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Hi Tjoe,

1st of all welcome to the forum! I think it is good to maintain health level of scepticism, as it will enable one to question ones own experiences from a clear headed perspective.

No doubt most of the people using the forum would agree that they would not be interacting here if not having gone through similar experiences and changes in belief system etc.

Hope you enjoy your visits here.

All the best,



There is nothing wrong with questioning our experiences. In fact it is best that we do so. It is through questioning and testing our ideas that we learn and grow.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


Welcome to the forums, Tjoe.
Then the career got in the way and now that I am older I am skeptical about what I thought I'd experienced all those years ago.

I think this is really common.  I can think of experiences from my youth that were completely real to me at the time, then years went by and the responsibilities and more mundane parts of life became the focus, and those things from so long ago didn't seem as real.  It's all about perspective.  Now I'm more open to these experiences again and making new ones.  For me it's like an awakening or a new cycle of personal growth.  

I still have my skeptical side.  It forces me to constantly analyze and question what I perceive to be happening.  Perceptions are tricky things.[;)]



While I was young between ages 17 - 25 I experienced two OBEs and regarded myself as sensitive to physic phenomena.Things like knowing it was my sister or mother calling me before the phone rang etc etc.

Then the career got in the way and now that I am older I am skeptical about what I thought I'd experienced all those years ago.

Has anyone else here gone through this change in personal opinion about one's abilities?