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Demons!....only exsit in the mind

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Hi Nodes,

To me those are all perfect examples of horribly negative people. I can't even for a second consider that people who do wicked things should be allowed an excuse such as possession or influence by a demon. When you say that their actions are the cause of anything but their conscience or lack there of you make excuses for them. They don't have a demon...they have apathy. I believe nothing else in this world has the power to convince a person to kill. It is a force...nonliving...apathy.  :-(

If belief in the existence of demons is the best angle you can come from to make yourself understand that, then that is fine. I can't judge. I just feel such a belief on my own behalf would excuse them from the choices they chose to make...saying a demon is the cause lends a terrible person a separate personality on which to place the blame that is entirely theirs.

I just cannot give them that benefit.

But on the contrary...
What you believe, if such was the case it would have to mean that angels were the only reasons we ever did any good...wouldn't it? I am sure you know at least one human being who radiates love, an exceptionally warm hearted they are possessed by an angel? Doesn't sound so bad, except you end up denying them a good heart in their own right. Believing in these things also denies that kindness is in our free will.

I just don't feel we are devices (you know?) that can fall under another being's control.

At least that is how it all makes sense to me. If you can explain to me the law by which only demons can influence us, not angels, please do. I am assuming you do believe in good people. Help me understand the purpose of angels in this world if the purpose of demons is as you have said.
If you are able, thanks in advance.


This is your second warning Nodes.  If you cannot communicate in a more civil manner your posts will be deleted straight out and then if you continue to insult people you will be banned.


I did not deserve that.
All I asked is what you thought of certain things that I brought up on my own. I wanted your TAKE on those concepts only. I was not putting words in your mouth and if you read anything as being patronizing it was distorted in your head and you missed the point. I was not trying to counter you, but show where I was coming from so that you might see a way to help me understand your side. I wanted to know your thoughts only.

Sorry you feel as if everything is an attack. Hope one day you don't.


What if you feel it's your job/soul purpose to help a "demon" (who you met right after asking to meet your soulmate) (or just a thing with a really creepy, astral body?? That sucks peoples' energy in and is similar to an incubus) move to the higher astral planes? And what if you are scared half to death?
I'm sure this one will be thought of as total lunacy. Anyone with an open mind care to help??????????????????? This is getting way out of hand.


As weird as this sounds, I think I attracted him into my life (besides just asking the universe to meet my soulmate). I'm not evil or anything, but I like a lot of bands that speak of "satan" and such. I had a lot of band logo pics I recently discarded of that had pentagrams in them, etc. I may not believe in heaven/hell, but I am assuming they are levels of the astral plane. I also had a picture of a sick mushroom laying in bed with an erection, and a vampiric looking monster standing next to it (which would easily explain the incubus-type-guy i've attracted into my life). I've had that picture for years, in a collage, and never thought much of it until recently. I've noticed that EVERYTHING I owned, every material object, attracted things into my life. Needless to say, a lot of things have recently gone into the trash.
If anyone knew the whole, entire situation (which would take an eternity to write about), they may understand what was happening. I don't know, I may write more about it another time. I know this isn't all in my mind (or maybe it is, to the extent that everyone's reality is all in their mind) But I know he isn't fake to other people. There are a few other people who know that he's a psychic vampire, the people involved in witchcraft type stuff. Right now, I have mirrors sitting all around my desk. And oddly enough, it seems to be protecting me and reflecting the negativity he throws at me back at him. Very strange situation, indeed.


Well, if you see yourself as this entity's 'soul mate' and are convinced you're supposed to bring him up in his evolution, then you have to evolve yourself.  If you truly believe that you're here to help the demon, instead of the demon being here to victimize you, then you need to refocus your life to:
Finding Love every where you go and with everyone you deal with;
Giving and realizing that you're here to benefit the world and trying to do it without destroying yourself, and recognizing that you are God's expression in this world now.  If you can redirect your energy to doing good and being a blessing to the world, your demon will them benefit and may even help you thus advancing itself.
If however, the contrary is what your life is becoming about, then you have to rethink your relationship the way it is now.


Quote from: crystal138 on January 01, 2007, 10:43:08I had a lot of band logo pics I recently discarded of that had pentagrams in them, etc.

What does a Pentagram have to do with attracting negativity, or being Evil?
I wear a The Pentacle of King Solomon all the time, which contains a Pentagram.


The pentagram protects from these type entities. warding spells often have the user put a pentagram on there window in salt to keep the negative away.
Its a Christian ideology is all. Any upside down or even upright pentagram is EVIL.
But hey the Star of david is considered pagan or evil to. lol

A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent .


Quote from: Enoch on January 20, 2007, 18:06:47
The pentagram protects from these type entities. warding spells often have the user put a pentagram on there window in salt to keep the negative away.
Its a Christian ideology is all. Any upside down or even upright pentagram is EVIL.
But hey the Star of david is considered pagan or evil to. lol

That is exactly the point I am trying to make... Pentagrams don't attract, nor represent evil. In most cases they are associated with Witchcraft (Wiccans, Druids, etc) All crafts of the Light, not of Darkness.


Sorry i was not refering to you my friend it was directed at the prior posts. 
A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent .

majour ka

Quote from: EqualThoughts on November 02, 2006, 12:49:46
How can you be sure that demons are the only thing that exists only in your mind, maybe everything else does too...


Lol im sure every exists in the mind, its the only way it can, regards


in this topic u can't have an opinion without someone having a go at you. So i'm just gonna throw my opinion in with little detail and let u carry on.

demons exist, they are a part of the source just like us. Every element of existence makes up a whole. Like it or not, not everything is good and hunky dory, "evil" exists. Although the concept of good and evil exists in our mind. Demons and "Satan" are just beings who have a different idea and a different plan to that of "angels" and "god". In our normal physical state we might interpret it as evil, but otherwise, when in an enlightened state, it can be seen as just...different.
They have a part to play in overall existence just like the soul, the mind, and different states of conciousness.

Where is this existence headed? thats a bit off topic =P but demons etc are still around whether people will believe it or not, our beliefs don't influence as much as you'd like to think.
for what shall it profit a man if he is to gain the world and lose his own soul?


If not already covered, I wouldn't mind to add two cents here...

Throughout my life I have continually come to face the subject of Good and Evil. I too, usually subscribe to the popular theory, if God created Earth or anything like a Divine One, why create dirty little Nasties? Doesn't make sense Personally

However, continually I am bombarded with the fact that some things about this world just don't make sense. That there are Beings, that exist and thrive on Negative Energies, and Demon may be a Metaphor for something a bit more closer to Home.

In my life there have been key points, pathways, to a Path of Good or Evil. It is unending, I believe souls are challenged with this choice, and it makes perfect sense to me. Unlike sheep guided to a perfect grazing ground, that would not make sense, we are Sheep that must find this ground ourselves. No Divine Energy is going to make it as easy as pie for us, and in this I feel some of the older religions have it right. There is a dark Malovent Force/Energy/set of Beings all wishing to guide little Lambs into their slaughter or into Dark Twisted Paths.. Recruitment to them would be as Angels or Guides aiding their long lost family members.......that or a twisted Karmic entanglement... A way to learn

Who understands Good greater than he/she who has truly felt Evil? They must be one in the same, we invented them?

lily moonsong

I haven't read all the posts on this thread yet, but I will tomorrow, but I just wanted to post this while i'm on.

My boyfriend and I were playing playstation 2, and I took out the playstations disc without hitting the red button.  The game sat there for a couple minutes and I walked around until the game froze and the screen turned blue (av2 screen)... then I started to put in the new game, but a strange sound came out of the television.... it sounded really deep and evil like a demon, and it was speaking in an old language.  The dark demonic voice spoke through my television for like 60 seconds.  The voice is not part of any speech pattern from the game.  It didn't sound muffled or staticky... it was just a straight demonic voice.. and then it went away.

That was the only time I switched playstations discs and heard such a thing....

My boyfriend was with me and he heard it to. When the voice ended, he snickered and said, "wow, I thought the things about spirits speaking through tv's was a myth, but I guess it's not!"

Now, is this demon real?  WEre we imagining it?  We weren't watching a scary movie, there was no reason for us to hallucinate of a demonic voice.  WE were minding our own business playing a rpg game, and all of a sudden we get that??!!

Yeah.. demons... maybe they're real.. maybe they're not....

I still need more proof though...

Maybe the voice was just a really old grumpy sounding ghost?  lol... or we both hallucinated the same thing... or maybe someone sneaked mushrooms into our coca cola... >.>



Approached from a Jungian perspective (collective unconscious), I'd have to agree with Lon Milo DuQuette (Back cover, Angels, Demons & Gods of the New Millennium):

"Like it or not we all come hard-wired with a complete set (twelve six-packs) of Goetic demons.  They are units of untamed natural forces within ourselves that we have ignored, denied or disowned..  They surface to work their mischief when our will is ambiguous and our resistance is low.  After you have committed an embarrassing act of unbelievable stupidity you are really referring to them when you slap your forehead and scream, "I am my own worst enemy!"  As long as they are ignored and uncontrolled, they are as dangerous as hungry beasts in an abandoned zoo."

Demons exist as energy, as do all things.  In this case, they are negative energy.  They are a part of our minds, however, we are all part of each other's minds (the Jungian perspective).  The negative energy we choose to call "demonic" is, therefore, simultaneously our creation and an independant force.  By learning to master these energies, we control the balance in ourselves and our lives.  Things begin to work as they should.  That is the point behind magic as a practice.

My opinion, for what it is worth.

Oh... and for some of the other postings... perhaps the authors let those demons sneak up and control their emotions?



Demons are the angels that was under lucifer's control. When he was tossed so was they.


Quote from: Curious39 on July 15, 2008, 12:58:03
Approached from a Jungian perspective (collective unconscious), I'd have to agree with Lon Milo DuQuette (Back cover, Angels, Demons & Gods of the New Millennium):

"Like it or not we all come hard-wired with a complete set (twelve six-packs) of Goetic demons.  They are units of untamed natural forces within ourselves that we have ignored, denied or disowned..  They surface to work their mischief when our will is ambiguous and our resistance is low.  After you have committed an embarrassing act of unbelievable stupidity you are really referring to them when you slap your forehead and scream, "I am my own worst enemy!"  As long as they are ignored and uncontrolled, they are as dangerous as hungry beasts in an abandoned zoo."

Demons exist as energy, as do all things.  In this case, they are negative energy.  They are a part of our minds, however, we are all part of each other's minds (the Jungian perspective).  The negative energy we choose to call "demonic" is, therefore, simultaneously our creation and an independant force.  By learning to master these energies, we control the balance in ourselves and our lives.  Things begin to work as they should.  That is the point behind magic as a practice.

My opinion, for what it is worth.

Oh... and for some of the other postings... perhaps the authors let those demons sneak up and control their emotions?

That's a fascinating idea- I have a question- I get Goetia being considered 'negative archetypes' from a Jungian perspective- but I have a newbie question- Did Jung study goetia (I do know that at the end of his life he did concentrate more on occult studies)?  And, is Goetia considered planetary archetypes?  Just curious, dumb it down for me, because even though I have read Jungs's 'Psychology and Alchemy', I have not read any DuQuette except things like this in the internet.