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Uhhh I must have completely missed this entire topic... [xx(]

But it's good to have you back for however long you're staying here for again. (Did I get that just dead wrong? [:P])

~Squeek (Yea. Me. Squeek. The cool guy.)


hopefully the emotions have died down since my last "goodbye" post. i'm not here to stay, just to clear up a few things from when i left.

first off, celeste. i did not mean you when i said "for those who are just attacking me". i meant to list your name in with those who were being nice, but i forgot. however i tried to word each part so that there would be some people who would be left out of either category (i'm a firm believer in the idea that just because someone isn't with me doesn't mean they are against me). and this goes for anyone who wasn't merely attacking me but who thought i was lumping them in with that group.

secondly, since it was the topic of such hotness, the demon summoning didn't even work. i tried to sense into the astral (yes, through the physical) to try and find some demons (and i found a couple) but while i did have the strength to pass a message to them, i didn't have the strength to force either of them to come to me spiritually or physically. and neither of them seemed interested enough to try on their own.

so i then tried to summon up baal, i got a good sense of him very quickly, but after i bad mouthed him a couple of times and he got a bit angry i realized that he was stronger than i was at the time, so when he turned his ire from me (cause apparently he had something else to do) i didn't try to invoke his attention again.

there, for those who thought i was being foolish: are you happy now that i've described it for you? are you happy that i failed? i may be proud sometimes but i'm not stupid. i know my limits but i also know my strength, and i know that i was strong enough even at the time to fight a weak demon if i had to. but also like i said i REALLY just wanted to try talking to one (and yes i do also realize that that is completely contradictory to my having insulted baal. i figured if i insulted him i'd get a "finer" grasp on his being to try and pull him towards me. and it worked, except as i said he was stronger than i was at the time).

after that i tried to physically open a door to the astral (and i really don't care if anyone here thinks that's incredibly stupid) but i can't seem to sense a distinction between the border of this realm and the astral realm "close" enough (i sensed a gap between them and i didn't have anywhere near the energy it would take to force that gap to close together), so that didn't work either.

i'm just updating those who cared. and btw, i did that about a week after the final post in that thread. it's just taken this long for my own feelings to soothe enough for me to be polite. i'm sorry if i hurt any of the people who did care about what was happening.
