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anybody here play starcraft?

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Oooh, glad to know I'm not the only one who still likes this old game.
I started playing again after I listened to Terran music mp3s. [;)]
I was just playing through the single player campaigns today.

Too bad I can't go on bnet. (no comment [:D] )
What's a ums?


ums = use map settings

ums's are fun.. they're usually not like the usual tense game of starcraft. like there are ums's that are designed like paintball. there are two teams with up to 3 players on each team. each player get a ghost and you just play capture the flag with them. it's pretty fun. then there's another called 'the unknown' where a player is randomly selected to be able to transform into a zergling. the other players have to work together or else the zergling can kill them easily. tons of different ums's.

no bnet and no comment? hmm.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


I have it but havn't played in years. Star Wars Galaxies is my game now(which is sad in a way).


I used to play Starcraft, but I'm off the stuff now.

I joined a twelve step program, SA, Starcraft Anonymous

The first step is:

We admitted that we cannot stop playing Starcraft and our lives had become unmanageable.




is it that addictive?? i'm sorry to hear you stopped playing, thrasher [V]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


I play, off and on.  Mostly ums's (I really suck at the normal game [V])

I have a friend who plays it almost every time he's over here (he doesn't have an internet connection at his house.)  He's pretty good at the regular game and ums games.

Would be interesting to get together on Bnet and play a few games.  What kind of ums games do you like? (Madness? RPGs? Open RPGs? etc.)

Terry B


madness is the excrement, but only if you get to choose the units.


as long as its a ums, it's good [:D]

what are your usernames? mine's creepingdeath21.. another metallica song, except without the 21 [;)]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


mine is Bob251, and as you can tell, I am very original with my usernames [:P]


any of you guys play starcraft? maybe we can meet up on bnet and play some ums's sometime? i really suck at the regular game, but those ums's are fun [;)]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?