i'd try here as well.

ok, here's what happened: i was looking at someone's profile (though not on these forums) and all of a sudden i felt a force pushing on the back of my mind so strongly that i actually moved my head forward in response - it was like someone had actually put their physical hand on the back of my head and pushed.

i was curious as to what was going on, maybe someone was using me as an experiment for pinging (:P) so i opened my mind to the force, which promptly enveloped my mind.

now, the strange thing about this force was that i couldn't get a feel for its origin. normally when someone or something metaphysical happens near/to me i can get a feel for whether the originator of the effect is a physical being or not, and i can usually get a sense of their being and the being's intentions. but all i felt of this force was that some one/thing was directing it (so it wasn't just some random creation doing something off the wall): no sense of who/what was behind it or what the intentions of the energy was.

but i let it enter my mind anyways (i have defenses in place to **** over any unwanted intruders, so i have nothing to worry about there. especially since i already knew how strong the "attack" was) and allowed it to do whatever it wanted, which it didn't seem to do anything. i didn't sense it trying to delve into my mind, i didn't sense it trying to set up some sort of mental program, i didn't sense it trying to attack me; it's like the purpose of it was just to get into my mind, with no real motive behind it and no purpose to it after that.

as well, even as it was just sitting in my mind i started asking it who it was, but got no answer. again, i didn't feel like it was ignoring me, but merely that the "interface" of it wouldn't allow communication through it.

so not getting a response, i took off my hat figuring that my hat might be blocking out the person's skills in using telepathy or whatever. and i did feel an immediate effect at that point - as though the hat was hindering it a bit from doing the nothing that it was doing (sounds silly, but that's what it felt like. ok, how about "from just sitting around". there, happy?  ;)).

well, soon enough i got sick of it being there and gently showed it the door even as it began dissipating.

and that's what happened. if you are the one who did it, please let me know. thanks.  :) . like i said i'm not mad. you didn't attack me, and if you were just using me as a "testing ground" then i guess i'm letting you know that it worked (and good job too.).  ;D
