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Has anyone encountered a BST where the inhabitants are all asleep?

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I was reading a NDE recently where the woman described seeing people who were sleeping and other people, who she interpreted to be angels, trying to wake them up. The person guiding her through the experience told her that they were souls who thought they were supposed to sleep until the 2nd coming of Christ.

This is the only time I've run across anyone mentioning this type of situation.   This really peaked my curiosity as I was raised in a church that held this belief. 

Rachael Hicks

I haven't had an experience where I've seen this but I'm only one person lol
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".            Edgar Allan Poe


It was likely her belief and what she expected that created this scenario. Your beliefs are often played back to you if you don't gain discernment in the spiritual realms.



Also I have read some crazy NDE's. Honestly I think the best NDE's are the ones where they don't remember anything from this life here on earth thus they are free from biased beliefs. The two I know of right now that are like that are Eben Alexander which was a neurosurgeon. And then there was Nanci Danison. Check those out they are the best IMO. I've read Eben's book and I saw of video of Nanci Danison. You have to be very careful about taking details to seriously in these realms. IMO NDEs aren't the best from of knowledge about the afterlife realms since they don't have enough time to gain the discernment needed about such spiritual realms. Thus IMO astral projectors are the best source of knowledge about the afterlife, not NDE's, that is generally speaking.



Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on May 10, 2014, 02:01:51
It was likely her belief and what she expected that created this scenario.

Yes I considered that, but was also wondering about the BSTs of those who actually do believe that they must sleep until the 2nd coming. Is it possible that some of those people do transition to a sleep state after passing, rather than being conscious and realizing that "hey..this isn't what I thought was going to happen!" 


Hello jadrian70
A BST where all the inhabitants were asleep! Actually Very interesting.
Here are two Possible explanations ---
a) Everyone there had just 'passed over' (had recently died). Many channellers and mediums describe the newly deceased in a state of sleep where they remain for days or weeks until 'waking up' into their new state of being as a spiritual entity. OR
b) a BST made up entirely of dreamers. I've had OBEs where I 'wake up' out of body in a different bed in a different house and begin the OBE from there. Maybe you were in such a place??
Anyways if you can remember the website with that NDE then please post it here as I would like to read it.

Regards  8-)


Quote from: Greytraveller on May 15, 2014, 20:10:31
Anyways if you can remember the website with that NDE then please post it here as I would like to read it.

Hi Grey,

Unfortunately I cannot remember which NDE I read this in. I had been reading a few books simultaneously, along with various websites.  That said, there wasn't much to it.  The entire reference was just two or three sentences. The person experiencing the NDE questioned what she was seeing on her way somewhere else. Her guide, rather casually, explained what it was and...that was it.

I have never woken up to an OBE in a different house. Closest thing would be, while dreaming, deciding that I should lie down and try to have an OBE, then *poof* I seem to wake up lucid in the dream. 

This is the first I'm really hearing about a sleep state.   I guess I thought that considering the scores of people who have passed that held that belief, surely someone would have run into this kind of BST, but then I Imagine the number of BSTs is rather large.  :|


Quote from: jadrian70 on May 10, 2014, 18:55:41
Yes I considered that, but was also wondering about the BSTs of those who actually do believe that they must sleep until the 2nd coming. Is it possible that some of those people do transition to a sleep state after passing, rather than being conscious and realizing that "hey..this isn't what I thought was going to happen!" 
To answer your question personally I think it's different for everyone. Since some seem to attract to higher realms and some to lower realms. Meaning the realm to end up in when you die may determine how long you can sleep after dying. I would tend to think that the lower realms would tend to offer the best place to sleep since they are of lower frequency and consciousness many times. Though I've heard of beings sleeping in heaven. It's a tough question, since you don't have to sleep at all in the afterlife. So why would one want to go to sleep. Sleep in the astral could be viewed as a sign of weakness. Since it might leave you a bit vulnerable since you are of no or little consciousness.  Anyway to further answer you I suppose it's also possible that one would sleep in the afterlife subconsciously thinking that they must wait for Christ. Then either they awake on their own, or they are woken by someone else and they start making this belief that Christ is coming. So they start going through all these beliefs and experiences thinking Christ is coming. Perhaps they heard a BST trumpet. And that starts everything.  Lastly and I think this is the main point. We know that people do wake up on their own after having died and then they are sleeping in the astral, and we know that others can help those that have deceased to wake up, and so most importantly I want to ask the question "where is this internal clock of Christ coming that is going to keep them sleep. and then awaken them when Christ comes?" In the end I think this whole thing brings more questions than answers. And as many advanced APers say about astral experiences is that is great in all, but did you actually really gain something practical from it? OK so this person saw these people sleeping, but did she practically, and actually gain something from it that wasn't just in her own mind, and belief system? Like is this going to help her end suffering? Which is a good gauge.  Or will this help her feel better in the future. Which is another good gauge.



Quote from: jadrian70 on May 09, 2014, 19:26:00
I was reading a NDE recently where the woman described seeing people who were sleeping and other people, who she interpreted to be angels, trying to wake them up. The person guiding her through the experience told her that they were souls who thought they were supposed to sleep until the 2nd coming of Christ.

This is the only time I've run across anyone mentioning this type of situation.   This really peaked my curiosity as I was raised in a church that held this belief. 
There is a reality out there for just about every conceivable belief someone could have.  So this particular reality doesn't surprise me.
I haven't experienced it personally, but yeah, it probably exists out there.