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Astral City movie .

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 Hey guys ! I saw a movie trailer in youtube about life after death , the title of this movie
is " Astral City " i have some few questions with you guys, I know you already have a hundreds/thousands
of experience regarding astral projection.

my questions are:

Do heaven exist ? and if so , is it located somewhere around the astral plane ?
and what about hell ? is it located in the lower dimension ? like the 4th ? and lastly the purgatory just like in the movie where dead people is there waiting for some help .
i would love to hear your answers guys  :-)


Hello Francis, first of all thanks for bringing up this movie, I'm now in the process of "obtaining it" to watch it asap.  :wink:

I haven't personally experienced nothing close to hell or heaven but mostly it's a consensus among explorers that reality is far greater than that. There are many individual and shared heavens and hells. In the non-physical environments personal reality shapes the experience, in another words you mostly go to a reality that is aligned with your state of being, that is unless you are skilled enough at visiting different layers and have some business going there, for example a learning experience or providing assistance to others.

I don't think the existence of an objective purgatory is something very logical, I could see consciousness manifest that if it believes it needs to go through that in order to repent intensively for its "sins" and move on to heaven or whatever the case may be.

The best way for us to find out is to have our own personal experience. However if you're like me and can't keep away from going around studying these things join the club but for the sake of your own growth be willing to have those general assumptions and consensus evidence be re-evaluated lightly or heavily by your own discoveries. It's the best way to go.  :-)
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


I just finished watching the movie and I think it answered some of my questions .
"Andre" (the main character of the movie)  had been rescued by spirit helpers from the "Lower Zone," an area of the astral plane
maybe this is what they called purgatory i mean (My religion says) .

By the way thankyou micael for answering my questions  :-)
yeah you're right the best way to find out is to definitely try and explore :-)



Lol  :-D

You're welcome Francis, turns out I just finished watching it also and I gotta say it's a very colourful and emotional movie, very unique. In a general sense it's very much in line with what a lot of explorers around the world have been finding out. You go to a reality that is in tune with your state of being, you get help if you need it when you're open to receive it and the whole process of lives and afterlife is one of growing up and evolving in a structured way and beings consciously going at it from both sides. It's a good metaphor for people who are already open to the idea. Thanks again for mentioning it!
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


I think you mean the movie Nosso Lar . An English version is on you tube some where , I think this link has English sub titles , I have not watched this version . This movie has been discussed on this forum a few times before .
This is a short clip , the full version in there some where .