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Gravity is a consequence of the bending of space-time caused by the presence of matter-energy. The more matter-energy that is present in an area of space-time, the more the space-time will be warped. This is why the path of light is bent noticeably by large gravity wells. It is just taking the shortest path, a straight line through curved space-time. It does not take time for gravity to act on something in its area of influence any more than a physical object takes time to exist in its current shape.

"Tachyon energy" could very easily just be energy like we use with NEW. I would not rule out the possibility of raising energy without the presence of consciousness. If it can be proven I will be happy to see it proven. What really bugs me is the abuse of technical terms.


Tom, stay around and post for a while because I agree with you 100% on gravity. I would say that it moves at the speed of thought which of course is instantanoues just like you said

It does not take time for gravity to act on something in its area of influence any more than a physical object takes time to exist in its current shape.

Tom, I also agree with you on technical terms. I hate the use of technical terms and I hate when people jump to conculsions on devices they never used or jump to conclusions about our univesre that we know so little about. Well we are falling off the topic of the HDR machine. I will try it again monday, (run more test on it) Check for elf radiation, north pole polarity, Golden ratio, etc. then try it for astral projection later next week. The first time I just cut it on the energy felt amazing. It was a positive feeling. Just made me wonder [?]


Originally posted by mrnitro

All I can say to frank and leviiathan is I think I will like it here. Since you know I'm a new poster. You two already have shown me you have lots of experience [:D].  I'm not insulting anyones intelligence. We know what we know regardless of what anyone thinks and frank if thats what you thought then I apologize. I was using words like esoteric, spiritual knowledge etc because its common. I'm sure all over this forum in other topics they say those.

Now about this machine I'm not his poster boy or spokesperson. I heard about it from Future Horizens and The Art Bell Show. I was laughing and intrigued at the same time. I read his reports to see what he was talking about. The developer knows his stuff, even though he has a big since of humor.  
Leviiathan - You fail to realize that the machine operates on electromagnetic current
We know that anywhere their is eletricity at 90 degree angles there is magnetism and with that we know their is the Void, vortex, scalar wave, zero point, g force and all the other names its called that holds this matieral plane together. We also know using the golden mean/ratio things can become possible! Now I don't know if this machine will work. I haven't raised myself to be an eloheem, melchizedek, or removed all charkra blocks (Just using common terminology) We are all learning through experience and this will be my experience. This guy has been producing this for ten years and I have seen so many questions come up about it from people who never tried it and I want to put them to rest. If it works or not I wont forget to mention it. THAT LEARNING TRIANGLE IS ONE OF THE FUNNIES THINGS I HAVE SEEN. THANKS FOR THE LAUGH. Love to hear that guy talk about sacred geometry one day.  Also leviiathan, why you decide on that username. Anyways, In 2 weeks more or less we will know and the topic can either end or continue with future experimentation

Wonderful. You not only appreciate my criticism, which another certain member did not; and you appreciate how Frank and I seem to make the board a bit more lively.

I'm a bit flattered. Personally, I don't think I'm a forum celebrity or anything. Frank, on the other hand, is. He is quite the enlightened figure who certainly knows how to serve his opinions with indirect, accute precision.

Now that your love thy neighbor philosophy has reduced my short-handed, sarcastic cynicism to a more open, friendly demeanor, I don't mind expressing a few more 0.009 american dollars (I live in Canada, so that technically means my two cents is worthless. Har har. ).

If you want to tell us about your experiences, feel free to. My refrain, or shall I say humility, is the result of (personal common sense). When confronted with a rational paradox, as presented by a situation like this, I usually fall on the axiom (Occam's Razor), If it's too good to be true, it usually is.


Pseudoscience has gained momentum for whatever reason or another. As I see it, the methodical practice of taking technical jargon and warping it around nonsensical methods is all too obvious for me (or perhaps a paraphrased placebo).

If I am not mistaken, the existence of the blackeon and the tacheyon are contravertial because the particles themselves have not been isolated and contained. Since they are theoretical, I can concur with the fact they have yet to be discovered.

So where, then, does pseudoscience get away with taking credit for miraculous discoverings based upon fundamental science that has yet to be discovered?

James S

Well put Leviiathan!
This is EXACTLY the thing that ticks me off about many alternative therapy organisations.

If you plug "Tachyons" into a search engine you'll get dozens of alternative medicine sites wanting to sell you some kind of treatment based on the use of tachyon energy, and only a couple of sites that have genuine information on this theoretical particle.

But then I'm sure Wile E. Coyote would be able to find something in his Acme catalog that uses Tachyons to help catch road runners.




So where, then, does pseudoscience get away with taking credit for miraculous discoverings based upon fundamental science that has yet to be discovered?

How are they taking credit for something that hasn't been discovered yet?  That doesn't make any sense to me.  Thats like saying you're taking credit for inventing something that just hasn't been invented yet.

The meaning of pseudoscience is anything that isn't recognized by the scientific community as a whole.  So if they were to discover something that hasn't been discovered yet they would be considered a pseudoscience because of the fact it isn't discovered by science yet.  Should they wait till its discovered by fundamental science so they're not taking the credit.  And if it just hasn't been discovered yet then they're not really pseudo science in the way you mean it.  "yet" implies fundamental science will catch up.

That statement was confusing to me.

Its like saying what right do people have talking about OBE's and claiming knowlege of obe's when really they're just taking credit for something science hasn't discovered yet.  If they haven't discovered it yet.. then how is credit being taken away?

You also keep talking about pseudo science.  Anything but the hard facts of science are actually defined as "pseudoscience" that definitely would include OBE's and the study of this type of energy.

I think the device is silly... but a person has to learn for themselves. I mean if they'll buy a time travel device cus the guy seems honest enough.  excrement in real life who knows what they'd buy.  I figure they have to learn.  

But I dont think using unproven particles to argue the point is really the way to do it.  The way it effects your physical brain and the fact its not doing anything but sending waves is actually the best argument I saw.  The thing claims to be technical.. so i could see arguing it technically doesn't do anything.

James S

The way I interpret Leviiathan's comment, it makes perfect sense.

Pseudoscience is actually an example given in an online dictionary for the meaning of the word pseudo as being a deception or a sham.

If the makers of alternative treatment products wish to use the term "Tachyon Energy" to describe a function of their product, then they are taking on all meaning inherent in that word. In this case "tachyons" are clearly described in dictionaries and encyclopaedias as being a hypothetical faster than light particle. They have not yet been proven, only theorised.

Unlike OBEs, where nobody is claiming to be utilising any proven scientific theories or known laws of physics, the makers of the HDR and other such "superluminal technology" devices are fully implying that not only have tachyons been proven to exist, they are able to be used to heal people of illnesses.

But as mentioned before, the promoters of the HDR are apparently using tecyon energy not tachyons, and I admit to having no idea what a tecyon really is.



Let us know how this develops whoever has bought this piece of hardware!


Our understanding of the universe whether it is about Tachyons or gravity or time-travel is limited by our knowledge and our current ability to test theory experimentally.Even if something is mathematical logical doesn't mean that it will exist!!(from my view as an physicist).
The bending of light by gravity is based on curvature of space-time. The bending of light by a lens is due to change of permittivity and permeability of the medium (electromagnetic in nature). I wonder, the so called vacuum permittivity and permeability constants are modified in the presence of gravity? It will still give the same result as the model of space-time curvature. Space-time curvature doesn't able to explain the Biefield -Brown Effect!!
For those who seek esoteric knowledge, please don't abandon your logical thinking. "Esotelogic knowlege"


"tecyon energy or tachyons to heal the illness"
It is well-documented that Jesus could heal people with sickness.
Let's us take an analog.
Your computer is infected by a virus. How are you to get rid of the virus? The most important thing is to have a proper virus software. If the virus is new, you have to update your virus definations (information). Then the computer will run and check ITSELF of the virus and eliminate it.However, if you run a few more programmes besides of the virus-software, the computer will take more time to find the virus.
When someone is ill. The body is trying to heal itself.The speed of a body healing itself depends on how much conscious assistance you have done during healing process and how good is your healing software and the illness itself.The body will find the best solution available to heal from the existing information it can access at that time.
Jesus had accessed of tremendous amount of information and this useful information was transferred to the patients.
Personnally, I dont like the idea of 'energy' concept. I prefer coherent information exchange between cells for healthy human body.


WEll put bomohwkl, I call it concious awareness. Because first you have to be aware that you have a virus and then you have to be aware that other types of information exist. Then you have to be aware of how to utilize the information. Truthseeer, I have the machine and will begin testing it monday. I will hold off on my replies until then unless I have a direct question but I spoke to the developer of the HDR and read over 400 pages of his reports and know where have read or heard him speak about techyon energy.  Where did this come up. He claims that he can explain it in details but how it really works is beyond his comprehension also. That it uses the golden ratio (of course its more then that) and pulls right from the vaccum. He also talks how the information didn't come from him but through him. How many of our scientist have said that they tapped into the theta brain wave pattern and information was given to them by some agreeable or disagreeable being. (they just don't say it to much in public) We know that thought (I hope we know) doesn't initiate in the brain but it exist on its own plane call it the mental plane, 5th plane, etc (esoteric if I must) and that plane is where all past present and future inventions reside. Of course I'm being philosophical but to make a long story short I have heard so much about this HDR and how it works from people who never talked to the developer, tried it, or read the reports about it. Only Time Will Tell


Originally posted by goingslow


So where, then, does pseudoscience get away with taking credit for miraculous discoverings based upon fundamental science that has yet to be discovered?

How are they taking credit for something that hasn't been discovered yet?  That doesn't make any sense to me.  Thats like saying you're taking credit for inventing something that just hasn't been invented yet.



The meaning of pseudoscience is anything that isn't recognized by the scientific community as a whole.

The prefix "psuedo" means false. Pseudoscience, therefore, is a word that refers to "false" science.

You are familiar with the false prophet religious model, are you not? Let's use that as an analogy for the point I have made. The people who make these devices, are nothing more than the scientific-equivalent of false prophets IMO.


So if they were to discover something that hasn't been discovered yet they would be considered a pseudoscience because of the fact it isn't discovered by science yet.

Pseudoscience is the classification of a form of mainstream science that deals with spiritualism. This can involve anything from healing to astral projection to clairvoyance. The study of ESP, if I am correct, is a pseudoscience. Since the scientific community believes that the world is flat, figuratively speaking (through metaphor), we are left with an unimaginative, dead-weight universe.

My observation is that pseudoscience bases itself on a dangerous line of circumstancial conclusions and sometimes dimwitted assumptions.

Pseudoscience (i.e. scientific spiritualism, parapsycology) is scoffed at because the scientific community feels specialists in this area beat around the bush, rather than using flat, deductive methods to show that all this phenomena really has no meaning to it.

The conclusion I make is that pseudoscience is any form of science specializing in the study of transcendalism, without trying to disprove the nature of things in study.

Personally, I would only partially relate these devices to pseudoscience. Or perhaps they are pseudoscientific. In my opinion, these products are nothing more than a smoke-and-mirrors, capitalist gimmick disguised under science / pseudoscience.

I do not believe that most of us here have a very high understanding of an advanced study (university-level / grade 11, grade 12) of physics. Therefore, who can argue against those that pretend to? Con artists specialize at playings games with people's minds. Really, they do. They use technical jargon, worded carefully and properly, and appear to know what they're talking about. It's easier to do this than you think.

The devices work, just not in the way you think. Throw in some false statistics and your set. Reminds me of the infocommercials I've seen late at night regarding total weightloss adds.

I'm sure all of us have recieved emails before from unknown, international billionairs requesting the usaging of our personal accounts in exchange for some of their fortune. How many of us have bought into that?


Should they wait till its discovered by fundamental science so they're not taking the credit.

Science uses a process of experiments to pass something as authentic. That is why it's science, because the nature of science attempts to analyze and study phenomenon through practical experimention. The reason spiritualism falls out of this catagory is because it is transcendalist.

A simple understanding of the mechanics of something, as well as basic common sense, also aids in the successful formation of opinions.
These devices have not been around for a short period of time. They've been around for a long time. We're talking about decades here.

If pseudoscience has found the key to immortality and the road to universal mastery, science would have been in on it by now. Millions, if not billions of dollars goes into this sort of research each year. To say that amateur con artists have truly discovered currently underdiscovered things is an insult and mockery to our intelligence (and efforts).

Thing outside of the box, please. You're talking about devices that grant infinite energy for a small fee. You're talking about devices that allow common citizens to control each other's minds. Atlantican power rods that channel straight into dimension X? How more ridiculous and obscure can this get.

What I feel is that people will believe anything as long as there's a device that works, a convincing explanation behind it that somehow ties to spiritualism. If Nike started slapped their logo on these devices, they'd be selling like hotcakes.


That statement was confusing to me.

Sorry lol. I have a habit of speaking eloquently in paradoxes. You were puzzled because what I said made no sense. You are right. It doesn't make any sense. That's why I don't think these devices are authentic.


You also keep talking about pseudo science.  Anything but the hard facts of science are actually defined as "pseudoscience" that definitely would include OBE's and the study of this type of energy.

N.E.W. falls into the catagory of pseudoscience. Most of what is said remains unsupported. Not that I'm not practicing N.E.W. myself. I simply feel that he could zing it up with more . . . believable facts to convince the hardheads that there's something going on besides a mind-over-matter effect. (i.e. a recorded rise in temperature with a description when it happened and citations as to where the data was taken from, and when it was published / observed).

When writing an essay, every single statement you make must have a citation behind it (aside from exposiated personal opinion). If you write an essay in post-secondary institutions (and even in grade 12) with unsupported details, you'll surely fail.


The way it effects your physical brain and the fact its not doing anything but sending waves is actually the best argument I saw.

It's a placebo over an actual device.


"The prefix "psuedo" means false. Pseudoscience, therefore, is a word that refers to "false" science."

-I've heard pseudoscience used in many contexts.  Mostly having to do with what the scientific community considers impure science.. I've heard Psychology called a pseudoscience along with anything that isn't purely mathematical or scientific.  Its always used in a deragotary way.  I try to stay away from the word pseudo anyway because it tells more about what it isnt "a pure science..purely intellectual etc".  And tells nothing about whether its even trying to be scientific or intellectual in the first place.

"Pseudoscience is the classification of a form of mainstream  science  that deals with spiritualism. This can involve anything from healing to astral projection to clairvoyance.

Maybe thats the context you've heard it in but pseudoscience can refer to whatever you want to label not a real science. LIke I said i've heard it referring to psychology, or even archeology.. sociology.

"Pseudoscience (i.e. scientific spiritualism, parapsycology) is scoffed at because the scientific community feels specialists in this area beat around the bush, rather than using flat, deductive methods to show that all this phenomena really has no meaning to it."

Thats not actually the only reason they scoff at it.  They scoff at it because they dont believe it exists.  Not because of how the specialists "beat around the bush".  They go into it with set beliefs.. Even if a person used deductive methods if they dont show a certain result they're a pseudo science.

"If pseudoscience has found the key to immortality and the road to universal mastery, science would have been in on it by now."

- You cant find things where A) you're not looking B) what you dont believe in so wont bother to look into.  

If science hasn't found the cure to the common cold what makes you think they would have solved the key to immortality?  Do you really have that much faith in science?

"N.E.W. falls into the catagory of pseudoscience. Most of what is said remains unsupported. Not that I'm not practicing N.E.W. myself. I simply feel that he could zing it up with more . . . believable facts to convince the hardheads that there's something going on besides a mind-over-matter effect"

-  What kind of facts could you produce?  Temperature only would indicate their body temp has gone up.  This could be because of stress or many other things.

All evidence in this field is subjective.  It would be a waste of time to try to prove this stuff to the "hardheads".  Why would you want to anyway?  Its personal and should stay that way.  When you get into this stuff you look for proof for yourself.. try proving to your best friend this is real.  Let alone scientists who KNOW its not..

I would never waste my time doing it.  Plus why would you want to?  I find most people who wwant to prove it want to say "see i was right"  or to prove they're not crazy.  

I think people should continue helping the people who already believe.. and ignore the ones who try to dismiss such things and who want you to prove it to them.

"When writing an essay, every single statement you make must have a citation behind it (aside from exposiated personal opinion). If you write an essay in post-secondary institutions (and even in grade 12) with unsupported details, you'll surely fail."

- Are you in University yet?  What type of essay are you talking about?  An essay in literature obviously wouldnt need citations.  An essay in philosophy where you're telling your beliefs wouldnt either,. And the only things you need citations for in history etc are ideas you're taking from other people.  If you're making your own deductions you dont need to cite anyone.  

Essay is so broad.  If you're writing for a medical journal you need more citations.  But if you're not writing for one you cite ideas you're taking from another source.  RB wasn't trying to prove anything in NEW they were instructions.  Who would he site if he was writing instructions of a techique he Wrote up himself???

"It's a placebo over an actual device."

No its not a placebo its a sham.
A placebo is something that actually has an effect on someone.. but the device didn't actually cause the effect.  Placebos are used in medicine to see which medicines actually work and which work because people think they work.

Its only a placebo if people time travel anyway but think its because of the device but it actually isn't.  

Its not if it just plain doesn't work which is what this thing most likely will do.


Originally posted by James S

Unlike OBEs, where nobody is claiming to be utilising any proven scientific theories or known laws of physics, the makers of the HDR and other such "superluminal technology" devices are fully implying that not only have tachyons been proven to exist, they are able to be used to heal people of illnesses.

But as mentioned before, the promoters of the HDR are apparently using tecyon energy not tachyons, and I admit to having no idea what a tecyon really is.


I agree that things like OBE aren't trying to utilize theories in order to make devices. If a device is trying to implement scientific theories in order to make a device that term would apply.  But not to something that isnt using science in anyway to explain it.  

I interpreted him as saying, what he actually confirmed in the post I just responded.   "Pseudoscience is the classification of a form of mainstream science that deals with spiritualism. This can involve anything from healing to astral projection to clairvoyance."

"N.E.W. falls into the catagory of pseudoscience. Most of what is said remains unsupported."

I dislike that word anyway.. In all contexts i've heard it in it totally dismisses anything that isn't in science books.    

James S

You're right. It seems there are different interpretations for the word Pseudoscience. The meaning I found referred to it as sham or fake science, whereas what you've found interprets it as studies that don't fall into the categories of pure science.I hadn't thought of it that way. Perhaps quasiscience might also work as a description here.

Whatever the case it might be best to remove the word "science" from this discussion altogether and just work with the word "sham". I think its more appropriate for this topic.

Speaking of shams, with reference to the advertising blurb in the first link of Asstray85's opening post, I'd still like to know what the hell a tecyon is.[?][?][?]


I realise of course that if Mrnitro does manage to come back with next weeks lotto numbers after using the HDR, I'm going to be feeling very foolish!!!


mrnitro have u tried ur HDR unit yet or not. i m eager to know the results if u had any.


Well I have been testing it all this week. I"m going to try to use it for astral projection next monday. I"m not trying to be ignorant about it and taking precautions around it. So far I"m not sastified with the rubbing plate but everything else is fine. I still have some more test to run on it but everything is on track for a monday night test. If it works or not I will let everyone know by thursday. I will also ask for a favor from you all monday. I will have a full report by thursday and I will also address your future horizons or steven gibbs issue.


I went to the page described and found a very very interesting and intriguing sentence made by the inventor himself. After reading this I concluded that buying a time machine which can give pleasure only up to 2013 because after this time all will be the same. Why would anybody buy it then? Shooting in your own foot?
So anybody who buys this stuff. Please focus up to 2020 and have fun..

I quote:
Steven Gibbs: When they sent some scientists from the Montauk Project into Earth's future they hit a barrier in the year 2012. When they tried to go past the barrier from 2012 to 2013 they couldn't go through the barrier, they could only go around it. But after they went around it they found that all life on this planet had been wiped out...everything. Cities were all in ruins and there was no life found least they couldn't find any. They concluded that everything had been wiped-out.


Most people simply dismiss the Montauk conspiracy away as being nothing more than science fiction of overactive imagination. However the concept of the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum physics theorizes that there are many, many alternate earths existing in paralell planes (or other dimensions). Variations of MWI posit either alternative universes or branching paralell timelines.
The important point is that MWI provides a theoretical framework in which the events of the Montauk Timeline could take place.
It is for just that reason that I advise great caution when dealing with the Montauk conspiracy. Is it possible that some of the people involved in Montauk, for one reason or another, actually believe in the reality of the Montauk events??
There could be more than just a Little truth to that. One possibility is that one of those people had an out of body experience and encountered (hostile) aliens. There are other possibilities. The point that I wish to make is that Consciousness can, to a certain degree, form, shape and create the reality around us. This goes beyond , "Be careful what you wish for", to "Be careful what you constantly think about". In my view there are an over ample supply of problems in the world without dwelling on the possibility that Time-Nazis and aliens are secretly allied and engaged in an ongoing battle against the CIA!!
Actually, come to think about it, I'm surprised there hasn't been a Montauk movie made already.


Hardly a day goes by without someone, somewhere declaring the world will end on so-and-so date. Under such circumstances, someone has to be right eventually. But only in the sense that even a broken clock tells the right time at least once a day.

I remember when at primary school, one of my pals was a devout Jehova's Witness. Or at least his parents were. Not sure of my dates, here but it must have been in the late 1960's when he went with his family to meet loads of other people, at some particular place, and await the end of the world. The idea being they were the ones who would be "saved". Of course, I was too young to comprehend the full context of what was happening, but the memory sticks in mind as we used to talk about it, "in secret".

Since then, how many times have these doomsday dates come and gone. The top of the Damp-Squib Of All Time league table must surely be the Millenium Bug. The Montauk Conspiracy is gathering pace and could well be a strong contender to take the title. It's early days yet. But the announcement of Movie Rights would naturally boost its chances. :)



if someone will tell you the world is going to end RUN!!! The world never ends. Yes theres cycles and to the ignorant of our world it feels that the world is ending but look in the past, mayan, egyptians, assyrians, hittie's, atlantians, etc they are gone (Well most of them) but THE EARTH IS STILL HERE. I wasn't going to post anything about the last three post but many people think 2012 will be the end. What will happen is the earth is ready for its transistion in the evolutionary scheme to move from more of a 3rd dimensionary vibratory rate to a 4th. Since we get out life sustaining energy from the sun (PRANA) and the earth's magnetic field (Kundalini) then when either one of those changes we change. Well both are moving around pleadies which will move us into the Aquarian age (golden age) the energy will be so strong of AUM (PURE LOVE) that quoting a friend of mine "ENTER NOW OR DIE" meaning that those who are ready will continue to have a physical vehicle before and after the transition but those who are not will be disembodied and hopefully by their guides be able to reincarnate back onto earth (Gaia, Tara, Qi) in the better divine order. Now the montauk project when they went to 2012 since their instruments where limited in their ability to see and do they percieved this CURRENT TIME LINE ONLY. Seeing into the 3rd deminsion. It looked like everyone was dead, but if they would have shorten the wave legnths or increased the frequency and went to the 4th dimension they would still see SOME of us. Now the earth isn't stopping there, our great mother nature wants to operate from the 5th dimension. The plane of mental thought. Many call it Malakuth. That way all secrets will be revealed and their will be an end to all HIDDEN AGENDAS (Have you ever heard a war to end all wars before!) because the dna in the human that lies dormant will awaken and we will be able to influence the matter and anitmatter around us by thought alone. Imagine a 5 dimeinsional physical vehicle (body). Now montauk, is just like me landing in the desert in california or Neveda and looking all around and saying I don't see any life, theirs nothing but dry, hot, sand. This place is deserted, (even though they saw what appeared to be dead bodies) they made their conclusion out of an incomplete observation. For all of you just prepare your mind, emotions, and body for this move. Yes is will be a lot of chaos on earth but you can't have change without chaos. (Changing water to ice, involves change in the molecular structure of the water, which is chaos to the atoms, even though we find it quite normal. The earth will be chaos, although naturally, on a macro scale) I can say the CHAOS ISN"T NO WHERE AS BAD AS ALL THE DOOMSDAY PEOPLE PREACHING. I"M Trying to test out THe Hyper dimensional Resonater because if it works it will be an easier way for people to experience OBE, then can make steps to do it naturally.  

Remember like frank said a broken clock is right twice a day. At any given nanosecond the earth has the potential to destroy surface dwellers and renew itself. Meaning that almost anytime can be said to be the end of the world but these cycles Dark and Light will continue to rotate and rotate and rotate forever.


This link might be more reliable and safer than the HDR. I found this link this weekend so i haven't built the headset or anything. The unregistured version can only be opened 21 times so make sure you read through it throughly before closing it. i believe the dual mono building instructions will prompt you to print them out.

Art Bell never tried the HDR. He pluged it in and it heated up to what he believed to be an unsafe temperture so he unpuged it and forgot about it.


Well you try that and let us know. I have cut on the HDR Plenty of times and don't experience any overheated energy coming from the magnet. I would say in all cases if the machine worked I wouldn't wont everyone to know. Especially in arts case with 14 million listeners. Imagine 10 million orders and about 8 million ignorant people trying it. It just wouldn't be right. Also its been 10 years since then and the magnent has been upgraded from the original hdr just like you would have a better engine being made now then 10 years ago (Well that depends, if your in to cars you know what I mean) TEST YOUR VERSION OUT THAT OUT AND LET ME KNOW) I deal a lot with esoteric information and I like things explained that way. Since you can tie spiritual and science together when you deal with esoteric information. That was what I was looking for when I researched the HDR and thats what I got. I will wait and see what you get from this other device but like I said many post which this can be applied to everyone. Don't assume that another device is better or safer, etc IF YOU HAVEN'T TRIED IT YOURSELF AND THAT GOES FOR ANY MACHINE, EXERCISE, OR SUBSTANCE


I will be trying out the machine fully for astral projection in about 3 hours. I took a lot of precautions but you never know. If you do not hear anything from me in 2 days please send a short letter describing what is going on to

Mr. Nitro
1211 ridgeway rd
PMB 150
memphis, tn 38119

So if something happens to me eventually others around me will be contacted. I also let some close friends know whow will be monitoring me and I will leave a not for love ones. Some may say this is a little going overboard but I go into experiments expecting the best or worst. Reminds me when I first tried the salvia divinorum

Remember in two days if you don't here from me write to the address above PLEASE. I should respond within a day. Tomorrow after I wake up or right after the experience but you never know!


I'm here, no need for alarm, etc. I always take precautions before I try anything. I had a full report to give, step by step of my process but know I realize that all that is uneccessary. I will instead just cut to the chase The machine appears to work. I had an astral projection. With the amount of eletromagnatism I put into my navel chakra I know it was bound to do something. I do have mixed messages. As a semi scientist (meaning I use the scientific method but don't want to be caught in dogma like other scientist) I feel that this could be coincidence. What I mean by that is that I didn't do any double blind test etc on it. I just used the machine. It makes me wonder becasue the machine says after you use it cut it off and then put yourself in a mediative state (just between sleep and awake) then do any of the normal things you would do to try to astral project. This is what I did, but anyone doing that could have an astral projection without the machine. Also I live in the Memphis, Mississippi, Arkansas tri state area and anyone who is paying attention to the news sees that we been having tornados and storms. It rained so hard last night producing so much negative ions from the lightning (THATS GOOD) that almost anyone could have astral projected last night. The only difference from using the machine then me doing it naturally is that I felt a little different and I came out a different way. I was in the densest astral form (many know what I"m talking about)where I still felt VERY physical. So I do beleive the machine worked but I also believe more experimentation needs to be done because know inventor trys something on one person and has a complete acceptance that his machine works. What I would like to try is for someone who has never astral projected conciously to try the machine and see what happens. That way I will have a better lean on the machine then just me making me do it on my own or nature being just right at the time. Will I try the machine again. Yes, now that I see that it wasn't initially harmful I will, but know one needs to be constantly putting that amount of energy over their solar plexus frequently. So it will be a while maybe not even this month.  I know many was looking for a better observation then this or just a IT DOESN"T WORK. But I"m impressed so far and think further experimentation is needed. I'm now waiting to see what others who have the machine have to say about it. I purchased mine from steven gibbs. Thinking that I should get it from the original inventor and i purchased the time travel plans from plans are a good read for anyone, very good information in there. Although like it has been stated I was wondering about the website for steven gibbs since it isn't that productive. Speaking to him he said that he doesn't control any of the websites. He recieved orders from others and he makes the machine and give it to those who took the orders to ship it or he ships it himself. He said he made the machine a while ago and of course after it worked and showing it to friends they told him he should sell it. He agreed but didn't want to handle orders to so others did that and the horrible website is the result of others (the is not maintained by steven) Being as it may, he was refered to go onto the art bell show by friends and being contacted (you know art bell was fascinated with time travel) I don't know anything about the use of the machine for time travel but as steven said all you need is more energy, being on a natural earth grid point during the full moon. Well thats not my avenue. So in closing I lean on the side of the machine working but further use with it will give me better accountability. If there isn't any questions for me, then this topic can be closed Posted are pictures of the same machine modulated to work better. Many might have seen these already