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Consequences Of Consciousness Awakening - Awaking To The Truth

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Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on December 22, 2016, 20:49:38
We'll see. If you we're my brother or a friend in person and we would have a life expectancy of 130 years I would bet you money that I am right.
But you did say "Anything physical has no meaning, what-so-ever." So you could see how that could be interpreted. And yes I could say the same thing about you and that video, so touche. :wink: LOL
You're getting your layers all mixed up.  That's why you don't have any clue what you're talking about.
You're not even listening to the one guy who you say you listen to.  ROFL


The following video (published a few days ago on December 29 of 2016) contains a Challenge with very interesting Information and Analysis, where can be noticed that REAL Scientists (that are making REAL Science Investigation and Analysis) are realizing since some time now that what has been told by Deceiving/False Scientists (current Scientism being taught massively to people to Deceive them) are LIES, and that this REAL Scientists are making efforts to share their True Findings with the people that inhabit this world. Taking apart any Religious Focused content (contained in this and/or other videos in this post and topic), the conclusions based in Factual content (made by REAL measurements with REAL technology and by REAL Scientists) is very interesting to analyze and consider when trying to realize what the world is, to realize WHO Created it, and to start to deduce the meaning of Existence (in this World and in the other Non Physical ones), and many other things that derive from a Creator (or Creators) to be responsible for the Design and Functioning of this world and all Life and Consciousness that are in it (in the happened past, in the current present, and in the coming future).

President Trump FLAT EARTH Challenge

Quote29 dic. 2016
Mr. Moot believes this proposal will be the most feasible and inexpensive way to put this argument to rest once and for all ! This proposal is for our new president elect Donald Trump and his white house staff to take SERIOUS and make a priority, regardless of ridicule or backlash ! IF any of you viewers have twitter, be sure to bother the new president about this video frequently!

The following Videos contains some of the scenes showed in the second half of the previous Video of the Challenge, and other more.

Church Militant TV: "The Principle" - Interview with the Producers

Quote3 feb. 2016
This interview was given on January 8, 2014 on Church Militant TV with Michael Voris interviewing the producers, Robert Sungenis and Rick Delano of "The Principle".

"The Principle" Under Attack

Quote31 may. 2014
Robert Sungenis and Rick Delano are releasing a documentary film on modern cosmology, emphasizing difficulties with the Copernican theory. The scientists that were interviewed are trying to dissociate themselves from the movie, now that they've found out that the focus is on geocentrism. But the battle was started by an outside Catholic blogger who "tipped off" the scientists, out of what I think, was pure malice. It could have backfired, because he generated for the film makers a lot of free publicity. Pretty funny associating geocentrism with anti-semitism.

QuoteMic'd Up "The Principle, Under Attack"

Quote30 may. 2014
The Principle has become "the most reviewed movie never to be seen by its reviewers" in the history of films. The sad part is, every review been filled with lies, accusations and insinuations. The producers of 'The Principle', Rick DeLano and Bob Sungenis, will be defending themselves against these lies.

This is another Video containing also a similar Challenge addressed towards Deceiving Scientism persons that are making False Science and LYING to the people that inhabit this world. Also, below are other two interesting videos made by this same Person, with some interesting analysis made.

An Open Letter to Neil DeGrasse Tyson Regarding the Flat Earth

Quote27 mar. 2016
An open letter to Neil DeGrasse Tyson asking 12 simple questions regarding the shape and Nature of our Earth. These questions are asked in all seriousness and requires straight-forward tangible answers free from mathematical constructs, abstract concepts, impenetrable technical jargon or so-called proof from NASA

Allegedly Dave - Flat Earth on Late Night with Milenko

Quote4 may. 2016
Allegedly Dave appearing on Macedonian National Television speaking about Flat Earth on "Late Night with Milenko". This show is apparently the most popular current affairs program in the country and aired to 11 million people across the former Yugoslavian countries.

Thanks to Albert Suley who edited out the Macedonian dialog and posted it on his channel.

Full video is available here:

Flat Earth All Meat & No Potatoes - ODD TV

Quote6 jul. 2016
Repost of ODD TV's version of my appearance on Late Night with Milenko on Macedonian National TV, since ODD TV's channel seems to have been pulled :(

My Best Regards.



An interesting topic directly related to what is mentioned to happen in some books that touch the topic of the After Death and what is know as the Near Death Experiences.

In some YouTube videos can be found how some persons analyze the Going into the Tunnel of Light and the Reviewing of Your Life by a "Being of Light" projecting a sort of "nice feeling" energy (that people can associate with "love") and "inviting" the Just Death/Deceased human being to go with him/her/it into the Tunnel of Light to join with his/her relatives that seems to be at the end of that tunnel where "nice feeling" and "angelic" sounds are being played, (some simple and logic questions: ¿How can a person know that they are really their relatives and not made/created replicas of them? also ¿How can a person know when his/her past lives are reviewed that those are effectively his/her past lives and not made ones or someone else's lives whose bad actions are trying to be imputed to the deceased/reviewed person? and so on questions regarding how can someone know that is not being DECEIVED/CHEATED/LIED).

The following web page is just one of the many web pages that can be found on internet regarding this.

Escape 'Their' TRAP and Set Your Soul FREE

An interesting scene of Star Trek series that shows something very close to what that could be; in the comments of the video is mentioned the Episode that this scene corresponds to.

Janeway vs Archon - Star Trek Voyager

I won't include videos in this post but share a link to a search on YouTube for the text tunnel of light is a trap for whoever is interested to search the Video results and investigate more about this.

Search on YouTube about tunnel of light is a trap.

Also, the following search on Google about that same text, where many web pages can be consulted for information and points of views of persons that are analyzing this.

Search on Google about tunnel of light is a trap.

I WON'T accept to go into that Bright Light and Tunnel that are commonly mentioned, NOR respond to any being that asks/questions/reviews me about my current Life as a Human Animal being in this world called Earth, but stay and review the options and choose a different one, as one thing is CERTAIN and that is that those who choose to go into that TRAP will eventually COME BACK to live another AMNESIC life into this World called Earth with their Memory DELETED/WHIPPED/NULLIFIED/ERASED.

Is a good idea to review and investigate this topic as it seems is something that Everyone will have to face/confront once the life of his/her animal body is gone (Death).

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



An interesting Analysis about how there is a Big possibility the Good and Bad (and Evil) sides are managed by the same System and those two sides (duality) serve the same Being (/Beings) that control this World called Earth and the Consciousness Beings in it (and those contained in the waiting "non physical" Worlds/Realms between reincarnations where souls are conduced when they accept to access and be driven into the light at the end of their lives when their "physical" bodies die), so that the two sides at the end conduce the Live Being Consciousnesses to be recycled into the system and being deceived into coming back into their system by reincarnating with their memories Deleted/Erased/Whipped/Nullified and suffering of Amnesia and limited access to their current life memories their entire lives, in the World called Earth (and who knows how many more they have apart to Earth that serve that same purposes).

The Demiurge, The Lords of Karma, Archons, Archangels and Galactic Bullies

QuoteSome interesting moments of the video








Link to the video

Why I talk Abt ETs, Archons, Prison Planet Earth OOBEs Etc

Reincarnation or Re Incarceration

The YouTube Channel of this videos.


An interesting web page that mentions some about the "Loosh" that Robert Monroe mentions in his Book "Far Journeys" in particular in page 162 of it.

Meet The Firm

Two Topics on this Forum to consider as are related with this topic.

What To Do When Achieving Complete Freedom /Analysis About Being Completely Free

How To Do Things (Powers and Abilities) In Dream (/Astral) Worlds (/Realms)

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



By reading again the following book of Robert Monroe, in particular from page 162 of it where he presents information regarding the "Loosh Rote", it contains very interesting information regarding the theme of this topic. The book can be found on Internet in PDF format. Reading this book provides certain perspective to deal with the topic when confronted in this "Physical" World called Earth or while Lucid Dreaming (Astral Projecting) on other Non Physical Worlds/Realms, along with the other information contained in this topic; the objective of this topic is to inform those who are currently living a Human Animal experience about what seems to be the Reality of the nature of this "Physical" World/Realm, and if they are ready to leave it (when they complete their Body Functions and their Animal Body Dies) to provide them some information that can prepare them for the next step which will NOT be returning to this "Physical" Predatory World/Realm called Earth (or Any other one similar to it) and NOT be Gullible/Naive as to again "sign/agree with" another Deceiving deal that would make them fall into another vicious circle of AMNESIA and MEMORY DELETION for the benefit of a third party, and choose instead another realm of PEACE and TRUE FREEDOM among other Positive Qualities.

Far Journeys
By: Robert Monroe

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Look Inside at Amazon:

Customer Reviews at Amazon:

Web Site:

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



The following Videos and YouTube PlayList, are related with the Second Book of Robert Monroe named Far Journeys mentioned in the previous post in this topic; in them, among other things, Bob Monroe explains a little about what he mentions in the pages 124 to 161 and of course in pages 162 to 237 of this book, regarding how the enlisting process for the Physical Space/Time Earth experience occurs, with the Great Touch and Fun that Bob Monroe puts in the explanation of the process.

Is very interesting how Bob found that one of the reasons he (back when whoever he was started the Human experience) got into the Physical Human Experience was because he was/got BORED in the place he called HOME (KT-95 on his book where he came from) and how with the Human Experience getting back (returning) HOME was not an option to take as he grew bigger and didn't fit that place again (was Too BORING among other things he explains).

Also is interesting how Bob explains what happened to him when he decided to find out WHO was making the traveling for him (WHO was helping him travel when he was Out Of Body to all the places he visited), and what he found. And many more things he explains in this videos.

Wednesday with Bob Monroe

Quote3 august 2009

If you attended the Gateway Voyage residential program at The Monroe Institute in the last 10 to 15 years, you missed the evening talks with Bob Monroe. Prior to his death in 1995, Bob talked with Gateway Voyage participants on Saturday evenings, their first night at the Institute, and on Wednesday evenings after they had experienced the exploration of Focus 21, a bridge to other realities. Wednesdays talks were particularly precious to participants as they had experienced for themselves by that time the very realms Bob spoke of during those Wednesday evening discussions.

Here is a collection of nine clips that together constitute one of Bob Monroe's Wednesday night talks in 1990. Bob didn't like to be filmed, so we are fortunate to still have this classic footage.










Searching in the forums, I found a topic in The Astral Pulse where the links to this videos were shared; is the one in the link below, where some forumers back in 2009 shared some interesting comments about it.

Why are we here according to Robert Monroe

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



While searching in Google for the text - robert monroe DLP formula - (DLP is Distilled Loosh Producers/Production), I found the following Web Page in Spanish where is explained and analyzed very interesting aspects of the "Loosh"; I share the Original link in Spanish and the Link for the Translation to English (is not perfect but can be understood and analyzed).

This explains a lot of the nature of this PREDATORY environment (where Everything Predates On Everything Else to be able to Live/Survive) where most things are UNFULFILLED, and it also allows to understand that the Harvesters of Loosh are MAKING the world be in CONFLICT in order to harvest their product (Loosh); also allows to understand that as this is THEIR garden and property they can DESTROY IT whenever they wish to, which would be for example if the system stops generating Loosh and specially the Distillate Type of Loosh produced by what is explained in the translated web page below and in the PDF file whose Link is also presented below (it corresponds to the pages from page 162 in the book "Far Journeys" of Robert Monroe), so that could explain also the Efforts by those that Drive/Conduce/"Rule" the World to include in it the Unstable elements in human societies so that Loosh is produced for the OWNERS of this Physical World called Earth (with whom and/or with the Harvesters/Gardeners is likely some of them have contact with to coordinate those intentional destabilizing efforts) and that way avoid the Easy Destruction of the Human Animal specie which is very well appreciated for being the one to generate the Best Distilled Loosh the OWNERS of this World Need/Want and that seems to be the cause for the creation of this Garden/Vivarium/Farm for the OWNERS of it to obtain the Loosh they Want/Need.

Translation to English with Google Translator:

Robert Monroe: A Shady Vision of Biology

Original in Spanish:

Robert Monroe: una visión sombría de la biología

The PDF Book.

Far Journeys - The Mystery Of Loosh

PDF File:

Another interesting article in a Web page where additional analysis is presented.

Translation to English with Google Translator:

A Shady Vision of ... Biology | A Bright Vision on ... Evolution

Original in Spanish:

Una Visión Sombría de ... La Biología | Una Visión Luminosa sobre ... La Evolución

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



I've read a very interesting free book written by Mr. Stefan Molyneux from called "The Handbook of Human Ownership: A Manual for New Tax Farmers", which is mentioned in a web Page of one of the links of the first and second post of this topic "Trawling the Farm for Human Energy", and contains interesting details regarding how in this world have evolved the Human Farming; I present below the link to this book and also to another book "Far Journeys - The Mystery Of Loosh" that contains the specific part of the second book of Robert Monroe (Far Journeys) where the Loosh topic is explained to him in one of his Astral Travels. The book of Mr. Stefan Molyneux provides a lot of elements that help understand some of the Details of the System Designed to Enslave and understanding that is a first step into not deciding to repeat that experience and into NOT helping a system designed to Deceive to obtain it's objectives (Loosh for the Creator and Power/Control/Servitude for the benefit of those less that 1% of Human Animals that Enslave and Deceive the other more than 99% of the Ignorant Human Animals).

Analyzing the way Human Animals are and behave (which is BY DESIGN so there is Nothing to Be Ashamed of all the Conflicts and Negative Things associated with that as the responsible for that is THE DESIGNER AND CREATOR and the HARVESTERS of the Loosh he/she/it assigned to collect the produced Loosh and to perfect the Conflictive System specially in the Human Animals), again comes the Question "What To Do When Achieving Complete Freedom /Analysis About Being Completely Free", as when someone realizes the Reality of the Intended Continuous Non Stopping Conflict and Non Satisfaction that is Intended (BY DESIGN) on every aspect of each one of the live beings present in this world (Plants, Animals, and Human Animals) to produce Loosh, then, when someone decides to FREE himself/herself from this, that person CAN'T take with him/her the very things that are Designed by the Creator of this World to produce Conflict and Non Satisfaction (Opposite to PEACE) and that are also been established to keep beings NON FREE by keeping them Ignorant to their reality and their true purpose while they are experiencing as Human Animal Beings in this Physical Time/Space Carbon/Oxygen World called Earth (and this applies to any other similar World created by any one of the other beings that inhabit the same/similar World/Realm of THE CREATOR of the World called Earth for the same purposes of Loosh Production), and this implies that elements such as Duality (Male/Female) and also some certain elements such as (Sexuality, Eating, Pleasure Drives, Predatory Behaviours, and other elements and drives designed to create Conflict and Non Satisfaction) should be removed and Can't be Taken to where ever that Someone who FREES himself/herself GOES OUT (LEAVES NOT TO RETURN) of the Physical Time/Space Carbon/Oxygen World (Physical) and every System associated to it and/or making part of it (Non Physical places where beings are convinced/invited to willingly go/access/enter when they Die, for example with the Light Portal Experience mentioned in Near Death Experiences, while are convinced/deceived or maybe even forced to come back with their Memories Completely Deleted/Amnesic to make more mistakes while being completely Ignorant of any previous experience, to regret later when repeating the same going back to those Non Physical places part of the system to be convinced/deceived or maybe even forced to come back again, repeating the process over and over in a vicious circle).

It'd be interesting to know if some persons have thought that FREE topic in detail as that FREE AND PEACE topic Can't Include the Predatory and Conflicting elements that are present in the Live Beings of this World (Plants, Animals, and Human Animals) to predate on each other and kill to live, as those elements would NEVER allow anyone to be in PEACE as one of the consequences of those elements is BOREDOM (getting bored) as BY DESIGN the beings of this World search for Conflict even if they have their necessities satisfied as they Get Bored and because of that Search For Conflict with other beings, and also the process to Survive that brings Conflict with other beings that are needed to be Predated (or Parasited) in order for anyone to keep alive (physically in this World). So, removing MOST If Not All of the Human Animal elements would be a requirement to be FREE OUTSIDE the system into another one where conditions and purposes are different and are sincere, not based in Deception but in Knowledge, as such right/positive systems would not involve Memory Deletion/Amnesia as the idea is to Keep Growing and not to Remove/Delete what a being have Growth which would expose it to be manipulated/deceived and to make mistakes it would not have made if having it's Memory intact.

The Handbook of Human Ownership: A Manual for New Tax Farmers

Far Journeys - The Mystery Of Loosh
FREE Books

Stefan Molyneux - YouTube Channel

One final thought. This "GAME" of Human Animal experience in this World called Earth, sound a lot like when someone is playing in a Casino; if that someone somehow comes into contact with the right information (like the one provided in this Topic and others whose links are provided in it, and also many other more such as the Forums of The Astral Pulse and many other Portals and Web Sites) and removes the Ignorance provided by the Deceiving information provided by those who want the Human Beings to be Ignorant and only Deceivingly (Not Willingly) serve the purposes of the system (produce Loosh for the Creator and be Servants of the other Human Animals that are designated to Deceive them) and instead of that wrong information acquires right and useful information, then that Being/Consciousness SHOULD KNOW WHEN TO QUIT (TO LEAVE THE GAME TABLE) as like seen in Casinos when someone is Winning and don't stops in time that someone ends up LOOSING everything he/she was winning, and this seems to be the situation with the NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT topic as someone who wants to be FREE don't have to walk into a TRAP to be Locked/Incarcerated and less with the objective to come back to this World called Earth with NO PREVIOUS MEMORY in an COMPLETELY AMNESIC condition, as the previously won experience/information won't be accessible and it is important in order NOT to make the Absurd Mistakes people make over an over again and also in order to HELP others Evolve into more that just being Ignorants. Those who don't know When To Quit the Game end up Losing and will become Ignorant Junkies in the Earth World "Casino".

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



In accordance to some of what's mentioned in the previously mentioned books and as part of the Deceptive system where Human Animal Beings are seen as PRODUCTS, is no rare to analyze that when a Country gets a loan (by means of the Politicians in charge at that moment) that debt is backed up by the WORK AS SLAVES from the Human Animal Beings that inhabit in that Country, as the Value that those beings have is the WORK that can be extracted from them (in the present and in the future from them and their children) so that the ones in the top Don't Have To Work in the hard tasks that the masses have to do (specially the ones related with hard body work and hard thinking/creative work).

Some of the information that is getting to the public knowledge to make that evident are videos like the followings (there are many more) where is explained to the people that their Birth Certificates are deceptive "agreements" where Human Beings become a PRODUCT as is treated like that.

Enslaved By Your Birth Certificate - The Biggest Deception

Your birth certificate is a stock on the nyse! You're all slaves, sold as collateral to the bank that bought u in 1932!

Slavery by Deception (the birth certificate)

Slavery by Deception pt 2

Slavery by Deception 3

Your Birth Certificate is Worth Billions Pay off your Debt!

Birth Certificates Strawman & Sold Into Slavery In 1932

DANGER!! To WHOM are YOU married?! Marriage Licenses bond you to the STATE!

Two Videos complement of other posts of this topic (I post them here in order not to unnecessarily add another post).

This first video has an Argument that is NON REFUTABLE.


This other video helps a lot to understand many of the BY DESIGN conflicts on Human Animal Beings. ¿have you ever wonder WHY even if the problems of the world increase by the increase of the Human Animal population NO CONTROL over Natality (Birthrate) have been established BUT THE OPPOSITE (they don't want/like birth control but want unwanted/un-programmed birth to take place)? Is not just Chance, IS a DESIGN that is meant to be live that for the purpose of Loosh Production; with all the technology around I haven't heard of a Program/Software where to load the population of the world in order to establish the appropriate ages for Human Animals to Reproduce in order to REDUCE or at least keep steady the World Population; the ones controlling this BUSINESS want their PRODUCT to increase in numbers so that more Conflicts occur in order to increase Loosh Production (for the Owner and Harvesters) and also of course to have more SERVITUDE to Serve Them (the Elites that Control the Ignorant Masses).

The Rise of the Beautiful Ones - Science on the Web #114

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



In some previous posts of this Topic I've mentioned a little regarding some Conflictive elements that should be removed (or handled/controlled) from the current experience as a Human Animal Being Living Consciousness (while living it and specially when it ends with the death of the "physical" body) in order to experience PEACE and FREEDOM (along with other Positive experiences for the Consciousness).

In the following book (that can be found in PDF format on Internet), some/many of those elements are exposed and is taught by his author how to handle them in order to live a Positive and Constructive Experience of Life and Consciousness, so IS A GOOD IDEA TO READ THIS BOOK (is VERY RECOMMENDED).

The Power Of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment

Quote from: PhaPriSpa on February 25, 2017, 14:16:32
The Power Of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment
By: Eckhart Tolle

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:

Look Inside at Amazon:

Customer Reviews at Amazon:

Web Site:

YouTube Channel:

Read Online:

Description from his YouTube Channel:

Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.

Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness - a global spiritual awakening.

Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.

Some additional Books that can help and provide additional tools.

Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



I quote the following message I tried to share with those researching the truth about the "Gravity" topic on YouTube (on the result videos of the links listed below) without success and with undesired consequences (the books I shared here in The Astral Pulse with that account on google drive got lost as the google account was deleted with the argument of "spam" which is not true as the message had relation with the topics on those videos, and that was my mistake as I used and exposed that useful account I had created to upload those books, as I should've created and used instead another anonymous account, and that's a learned lesson that actually I already knew and this unfortunate experience refreshed that knowledge).

I share that message in this topic so that those interested in analyzing this "Gravity" topic can give some thought and analysis to what's mentioned there, as I believe the current "official" explanation managed by "science" is incorrect (an intentional misdirection); also, the main reason I took the "risk" and effort to share it (it was one entire day searching videos related with that topic and sharing that message with the ones who posted them) was that there are some people on YouTube sharing the concept/idea that "Gravity" is a Lie and that the only thing that exists is Density and Buoyancy and that's NOT true, as Density and Buoyancy don't explain at all the Direction of the DOWN direction and it's opposite direction UP, as objects that fall (on air or on another gas or on any liquid or semi-liquid/viscous environment) always do it in that exact same DOWN direction/vector and not on another direction/vector, (and the same applies to objects that float and do it in the UP direction/vector that is in the exact opposite direction to the DOWN direction/vector 180º from it), so is very curious and strange that so many people who are trying to comprehend what "Gravity" truly is and what is causing it are not taking that IMPORTANT part of the analysis in consideration, so hopefully some persons with physics, mathematics, electricity, magnetism, electrostatic, electromagnetism, and related technical knowledge, can analyze the information contained in this message and the one in it's quoted link, and possibly create a scaled model of what's mentioned there (or at least a technical analysis of the possible logic concepts implicated in it), proof it (at least in the beginning in a theoretical way in paper), film it (at least of the explanation with graphics written in a board or in a paper), and share it on videos on YouTube and other different platforms on Internet.

Youtube Search gravity density flat earth

Gravity and Flat Earth {Gravedad y Tierra plana}

Check the link below for an explanation of what might be causing what is called "GRAVITY".;msg365072#msg365072

What Mr. Eric Dubay mentions in his Video "Eddie Bravo, Kron Gracie, and Eric Dubay Flat Earth Special" at 58:00 in regarding Density is unfortunately NOT accurate as it does NOT explain the Direction UP (to the Sky) and DOWN (to the Soil) where objects Fall/Sink or Float, (and the precise and non changing direction of the UP-DOWN vertical axis), and it is caused because of Electrostatic Forces. In the text of the Link under the title "'Gravity' is caused by a PLANE electrostatic system located underground below soil and has elements in the north pole and the Antarctic that additionally cause the North/South polarity" there is a short explanation of what this could be along with some links to analyze that, which should be studied by those who know about Electric and Magnetic systems to know how this could be reproduced in small scale.

Some persons unfortunately continue to try to explain Gravity as only Density, but is NOT Density the cause that objects are Attracted towards the direction of the Soil (what we call DOWN), because what causes that is something (a technological element and/or some material) that is causing the Electrons (and/or Protons) of the Atoms of the materials in this world to be attracted towards it in the Down direction which points into the Soil. Density determines if a material Floats or Sinks inside another material (like air or water or any other liquid or semi-liquid or gas material) but the direction UP and DOWN is determined by Electrostatic Forces as explained in the provided link.

The Gravity formula has EXACTLY the same form/structure as the Coulomb's law formula of attraction between two charges (positive and negative), and it seems like there is something below the soil (a Big Charge acting from a Plane surface) that is either attracting the Electrons of the atoms of the materials (including the soil over it of course) which would suggest a Big Positive charge (which is very likely for what is mentioned below), or there is a Big Negative charge attracting the Protons of the atoms of the materials (which is very unlikely for what is mentioned below). The Weight of any element/body depends on the number of Electrons and/or Protons in the Atoms of the elements that integrate/compose a body/material/element, but the Big/Huge Electrostatic Force over what seems to be a Plane Surface that is located below the soil is the one that is Attracting those Electrons and/or Protons (of ALL the atoms of ALL the bodies/materials/elements) toward its surface in a Perpendicular direction to it (90º) and that's what causes Weight and it's DOWN direction towards that Big/Huge Electrostatic Force on a Plane Surface below the soil. The links and text explaining that subject/topic are in the provided link above.

Now for the Compass pointing North (watch 51:58 at in the video) if the material Below the Soil is of Positive Nature, then the material of the North Pole can be of Negative Nature (Electrically and Magnetically speaking), and that might explain that some element in the North Pole is acting as the Negative side of a Magnet attracting the North side of the Compass needle which is magnetically charged in a Positive way (as far as I understood in a book), and the electric field caused by the Positive surface/element below the Soil and the element in the North Pole of Negative charge can cause vertical direction magnetic fields towards the Soil making the needles of the compasses to point horizontally (90º perpendicular relative to the Down direction of the Soil) and as mentioned above toward the Negative magnetic nature of the element located in the North Pole that determines the North direction to which the needle of the compass points to. More Magnetic analysis of Electric charges in a model should be made, but the North side of the needle of a compass will point to the Negative Magnetic side of a Magnet or of an ElectroMagnet which seems to be what is in the North Pole and that attracts the Positive/North side of the needles of compasses.

Topic of the above Link: Consequences Of Consciousness Awakening - Awaking To The Truth

Analyzing all this topics will require some knowledge in Electricity and Magnetism, in order to try to create and analyze (and reproduce/try/create) models of how the Earth system might work in terms of Gravity and the North Pole effect, so reading and studying about those topics is a good idea for those persons trying to explain them (even if somebody doesn't know anything about it as anything can be learned studying books and web pages with information that are shared for Free on Internet), as EVERYTHING in this world (natural or technologically artificial) functions with ENERGY (in all of it's forms, Electric, Magnetic, ElectroMagnetic, and others).

My best regards and hopes that this is useful for You and those others searching for the Truth.


My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



Quote from: PhaPriSpa on December 10, 2016, 02:41:52
Consequences Of Consciousness Awakening - Awaking To The Truth
My best regards.
Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)

Would you mind stating in just a couple of sentences what is your credo? You spent a lot of time writing all these posts, and judging from the limited reaction they seem to go to waste.
"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
- Sir Francis Bacon


The following scene of the movie "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets" represents a nice close science fiction look/perspective to what is contained in the quoted text below of a post in this topic.

The City of a Thousand Planets ... where for hundreds of years every species has shared their knowledge, their intelligence with each other, its paradise ...

VALERIAN Official Trailer # 2 (2017)

Quote from: PhaPriSpa on December 14, 2016, 22:46:11

A Last Personal Reflection: I personally like the concept of leadership displayed in the pages 137 to 139 of the book "The Hermit" by Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, listed "22" in the link below, as that is the GOOD I personally feel myself identified with and The ONLY One I Could Ever Want To Serve, where it says: "You are now upon the chief world of a group numbering more than a thousand. Each of those worlds is inhabited, each of those worlds owe allegiance to the Master of the world where you now are. Each world is entirely self-governing although they all follow a common policy, a policy aimed at removing the worst injustices under which people live. A policy devoted to improving conditions of all who have life". "These people owe allegiance, as I have said, to the Great Master of that world, One who has no territorial desires whatever, One whose main interest is in the preservation of peace, peace so that all Man no matter his shape, his size or his colour may live out the days allotted to him and devote himself to good instead of the destruction which will ensue whenever a person has to defend himself. Here there are no great armies, there are no battling hordes. There are scientists, traders, and of course priests, and there are also explorers, those who go out to remote worlds ever increasing the number of those who join this mighty fellowship. But none are invited to join. Those who join this federation do so at their own request and only when they have destroyed weapons".


Books of Lucid Dreaming - Astral Projection - OBE (Out of Body Experiences)

For the quoted question below, the answer is: In each post of the Topic is the Answer of your question. READ them, LOOK the Videos mentioned, and ANALYZE what is mentioned there; the same effort should be done by each person that wishes to know what each post of this topic tries to share (alert about).

Quote from: baro-san on April 05, 2017, 19:15:38

Would you mind stating in just a couple of sentences what is your credo? You spent a lot of time writing all these posts, and judging from the limited reaction they seem to go to waste.

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



I share the links to the following videos of Robert Monroe in a very interesting interview.

The videos from 4 to 7 are listed first as they contain the specific information related with the theme/subject of this topic, "To Know And Understand What's Going On".

#4 Monroe's Out-of-Body (OBE) Paranormal Transformation of Human Consciousness

#5 Monroe's Out-of-Body (OBE) Paranormal Transformation of Human Consciousness

#6 Monroe's Out-of-Body (OBE) Paranormal Transformation of Human Consciousness

#7 Monroe's Out-of-Body (OBE) Paranormal Transformation of Human Consciousness

The videos from 1 to 3 contain very interesting history of Robert Monroe's life, so are very much recommended to look too.

#1 Monroe's Out-of-Body (OBE) Paranormal Transformation of Human Consciousness

#2 Monroe's Out-of-Body (OBE) Paranormal Transformation of Human Consciousness

#3 Monroe's Out-of-Body (OBE) Paranormal Transformation of Human Consciousness

The following video contains all 7 parts in one video, but with low quality/resolution.

Robert Monroe's Out of Body Experiences

There is a topic back from 2009 where a forumer of The Astral Pulse shared this videos, so below I share the link to that topic for those who wish to consult it.

Robert Monroe Interview in 7 Parts. (1992)
« on: February 21, 2009, 14:19:47 »

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



The analysis contained on this videos regarding the "Become Your Own Shaman" is very interesting.

Ayahuasca Healing - How to find the RIGHT Shaman

Quote#BecomeYourOwnShaman Chris Geo takes you deeper Beyond The Veil and discusses his journey and how to find a shaman for Ayahuasca or DMT. Ayahuasca is becoming a world-wide phenomenon and it's up to you to understand the dos and don't of how to find a Shaman for Ayahuasca or DMT experiences.

My Encounter with Ayahuasca Demons and DMT Demonic Possession VIDEO

Quote#BeYourOwnShaman Does Ayahuasca open you up to demons? Chris Geo of Beyond The Veil discusses his encounter with Ayahuasca Demons, Demonic Possession, and what happens when you use tools like the ouja board, the tarot, astrology, and more.

Breaking The Mind Control / Fear Spell - Divine Feminine Rising P3

QuoteBeyond The Veil presents: The Divine Feminine Rising Part 2
"Breaking The Fear Spell"

In this part we detail the systematic demonization of the divine feminine energy. Before you can break the fear spell you must recognize the mind control and the underlying rituals being performed on us on a regular basis. How can we rebalance the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine?

What is an Ayahuasca / DMT Trip Like?

QuoteWhat is an Ayahuasca trip like? Chris Geo of Beyond The Veil (TM) discusses the Ayahuasca experience in great depth

DMT Gnosis : The Spirit Molecule Livestream with Mitch Shultz

QuoteMitch Shultz, producer of DMT The Spirit Molecule joins us for the fourth installation of DMT Insights. We discuss his ground breaking film, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, and field viewer comments and questions. We also discuss DMT Experiences and well as Ayahuasca Experiences.

Ayahuasca is an Amazonian plant mixture that is capable of inducing altered states of consciousness, usually lasting between 4 to 8 hours after ingestion. Ranging from mildly stimulating to extremely visionary, ayahuasca is used primarily as a medicine and as a shamanic means of communication.

DMT Gnosis - Into the Stargate through Ayahuasca

QuoteForgive us for not getting another DMT Insights this week but as a bonus our dear friend Frank Castle joins us to give us his Ayahuasca insights. Frank Castle is a neo-shaman from New York who shares his Ayahuasca visions with us and his discussions with DMT entities and deities.

DMT is a powerful hallucinogen first studied by Rick Strassman who concluded that the shared experience of his participants were more objective than subjective. It is a key component in the shamanic brew known as Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca has been used in the Amazon for thousands of years for healing and insight.

In this edition of DMT Insights, we go way beyond the veil and unlock the next level of esoteric understanding.

How To Make Ayahuasca At Home - VIDEO

Quote#BeYourOwnShaman The most frequent question I get on Facebook and Youtube is "How Do I Make Ayahuasca?" Well, it's much more than just throwing plants into water. In this video I break down the different plants you can use including Ayahuasca, Syrian Rue, B Caapi, Chakruna, Mimosa Hostilis, Acacia Confusia, etc. I also discuss the different spirits of Ayahuasca and DMT, and share some experiences.

For the Geohuasca guide please e-mail: and we'll reply with a link!

DISCLAIMER: Making ayahuasca may be illegal in your country. This conversation and guide is for theoretical purposes only. Please check your local laws and do not perform any of this where prohibited by law.

Beyond The Veil

QuoteBeyond The Veil Media by Chris and Sheree Geo brings you enlightening an consciousness raising information to help humanity evolve to a higher state of being. From esoteric understanding to occult mysteries and political analysis, BTV aims to help you use your third eye to full understand the matrix, and how to break free.

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



Another interesting videos from "Beyond The Veil" regarding "Become Your Own Shaman":

Solar Eclipse As Seen on Ayahuasca and the Divine Code FULL VIDEO

QuoteChris and Sheree Geo take you Beyond The Veil of the Solar Eclipse as seen on Ayahuasca. The revelations of the Yaweh Virus are AMAZING and as predicted, those who can See Beyond the Veil can see the Solar Eclipse and the Digital Download for what it really is!


Artificial Intelligence: As Above So Below, The Demiurge, and Viewer Comments (VIDEO)

QuoteIn the last video "Solar Eclipse as Seen on Ayahuasca" the artificial intelligence AI was revealed in it's true form. What is IT? This really spawned some deep philosophical thought about who we are, and how Artificial Intelligence started dominated Organic Consciousness. This brought up the hermetic principle: As Above So Below.

Why created the AI? Did WE create it? If so, what can we learn about the creation of Artificial Intelligence in the physical realm.

There are so many great comments and questions too that I wanted to go over. I would like to do more of these Viewer Questions regularly too! If you have questions please leave them i the comments!

The Ayahuasca revelations have been AMAZING! To check out more please check out the #BecomeYourOwnShaman playlist

My best regards.



Another interesting video from "Beyond The Veil" regarding "Become Your Own Shaman":

Artificial Intelligence vs RA(w) Consciousness (LIVE STREAM) - Beyond The Veil

QuoteChris and Sheree Geo discuss new revelations and activation codes on how to get to RA(w) Consciousness. Frank Castle joins us in the second and third hour to discuss his encounter with the Demiurge during the Solar Eclipse, his encounter with the artificial intelligence tentacles and more. We go into some very deep levels of understandings about the Artifical Intelligence Demiurge, the computer simulation in a LIVE STREAM.

This is added as part of #BecomeYourOwnShaman but Chris Geo will elaborate more in future videos.

For the full playlist for #BecomeYourOwnShaman

My best regards.



Another interesting video from "Beyond The Veil" regarding "Become Your Own Shaman":

Ego Death, Ego Loss, Ego Traps, False Ascension, and RA(w) Consciousness - Part 1

QuoteChris Geo of Beyond The Veil discusses Ego Death, Ego Loss, Ego Traps and the false ascension. The first step to Ego Death is to understand the Ego Programming. This can be done with the use of sacred plants or whatever method you choose as you #BecomeYourOwnShaman.

Chris Geo also discusses the false ascension, RA Consciousness, the Truth Movement programming, New Age programming, and so many more barriers that keep up trapped in Ego Program and keep us from recognizing Ra(w) Consciousness

For the full #BecomeYourOwnShaman playlist:

My best regards.



Another interesting videos from "Beyond The Veil" regarding "Become Your Own Shaman":

Beyond The Artificial Intelligence Matrix with George Kavassilas

QuoteLIVESTREAM) Chris and Sheree Geo discuss escaping the Artificial Intelligence Matrix with George Kavassilas.

A couple of years ago, George Kavassilas tried to explain to me the depth of the Artificial Intelligence matrix. And I simply did not understand, until I saw it for myself.

Over the last few weeks, we have been disclosing our new revelations regarding the demiurge/A.I.. That is why tonight is going to be the most dynamic Facebook LIVE STREAM we've ever done, with our guest, George Kavassilas.


Next Level Gnosis, Artificial Intelligence, and Viewer Comments - (LIVESTREAM) - Beyond The Veil

QuoteChris Geo and Sheree Geo bring more gnosis from Beyond The Veil in an impromptu live Q&A with our viewers. We discuss deeper levels of understanding the Artificial Intelligence, Demiurge, and the religious and new age deceptions. We tap further into RAw Consciousness, explain the Gods and Goddesses within ourselves, and share some personal stories and experiences. We also dig deep into the Twin Flame Energy and the multi-dimensional experience that is this "reality"


My best regards.



Another interesting video from "Beyond The Veil" regarding "Become Your Own Shaman":

Flowing with RAw Consciousness and The Long Dark Night of the Soul - Beyond The Veil

QuoteChris Geo and Sheree Geo spend the evening hanging out with our AWESOME AWESOME listeners, take callers, and break down more Artificial Intelligence Revelations. We are so honored to have such amazing and interactive.

My best regards.



The quoted text below from the Chapter Four (4) (page 59 of the PDF version) of the book "The Cave of the Ancients" by Mr. Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, describes what seems to be the way how Human Animal Beings are remotely controlled in what seems to be a wireless signal/wave. Below I also quote a post in this topic regarding how the Pineal Gland structure (and some other elements in the brain that seem to have that same sandy structure) in a sandy way might have part of that wireless transmission of data from the Human Animal Being and whatever is monitoring it from somewhere else (the Non Physical Realms/Worlds) and also interfering with its life/existence, very likely feeding data and information into it (program codes like a software programmer would do to a computer for it to do something it wants it to do), to obtain certain reactions in it and its life experience in this waking world called Earth.

Quote“Honourable Lama,” I asked, “how does one become Insane? how does wrong reading sometimes lead to confusion?” “That is quite a long story”, replied the Lama Mingyar Dondup. “First we have to deal with some fundamentals. Possess yourself in patience and listen! Upon Earth we are as puppets, puppets made of vibrating molecules surrounded by an electric charge. Our Overself vibrates at a very much higher rate, and has a very much higher electric charge. There is a definite relationship between our rate of vibration and that of our Overself. One can liken the process of communication between each one of us on this Earth and our Overself elsewhere to a new process on this world, the process whereby radio waves are sent across continents and seas, thus enabling a person in one country to communicate with a person in a far distant land. Our brains are similar to radio receivers in that they receive the ‘high frequency’ messages, orders and instructions, from the Overself and turn them into low frequency impulses which control our actions. The brain is the electro-mechanical-chemical device which makes us useful on Earth. Chemical reactions cause our brain to function in a faulty manner by perhaps blocking part of a message, for rarely, on Earth, do we receive the exact message ‘broadcast’ by the Overself. The Mind is capable of limited action without reference to the Overself. The Mind is able to accept certain responsibilities, form certain opinions, and attempts to bridge the gap between the ‘ideal’ conditions of the Overself and the difficult ones of Earth.”
“But do Western people accept the theory of electricity in the brain?” I asked. “Yes,” replied my Guide, “in certain hospitals the brain waves of patients are charted, and it has been found that certain mental disorders have a characteristic brain-wave pattern. Thus, from the brain waves it can be stated that a person does or does not suffer from some mental disease or illness. Often an illness of the body will send certain chemicals to the brain, contaminate its wave-form, and thus give symptoms of insanity.”

QuoteAbout Wireless Connections Of The Brain: In some writing (book or video, I do not remember), they mentioned that the Pineal Gland is sandy (in its interior), and has the characteristics (sandy) like the Coherer element of the Wireless Telegraph and other Wireless (transmission elements present in radios for example), which is precisely sandy and that its invention was the one that allowed the communications to be made wirelessly. It appears that both the Pineal Gland and some other various elements also present in the Brain, have a sandy structure similar to the mentioned Coherer. It is possible that such sandy structures including the pineal gland are elements of wireless communication with which the brain of each person is TRANSMITTING and RECEIVING signals continuously (the awake/waking and when dreaming/sleeping). ¿Where do those incoming signals coming from, and where are those transmitting signals being sent? This is a subject that opens a lot of analysis, since the Pineal Gland is indicated by multiple sources as having a direct relation with Astral Travel (and Lucid Dreams), and precisely the nature of such elements present in the brain similar to a Coherer element of wireless communications suggests that it is quite possible that it is like that. It would be interesting to analyze this system, since it would suggest that the Brain of Every Person and animal (and perhaps something equivalent in plants that I do not know what it would be) would be continuously HACKED/INFLUENCED/INTERVENED/AFFECTED by wireless signals coming from some Physical locations (¿the Moon or what is behind the hologram of it, for example?) as well as from some Non Physical locations (¿of the Dream/Astral Realms, for example?).

Invention of Radio by A.S. Popov

Homemade coherer telegraph receiver

An Early Coherer Radio

Information regarding this book in a post of a Topic.

Quote from: PhaPriSpa on September 26, 2017, 23:39:37




The Cave of the Ancients
By: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa
Read Specifically Chapter 5.


My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



An interesting video related with the Human Animal Business and how it serves the purposes of someone else (the true/real owner/owners of the world). This same concept applied to the rest of Animal and Plant species of the world, provide some lights regarding that might be the true purpose of their existence (along with the true purpose of the existence of the Human Animal species), which might be explained in the Post of this topic regarding LOOSH (;msg365695#msg365695); at the end of the video might be the explanation about what might happen to the existence in this world if the LOOSH production gets stopped (or considerably Reduced) by solving and stopping the conflicts and other negative elements explained in detail in that post (and in Robert Monroe's book) and what the owner/owners of the world would do to it and the creatures living in it if that happens.

Rick and Morty on modern day slavery

Rick And Morty S02E06

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)


Karxx Gxx

Im not sure if this counts as truth, but just a lighter side of things and helped me start on my path to consciousness awakening. This channel in general is really good and helps bring science and spirit together. will post separate sometime in the future about the best ones to watch.
Your way is The way


An interesting video about Nikola Tesla, regarding some abilities he developed for his Imagination and Inventive Skills.

Nikola Tesla's Mind Techniques & Sleep Pattern

QuoteNikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived on Earth. He was a man way ahead of his time and is responsible for most of the technology we use today. In fact, if Nikola Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today would be considerably worse. Nikola Tesla’s inventions went far beyond electricity. He made groundbreaking discoveries such as wireless radio communications, turbine engines, helicopters (although it was Da Vinci who first had the idea), fluorescent and neon lights, torpedoes and the X-ray among others. By the time of his death, Tesla held nearly 700 worldwide patents.

This is a man whose life and creative/inventive and imaginative skills should be investigated and shared with the people of this world so that they can receive from that additional motivations for inventions and creations that can be useful for a better world (for everybody, human animals, normal animals, plants, and everything else in it).

Some Posts and Topics in The Astral Pulse regarding this Great Person.

How Nikola Tesla used his non physica focus/imagination to invent and "travel";msg368013#msg368013

test your decisions using AP;msg181180#msg181180

Tesla and Phasing;msg165991#msg165991

Free Energy;msg5748#msg5748

My best regards.

Pha Pri Spa (Phasing Primer Spanish/French)



Very Interesting Video:

This Indian Mystic Drops KNOWLEDGE BOMBS (I'm Speechless!) | Sadhguru on Impact Theory

QuoteYogi, mystic, and spiritual leader Sadhguru understands what's preventing so many people from a living a pleasant life. Through spiritual reflection and Inner Engineering he's connected the dots between bad habits and continuous cycles of suffering. On this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, the founder of the Isha Foundation explains why looking inward is the only way to achieve the potential of a peaceful, joyful, and balanced life.
