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Crisis of Consciousness

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This Earth is an incredibly wonderous place. Upon its surface and below as above every single organism knows what it was designed to do. Plants know, animals know, fish, mammals, insects, birds, they all know. Even dirt knows. The wind knows, fire knows, water knows and earth itself knows as do the moon and stars and sun. They are all intrinsically connected. They all carry out their function and they do so without a mummer of complaint I would dare say.

It's been discussed many many times throughout the ages what it is that sets man apart from all other beings. My simple observation tells me the answer is that WE of all creation don't know. We don't know ourselves, we don't know our purpose and we aren't hooked into the same system as all the others. Or perhaps we have been disconnected and if that is so the question becomes, why?

From THAT perspective it becomes clear to me that we humanity are indeed not a part of the overall design of this creation. We were therefore dropped here or perhaps created here as a separate entity. A uniquely disconnected entity. If all that is so the question then is again why.
Are we here to rip apart the fabric of this world?
Are we here to explore it and learn its secrets?
Are we here to fight an ongoing spiritual battle unseen?...

Seems a large conclusion on the part of many is that we came here to explore ourselves and what makes us tick. I would venture that we are here only to explore and discover HOW we might connect to this wonderful environment. An environment where birds know when to fly south, dogs know when to eat grass and insects know where to spread contagions to reduce populations to make way for other populations.

Without us I do believe this world would function absolutely perfectly from now to the end of its time.


If indeed we (humans) are a natural part of this creation then what happened to us? We are undeniably disconnected. Is it that we alone evolved conscious thought? If so then it is obvious we are a work in evolutionary progress and our fate is not yet decided.

If we are not a natural part of this creation then the answers become much more muddy and far more difficult to ferret out. But seems to me regardless the answer we can either rail against those who created us or found us and dropped us here or we can master our existence here.

I vote for mastering this existence and connecting or maybe reconnecting to the grid this planet obviously operates on as a first course. There is a lot of implication to that statement.

We talk here at the Pulse and elsewhere all over the world about our non-physical explorations 'out there'. But that to me is like trying to connect to the internet without first inventing a computer. If we can not connect here what chance of connecting 'out there' do we have? We've no more idea how the animals communicate across this grid, or the plants or fish and yet it is they who have mastered the skill conscious evolution. It is they who have mastered the 'knowing'. They who immediately know their friends from their enemies. They who recognize the beauty of life and death and the  cycle as it perpetuates.

Then again there will be those who argue that we have lost our connection because we are evolving to something other. Could that be true? Perhaps.  I make no claim as in truth I don't know and am very wary of experts who only have opinions, thoughts, ideas and make finalized statements as though they have discovered the truth. Where is the evidence?

I know this, if we were indeed put here to learn and have dominion on this planet or to fight a spiritual unseen battle then we have miserably failed. We have failed because we have yet to even connect ourselves to what is right in front of our eyes.

Forgive my need to use this platform to 'vocalize my thoughts. But here is where I find mature individuals willing to go out on a limb and state their honest thoughts. Here is where I find explorers although no doubt they exist all over the world. I am deeply grateful to you all

Add anything you like. I am interested in your thoughts and where they lead you whether you want to disagree, agree or just twine your thoughts with mine or others.


To me the answer is very simple. I no longer struggle with the current state of our world. I understand it.

- There is no crisis of consciousness at a higher level. The crisis is an illusion perceived by the personality in a very narrow limited realities created on purpose for learning by the very spirits individually and en masses.

-Realities like ours are very temporary and their "success" doesn't really matter. They are only created for the purpose to set up challenges to learn. Beyond that they serve no purpose. If our realities were perfect, with prefect beings, then there would be no need for them to exist, because they are extremely limiting.

-Personalities with limiting beliefs, limiting perception were created by the larger spirit on purpose. It is us who have chosen to be them and to "forget" temporary of the larger knowledge in order to gain more and more knowledge, to understand our creative power, to understand love.

-The larger spirit is more than the sum of its personalities and it is always in a state of becoming. There is never "enough" knowledge where one day the spirit will stop learning and will reach its final goal. All That Is (God) is always in a state of becoming.

-What we experience now as characters in our extremely narrow perception (and I mean micro perception-again set up on purpose) is necessary and beneficial for our learning.

-The minute this "chaos" as we perceive it stops being necessary for learning, we will see change. But we must let the lessons continue, because we need them. Again, not a matter of success or failure, just necessity of the experiences themselves. That's how I see it.

-I think the concept of a battle between good and evil is just an attribute of the lower realities. Again, set up just for learning.

-The animals, plants, rocks, water, air, earth, matter in space, start, planets, everything in physical realities are also characters with their own type of awareness. The larger spirit creates from itself many types of individualized consciousness in order tom observe and experience form different perspectives and environments, again for learning and knowledge expansion.

-we have many probable selves, reincarnational selves not only as humans, but as all types of beings/consciousness. in some learning realities we are good, in others we are bad, in others we suffer, in others we are happy. They all exist simultaneously in the multiverse, yet the larger spirit is always in a state of becoming. This is hard to be comprehended by personalities in our systems where we are bound to perceive through the illusion of time and space/sequential events.

-when the physical personality shifts/physical vehicle dies then the connection with the larger spirit and the entire awareness is restored.

-we experience glimpses of the NP though AP. But because we are still very much connected with our physical vehicles, no matter how well we master the shift, we will always have the limitation of the character and will not be able to completely connect with the larger knowledge.

-We have chosen to be here at that exact time at these exact turbulent times. And each character is experiencing exactly what they need to experience.

-The goal is realization of creative power, that we create our own reality, we create our characters before the characters enter these realms.

-Now, lets say that ETs created humans and continue meddling with our DNA. So, what, this is just within this system. Just like we cross breed animals and plants. Their higher spirit have set this up from inward. The larger consciousness have created the playground here where we interact with each other in such matters. We create new species by knowing DNA sequences. ETs create humans or other intelligent forms because they know more than us. But again, this is just within the playground of this system. Thys system was created by the larger consciousness from a higher frequency larger reality. ETs are not our creators, they are just role players in this system to create our vehicles, but our spirits decide who designs what and what personality will enter where and under what physical circumstances . Our spirits have created all this from within, all physical matter including all creatures, some more intelligent, some less, different creatures, some with instincts only, some with the ability to reason.

-No one is a victim of circumstances, no one is a victims or forced to be anywhere without choice. We just cant perceive it. There is no fault, there is no one to blame, not even ourselves, because everything is designed on purpose for specific reasons.

-All points of consciousness with individualized characteristics are role players. They have chosen to "forget" that they are role players temporary while focused within certain reality systems. But some choose to remain aware that they are role players. They become teachers and guides, write books, become spiritual leaders, even telepathically disperse knowledge to the masses, help to sustain energetically the system along with others like them.

-These teachers in some realities are teachers, but in others are students of all levels. At a higher level all points of consciousness are equal. Only as characters do we divide ourselves into "levels" and "superiority". That's why I view all people, animals, plants, rocks, all matter as my equal, as I view now things from a much higher perspective. If a speak to a garbage collection here on Earth, I do not look down on them. In my mind their spirit is equal to mine and I highly respect their choices of challenges they have set up for themselves here so they can learn what they need to. In another reality our roles may be reversed.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I think this is a lovely thread. Not much more to add at the moment, thank you for the nice thoughts.

...Just saw this


Quote from: LightBeam on August 08, 2021, 18:57:29
To me the answer is very simple. I no longer struggle with the current state of our world. I understand it.

-Realities like ours are very temporary and their "success" doesn't really matter. They are only created for the purpose to set up challenges to learn. Beyond that they serve no purpose. If our realities were perfect, with prefect beings, then there would be no need for them to exist, because they are extremely limiting.

-Personalities with limiting beliefs, limiting perception were created by the larger spirit on purpose.

-The larger spirit is more than the sum of its personalities and it is always in a state of becoming. There is never "enough" knowledge where one day the spirit will stop learning and will reach its final goal. All That Is (God) is always in a state of becoming.

-What we experience now as characters in our extremely narrow perception (and I mean micro perception-again set up on purpose) is necessary and beneficial for our learning.

Again, not a matter of success or failure, just necessity of the experiences themselves. That's how I see it.

The larger spirit creates from itself many types of individualized consciousness in order tom observe and experience form different perspectives and environments, again for learning and knowledge expansion.

-we have many probable selves, They all exist simultaneously in the multiverse, yet the larger spirit is always in a state of becoming. This is hard to be comprehended by personalities in our systems where we are bound to perceive through the illusion of time and space/sequential events.

-when the physical personality shifts/physical vehicle dies then the connection with the larger spirit and the entire awareness is restored.

-we experience glimpses of the NP though AP. But because we are still very much connected with our physical vehicles, no matter how well we master the shift, we will always have the limitation of the character and will not be able to completely connect with the larger knowledge.

I couldn't hold myself from posting, I'm thrilled that someone reached SIMILAR conclusion as me, about God/the Source. As in Bible, God first created the Angels, they were like perfect copy of himself(it's like he fragment himself to pieces) to gain knowledge from different perspectives, but because of their perfect immortal state the experience was limited, they all obeyed him without second thought, so he created the "free choice" to expand the experience, he also created humans, which were much weaker version of himself, mortals. We the little pieces of him gain our own experiences, the feelings - love, sadness, joy, hate, etc... and through us he gaining even more experience, we create -> he experience, constantly gaining more knowledge, but one Verse is not enough, so he created the multiverse, parallel realities of our with many different outcomes, if one reality cease to exist is not a big loss, after all this is also an experience. So what we are? We are just God little threads of consciousness for purposes of gaining knowledge, more knowledge is never enough.

About Good and Bad, I think that are just two sides of a coin and this coin is God himself, if you look at the Ying/Yang symbol, I think it says everything. The two parts always must be in harmony, if Bad prevail even a little, a disaster arise, if good prevail, peace is felt. I think through our free choices we affect God himself, that's why there are peaceful and turbulent times, of course others forces can work behind the scene, pushing us in their desired direction, good or bad!

P.s. I can't use a computer because of my disease, can't write large post from my little phone, fingers hurts.  :-(


 I am of the same school of thought that Lightbeam has. I say this over and over again on this Forum, "We came to Earth, this realm here to experience. The good, bad and ugly are all experiences. Yet and unfortunately, it seems to be the bad and ugly where are real lessons are taught. The trials, the tribulations, all of that makes us stronger and helps us evolve. The good times, we seem to coast through and in a way take advantage of. Life they say "tis the life we live"!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla