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A New Day is Dawning on the Astral Pulse

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Hail to the new order!!!!!

A note to all members of the Astral Pulse

Please realise that all "junior" members with few posts must take heed of what those "Senior members" with many posts say, as obviously the more posts you have the more evolved, experienced and powerfull you are.
We junior members should listen to the wise senior members especially the most powerful god chosen kakkarot whose words of wisdom are to be digested and integrated into our personalities........!!!!!!!Ha Ha

It's time to get off your high horse Kakkarot, us junior, unevolved members lacking in spiritual advancment are sick and tired of your meglomaniac, hierarchial attitude, it's time you stopped preaching and started practicing.

I find it hard to believe that they allow computors with internet connections into high security psyciatric wards where you obviously must be and I think it's time they changed your medication as what they are giving you isn't stopping your dellusions.

I have to agree, you are just too good for this site, I wish you well wherever you go, saving us all from demons as you battle goods deadly foes in your more than vivid imagination.

Enjoy your trip

(student of evolution)

(A student of Evolution)

Demande a Dieu et il te repondra....Cherches et tu trouveras....Frappe et l'on t'ouvrira.

James S

Get thee back to thine place of lowly rank O two purple starred one,
lest ye incur the wrath of the great and mighty lords of the four gold stars, and the all powerful all knowing GODS of the five red stars!!

Be thee aware that such mighty lords and gods hath smited even the three silver starred underlings for their imputence?
Hold thy tongue O lowly purple one lest thee find thyself in such dire peril that not even The Adrian, the all hallowed four bronze starred Creator of all will be able to save thee.



i didn't think all frenchies were snobs.. just the anti-war ones in their government..
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Originally posted by James S

Get thee back to thine place of lowly rank O two purple starred one,
lest ye incur the wrath of the great and mighty lords of the four gold stars, and the all powerful all knowing GODS of the five red stars!!

Be thee aware that such mighty lords and gods hath smited even the three silver starred underlings for their imputence?
Hold thy tongue O lowly purple one lest thee find thyself in such dire peril that not even The Adrian, the all hallowed four bronze starred Creator of all will be able to save thee.


LOL @that


James dont forget 10 posts ago you were just like us.  Dont forget where you came from!


Hmmm. I never ascribed knowledge as being proportional to how much one talks. Experience has shown me the inverse to be most often the truth. This can also be confirmed by the amount of posts that the moderators make.

Carrying on the proper tradition is important, from both the giving and recieving end. And reading the old posts would eliminate a lot of the redundancy.

Best to all.



Ya'all can be soooo funny sometimes.. (oh, 2 starred one)LOL..too funny..

I just type my experiences, and see what others have to say. I never thought anyone was better than the other.  And if I read where someone is having a problem or just a experience that is similar to mine, I add my two cents...May help, may not. But, geez..why does anyone have to "take over" where the senior members left off?

I say, just continue to tell of your experiences and the people will take it as they will.

Did anyone read my post that I wrote in "The roll out method" this morning?.... Does that mean I am one who should, "carry on?"
Uh..Oh..Kakkarot has created a Monster..I can feel the need to make everyone bow down to me...bow down I say, bow down!!  I am your new Master..[}:)] Ok..that was a bad joke..still a little giddy from this morning..Sorry..*slinking back to the corner I deserve to be in*

[;)] Nay.


Its not the number of posts, but rather the content that, (in my opinion) are most important.

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


LOL: James, thank you for the hearty chuckle.



Now now now . . . Kakkarot has a point here.  There is a lot of good stuff in the Old Posts that the newbies are missing because they weren't here at the time.  I think that's why the Forum Moderators made some topics "sticky" (see Astral Consciousness section), so that some really good strings stayed at the top of the list.  Perhaps the other sections need "stickies" too.  I can envision sticky on Vibrations, for instance, in the OBE Discussions section.

Or, we should have an Astralpulse Hall of Fame; a compilation of the best advice given on a variety of subjects.  Wouldn't that be fun!  We could nominate each other!  Have a big fete and pass out little gold statues to the winners!  We could grump about who was nominated, who wasn't nominated, who got to be on the panel, and our seating assignments in the auditorium. Omigoodness, what SHALL I WEAR?

At any rate, this doesn't make the early AstralPulse post-ers more advanced than the newcomers.  It's just that, kind of like a great party or a good joke, most of the time you kind of had to be there. So, until we find a way to bring the Best of the Best to the newcomers, thanks to AstralPulse for the Search function at the top of this page.



Who is saying there isn't wisdom in older posts?  The  point was "that isn't seen anymore".  For example 1001 ways to make a demon say mercy?

I think if you were a part of that time you'd say "hey good point".. since its memories.. i was there etc..

But the way it was written was very much.  I pass this torch onto you lower posters.  Please do this board the service I/we did to it.  Its hard since the quality is nothing of the same.. but good luck.  *pats self on back* yeah old posters.

Come on I get the feeling there are advanced people who maybe just got on the internet?  Maybe with just as much to share.  I read the older posts before I posted my very first post.  Because i didnt want to be redundant.  But there's a difference between pointing people to good posts.. and telling people to look back when the geniuses and powerful ones ran the joint.


ooh!  ooh!  I have an even better idea!  How about a Hall of Shame!  The Forum mediators can click-and-drag the most vain, ego-driven rants that contribute nothing to our edification into the Hall of Shame section.


You mean people like  :D



Then again, these vain, ego-driven rants provide much entertainment, I mean, look how long these strings last!  Come to think of it, perhaps some of the reactions to these ego-rants are truly edifying.

For instance, in the Carlos Casteneda books, the Yaqui elder/sorcerers would frequently tease and laugh hysterically at the ego-driven antics of their students.  They would play pranks, literally set them up, listen to the ego-outburst and roll on the ground laughing, much to the consternation and fury of the students who were obviously having issues with ego/pride and illusions of the Self.  Seems cruel, but it worked for most of the students who stayed with the sorcery practice long enough to write books about it [;)]

Ego hates teasing, but maybe it's the best bitter medicine we can give.



Originally posted by Tisha

Then again, these vain, ego-driven rants provide much entertainment, I mean, look how long these strings last!  Come to think of it, perhaps some of the reactions to these ego-rants are truly edifying.

For instance, in the Carlos Casteneda books, the Yaqui elder/sorcerers would frequently tease and laugh hysterically at the ego-driven antics of their students.  They would play pranks, literally set them up, listen to the ego-outburst and roll on the ground laughing, much to the consternation and fury of the students who were obviously having issues with ego/pride and illusions of the Self.  Seems cruel, but it worked for most of the students who stayed with the sorcery practice long enough to write books about it [;)]

Ego hates teasing, but maybe it's the best bitter medicine we can give.

I think you're onto something here



i don't call canadians 'frenchies'. i have nothing against canadians anyway, unless of course i have something against their personalities. i was referring to alchimiste. notice how the country under his username is 'france'.

but, i was also kidding. seriously, i'm sure there are a few intelligent people in france, or at least a few who are total snobs, like alchimiste is trying to be here to kakkarot.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Noleaf Clover,

I find your racial comments misplaced and not in line with the netiquette required on this site.

Lets keep our differences and insults to the matter at hand. You may attack me as an individual but please don't attack me on the grounds of my race.

(Student of evolution)

ps. I'm English and just live in France

(A student of Evolution)

Demande a Dieu et il te repondra....Cherches et tu trouveras....Frappe et l'on t'ouvrira.


i said i was kidding about all frenchies being snobs.

"but, i was also kidding. seriously, i'm sure there are a few intelligent people in france, or at least a few who are total snobs, like alchimiste is trying to be here to kakkarot."

from my experiences in france, the people are generally a little.. snoody? is that the word? ah, i'll just say arrogant. and then when the situation with iraq came about, the government had to make things difficult. it's not our faults that iraq is one of france's biggest customers.. at least *i* don't think so.. that's my opinion, and more often than not i am a total moron, so i've already shot myself down on that one [:)]

"I find your racial comments misplaced and not in line with the netiquette required on this site."

though you were not speaking to me, i found your comments to kakkarot a little out-of-line, but of course, that's kakkarot's business, not mine. [:)] personally, i found kakkarot's post helpful. i went back and looked at some of the older posts, and there were some interesting topics brought up in some of the posts.

so... if you want to convince me that calling frenchies snobs isn't serving france justice, maybe you'd want to serve as an example? maybe? [;)]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Tisha: you have my vote. Astralpulse personality of the year 2003. So many of your posts have me in stitches. Then you switch to displaying an insight which is often second to none. I mean this in all honesty.



eh.. i understand how you could see that in me. don't really see it 'us and them', but rather a big batch of people all over earth that are different deep-down only by personalities. we're all people. however, a group of people can be *easily* influenced by their surroundings (an extreme example is the middle east), and i don't particularly like how france has been participating in *world* affairs recently (this is the french government).

if i was suddenly moved to ireland to spend the rest of my life there, i wouldnt care. if it was canada, or australia, or germany, britain, spain, greece, etc., etc., i really wouldn't mind, as long as it was a free, democratic country in some sense. i might have to get used to the different lifestyle, but i could adapt, and i'm really not that patriotic to tell you the truth. but some countries just get to me with their positions in world affairs, like china. i don't see china as 'them', but i disagree with their views, and i see their government as oppressive and aggressive, and i wouldn't want to live there. i don't suppose you would either, right? same thing with france, except instead of something with their government, its their people. not *all* of their people, as i've said, but an unporportionate number compared to other countries, just as the U.S. is less educated generally than germany or japan, and that is an unporportionate number compared to the country i live in (US).

as far as suggestions that all of the french people were snobs, etc., i have a sense of humor that is sometimes meant to be a little... 'uncomfortable'.. or insulting. just trying to express my feelings.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Originally posted by no_leaf_clover

from my experiences in france, the people are generally a little.. snoody? is that the word? ah, i'll just say arrogant.

The word you are looking for is snooty.

I take it you don't speak the language then? Okay, forgive me if you do. But it's just that French people are more than a tad nationalistic.

Plus, it's not that they dislike Americans and wanted to make whatever situation difficult for them in particular. Personally, I think Americans flatter themselves a lot of the time.

The situation with the French is they just dislike anyone, on the whole, who is not French. I lived there for a while; had a house in Provence; and first learned the language in school (most beautiful language in the world to speak IMO) so found it easy to make friends.

Hmm, how those young french girls go ga-ga over older guys who display a little flair. Ah, those memories come flooding back. :)

French (Err, I mean Frank)


lol. you're right, i don't speak french. i seem to suck at all foreign languages [V]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


OK, I've been trying to follow this whole France thing (it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the price of tea in China or mideast politics, OK) and have finally determined it was a sideways reaction to a posting by Someone Who Just Happened to Be from France.

I think the so-called "snotty" reaction to Kakkarot's post was less a show of "Frenchness" and more likely a crossover from another string of posts about Demons (which some of you are participating in, and some are not). Then Canada reacted, thinking the offensive post to the French person was about Canadians.  

See how much we presume, and how downhill it can go from there.

As for me, I loved France, went to school there briefly and toured the Loire and loved making mischief in Paris, for instance, my school friends and I took the last subway (12:00 am) to Pigalle to see if we could make it back to our hotel on the Left Bank without getting mugged.  The guys were approached by 7ft tall transvestites, the "Cure groupie" female (oops I'm dating myself) was harassed by some chain-smoking biker-types, but Me, the 17 year old blonde pom-pom girl with large breasts and a big purse, wandered blithely around the inner city darkness with no one saying a word. Guess I wasn't anybody's type . . .

That was just a story to make everyone laugh; it had nothing to do with anything.  If you liked that one I'll tell you the story about when I was ran barefoot in my pajamas down the streets of Hell's Kitchen in New York City . . . at 2am . . .  nevermind. Just know that when everyone thinks your crazy, nobody bothers you.


PS:  Thanks Frank !  I was looking for something to pad my resume [:D]


I think we should all group hug now.  Email-type correspondence is so flat that it's hard to pull any expression or emotion out of it . . . so many of us will read emotion in, and sometimes read it wrong.  

I think I will start using more smileys [:)], grinnies [:D], winkies [;)], toungies [:P], and all the rest of the emoticons on the left, to let the world know when I'm mad [:(!] and when I'm teasing [;)] and when I'm joking [:P].  

Hey! Let's all take the Emoticon Vow!  [:o)]