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Dec 2012 looms... but no planet Niburu!!

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Quote from: Devotional on December 12, 2012, 15:18:08...the mayans never specified what they meant by the end of the world...
they never stated it would be the "end of the world", it's just the end of an era (on their reckoning calendar), that's all, why is the end of "an era" equal to the end of "the world"?



One needs to actually learn about the Mayan civilisation. it's not difficult... there are many books out there written by serious researchers and scientists who have spent their lives... not a few hours on the internet... but their entire lives (maybe not their childhood.. like when they were born to the age of 5) devoted the its study. Don't insult their intelligence or lives work. This is one of the reasons it vexes me. People with bad ideas, a huge imagination and a modicum of ignorance seem to have suddenly become experts.

Even that Mayan Shaman that talks about the LHC like it was made in a jungle has no authority on his ancient ancestry... he's just an old renegade shaman who doesn't speak for his culture.

If anyone dare say anything along the lines of 'We can't trust the scientists' you will instantly go on my list of people not getting a christmas card.  :-D


But its not only the mayan calendar,is it?the chinese I ching and the timewave zero software all predict the same thing..that the world will end on december 21 2012....thats why so much importance is being given...calendars from totally different civilizations are basically predicting the same thing...that something disastrous will occur on december 21st..


The Mayan's didn't predict that it was the worlds end... So that leaves the chinese I ching calendar.

What are the other calendars you speak of?


Sorry,i should rephrase it...both the mayan and chinese i ching calendars end on the same day(december 21),whether that signifies the end of the world or the end of an era depends on the line of thought taken by both civilizations...but i know this...that the chinese and the mayans ere extremely proficient at astronomy..and both of thier calendars end on the same day....maybe its the end of the world,maybe its not....but one thing is for sure...something major is gonna happen...


Quote from: Devotional on December 13, 2012, 14:47:39..both the mayan and chinese i ching calendars end on the same day(december 21)...

How can the calendar of the I Ching make a prediction on the same date if the I Ching is 1) not a calendar and 2) does not make predicions, in the first place?

Quote"What the I Ching is

The "I Ching" is an ancient Chinese system of fortune-telling1. It does not predict anything by itself, but rather describes a system of making predictions by casting signs.

What the I Ching is not

The I Ching is not a book of predictions. It does not make any predictions in and of itself. Since the I Ching describes a system of making predictions, the most you can say is that someone using the I Ching predicted something about 2012, which negates the claim that 2012 was predicted in the I Ching. And, that is exactly what happened.

The Prediction

Although the I Ching makes no predictions itself, it was used2 by Terrence McKenna in his "Timewave Zero" theory. This is where the assertion that the I Ching predicts 2012 comes from, and not from anything in the I Ching itself.


The I Ching makes no predictions in and of itself. Rather it describes a system of divining, of making predictions. The I Ching does not contain any predictions for 2012."


Further looking into the matter: the "Wen Wang Gua" is a system that combines I-Ching-divination with the Chinese calendar system. But still I did not find anything so far, so where do you read sth that correlates to the "end of the world" between a) these two and b) to Dec 21. 2012 of the Western calendar?


Quote from: Devotional on December 13, 2012, 14:47:39
Sorry,i should rephrase it...both the mayan and chinese i ching calendars end on the same day(december 21),whether that signifies the end of the world or the end of an era depends on the line of thought taken by both civilizations...but i know this...that the chinese and the mayans ere extremely proficient at astronomy..and both of thier calendars end on the same day....maybe its the end of the world,maybe its not....but one thing is for sure...something major is gonna happen...

I think it rather depends on the line of thinking of the rest of the western world.

The Mayans WERE proficient at ASTROLOGY and observing the bright dots in the sky!!! They didn't know they were planets, stars and galaxies... they thought the sun was a god... not a ball of Helium and Hydrogen... When are people going to see the difference between religion and actual fact? They did not attribute the stars as billions of lightyears away... like we know they are now. They may have seen this interesting thing happen where some of the dots line up... or when their sun disappeared...  but we now know this means nothing about crops.. whether it's a good year for hunting or whether we need to sacrifice children and slaves to make a blood offering to our sun god.


Quote from: Volgerle on December 13, 2012, 15:12:00
How can the calendar of the I Ching make a prediction on the same date if the I Ching is 1) not a calendar and 2) does not make predicions, in the first place?

Further looking into the matter: the "Wen Wang Gua" is a system that combines I-Ching-divination with the Chinese calendar system. But still I did not find anything so far, so where do you read sth that correlates to the "end of the world" between a) these two and b) to Dec 21. 2012 of the Western calendar?

thats true...but timewave zero which was based on i ching does predict world you have an ancient civilization whose calendar ends in 2012 and a highily sophisticated software both predicting the same thing....maybe its a simplistic view of looking at things...but i believe something big will happen..


Oh.. you're a McKenna fan. I used to be one of those.

Terence McKenna's fractal time theory is based upon determinism which was popular at the time. Unfortunately determinism is an illusion.

But if you believe it fair enough.... time will tell. Doesn't look very likely though does it... the days are just trundling along and in 8 days you will know whether to trust your 'belief' or not.

I'm sure if McKenna was alive today to read Campbell's TOE, he would be forced to rethink his theory.

majour ka


What happens with time zones?

Anytime after 9pm in say LA... Sydney Australia will be into the 22nd of December... maybe the rest of the world doesn't count.  8-)


China will be hit before the US... At least I'm not there yet until after this whole fiasco, hehe
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


Quote from: Bedeekin on December 13, 2012, 15:42:05
I think it rather depends on the line of thinking of the rest of the western world.

The Mayans WERE proficient at ASTROLOGY and observing the bright dots in the sky!!! They didn't know they were planets, stars and galaxies... they thought the sun was a god... not a ball of Helium and Hydrogen... When are people going to see the difference between religion and actual fact? They did not attribute the stars as billions of lightyears away... like we know they are now. They may have seen this interesting thing happen where some of the dots line up... or when their sun disappeared...  but we now know this means nothing about crops.. whether it's a good year for hunting or whether we need to sacrifice children and slaves to make a blood offering to our sun god.

everything u just said is correct except for the part about it didnt have anything to do with crops

first off its really getting irritating that people still believe the end of a calender is the end of the world, the calender is the tool they used for scheduling just how we use it still to this day, simple as that!,
time isnt linear and even the mayans new that but the calender had to be a fixed linear pattern in order to actually work, this is where we get the end to the calender, if you want it to sound like a profecy or "divine", how much can u even say about the mayan culture, here

at the end of our time the people of corn shall be recycled/destructed just like the people of wood, dirt and stone before them and the sun will make an even better civilization and that shall surpass the people made from corn and they shall be the man of light to START the new Time.

there thats what a mayan would tell u especially the high preists, something along those lines, its called hope, mesoamericans were very spiritual
they used these mathematical tool and natural coincidences to be able to keep track of certain events like the HARVEST, and especially the TIME TO START PLANTING new crops, that right there was very crucial, their calender was so accurate is was only off by 4 hours, AMAZING!!

if the mayans were soo good at predicting the end of the world how come we didnt see the spanish coming haha
(!)Spark it up


Quote from: Mr.Flip on December 14, 2012, 00:16:27
everything u just said is correct except for the part about it didnt have anything to do with crops

I meant in today we know praying to gods has nothing to do with crops... but everything to do with weather.

I know the Mayan's worship had almost everything to do with crops. the fact they lived predominantly in rain forests and had a god called Chak... with a huge hooked nose I might add... tells us this.

They also used a 360 day annual cycle... and spent the other 5 days hiding in case the world ended. To them it was every year.

They also used a HELL of a lot of Cocaine. They loved that coca leaf. Maybe why they were so paranoid. :D


Quote from: Bedeekin on December 14, 2012, 03:36:14
I meant in today we know praying to gods has nothing to do with crops... but everything to do with weather.

I know the Mayan's worship had almost everything to do with crops. the fact they lived predominantly in rain forests and had a god called Chak... with a huge hooked nose I might add... tells us this.

They also used a 360 day annual cycle... and spent the other 5 days hiding in case the world ended. To them it was every year.

They also used a HELL of a lot of Cocaine. They loved that coca leaf. Maybe why they were so paranoid. :D

360 hmmm im goin to have to look that up again i thought is was just off by 4 hrs i know for fact that they had like  eh i cant think of the word right now but its a time in the calender where they kinda reset it or i mean get it back on track it was like every 50 or 100 years anyway about the cocaine lol they had to stay awake somehow at night  :-P

but i can agree that back then all they had was this mystical understanding of how the world worked n it was actually pretty accurate for their assumptions enough to be able to survive, the mysticism behind it was just a way to be able to unite their people and keep them calm or hype them up or even divide them, whatever was needed at the time depending on different social climates,

i mean cmon u know nothing of astronomy ur just a farmer tending to his crops so he can trade in the city for things he needs to keep his family alive and probably hopefully he can get his kids to be educated somehow by one of the high preists (which was and stilll should be an honor) anyway then  one day a preist comes along or someone of upper authority and they tell you to sacrifice or to worship harder today orelse the sun will not recover and stay black,,, ha and a solar eclipse happens, id be shakin hard in my sandals eatin coca leaves prayin like a muslim and christian combined
(!)Spark it up


Quote from: Mr.Flip on December 15, 2012, 10:54:57
i mean cmon u know nothing of astronomy ur just a farmer tending to his crops so he can trade in the city for things he needs to keep his family alive and probably hopefully he can get his kids to be educated somehow by one of the high preists (which was and stilll should be an honor) anyway then  one day a preist comes along or someone of upper authority and they tell you to sacrifice or to worship harder today orelse the sun will not recover and stay black,,, ha and a solar eclipse happens, id be shakin hard in my sandals eatin coca leaves prayin like a muslim and christian combined

You been watching Apacolypto. :D


Just thought I would reinvigorate my my own predictive thread that absolutely NOTHING would happen. I was so sure nothing bad would happen. It wasn't belief... but down to pure sober headedness, logical reasoning and non-ignorance.

Besides... the people on this forum are some of the few people who would have the ability to see forward or at the least be shown a future catastrophe. But no one did.

Maybe this will be the beginning of less speculation and more action. It is pointless to sit around waiting for change.. change must be put into action. Nothing is going to save us from ourselves. Only ourselves. No aliens... no reverie or holy intervention... no ancient fantastical prophecy and no planetary alignment.

Too many people have been wishing for something to happen because they are feeling that the world has come to a tipping point. This is true. Like Lionheart pointed out in the 'COUNTDOWN' thread...

"For a second people everywhere in the World, regardless of race, color or creed, thought, "what if", if only for a brief second. That's exactly what it takes to change the World, people opening their eyes a little wider."

Now we must ACTIVELY change the world. Not wait for the next false prophecy in FEAR but create our own with LOVE and COMPASSION.


Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.

majour ka

well to all the people who went on about something happening must feel like right bunch of charlies now LOL  :-D


You guys missed out on some awesome pyramid building. Better luck next time.


Mmmm, it may have been better for some. Our local roads were closed. 3 major incidents around lunchtime. The police only close off roads when someone is seriously injured or worse.
Strange day indeed.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


The only real thing I've noticed lately (within the last day or two) is entirely about myself.  LoL

Auras have become a lot more pronounced around people lately.  No colours... just more intense.  Kind of like the corona of the sun showing during an eclipse.

I used to see just a simple white outline around people, but now it's much more.


Quote from: Xanth on November 20, 2012, 19:31:21
The problem is that now something has to happen.
There's been too much energy (wasted energy) put into this for nothing to happen.

And that means that if something natural doesn't happen... someone will make something happen, or something minor will happen and everyone will point to it and be like, "TOLD YA SO!!"

It's a self fulfilling prophecy at this point.  As sad as that is.

We really do create our own reality... and we've created this.

When you said this I imagined crazy people doing something like a collective suicide, kind of: we are the new Jesus Christs and we are killing ourselves to save your souls. There are people for everything.  :-(


Niburu , has missed 12/21/2012 , and to my knowledge no one has sene that planet .  Its orbit may be a bit unstable making its path hard to perdict .  We may haft to wight another 3500 years to see it .  (lmfao)  desert rat 


(!)Spark it up