The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: eric_l_lewis on February 25, 2015, 14:19:52

Title: AP with Legal Ayahuasca?
Post by: eric_l_lewis on February 25, 2015, 14:19:52
I saw this Youtube video--easiest ayahuasca recipe: link removed for legal reasons ~Xanth So use syrian rue and mimosa and put in caps.
Anyone tried this, or some variation, and astral traveled to upper planes and talked to angels/guides?

Title: Re: AP with Legal Ayahuasca?
Post by: Xanth on February 25, 2015, 14:47:45
We don't want to give anyone the wrong idea about using this kind of thing... at the very least I would NOT suggest making and using anything you've made yourself without expert supervision.

Locked pending moderator review.
Title: Re: AP with Legal Ayahuasca?
Post by: Stillwater on February 25, 2015, 17:43:56
Hi eric

While I appreciate what you are doing here, in the past we have established the precedent that substance topics are to be about experiences, and not about guidelines for use, and definitely not production methods. If nothing else, it is a legal liability thing. We can't have users giving other users what really amounts to medical advice. I think it is good that the knowledge is out there, but I can tell you for sure we can't afford to be hosting it here.

Sorry about that one, and I hope you can appreciate our reasons.
Title: Re: AP with Legal Ayahuasca?
Post by: Szaxx on February 27, 2015, 13:33:44
Please read to understand our policy towards the longevity of The Astral Pulse.