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another dream explanation

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ok this post does have a point, its about why dreams happen the way they do. my theory i guess is when having a dream you move alot in your sleep, well take this for example, you get bit by a snake in your dream, and right after you get bit you even start feeling something like numbness and side effects from the snakes venom. well the reason for the numbness is you laying on your arm in the physical world. another example is umm something hitting/pinching/scratching or anything like that, well your either scratching, rubbing up against something, you banging your head on the wall and pinching ummm would be you doing the same hings i just mentioned. even a necklace could cause pinching. but what im trying to say is some reasons for happenings in dreams are things hat happen in the physical while you are sleeping.

does anyone aggree with this?
any comments or oppinons just post and reply.

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