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Dreaming of things you never do

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Have you ever had  dreams of doing things that you simply would never do ?


Dreams are reflections of our own state of mind, thoughts, emotions and beliefs. They are often symbolic though but you can still interpret what the symbolism means to you. You just have to be willing to take accountability and understand that you are causing everything that you experience internally and externally. Ask yourself why am I creating what I observe. What lessons do I need to learn.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on November 30, 2023, 07:52:16Dreams are reflections of our own state of mind, thoughts, emotions and beliefs. They are often symbolic though but you can still interpret what the symbolism means to you. You just have to be willing to take accountability and understand that you are causing everything that you experience internally and externally. Ask yourself why am I creating what I observe. What lessons do I need to learn.
They can also be something that is invading your dreams which is what I believe is happening in my case.


I want to elaborate on something LightBeam said and something Methen said, acknowledging both as a reality. It's a little off topic and it isn't meant to tell Methen what he or she is experiencing.

But LightBeam made me think about other factors to consider- because I realize even the foods we eat effects our mental state. To such an extent that we have a relatively large, rarely discussed imbalance happening here in the West.

Things like endocrine disruptors in our water or on our corn, mass produced meat or food treated with toxic chemicals, scientifically engineered produce that throw off our omega 3 to omega 6 ratios... Because not enough of one, and too much of the other, causes things like mental depression, suicide, and inclinations towards violent behavior.

Then you have these agitated states exploited by some of the mediums found in society- through the internet, our cellphones, the laptop- whether that be information warfare or even the interference of disrupting technology itself.

Peoples hormones are out of whack, peoples biorhythms are not the same as their ancestors, the food does not contain the same nutritional content, the water is attacking the pineal gland, the television and internet are reaping fear and division. It's all out there...

Oh, and we just had a massive solar flare the other day. Does that affect sensitive people? I don't know.

I realize that the opposite is out there too- that there are mediums for positive experiences/influences. So it takes becoming conscious of our everyday routine to fully understand. Even the water we shower with can effect us negatively or positively.

I also acknowledge that I have had such strange influences that I question where they come from. Even if some of those influences were from my self, I was definitely protected when the fear outweighed the lesson.

I have seen the energetic residue of Archangel Raphael completely neutralize my dream/fear and he doesn't look like the angel we make him to be but had a giant alien face much larger than a human face. Take your hands in the air holding them 3 feet apart, that's about the size of his head. I didn't know it was him until he left me with his name and the colors associated to his personality.

I do believe in the power of protection, and have listened to mantras of protection to help calm my concerns. What matters, no matter the direction, is the sincerity. The power of Faith is enough to make the unreal real. For better or worse.

You have to remember ultimately that you do have an incredible power that no one outside yourself can rob you of. There may be influences that put us in a stupor or make us forget. That make us hate and make us think of things as other than. But I believe, without a doubt, that no Being outside ourself can take this power. No matter how much an outside force tries to make us believe we do not have will or free will, it's not true. We were gifted free will. We have to take the reins of our life, even if it means fighting to the death. That's an uncomfortable truth.

In the physical sense, like choosing to comply with slavery and harassment or fighting your way out of it. Sometimes that means the end of our physical life. In the metaphysical sense, you have to believe you have the ultimate say. And when you take one step forward, the Universe will meet you in surprising ways.

I pray the ultimate protector dives into the matrix of your mind Methen and releases you from the fear or negative influences that seem to be taking hold. If you wish to be freed from this, than be free. That is my wish for you.

I would offer mantras, but after reading recently, just how unaware people are of their own doubtful energy- like not believing a man can be a guru- then such attitude will never experience the guru. But someone that believes a stone can be a guru, they will experience the guru because the true "guru" was always within their self.

Not to say you are harboring skepticism, but if you are, that's completely fine. Healthy even. But I am saying that whatever path you choose- for protection, for understanding- it should be realized as your own. That's the power of free will, and that is the ultimate liberator from a negative experience.

Something else I used to imagine as a kid is, the negative energy that would try to come into my translucent sphere of energy would unknowingly break apart and become the same translucent shield I had protecting me. Why, as an adult, should I believe that power to be diminished? No... I believe we have a great power, we are alchemist...

Yes, life experienced is 90% attitude. The dream world is no different. But are we aware of what is shaping our attitudes? Hardly.

---Food, water, media, technology, karma, past lives, self awareness, faith, prayer, attachments/detachment...

To answer the question- yes I have dreamt of wild things I would never do, I have even had wild thoughts I wish I'd never thought. And I am grateful I am aware of those thoughts as they arise, because, you'd be surprised how many folks allow the thoughts they wish they never thought to rule them in any moment...


Quote from: tides2dust on December 01, 2023, 08:24:28You have to remember ultimately that you do have an incredible power that no one outside yourself can rob you of. There may be influences that put us in a stupor or make us forget. That make us hate and make us think of things as other than. But I believe, without a doubt, that no Being outside ourself can take this power. No matter how much an outside force tries to make us believe we do not have will or free will, it's not true.

Yes, exactly true! The most important thing is to ask ourselves, if we have placed ourselves in certain circumstances what lessons for. That is what comes down to, lessons. It's all about learning. We may choose to not know and stay in a very controlled and limiting environment to test ourselves. And it's ok, everyone's choice is respected. It serves them a purpose. They don't want to know. But consciously they don't know that they don't want to know. And that's a part of the game :)

Things that may appear we don't have control over like polluted environment and food, we have to remembers that we also have agreed to experience this type of environment and have placed ourselves in it. But again, there are many things we can do do mitigate any situation, like using detox herbs and healthy eating style to lessen the effect. Also, not believing that these effect us to a great degree. Cells respond to thoughts and if via fear we exaugurated in our mind the effect of polluted air, the cells may overreact to our thoughts, vs thoughts of strength and health the cells would respond differently within the exact same environment.

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I think a whole lot of things have to with charkas being out of balance many people so not realize that your charkas control every thing about you and it can just slightest un balance to miss things up


The Subconscious, Subjective Mind expresses experiential reality through thoughts, beliefs etc impressed upon it by the conscious, objective mind. The chakras, to the extent they exist as a concept, have no inherent control over objective experience, except to the extent a person believes it does. The chakras, energy body etc., are entirely under the influence of the Subjective Mind, and have no inherent power of their own.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: Adrian on June 08, 2024, 02:45:32The Subconscious, Subjective Mind expresses experiential reality through thoughts, beliefs etc impressed upon it by the conscious, objective mind. The chakras, to the extent they exist as a concept, have no inherent control over objective experience, except to the extent a person believes it does. The chakras, energy body etc., are entirely under the influence of the Subjective Mind, and have no inherent power of their own.

I was thinking along the same lines. What causes the chakra imbalance in the first place are the beliefs, thoughts, emotions. They are the root cause of our reality in general. The root cause needs to be address, otherwise no matter how much one imagines chakra flows, it will not work. The balancing comes from analyzing what beliefs and actions cause experiences we do not prefer, understand why is it that we have these beliefs, work on changing our perspective and from there the chakras will automatically balance as well and the reality around us will change to reflect the new perspective.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I have to totally disagree with that your charksa are o your energy centers of your body regardless of rather you chose to believe in them or not deny your charkas and you deny your astral body as they are fully integrated you cant have one without the other...


I think you misunderstand the relationship. The misbalance of the chakras is an energetic reflection of the thoughts/emotions/beliefs of the individual. You are 'putting the cart before the horse' in other words...

Chakras do not control; they are just one reflection of the overall condition of the being.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on June 08, 2024, 23:37:10I think you misunderstand the relationship. The misbalance of the chakras is an energetic reflection of the thoughts/emotions/beliefs of the individual. You are 'putting the cart before the horse' in other words...

Chakras do not control; they are just one reflection of the overall condition of the being.

Yes exactly.

This also applies to so called "energy healing" - Reiki, Pranic etc. It is possible to bring about a temporary healing illusion by invigorating cells with energy, but unless the mental pattern, thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs etc, that gave rise to the condition in the first place is addressed, then the body will quickly revert to its original condition.

The Subconscious, Subjective Mind is infinitely powerful, but is still under the control of thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs etc of the conscious mind and the ego.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: Methen on December 01, 2023, 07:04:20They can also be something that is invading your dreams which is what I believe is happening in my case.
Could you elaborate on this, please?
What do you feel is invading your dreams?

Also, here's a little perspective shifting concept I like to share on Reddit lately - you are a bit of consciousness called an awareness.  That awareness projects to this physical reality towards your physical body.  When you fall asleep at night, that awareness projects to somewhere else.  When we fall asleep at night, our awareness then projects to somewhere else.  We humans incorrectly call that act "dreaming".

You're part of everything... there's nothing "out there", because we're all part of the whole.  You are a wave in the ocean, separate only by illusion, but part of the whole of that ocean - always connected.

So, nothing invades anything.  It's your perception of the illusion that you're separate that you're confusing, I believe.


"Have you ever had  dreams of doing things that you simply would never do ?"

Of course.

Dreams are many things and they do many things. they are NOT simply a reflection. They try us, confuse us, discombobulate us and test us. The reflecting comes from us (our waking minds) as we ponder their unique structure and meanings.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Methen on November 30, 2023, 07:27:21Have you ever had  dreams of doing things that you simply would never do ?
Definitely, all the time. My "non-physical" personality is much different than my physical one is. Many times, it will put me into dire situations. Just as the sht is about to hit the fan, it "tags me" in.

 I will be in 3rd person view, just watching the scene that is playing out before me. Once it gets intense, I find myself in 1st person mode being forced to find a solution to whatever situation my "NP" me got me into! I swear it is some kind of game. I haven't figured out how to tag "him" back in though, lol!  :?  :-P  :|
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla



How about dreaming of words you never knew?

My first memorable one, "Sufi"

which I had never heard before. It was such a spiritual dream that I had spent the day researching to discover Sufism is a real thing.

How I came to discover important ideas and concepts that strangely don't seem to operate with the same sense of urgency as someone so identified with a linear-experiential/evolutionary body. Huh.