The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: Methen on March 13, 2022, 17:42:53

Title: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: Methen on March 13, 2022, 17:42:53
I have and I have never been so scared in my life my spirit guides are everything to me without them I nothing I have  been so very tired lately and my sex drive is so low I tried to go to a new age store to find out what was going on with me but that person was just a joke all she did was give me a crappy taro car reading and crappy pendent reading and said I had nothing wrong with me and sent me on my way has anyone else  had a similar experience like this ?
Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: Marzillian on March 13, 2022, 18:15:07
You can't lose your spirit guides, never. What can happen however, is that other guides could be assigned to you, relative to the path you're
choosing to take (based on your own free will). But on a very deep level, these differences are nonexistent. So your guides are always
there for you, in whatever form.
Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: Lumaza on March 13, 2022, 18:20:46
Quote from: Methen on March 13, 2022, 17:42:53
I have and I have never been so scared in my life my spirit guides are everything to me without them I nothing I have  been so very tired lately and my sex drive is so low I tried to go to a new age store to find out what was going on with me but that person was just a joke all she did was give me a crappy taro car reading and crappy pendent reading and said I had nothing wrong with me and sent me on my way has anyone else  had a similar experience like this ?
If you have lost connection to them, there is a good reason for it. Perhaps you have been so focused on the physical that you have lost your "bond" to anything else. Fear not though, I know a few people that have asked their Guides to take this lifetime off. In other words, they decided before they came to this physical realm, that they wanted to do it alone. Their Guides abided to their request and just took on a "watching/observing" mode instead of a hands-on approach. Just so you know though, those people are doing a great job on their own.

Sometimes it seems like we alone, but we never are. You just need to learn to hear them again!
Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: Methen on March 13, 2022, 19:48:12
My mind is nearly always on my spirit guides some people say I may be over doing it
and that is something I can not help.
Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: Lumaza on March 13, 2022, 20:02:50
 Maybe that is the problem. You depend too much on them and not enough on yourself. Like I said, they have a good reason for going mute. I take it this is a teaching moment!  :wink:
Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: LightBeam on March 13, 2022, 20:42:42
Every spirit has equal power to create, but the only catch whether one can use this power or not, is KNOWING they have it. The power is useless if you cannot realize your own worth and abilities. Rise to your strengths. Like Lumaza said, this is s learning time for you. Take advantage of this challenge to become stronger, but on your own, use your own power. Your guides cannot take the tests for you, they cannot do your homework for you. Pick yourself up and feel your own power. Your guides will be pleased to see the change of your thoughts if you choose to make the efforts.

Aside from the spiritual aspect of how you feel, there is also the physical aspect of things. Afterall, we have biological vehicles that rely on a very delicate balance. There could be a number of factors or medical issues that are making you tired such as lifestyle, eating habits, stress, hormonal imbalance, natural aging, etc, and the best approach is to see a physician.
Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: EscapeVelocity on March 13, 2022, 21:44:53
I agree with the excellent advice everyone has offered. I suspect many of us, including myself, have felt a strange disconnect to our spiritual energies over much of the last 2+ years. Again, I suspect there is likely a general over-riding reason multiplied by many lesser or greater individual reasons, and we each have to figure it out for ourselves.

I want to emphasize these points made earlier-

We are never completely without our Guides. They may shift into a more passive 'observer' mode, either for an entire lifetime or for short periods during a lifetime; and this may be because of a decision or course change you have made, either Physical or Spiritual. If you sincerely felt a connection before and now it has disappeared, I think you have to look closely to lifestyle choices and changes you may have made. LB offers the perspective that it may be Physical or Spiritual. Lumaza offers the perspective it may be some form of challenge or test.

Stress- The psychological stress the world has been subjected to is affecting each of us and it is largely unmeasurable and unknowable. Both on a biological and spiritual level. Meditation, contemplation and energy, Tai Chi, pranic, qui gong, New Energy Way method by RB, breathing...all of these are beneficial.

If your mind is constantly on your spirit guides, and there is a sense of disconnection...then the answer is likely to re-focus elsewhere. Is there something you are resisting dealing with?

Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: floriferous on March 14, 2022, 01:14:10
Quote from: Methen on March 13, 2022, 17:42:53
I have and I have never been so scared in my life my spirit guides are everything to me without them I nothing I have  been so very tired lately and my sex drive is so low I tried to go to a new age store to find out what was going on with me but that person was just a joke all she did was give me a crappy taro car reading and crappy pendent reading and said I had nothing wrong with me and sent me on my way has anyone else  had a similar experience like this ?

You seem to have an unhealthy dependence on your your spirit guides if you think you are nothing without them.

Your post was short but in the space of a few lines you relate how you give your power away to your guides and when they aren't available you give your power away to a stranger in metaphysical store.

As alluded to in other posts, it sounds like it's time to stand on your own two feet and reclaim your power. If your sense of self is utterly dependent upon non physical being interaction (i.e. that which is beyond your control) then you are on shaky ground. Perhaps time to loosen your grip on them. If you truly trust they have your best interests at heart then letting go of them (at least for now) should be effortless.
Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: Methen on March 14, 2022, 12:48:46
My whole life is nothing but stress, I am trapped in this life that I have living with a very toxic person and I cant even get out to find a job  to get my own place do to not having any thing to drive and I cant ride the bus cause I cant wear a mask cause I cant breath with them on the bus company says every month they are going to end the mask mandate and every month they do not.
Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: Lumaza on March 14, 2022, 13:17:10
Quote from: Methen on March 14, 2022, 12:48:46
My whole life is nothing but stress, I am trapped in this life that I have living with a very toxic person and I cant even get out to find a job  to get my own place do to not having any thing to drive and I cant ride the bus cause I cant wear a mask cause I cant breath with them on the bus company says every month they are going to end the mask mandate and every month they do not.
Wow, there is a lot of negatives in that statement. Now, balance that with all the positives. Nobody ever said this life was going to be easy. Schools can often be challenging. The  words "trapped" and "can't" aren't going to get you far in life. You need to change those to "free" and "can".

Changing your mindset, changes your reality. Just remember that. Everyone goes through hardships in life. We are here to experience period and good, bad or ugly, they are all experiences. Most of our vital and most important lessons come through the bad and ugly stages though. That is when our light begins to shine brightly and breaks through all of the storms clouds and trust me, there are many storm clouds around right now. We will get through them all and come out stronger because of it.  :-)
Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: LightBeam on March 14, 2022, 13:19:20
Quote from: Methen on March 14, 2022, 12:48:46
My whole life is nothing but stress, I am trapped in this life that I have living with a very toxic person and I cant even get out to find a job  to get my own place do to not having any thing to drive and I cant ride the bus cause I cant wear a mask cause I cant breath with them on the bus company says every month they are going to end the mask mandate and every month they do not.

if you keep saying this to yourself over and over, you reinforce the creation and continuation of this situation. Creation starts within the mind. Change your thinking, gather mental strength, know your worth, get out of this stream of thoughts regardless of what the current surroundings are. They wont change until you start changing your thinking to a constructive line. Just believe that you will be shown how to break this cycle. But watch for signs and clues and take actions. It will be difficult but you have to start imagining first where do you want to be. This will take time for the energies to start manifesting, but you can not give up. In addition, you have to admit if you had made mistakes as well and understand the lessons. Until the lesions are learned behind certain challenges, the cycle will continue. We have to admit our own faults as well, not just blame external circumstances.
Title: Re: Have you ever lost your connection to your spirit guides
Post by: tides2dust on March 14, 2022, 17:49:40
I'm tired a lot lately too, but for other health reasons. I would also suggest you speak to a doctor, or empower yourself to find one that is aligned with your beliefs surrounding health. Your health is of utmost importance, you may even try a psychologist over a new age shop. That doesn't mean you can't pray. Just that low energy and low sex drive could have something to do with your stress, there could be something physically ailing you too. I don't know. Do you have insurance to help with your consultations? You could also try making monthly installments. Don't create reasons why you can't do these things, find the resources out there to help you. A lot of this, my self included, is about overcoming dependency and victim mentality- something that is enforced by modernized western institutions and various regions/organizations around the world.

Do you live in the US? Can you try not wearing a mask? Can you try finding a job that is walking distance? Again, I implore you not to write to me saying why you can't do any of these things. Try hard to see what you can do to help your self. I suggest starting that off with earnest prayer.
As for the mask, there are fake ones out there that are incognito that help people breathe. I am a deep breather, fortunately my employer realize mask don't prevent the spread of COVID. That being said, it wasn't easy. It took a few of us as employees the courage to say no and empathy to discuss rationally. I've even had to drop my second job when my employer found out I would not take the experimental gene therapy injection due to personal health concerns. Serious concerns that have until recently barley seen the light of day. Anyways... Here are some resources that might help you...

A legal form to hand the bus driver next time you walk in there without a mask,
For the less confrontational- the double incognito mask... this works in airports and hospitals
I'd also like to suggest bee propolis as a nasal and throat spray to help combat any bacteria build up from prolonged mask wearing.

One of my favorite websites for spiritual nourishment,

You can also search for affordable insurance, and free online psychologist consultations through user reviews... Let your intuition guide you. May you faith be strengthened and best of luck. This is temporary, and is not a punishment.

Kind regards