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If you want it to be proven, try it for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Things like astral projection have to be proven personally. Science can only prove and disprove things that have physical results that can be measured, and it's hard to apply that to astral projection. People have been trying to set up scientific experiments where people astral project and memorize information on a board behind a screen and then the information gathered is compared to what was on the board, but so far nothing like this has been set up in a scientific fashion, and even if it was, it would come under much scrutiny from the rest of the scientific world most likely because you can't prove that astral projection was the reason behind the acquiring of that information. Science is just not set up in a practical way for measuring metaphysical things. Hell, modern science was born in a time period when the church was being bashed by proof against its old teachings.

If you don't believe astral projection is a real possibility, then that really won't bother anyone here. The best way to prove it is to actually try it for yourself, but there's a catch, I guess you can call it... You have to actually believe in what you're trying to accomplish and actually try to accomplish it. You won't get anything accomplished in metaphysical terms if you want scientific proof. Science can only prove the obvious, and guess at history.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Evidence for this type of thing can mainly only be found in actual experience since that is the only way too really know.  Floating out of body for the first time is what it took for me to really know ap is real before that I hardly believed any of it but it sounded like fun.  Almost anything other then experience is mostly personal opinion where everyone has a different one.  If interested in the scientific part of the paranormal look into parapsychology or quantum metaphysics.


True, but the world still needs to see some photos, videos. Maybe on some telekinesis.
Show some actual tangible clips on telekinesis. Don't get me wrong, I what you dudes are doing is cool stuff. People just need some extra tangible things to see, why hide those abilities from us. I want to see some clips on telekinesis or perhaps some other abilities. Perhaps you may want to also provide some links to some tangible evidence. Is anyone here willing to step up to the plate and give the rest of the doubtful world something to reach for? Surely, there is at least one dude in here willing to show some
hardcore proof!


If your looking online for this to be shown it is too subjective since it's not controlled.  

This video is a live demonstration done with remote viewing on upn news:

This link has some video with telekinesis but I wouldn't trust it nearly as much as controlled experiments done with the paranormal:

Here are some links from a site I had bookmarked that deal with parapsychology which deals with the science of paranormal:

Rob - articles section

Also I've got a load of scientifically controlled tests saved on my comp proving a) the existance of "chi" energy b) Its ability to affect lab measurements, in accordance with the will of a Chi Gong master. Done in a Chinese uni.

The problem is NOT a lack of data! Its how scientific publications systematically ignore it, and the general press laughs about it. Even Nature, that bastion of respectability, are guilty of this! They associate themselves with "The Amazing Randy" and send him on "verification" missions to check out paranormal/etc claims........well! I'll be damned if they never accept any. I wonder why??? Lol mups.....and then the scientists say there is no evidence (then "its not done by decent scientists" then "its not in peer-reviewed journals so I can ignore it" ppffft)

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!

James S

Hi Dimitrius,

Firstly, welcome to the forum.[8D]

In this day and age photos and videos are no longer considered valid as evidence of anything. Digital image editing can make anything look real, so what's the point?

The only way to know if something is real or not is to witness or experience it for yourself.




Yeah, Whenever I see TISHA surfing these forums, damn, she's a friggin Miracle!
WOOHOO, She Be HOT! Damn, I need to get me some of dat BOOTY! Cause I be DA Urgo, and Urgo always gets the best Booties! She be all the Evidence I need to believe in
Miracles. CAuse Da Urgo believes! HEH!



Are the techniques that one uses to get "out" not enough evidence, if one actually tried them?


as other members here have said, the only 'proof' you will find is direct experience,due to the differing nature of astral reality vs/physical reality.

once you open yourself to direct experience,there will be no question.

...and there are LOADS  of techniques to try...
The musical conciousness is mind beneath the sun.


Why would anyone waste their time trying to provide proof to a skeptic?

I think most skeptics out there are just too lazy to go about proving or disproving anything, so they simply sit back and poo-poo everything until some hard evidence is put in front of them. That way, they don't have to expend a bit of effort in finding the truth, and as a bonus, they look smart to other skeptics [;)]

There is a place for skeptics of course, however I have no need to prove anything to anyone so they are of no use to me.


....Time for random Simpsons Quote [:)]

"We're looking for a new food critic..You know, one that won't just poo-poo everything as soon as they eat it."

"No, it usually takes a few hours."



Hey Squeek, I see your sig. Tis cool Bro!


Dude, like, DUDE, do it yourself DUDE. That way you can see some of us DUDES going around having fun, enlightening ourselves and stuff man. Oh yeah dude it's awesome. I think, like, the main reason evidence can't be, like, shown here dude is because it's not physical dude. You gotta perceive it yourself to believe it DUDE.

Oh yeah, dude............dude.

Oh hey bro, da Urgo is da dipshit aiight? you acta like da shiznit but you is da dipshit. You tink you so cools? show some respect, aiight? You want some booty from a lady? well you ain't gonna get nothin but slutty hoes, have fun in da life, da Urgo!

Urgo, you'll be banned soon.

Dimitrius, sorry about making fun of your doodicious accent there, but for one, we're not trying to show what we believe to the world. And if we were, it would be short lived. There are just too many people like you who are obsessed with "seeing is believing" philosophies, ie. no evidence = not real. This site has many different beliefs and belief systems, but for one we all believe in one thing - BLIND FAITH.

Let's look them up in the dictionary shall we, DUDE?

I'll copy-paste the words individually here, courtesy of, DUDE.


a.Performed or made without the benefit of background information that might prejudice the outcome or result: blind taste tests used in marketing studies.
b.Performed without preparation, experience, or knowledge: made a blind stab at answering the question.

4.Not based on reason or evidence; unquestioning: put blind faith in their leaders.

1.Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
2.Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.

And that's just a taste. If you want evidence, this probably isn't for you, DUDE.

Later d00d
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


DOODS, this website has a lot of peeps who sure sound like they know what they're talking about. Yeah, but there are lots of skeptics out there in the world and some doods jus need to view some fuggin evidence to believe. Lots need to see with their own eyes. So,you astral dudes and gals need to post some photos, videos evidence of some of your results, stories, OBE's, Telekinesis stuff right here. How do you expect to sound credible infront of the world without any fekkin evidence. Post some of photo or maybe videos of some of your miracles. Not all skeptics are mean, some want to believe but just don't know how, so please help the majority of the doubtful human race. Plus it improves the credibility of sites like this!