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How psychology might relate to astral projectors and vise versa.

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So I am in college right now and I am taking Psychology 201. I learned about "confirmation bias". This totally reminds me of what we here call mental filters, or even layers in the astral. All confirmation bias means is that if you have a bias that you tend to focus and expect to see what you believe through the lens of your biases.

Here is a definition of it.

Confirmation bias  In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions, leading to statistical errors.  Confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias and represents an error of inductive inference toward confirmation of the hypothesis under study.  Confirmation bias is a phenomenon wherein decision makers have been shown to actively seek out and assign more weight to evidence that confirms their hypothesis, and ignore or underweigh evidence that could disconfirm their hypothesis.  As such, it can be thought of as a form of selection bias in collecting evidence.

By that definition it almost sounds like an unnatural or should I say delusional state almost. Perhaps borderline delusional.  Truly delusional people can't change given new information that conflicts with their beliefs.

Anyway I hope you all got something out of that.


You've found the paradigm shift used by scientists (reference reading, T Kuhn 1962) to describe their general attitude over the true inventors through time. (No degree or PHD, no Nobel prize...)
Conformation bias is hardly applicable to those having an open mind. Something required to practice the art of projection.
We are free.

There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


In remote viewing it's called analytic overlay. It's an issue in any kind of psychic work. As information passes through the liminal barrier, the conscious mind attempts to identify, label, and catagorize the information. Because the information comes from a non sensory source the confirmational bias tends to be greater when non physical information surfaces to the conscious mind.  It's well known in CRV. In that particular branch of psychic work the AOL's are identified and set aside. Gestaltic information is accepted as passing more or less unimpeded through the liminal barrier.


I don't know how this can affect astral projectors when they keep changing their qualities, temper, attitudes, moral and values. We constantly evolve until we find the answers we've always been looking for to stay happy all our life.
And once people have found what makes them truly happy why would they let go of that happiness, unless it's completely out control and psychotic/sociopathic mental illness...
Even if it would be delusional for someone else, (for certain people, they see buddhist monks and preaching non-violence as completely insane and they consider them fools) if no one knows what you believe in beside yourself and you're a functional being with good values and good moral, how would that be damageable in any circumstances?

Psychiatrists and Therapists rather put people on medication than taking the time to truly understand how people feel and give them tips and moral values. After all they're paid by pharmaceutical companies to give you meds for so called "mental disorders".

Just saying, I've seen a psychiatrists for 3 years and he told me one day that he went to some psychiatrist conventions where pharmaceuticals companies would approach him to promote their products and they would try and give him money so that he would prescribe theses drugs to his patients. And this is not uncommon at all, they do it all the time.

Even Schizophrenia or bipolarity is curable with a good psychiatrist that doesn't only prescribe medication for money but to eventually reduce the dosages and give good moral values and finding the right origin of the illness until the patient doesn't require any medication at all.
In some case it doesn't work because of anomalies but my psychiatrist did it multiple times and always preached these morale values.

For exemple, for schizophrenic people he said that the best way to cure them is to make them understand that they're free to imagine whatever they  want and make know that they're doing scenarios which requires really good creativity and that they can put theses scenarios to good use instead of allowing those to take control of their mind.

"There's a fine line between genius and insanity." -Oscar Levant
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.


If the schitzophrenia is under good control, the medications can be tapered but it cannot yet be cured. The treatment your describing is not very effective in a practical setting. The patient has to have the hallucinations under control before he or she can process information well enough to do therapy. Antipsychotics are used for that. They work initially but decrease in effectivness as the condition deteriorates. Schitzophrenia appears to be degenerative. It's not as fast as Alzhiemers or something like that but it does eventually not respond well to medication and the ability to participate in therapy diminishes.


Quote from: Bluefirephoenix on August 27, 2015, 20:34:37
If the schitzophrenia is under good control, the medications can be tapered but it cannot yet be cured. The treatment your describing is not very effective in a practical setting. The patient has to have the hallucinations under control before he or she can process information well enough to do therapy. Antipsychotics are used for that. They work initially but decrease in effectivness as the condition deteriorates. Schitzophrenia appears to be degenerative. It's not as fast as Alzhiemers or something like that but it does eventually not respond well to medication and the ability to participate in therapy diminishes.

I guess I was lucky and took at the right moment when my psychiatrist told me I wouldn't need any medication anymore as long as I keep my mind under control then. Cause I was diagnosed with schizophrenia back when I used to do drugs a lot, with psychoses and bipolar occurrences. Something I never actually told on these forums and never really wanted to talk about but this just proves my point that you can actually control yourself if you have a good psychiatrist and good moral values teachings. (not only that but also reality checks) As far as Hallucinations, the same could be told about anyone here hearing things and what not. (You guys could all be schizophrenic since we're dealing with "Unproven" and Religious/spiritual matter) Anything can be considered an hallucination in the eyes of a psychiatrist who isn't aware of Astral Projection, and the teacher of the psychiatrist omitting parts about hallucinations that they can be triggered with astral projection. It's all about who's doing the diagnostics and the teaching he had received, also the background of the patient which in every case is different and important to notice.
Diagnose like these are all about brain control, someone intelligent who understand how his brain function, how he can control his thoughts and with some good support can get out of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is also known to have different degrees of affliction. And diagnostics are sometimes not the right one because it's hard for psychiatrist to determine if the symptoms are real or if they aren't from something else like bipolarity or psychoses. Schizophrenia can contain all 3 and this is why there's no treatment so to say because they don't know exactly what is the original cause.
You can be still be Schizophrenic and only have hearing hallucinations. Or you can be Schizophrenic yet be considered treated because you have no symptoms at all, they just don't know if there could be another reoccurrence that's why they don't medically consider it curable.
I'm not talking about stories I heard on the internet here, I'm talking about personal experience that happened to me, diagnose of schizophrenia with psychoses and bipolar disorders that have been treated very well and my psychiatrist removing meds because he told me it wasn't required anymore. (And when I left his desk he shook my hand and told me he was not even scared that it would ever happen to me again). Documents with the diagnose signed as treated. This psychiatrist is also very well known for treating patients just like me and for being one of the best in my region.

It's just misinformation. People saying things that catch your hear once in a while. Most of the time, schizophrenics and bi-polars had a rough childhood also rough social experience, or had usage of drugs and psychiadelics like I did, amphetamines and everything can really change someone. And it's not because you can hear your own thoughts or once in a while think you heard something but that you didn't that you're necessarily one. Or that you won't be able to change your mind. You are the only one in control of your brain and body and this is what experienced psychiatrists which I have huge respect for are attempting to teach to their patients. Some end up doing completely crazy things like killing people, but believe me, they lost control, sometime for a long long period of time their thoughts are clouded, some are manipulated and others are completely addicted to a drug or on complete psychoses. Childhood memories of being beaten, or being extremely bullied at school for unknown reasons.

What if I asked you if you ever thought I was Schizophrenic in the past. What would you have said.
You wouldn't have believed me. Because I don't have the train of thoughts a schizophrenic person would have, or no symptoms from what you've heard people say can be noted. Because I've learned to control my mind. I've learned moral values and understood that I had to be honest.

Schizophrenia is a very general term to diagnose patients who lost control and had problems regaining their train of thoughts. People do drugs, they end up so smashed that they black out and don't know what happened because they were so angry that they didn't want to hear anything and end up doing bad things. They say it's a psychoses but they'll also diagnose Schizophrenia with it because it's also one of the symptoms and they're not sure which one is the right one (also black-outs is common in both cases). They do advanced psychiatrist tests until they have the background information of the person. And only then if the person is cooperative they can have a deeper discussion with their patient about their past in order to find the original source of what really went wrong in his/her life.

Unless the person is almost completely brain dead and only move to go to the toilet or eat/drink or sleep and/or is completely silent which in those rare case are most of the time so ashamed of what they've done, or they simply refuse to face the consequences or the just don't understand what they have done. In those extremely rare case the person is kept in the asylum for a very long period of time until they take back contact or stay there because they're no longer autonomous and refuse to talk to anybody.

People don't know. They just hear things coming from one way or another, even someone who sometimes start day dreaming about things while working can be considered one. I know this because a woman's husband which my mother works with was diagnosed with it because sometimes he couldn't focus on his work and sometimes stopped working to start day-dreaming about things he'd like to do later in his life or hobbies he would like to try out.

There's misconception about what truly is schizophrenia everywhere. It's degenerative only if you can't make the person take consciousness of their mind and that their in control of their situation. With Anxiety, stress and everything that can make you go back to space out and forget about your daily live, believe me is one of the major factor why they can't treat everyone. They are fragile emotionally, because they didn't learn that they have to ignore bad people and bullying etc...

You learn a lot of things in 3 years of psychiatric treatments about your own disorder. They tell you all the symptoms, all the signs that you must watch out for, every single one of em and how to identify them in case an episode would resurface just to be cautious.

Hope that explain things a little. I don't want to go in details because it would take me literally hours to write everything down from the top of my head. But don't be so quick to judge.
The partial becomes complete; the crooked, straight; the empty,
full; the worn out, new. He whose (desires) are few gets them; he
whose (desires) are many goes astray.


Quote from: Bluefirephoenix on August 27, 2015, 20:34:37
Schitzophrenia appears to be degenerative.

There is still no evidence for that, but there will be in the future. It's just that when a group of psychiatrists search for evidence, they first build a thoughtform (or hypothesis), in this case a "degeneration meme". This meme then attacks all schizophrenics and if they cannot defend themselves, their brain degenerates, so in the end evidence is found using brain scanners and what not. Maybe this is an intepretation of confirmation bias.

One can interpret the things above as; Psychiatrists formulate a hypothesis, then they search for facts and in the end they confirm their hypothesis. When a hypothesis is fairly new, there is seldom a confirmation of the hypothesis. It is only when the hypothesis is tested again and again, positive outcomes will manifest. There are exceptions of this. In this case the hypothesis was formulated earlier in other fields in another form, so the thoughtform already had enough power. I don't think even professionals can bypass confirmation bias.

I'm not a scientist, and my claims above may be false, but to me it makes sense that people create their own reality, even scientists, regardless of their claim that they are scientific and therefore unbiased.