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Im thinking of joining a group like the hippies

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I am 18 years of age, male and am not really satisfied with material life, I don't find anything in it. My sister is 21 and her ultimate aim is to eventually get a house, marry her boyfriend and possibly have kids. Apart from the having kids part, which is no doubt special, her life would just be nothing. Her entire point of her physical existence is just to a house and marry her boyfriend? I find that just sad. I want to travel the world and that stuff, find out about life and maximize my time here to the maximum, I don't want a house, to have loads of money, I want a satisfying life, full spiritually and I will be happy. When I say this to my sister she gets mad and tells me to kill myself or something, she gets REALLY ticked off, like money is her God. When I ask her what she thinks of NDE's and that stuff, she says "do I care?".

I am thinking of joining a group or something like the hippies, which travel around the place, and who do all types of stuff, not just stay in the one city all their life until they die worshipping money and denying spirituality. I want to have a real life.
Now everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody want to die- Krayzie Bone


I think you don't understand we all what happiness it just manifests different ways for different people. If you ask 100 people what they want to do with there life you will get 100 different answers. It's like that song everybody is looking for somethin. But you must have a goal without a goal you are just wandering around never doing anything so what is your goal? To travel around the world? That sounds great but don't see how you can do it without money hippies don't have planes. Is it to be a hippy? That is fine but will that make you happy? Are you going to just leave your family friends school/job to wander? Your sister wants a house? That is a great goal a house is a secure investment. Kids are also great a house a husband and kids that sounds like a great life to me! How dare you call her life nothing! Is she less then a stinking hippy never doing anything just wandering?!?!?!? I'm 17 years old and have no idea what I really want from life but a house and a family sounds damn good compared to a life of a hippy.


If you are going to be a hippie you are going to have to find a good acid dealer.


I'd like to be a hippy, and do that type of stuff. I don't have many friends, and family wise I have no one, only my sister. She has her dad though, and her boyfriend, and his nieces/nephews.

I have no one really, but i'm alright with that, taking it one day at a time, I love my music and I am not unhappy. I just want to do this, cos it would be fulfilling for me.
Now everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody want to die- Krayzie Bone


Hey Donal, if you want to become a hippy, and that is your absolute dream, then do it! Follow what is in your heart, and you can't go wrong from there. And if after awhile you don't want to be a hippy anymore, it is never too late to change.  Life is too short, methinks, to hold yourself down.  For all we know, everyone of us could have just one life and one chance to live it all out.  Once we die, there might not be anything at all (of course i don't believe that, but you should look at life like that, as if there is only one opportunity.  that way, you'll learn to appreciate life to the fullest).  

Think to yourself, do you want to just one day marry someone and have a house, and then that's it?  Or do you want to explore life, live life, and actually experience life?  It all depends on you.  While I agree with Intergalactic that everybody has different reasons to happiness, I disagree with him on what he thinks about your dream. You are you.  This life is yours.  Live it the way you envisioned it.

With that said, I have thought about life and my purpose in it before.  I actually asked myself a few months ago (well.... it's more like sitting down at a place and have a deep contemplation about) what i'm going to do with my life.  I also had this to help.  It's a passage from an essay written by John Taylor Gatto called "Against School: How Public Education Cripples Our Kids, and Why":

"Boredom is the common condition of schoolteachers, and anyone who spent time in a teachers' lounge can vouch for the low energy, the whining, the dispirited attitudes, to be found there.  When asked why they feel bored, the teachers tend to blame the kids, as you might expect.  Who wouldn't get bored teaching students who are rude and interested only in grades? If even that.  Of course, teachers are themselves products of the same twelve-year compulsory school programs that so thoroughly bore their students, and as school personnel they are trapped inside structures even more rigid than those imposed upon the children.  Who, then is to blame?
We all are.  My grandfather taught me that.  One afternoon when I was seven I complained to him of boredom, and he batted me hard on the head.  He told me that I was never to use that term in his presence again, that if I was bored it was entirely my fault and no one else's.  The obligation to amuse and instruct myself was entirely my own, and people who didn't  know that were childish people, to be avoided if possible. Certainty not to be trusted.  That episode cured me of boredom forever, and here and there over the years I was able to pass on the lesson to some remarkable student.  For the most part, however, I found it futile to challenge the official notion that boredom and childishness were the natural state of affairs in the classroom.  Often I had to defy custom, and even bend the law, to help kids break out of this trap."

While this passage doesn't necessarily talk about purpose in life, but it most definitely talk about boredom.  At the time of my reflection on life, I was pretty much bored with it.  I don't know what to do to make me enjoy it more.  I do this and that and this again, but nothing would make me 'happy' (Okay, there were occasions where I would be happy but most of the time, it's all boredom).  However, because of this passage it has helped me tremendously.  It made me realized that all this boredom was in my mind.  If I want to be happy, I can be happy easily with the right frame of mind; and so this was the beginning of my ascension (not spiritually, but out of boredom kind of ascension).  I started picking up things that I have  always had interests in and doing things I much enjoyed.  I started playing the guitar recently (self-taught). hehe. I started writing more, draw more, be happy more.  It was amazing.  And you know what, I begin to realize that there are all sorts of way to live a spiritual life.  You don't have to travel around the world to obtain it, you can just live where you are and learn so much.

With that, I wish you a beautiful and wonderful life.  Have a safe and fun journey my brother from another mother in the same cosmic universe. :)


nooooooooo don't be a hippie! become a graduate of the advanced school of conservative studies! just listen to el rushbo everyday like me! ~gets ready to get flamed~ ~gets ready to ignore everything everyone posts~ ~gets ready to scream "I DO NOT WANT A FLIPIN POLITICAL DEBATE! LET ME HAVE MY VIEWS AND I WILL LET YOU HAVE YOURS!!!!~
"They've been throwing rocks at Alito all week long, and those rocks have just been bouncing off that obelisk, boomeranging and smacking at Democrats upside the head."

"Club Gitmo- your tropical escape from the stresses of gihad


I just found the answer to our trouble....This is from a book called Striking thoughts Bruce Lee's Wisdom for daily Living (highly recommend) chapter 44 page 114

The moral worth of a man influences what his job should be. Once he functions the way he ought to, he is happy.

In order that people may be happy in their work these three things are needed.

They must be for it

The must not do too much of it.

They must have a sense of success in it.

There is more in the chapter but these two paragraphs are I think the most important. Think about what it says I think it just might be true.


Meh, I have never been happy with my life until I came to this forum like 4-5 days ago. I always wanted there to be magic and other such things in my life; I wanted to break free from the exact thing that your sister is doing: gonig to work everyday, raising kids, etc...

From what you posted, it just seems that your sister doesn't believe in AP or magic or any such thing. That's not a bad thing. It doesn't seem that she's in love with money. She just wants to live in a "dream" home with her lover and her lover's kids. A "perfect" life. You and I don't agree with people like her about the "perfect" life, but people have differing opinions. Do what you will, as you will, but don't be full of so much scorn.
"The gate to tomorrow is not the light of heaven..."
~Vincent Valentine, Final Fantasy VII

Krashlanmar, the Black Dragon

I implore you not to judge.



It seems like a good sign to me that you're looking for answers that the mainstream thinking in society doesn't offer.  I, too, have opted to investigate many other "fringe" or unpopular views which have led to me finding out a lot more about myself and the mysteries of the universe.

You're welcome to post any of your questions about life and the universe on my string in the Metaphysics forum here under the topic, "Channeling... an amazing tool".  It may prove to be quite enlightening.

Good Energy...

--Positive Energy--



lol, hippie mobiles rock! i saw one with really jacked up suspensions and kick butt tires the other day.
"They've been throwing rocks at Alito all week long, and those rocks have just been bouncing off that obelisk, boomeranging and smacking at Democrats upside the head."

"Club Gitmo- your tropical escape from the stresses of gihad


Thanks for the replies. My life, in a mainstream way, is pretty shabby. My dad does not agree with my views so he kicked me out of home, my sister says she loves me but hates my views. My mam died when I was 3 so maybe that is a reason I want to find out about life and life it to the maximum.

Even though I live on my own and am out of school (got bullied) and not working at the moment, I am still happy spiritually, and that is what matters :) Plus I don't feel stressful all the time and weighed down. If you see my dad he always has a red face and you can see the stress on it, I never want to be like that.

I really want to become a hippy/new age traveller, I want to join people who are like me, which I don't find in this materialistic society often. I live in a place called Cork and apparently there aren't many hippy/new age groups, (that I know of), so i'm looking up the internet and posting on forums to find one around Ireland. I have an EU passport, so I can go to Britain to look, or wherever.
Now everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody want to die- Krayzie Bone


J.K., is it Shannon and Christopher from Blind Melon?
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


Does anyone know off other alternative socities aswell as the ones I mentioned? I have been looking it up and I have seen the Rainbow Society. Can people help me a bit here, I really don't want to live in a materialistic society anymore.
Now everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody want to die- Krayzie Bone


Meh. You'd be forced to regardless. You'd need to make money somehow for food and clothing. The society does suck, I agree, but there is little choice. Nothing's free... You'd need to pay for gas, you'd need to pay for flights, you'd ened to pay for food and clothing and other essentials. *shrugs*
"The gate to tomorrow is not the light of heaven..."
~Vincent Valentine, Final Fantasy VII

Krashlanmar, the Black Dragon

I implore you not to judge.


I'd have no problem money wise, i'm not rich or anything, but i'd covered.
Now everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody want to die- Krayzie Bone


Damn, when I went up to my Dad's last night he told me to get out and never call back after I told him my philosophy on life. He really is close minded.
Now everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody want to die- Krayzie Bone