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Frank's virtual classroom

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Anybody know anything about what is up with Frank?



Well we know he's not dead.

Because there's no such thing as death.


Hey Telos, haven't seen you for ages

Hello from me :smile:
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Yeh welcome back Telos!  Been round the world or did yor computer just pack in?
The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


Yo Frank!! Just come drop a line!!

Time Traveler

This is probably old news as many may have already done this. I was just cleaning out some old e-mail and I seen a e-mail from Frank Kepple. It was the Astral Projection Truth Newsletter. I replied to it with a read receipt. So far the e-mail has not been opened. I did get the auto-response telling me that the e-mail has been received and that he can not send a response to every e-mail. This at least seems that someone is still maintaining his website.


The mystery of Frank will never be solved.


Tá mo chroí istigh ionat


I don't know, if I was as an active user on this forum like Frank was, I would not run and hide when I got sick. I'd simply state that I was sick and I'm going away for a while. I don't see what all the secrecy is. Whatever.

Time Traveler

This is a theory of mine. I think that while he was trying to get the virtual classroom set up he used all or most of the money that people had sent him. Realized that this just wasn't going to work out or he just made some bad financial decisions. Rather than facing everyone and losing all creditability on this forum. He decided to just disappear. He probably is still working on mapping the human consciousness and may appear someday but with another screen name.


This is an AP forum. Why doesn't someone who is an advanced practitioner simply contact Frank. Would that make too much sense?


From what I've read, people have tried to contact him that way.

EDITED 'cause I can't frakking type correctly. My think-to-type connection is no good right now. No, wait. It's just my thinking that's not so good right now. My typing skills are no good, either. Maybe I was right the first time around. Maybe I was never good at using the English language. US public schools... Knowerrimean?

But anyway, I think there may have been a mention of trying to contact Frank through / in the Astral. Maybe a few pages back. You go look! I can't right now.
"Chair-swiveling is an old and honorable avocation for any accomplished and self-respecting villainous personage."
--Ronald D. Moore, March 12, 2005


Quote from: RelaxingDragonThis is an AP forum. Why doesn't someone who is an advanced practitioner simply contact Frank. Would that make too much sense?

Advanced practitioner? LOL, where?

If I had to guess, I'd say the 2 most likely possibilities in the mystery of Frank are:

A- he died, or
B- he used the money for something he was not supposed to use it for

There is no way he has been sick all of this time and could not have at least posted 1 message to these boards- not unless he was in a coma or something. Maybe he used the money for medical bills? I dunno. Maybe he had debts? :question:


I say put Frank to rest. I think he's a real heal if he took peoples money and they didn't get what he was offering. I don't know this to be true though. I say we just put the guy to rest. If he's alive and doesn't have the common decency to answer people that looked up to him, then I say he's not much of a person. If he's on his death bed and physically incapable of typing, I'll buy that.

If I was dying, I don't think answering questions on a forum would be on the top of the to-do list. But if he's physically incapable, I understand.

I don't think that's the case however. I feel he took some money from a lot of people ( I think that's what I read) and is being a coward about it because he spent the money or whatever. I'd face up to it though. Karma always comes and bites you in the asss when your least expecting it. That's a guarantee. But whatever. I'd just let the guy go, he's not coming back here.



Maybe frank is among us with a different nick name :)

just a silly idea
I love you!


Quote from: KazbadanMaybe frank is among us with a different nick name :)

just a silly idea

Maybe you are Frank!

" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


eheh...shhhh, dont tell my secret to anyone ;)
I love you!


Quote from: Kazbadaneheh...shhhh, dont tell my secret to anyone ;)

grrr..benfica knocked liverpool out of the CL last night  :sad:  gutted


Hey,  iam portuguese but i dont like  benfica :)
I love you!

David Warner

we shouldn't judge until the truth is known about Frank... how much did people lose on this virtual classroom anyways? if its over $100. I would be a little upsett, but there's nothing we can do except wish him well with his life endeavors.. wasting time, energy on hate is not the answer.. lets project and spend our energy towards the positive..

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


I don't know if anyone has attempted yet, but I really recommend looking for him in the astral.

I saw a kid claiming that he could do remote viewing and would randomly pick people in chat rooms and start telling them about what their room looked like. I don't know if he was telling the truth, but if he was, Frank's nickname on these boards is probably the only thing you need to know to find him if he is indeed still alive.

It would be an interesting experiment, as well... Anyone up for a challenge? :P
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


Quote from: the voice of silencewe shouldn't judge until the truth is known about Frank... how much did people lose on this virtual classroom anyways? if its over $100. I would be a little upsett, but there's nothing we can do except wish him well with his life endeavors.. wasting time, energy on hate is not the answer.. lets project and spend our energy towards the positive..


$300........I wrote it off as a learning experience on a lot of different fronts.

David Warner


You paid $300.00 for this virtual classroom? I thought it was around $50.00 and not high.

I am sorry to hear of the loss - but lets hope that Frank comes back in good health and keeps his promise.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


$300 multiplied by how many people?... maybe this is part of the course... a lesson in not giving out lots of money to people you dont know, he was always against mystics who charged for information you could find on the web [/sarcasm]

I say everyone who lost out to frank should put a little bit of money together and hire a private detective to track Frank down...
Not that its a good idea, but because ive always wanted to hire a private detective :grin: ...

David Warner


That surprizes me of the amount to sign up for this virtual classroom. Did anyone obtain reciepts, transaction authentications on this?

I've pondered of charging a small fee to enter my web site, but honestly it is not my intent or goal. If someone asked me to work with them step by step on how to project then it would be a different story because that would be taking away from my time.

I am sure something will surface as to what happened with Frank. I'm surprized none of the mods know his where abouts and contacting him to dispell rumors. At least, I would think that would be the professional way to handle it.

I'm sure there were a lot of people who signed up that are not too happy. Do we know the number to date?

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012