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Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 12, 2017, 21:31:26

Title: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 12, 2017, 21:31:26
How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
BTW I ask these kind of questions because I trust astral projectors generally speaking on spiritual issues because you's have the most experience astral projecting. I have a lot of fears around coming back and reincarnating. But I trust some of my family to be able to accept this, to accept that I might be able to reincarnation through their kids. Anyways would doing this be a hard or easy task to accomplish? And how could it be done if done at all? Considering I would be dead by the time they want to have kids. Thoughts? Thanks.
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: MarsZM on August 12, 2017, 21:51:22
I could give you an answer but I am not sure on how this works. That's the honest truth. I would probably have to dig deep in meditation for answers of how this works. However I will not be coming back to this planet... so I never really thought of it.
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 12, 2017, 22:10:07
Quote from: PhaseshiftR on August 12, 2017, 21:51:22
I could give you an answer but I am not sure on how this works. That's the honest truth. I would probably have to dig deep in meditation for answers of how this works. However I will not be coming back to this planet... so I never really thought of it.
I totally sympathize with those that don't want to come back to a this planet or reincarnate again. But I know the people that I want to reincarnate into and how they will be really successful.
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: Karxx Gxx on August 12, 2017, 23:39:34
Haha, this was my goal for a while. Make super awesome kids, in return they probably will, and then come into this world again.
Unless you are able to come into contact with some other non-physical being, not sure anyone can answer unless they have.

I've heard the zeta ( I think) say you reincarinate to learn lessons, so if there is no lessons to be learned then maybe not..? But there is free will and I think we all have the power to experiance whatever we want. And beleiving is seeing is my motto, so If I think I have the option to choose that path, then I will be able to. If you think you will go to x y or z without much choice, I tend to think there will be less options. Such as people who beleive in a certain afterlife like heaven. (It's not permanent of course. You can always eventually experiance new things)

But I'm in the process of contacting NP entities. Interested in the zeta and pleadians, but whoever is willing to listen to me honestly will be fine to start off with. Ill check back whenever that happens.  :-D
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: baro-san on August 13, 2017, 01:24:54
Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 12, 2017, 21:31:26
How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
BTW I ask these kind of questions because I trust astral projectors generally speaking on spiritual issues because you's have the most experience astral projecting. I have a lot of fears around coming back and reincarnating. But I trust some of my family to be able to accept this, to accept that I might be able to reincarnation through their kids. Anyways would doing this be a hard or easy task to accomplish? And how could it be done if done at all? Considering I would be dead by the time they want to have kids. Thoughts? Thanks.

I believe that in the Afterlife you'll look back at your last life, and at your thoughts and desires during that life, in about the same way you now look at your dreams after you wake up, and at your thoughts and desires during those dreams.

It seems unlikely that after you pass on you'll have the same thoughts, wishes, intentions as you have now. Exception: if you're already enlightened, so you have access to the memories you lost access to when you were born (or soon, like a few years, after that).
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: Karxx Gxx on August 13, 2017, 05:38:10
Z = Zeta E is the guy channeling.
QuoteI'm just wondering about the belief the Zeta have of an after-life. For example, i've heard of a theory from Bruce Moan (sp?) that humans create their own after-life according to their beliefs, and there are different zones of after-life which vibrate at different frequencies, or something similar. Could the Zeta give their thoughts on this issue?

Z: It's true that after you finish live, it needs some time to get used to your new surroundings, and many of the old believes you had your whole life are still with you then and superimpose themselves on your perception and awareness. This is why, on a higher level, where things manifest more easily, you first create your after-life according to your beliefs, if you need to still have a certain experience (to round off your life, so to say), or if you just don't want to let go yet. There are different zones, yes, where people can land, depending on their 'vibration'... they are attracted to those places, and live there until the move on. What basically happens between incarnations is that you review your past life experiences, integrate them in your whole being, which means that you get to see clearly the lessons you learned, and then you move on and prepare for whatever you do next. Most of the time (or most people) then just go straight on to their next life.
E: I've read one time that after death you go up and up, always higher until you get to some source, and then you start to descend again until you incarnate.
Z: How far 'up' you go, depends... some souls bring their awareness to higher levels for a period of rest, others don't; in general, from your point of view, you only go up one level, get things sorted out for the past and the future (learned lessons, next life), and then go down again. That's a rough schema, though.

From an old post on this website.
Not sure of credibility, but take from it what you will.
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 14, 2017, 15:44:56
Quote from: Karxx Gxx on August 12, 2017, 23:39:34
Haha, this was my goal for a while. Make super awesome kids, in return they probably will, and then come into this world again.
Unless you are able to come into contact with some other non-physical being, not sure anyone can answer unless they have.

I've heard the zeta ( I think) say you reincarinate to learn lessons, so if there is no lessons to be learned then maybe not..? But there is free will and I think we all have the power to experiance whatever we want. And beleiving is seeing is my motto, so If I think I have the option to choose that path, then I will be able to. If you think you will go to x y or z without much choice, I tend to think there will be less options. Such as people who beleive in a certain afterlife like heaven. (It's not permanent of course. You can always eventually experiance new things)

But I'm in the process of contacting NP entities. Interested in the zeta and pleadians, but whoever is willing to listen to me honestly will be fine to start off with. Ill check back whenever that happens.  :-D
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks about this. I think it would be a great motivational factor in helping parents help their kids if they know that they will have to reincarnate into their children's linage. Thanks for chiming in Karxx Gxx.
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 14, 2017, 15:49:44
Quote from: baro-san on August 13, 2017, 01:24:54
I believe that in the Afterlife you'll look back at your last life, and at your thoughts and desires during that life, in about the same way you now look at your dreams after you wake up, and at your thoughts and desires during those dreams.

It seems unlikely that after you pass on you'll have the same thoughts, wishes, intentions as you have now. Exception: if you're already enlightened, so you have access to the memories you lost access to when you were born (or soon, like a few years, after that).
Hum yeah I've thought about this too. On the one hand I hope I can continue my dream because I haven't fulfilled myself yet. On the other hand I feel like I this is a zero sum game for many people, or should I say a lose lose situation for many, so in that sense I don't even think it's worth it. It's like for every time we get ahead there is a competing truth that blinds us from the bigger truth. It's like very certain number of factors have to line up in just right way for someone that gain good discernment for this world and even then this persons discernment isn't going to be ultimately the best thing. Only time will tell what I choose but as of right now I want to reincarnate into brothers children. Thanks for chiming in Baro-San.
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: Kzaal on August 19, 2017, 01:48:54
I think we take what we are given.
Like someone who just got told everything he needed to hear, they lay their head low and even tho they're irritated by the truth that has been told to them, they still agree with the reasoning behind it and go on.
If someone of higher power tells you in the after life that you have to carry on and do another reincarnation even tho it's not what you want, but he tells you that eventually everything will pay off... It doesn't matter what you thought in your past life you'd probably still do it.
What if it's your own projected image of yourself that tells you that you have to do it and eventually you understand what is happening then you'll probably agree about it too.
I don't think we can easily choose who we want to reincarnate into. Unless we already understand what's happening and we're already enlightened and choose to reincarnate specifically for a single purpose.

I think that's what happens for reincarnation... you get talked to do it again and again. Until you find another purpose to your life. Or you find another purpose in reincarnation.
If you want to make future people successful you don't have to reincarnate in them. Write something. Say something. Do something that will make them remember or think about what they have to do.

We only get out of the Reincarnation cycle if we are not doing it for ourselves. Might still be a reincarnation, but it's a reincarnation with a purpose which is not selfish in anyway.
When you're not reincarnating for yourself, then you will find your purpose. Maybe you'll stop reincarnating together because you'll have found a way to help people from higher up. :)
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: Karxx Gxx on August 19, 2017, 06:53:36
In the book "bringers of the dawn"  Supposed to be information from pleadians.

QuoteIn ancient Egypt, it took many lifetimes for the initiates trained in the priesthoods to completely open
their eyes to other realities. They were trained to reincarnate into certain families and to remember who
they were. Mothers and fathers understood who they would be birthing because they would dream of it.
They would know who was coming into their bodies before they even moved into conception. The eyes
were much more open then, and could see into many different realities. They were called the eyes of
Horus because they could look into many different worlds-the world of waking and the world of
sleeping, the world of death and the world of dreaming.

Never give up on yer' dreams!
Believe it!  :-D
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 19, 2017, 15:05:37
Well looks like we have some different views here. It could be that there is truth in both of them. I tell you what if some higher being tells me that I have to reincarnate into some crappy life, I will leave and get a second, third, fourth opinion and so on from someone else. And if that doesn't work I will go do something else, learn some new lessons someplace else to get a better reincarnation.
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: Xanth on August 19, 2017, 20:15:56
Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 19, 2017, 15:05:37
Well looks like we have some different views here. It could be that there is truth in both of them. I tell you what if some higher being tells me that I have to reincarnate into some crappy life, I will leave and get a second, third, fourth opinion and so on from someone else. And if that doesn't work I will go do something else, learn some new lessons someplace else to get a better reincarnation.

:evil: :-D
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 19, 2017, 20:24:54
Quote from: Xanth on August 19, 2017, 20:15:56

:evil: :-D
I'm not gay man. LOL
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 19, 2017, 20:27:17
I think I know why you posted that Xanth.
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: Selski on August 20, 2017, 07:05:12
Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection
I think I know why you posted that Xanth.

It's his favourite song, ever. Didn't you know?  :-D
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: Xanth on August 20, 2017, 09:51:24
ROFL!!!  Oh you guys... ;)
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: Stillwater on August 20, 2017, 14:40:52
How many of the things you planned on doing in your life when you were 5 have come to pass?

Best laid plans of mice and men whatnot...
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: Kzaal on August 20, 2017, 22:18:12
Quote from: Stillwater on August 20, 2017, 14:40:52
How many of the things you planned on doing in your life when you were 5 have come to pass?

Best laid plans of mice and men whatnot...

This^ pretty much, we always think differently as we get older.
There's nothing wrong with it.
Title: Re: How do I reincarnate into a family members child?
Post by: PlasmaAstralProjection on August 21, 2017, 10:16:03
Quote from: Kzaal on August 20, 2017, 22:18:12
This^ pretty much, we always think differently as we get older.
There's nothing wrong with it.
Yeah I realize that it's not out of the realm of possibility. In fact in many ways it's very likely. Just so weird thinking that I would want to reincarnate anywhere else.