The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: Illuman on February 10, 2018, 19:55:51

Title: Just some observations.
Post by: Illuman on February 10, 2018, 19:55:51
Hello everyone.  I clearly lurk more than I post but I am still in the mode of taking in information and trying to make sense of it for myself.  For whatever reason fear blocks are something I still have to overcome I think.  I'd like to take a minute and give my personal opinion on why this may be difficult for ME personally.  When you come into this with little to no dream world experience it can be quite daunting.  I find people who have even experienced a lucid dream. Or dream recall and Deja vu basically NP practice.  When I try to take the information posted of in video format I can understand it but honestly I don't KNOW.  If that makes sense.  The way I often learn is termed "the hard way" but that is how I know something is real for me.  I experience it, I make a determination about it and process it in my consciousness.  What I would like to do is lay down a road map from infant to adult for people with no NP experience.  A general consensus by those still active here which baby steps are most important to have a base when something happens in the NP and I am conscious.  This way I can determine it's NP and not freak myself out or not really know What a going on.  Often times I try something get a new experience. Attempt to make sense of it wind up here googling or searching then repeating.  I do understand that is one way to build your own practice I just feel there is a better way for me.

I would like to start with your opinion on what is the single most important factor when consciously exploring the NP as opposed to doing it automated such as in the dream state.  Even gaining that much power to create inside yourself and utilize it here is a daunting thought.  One of those with great power comes great responsibility thing heh. 

Okay so first.  In your opinion do you see baby steps as more necessary. Like training wheels.  IE. Before learning to swim must learn what water is. How hot and cold feels what a splash is like everything that comes with it. Then start in a shallow pool with floaters. Etc etc.  Or take a kid out throw an to the deep end let them learn instantly.  Heh.  I feel like I'm tossing myself into the deep end of the ocean with no proper tools to swim or survive and I find it hard to convince my mind what I am doing is right. Smart. Logical etc etc. All the stuff I'm trying to avoid.  Very hard to remove logic from it, another road block I know.

If you think baby steps is appropriate where do you suggest one start in practice with no dream recall. No remembered dreams through life or childhood.  Etc.  Does that person learn all about LDing to prepare them for real NP control and exploration? What would be your school curriculum for ages 0-18 in NP terms.  IE kids have a kindergarten even pre k base of information to store and later pull off of to progress.   Like the math I learned in kindergarten 1+1 =2 can now be used in the later years to learn algebra etc.  This was just a random thought I had as I try to learn 20+ years of case study essentially without any real direction.  I think this group coming to a consensus on how the general populous can do this type of thing.  I would like you to think in others shoes.  IE for you you may have had experiences through childhood and up.  You have a basis for the NP and it makes more sense so what might work for you is like taking an algebra trick to solve a puzzle when all I have are 1+1 skills.    So if you had to start all over again.  From scratch.  Knowing NOTHING.  And I mean it no direct personal experience with even a normal dream where do you start. What path do you try to follow before veering off on your own creation? 

I think insights gleaned from the answers to some of this will allow my more scientific mind to answer some of its stupid questions and push on past fear of the unknown.  I am an explorer. I love adventure but it often conflicts with my highly rational mind. So oft times my adventure comes from a single moment of spontaneity when I have removed logic even for a second and "go do something dumb" 

Thanks for reading.  This one was done on phone I am sorry for the typos.
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Karxx Gxx on February 10, 2018, 20:53:08

This might not be relevant but I really havnt gone exploring. I tried but I usually lose my lucidness to an extent, if not all of it. That and I always end up in my room most of the time. It's usually hard for me to move, see, and even get out of my own house if doors are shut.
There are definitely fundamentals you should learn when you start AP'ing. But the most important one is to

write down what you experienced. When you see a pattern then try to figure out something. Your scientific mind will do well with this  :wink:
It's really important to look at these patterns because they could be tests you have to face to go on to the next level. You dont HAVE to pass them to do x y z, but they could help you with your travels. So if you traveled to a scary place you will be well prepared.

Im always in my room. It started with fear tests but I've overcome that plenty of times. At first I thought it was a test to leave but apparently it is not because I have multiple times and I never find anything interesting. It might be because Im not lucid enough. So I need to work on that at least whilst working on other things.

Learn how to become even more lucid. Learn how things 'manifest'. For example, a lot of people have luck by saying 'CLARITY NOW'. They become more lucid, and for me I can move easier and I can see better. Everything is so dark but it brightens up afterwords.

There are tips and tricks posted somewhere. I can link it sometime. They can be useful when traveling, such as flying or teleportation, telepathy, etc.

I'd recomend to learn how to believe in yourself and your abilities. It will make doing everything a lot easier. you can achieve this of course through practice. Just try to do what FEELS right. What resonates with you, what gets you excited, etc.  Get connected with your heart Or just think of something that makes you smile and hold that feeling. Operating through there might help, but could be hard since you are mind heavy. Thats just something I personally try to do.

Speaking of, feelings are VERY important in the astral. One person here finds it best to simply have a curious mindset. Not really excpeting a certain outcome, but just curious on what will unfold next. I keep forgetting to do this but it has its merit. Experiment with not controlling what you do with actions, but with mostly feelings. That's probably what my tests want me to do.

Oh, intent is defiantly important in the astral realm too. This is why commands work it seems. like clarity now.

Hope this helped in some way.

link for abilities

Do what you think feels right!
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Illuman on February 10, 2018, 20:57:43
I would also really like to inquire about the transformative effect [this may specifically be a better question for those that had more of a sudden dive into the realm opposed to exposure from childhood on up.]  But making the decision to OBE.  What made you want yo do it in the first place.  And when you did OBE did it have staying transformative effects on the way you lived you life etc.  If so what were they.  

The reason I ask this I think is because I imagine a fear of mine being doing this "to well" however funny that sounds.  Meaning many people through history changed so much through [lack of s better term] enlightenment process they drop family. Fixate on a problem to solve.  Or an invention or many etc.  Or become monks there are tons of explanations.  However I can't seem to convince myself or get past the fear of the great life change that comes with that.  Irrational or not that thought is somewhere in me, I feel it as a hindrance to this overall process for me.  From what I understand the drop from front line activity to none is what often causes OBE or [again I don't quite know how to properly term everything] enlightenment experience.  The exercises I see constantly on the forums involve the heightening of front lobe activity then the drop in it.  IE. Counting breaths rhythmic sounds OM etc etc.  

I guess it begs the question who dis you become after you dedicated yourself or really decided to change.  Now you are who are.  However the process for which you aid us newbies in doesn't touch on that part often.  Why you want to OBE what your expectations of it are or were.   And if when you did OBE was it life changing.  Etc.
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Illuman on February 10, 2018, 21:12:49
I would also like to add.  From my outsider sort of mentality [being a complete newb] I can't help but big picture this whole thing.  I have n it yet compartmentalized this topic into categories because I have little to no experience with it.  So when I look at it the end result or goal looks like betterment of self.  Which in turn is betterment of whole.  That being said it seems to be each person's goal wether on a conscious level or not is enlightenment. Again I don't quite like that term because it means something different to everyone but what I mean is our purpose to some extent here seems to reach an ascended level of consciousness.  It is up to us to decide how high or low we rise in this limited time constraint we have.  So the blueprint says you must be here before going here.  And there are general rules that need to be adhered to in a self sustaining system.  So fear tests life tests everything you experience prepares you for the next rung up the ladder so to speak.  With each climb up the NP enlightenment ladder real world changes occur.  Your diet changes goals creativity religion etc etc.  With the use of drugs people can jump rungs and chest temporarily to glimpse the future so to speak but always come back down.  The one good thing that may be gleaned from that is it can be motivation to do it naturally without aid.  [Consciously so to speak again we are all moving towards control of ones self fully.  Np and physical. Mind and body] so to prevent harm from being done checks and tests and maps and guidelines are put in place. 

I could go on and on but if I expect whole hearted replies here I would like to show you where someone like me may come from.  I hope it helps again I'll go back and fix typos on home computer after work.  Thanks for reading.
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Karxx Gxx on February 10, 2018, 22:00:10
At first I wanted to AP for knowledge, to talk to my higherself to know 'what to do next'. I personally want to change. I also feared on what change would happen but I decided that the life I am living, the lense that i see through and my perspective on things was not enough. It never really is enough.

AP had the potential to change that. I could be in a different reality so to speak. Escaping earth and doing something more worth while. AP though has not changed me one bit. But I havnt had enough dedicatoin to really try so I didnt learn any life changing informatoin. Instead I learned it here through the internet and through experience.
I saw the world through a different lense for about  a minute or so and it was unreal. It was how I want to live life. You could call it enlightenment on a low level perhaps. It's different for everyone, but essentially you can just say I ascended to the next level.

You dont HAVE to do anything. These tests COULD help you in the next process but you can stay as long as you like. People dont really get that. If you happen to change then so be it. The thing is you are scared of what could happen. When you change it's not like you are not you. You dont have to drop family or anything. Imagine you as who you are with new information. Do you think I could tell you anything that will make you drop your family? If you are so sure then you shouldnt worry about such things. In my experience, I did not want to drop anyone. In fact I wanted to have a great connection with people even more so.

If you really beleive you will change then simply dont do it. You might struggle within yourself but that's what you rather do, so you should be fine with it. Unfortunatly, how I assume most poeple work... The heart is hard to ignore. That yearn for something is hard to ignore. Even if you're batshite scared, a part of you will want to OBE ,in your case ,regardless of the risk. But your mind says otherwise.

If it's too much I'd work on observing. You dont have to obe, but just bring up that fear of change. Now observe it and watch it. Dont keep it there on purpose, forcing yourself to fear. Just bring up some thoughts that will simply bring it up to surface. Many people and beings (channelers  that talked for them) talk about similar technique. Well this technique. That and thinking of something that makes you smile and holding that to connect with your heart.

You will probably be really good at this, but fear is what limits that from happening. Which isnt bad! But thinking can only get you so far. I've been there as well, scared I will do x y z, that I will not follow my ego-ic dreams and such. But now I expect the best because I feel in control of my reality.

Betterment of self is subjective. Most people just happen to agree on what better is. Enlightenment just seems about bettering self, but really it's just about connecting with yourself. If your a doosh at heart then that's just who you are. Cats are a holes sometimes, but I can never be mad because that's just who they are. We on the other hand mask ourselves.
I tell you this because it might help you believe that you wont change after 'bettering yourself'. It's irrelevant. There are  many paths to enlightenment. For some it happens out of no where. Orthers practice on a technique. Others through depression. So dont worry about what you will become. Just be who you are. I'd say youre someone who wants to explore  :-)

Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Nameless on February 11, 2018, 04:19:31
"I would like to start with your opinion on what is the single most important factor when consciously exploring the NP"

I read this far and decided to answer this before I read further. For me the single most important thing is to notice everything and I do mean everything. Do not discount anything as just your imagination or silly or whatever.
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Nameless on February 11, 2018, 04:34:11
I've finished reading your other posts now and I think I have a fair view at what you are wanting know.
You say you don't dream and never have. That is fine there is nothing wrong with that. You don't have to instead you might prefer phasing which is simply meditating (or just sitting quietly) and allowing whatever comes to you to come. It will take practice and patience. Think of it as daydreaming. Did you daydream as a child. Same thing here.

The other thing I got reading your posts is this idea that AP, OBE and LDs are all about enlightenment. Forget that, if that were true the world would already be a much better place than it is. It is about learning if that is what you want or having fun if that is what you want. Some people are simply more spiritual than others, the ones that seek it already have it. Those who don't aren't likely to seek it so there's the rub.

However having said all that there is this feeling of growing away from much of the matters that once concerned you. But it does not replace whatever is at your own spiritual core.

Enlightenment? The last time I got enlightened I accidentally cut a live wire with a butcher's knife, landed on my butt a whole lot more enlightened than I was before I did that. ;-)
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Xanth on February 11, 2018, 07:18:35
Quote from: Illuman on February 10, 2018, 20:57:43
I would also really like to inquire about the transformative effect [this may specifically be a better question for those that had more of a sudden dive into the realm opposed to exposure from childhood on up.]  But making the decision to OBE.  What made you want yo do it in the first place.  And when you did OBE did it have staying transformative effects on the way you lived you life etc.  If so what were they.  

The reason I ask this I think is because I imagine a fear of mine being doing this "to well" however funny that sounds.  Meaning many people through history changed so much through [lack of s better term] enlightenment process they drop family. Fixate on a problem to solve.  Or an invention or many etc.  Or become monks there are tons of explanations.  However I can't seem to convince myself or get past the fear of the great life change that comes with that.  Irrational or not that thought is somewhere in me, I feel it as a hindrance to this overall process for me.  From what I understand the drop from front line activity to none is what often causes OBE or [again I don't quite know how to properly term everything] enlightenment experience.  The exercises I see constantly on the forums involve the heightening of front lobe activity then the drop in it.  IE. Counting breaths rhythmic sounds OM etc etc.  

I guess it begs the question who dis you become after you dedicated yourself or really decided to change.  Now you are who are.  However the process for which you aid us newbies in doesn't touch on that part often.  Why you want to OBE what your expectations of it are or were.   And if when you did OBE was it life changing.  Etc.
Well this post of yours begs the question: "What is enlightenment mean to you?"

I can best describe enlightenment with this old adage...
"Before enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water
After enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water"

Nothing truly changes in your life except how you VIEW life and how you ACCEPT those around you just as they are.
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: EscapeVelocity on February 11, 2018, 07:19:42
I agree with what Karxx and Nameless and Xanth are telling you.

I will add a couple points, but I want to back up for a minute and analyze your lack of experience with dreaming. Are you saying that you have NEVER experienced or remembered even a single dream or a fragment of one? I find that hard to believe, but I suppose it is possible. I haven't read of any scientific research declaring a genetic or physiological reason. The culture one grows up in can definitely have a profound effect; some cultures embrace the relevance of dreams while many others almost completely disregard them. If they aren't important then you don't focus on them; therefore they are not remembered.

The sleep/dream research have consistently shown that EVERYONE dreams; it is an absolutely necessary physiological and psychological function much as a computer needs to routinely have its hard-drive de-fragmented and TIF files deleted, etc. If this is so, then the question becomes one of first remembering, then becoming lucid or 'present' within the dream and becoming familiar with your dream 'self'. And like any skill, it can be learned with consistent practice and patience. Your dream 'self' is arguably similar if not the same as your NP 'self', so if you are looking for baby-steps, then I think that is the place to start: Get to know your dream self by learning to remember your dreams.

Nameless touched on an important point that also occurred to me: Have you ever daydreamed? For instance, you were in class, not listening to the instruction; instead, your mind was far away thinking about something else until your awareness was pulled back by the teacher repeatedly calling your name. That is a form of Phasing, call it Phasing-lite. All forms of Non-Physical Experience, whether it's Phasing or OBE or Dreaming, etc. involve re-focusing your awareness away from the Physical body and re-directing it to some(place?) else. So if you have daydreamed then you already have some idea of what Phasing is...

So how do you begin remembering your dreams? You need 2 things: A sense of purpose and a plan.

The sense of purpose is INTENT. I think that INTENT is likely the most fundamental and necessary 'first step' in attempting any NP activity, and also in sustaining the experience. If you become even marginally proficient in having any kind of NP experiences, you will quickly learn that INTENT becomes a component of practically every action you take. I capitalize the word because it is so very important. INTENT is determination, it is purpose, it is clear-minded thought, it translates into action, it is characterized by its intensity...this becomes readily apparent within the nearly instantaneous thought-responsive environment of the Non-Physical Reality. If you have no INTENT, then you go nowhere; if you have poor, weak or mis-directed INTENT then you quickly lose energy, lose direction, become distracted and the experience degenerates or ends.

So, in remembering your dreams, #1 Intent is needed to make a determined, dedicated and consistent practice of following #2, your plan. The plan is pretty simple- Affirmations. Write down 2 or 3 short, simple, positively-worded statements that you read out loud 3 times every night before bed. Do the same affirmations for a week, then maybe modify them as you see fit. Something like-

"I dream every night and I remember my dreams."
"Every night, my dreaming awareness and memory become stronger and stronger."
"I enjoy my dream adventures and look forward to them."

Write them down once a day, say them 3 times each night. Also keep a notebook and pen next to your bed and take the time to make notes of any impressions that come through. These are all various forms of communicating with your inner self, re-programming your subconscious to let it know what you want and expect.

Do this consistently for 2 weeks and I will be interested in hearing your results. It most definitely IS baby-steps.
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Visitor on February 11, 2018, 12:29:01
No manual is possible because each individual is different, so different events occur.  A manual where a person projects belief in, would be limiting to just that pathway ...that set of results.  Not much help.

Then you are responsible for what that person experiences also.

Best to let the will of each person result in what it must.

Anything is is control of others.

Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Illuman on February 11, 2018, 16:21:32
Awesome responses thanks for the input it helps sink easier with me in conversation format over just digesting reading. 

Quote from: Nameless on February 11, 2018, 04:34:11
I've finished reading your other posts now and I think I have a fair view at what you are wanting know.
You say you don't dream and never have. That is fine there is nothing wrong with that. You don't have to instead you might prefer phasing which is simply meditating (or just sitting quietly) and allowing whatever comes to you to come. It will take practice and patience. Think of it as daydreaming. Did you daydream as a child. Same thing here.

The other thing I got reading your posts is this idea that AP, OBE and LDs are all about enlightenment. Forget that, if that were true the world would already be a much better place than it is. It is about learning if that is what you want or having fun if that is what you want. Some people are simply more spiritual than others, the ones that seek it already have it. Those who don't aren't likely to seek it so there's the rub.

However having said all that there is this feeling of growing away from much of the matters that once concerned you. But it does not replace whatever is at your own spiritual core.

Enlightenment? The last time I got enlightened I accidentally cut a live wire with a butcher's knife, landed on my butt a whole lot more enlightened than I was before I did that. ;-)

So I guess it's not that I don't dream I understand everyone does.  For whatever reason [likely a few] I have 0 recall and have for many years aside from sporadic times I remember nothing. From what I understand however is simply spending more of my waking life preparing myself for sleep so to speak with affirmations and dream journal.  Keeping my focus on that will increase my recall.  Do people who have been through this recommend attempting to go "out of body" or simply focus more attention on the basics so to speak to better prepare.  Or is it better to attempt with little to no foundation so to speak [other than the obvious foundation we naturally have].  Or I suspect they all go hand in hand and focusing my intent on one or the other will lead to increased activity in either. [Also another reason I am trying to actively engage on the forums.  To keep that intent and focus / attention on the general topic daily.]

Quote from: Xanth on February 11, 2018, 07:18:35
Well this post of yours begs the question: "What is enlightenment mean to you?"

I can best describe enlightenment with this old adage...
"Before enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water
After enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water"

Nothing truly changes in your life except how you VIEW life and how you ACCEPT those around you just as they are.

I understand the adage on a logical level but that's one of those never truly understand until the moment comes I imagine. Heh.

I guess enlightenment to me is more like a spectrum.  The journey and process itself up or down this spectrum would be considered enlightenment.  To me that basically describes exploration of the unknown.  Either higher or lower or the enlightenment spectrum.  Most people just refer to the big E.  Enlightenment when some people simply mean the process of moving up or down the unknown lighting up previously dark parts of consciousness.  While you do that either way the body for which you have in this reality is effected. Either subtly or extremely [IE rare cases like perhaps budda, Jesus etc] or more often a little e enlightenment experience perhaps say one ascended level above the current rung of enlightenment on the scale.  Something like changing eating habits to better the planet for example. 

Of course I may have it completely wrong I am always open to that possibility lol.  This is my view on it I think I am still generalizing the whole concept but without a better way to explain my opinion that will have to suffice.

I also get the feeling we are all here for the ride so to speak up or down this spectrum the experience seems more important than the place you end up stopping on the ride.  If not more important equally as important. 

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on February 11, 2018, 07:19:42
I agree with what Karxx and Nameless and Xanth are telling you.

I will add a couple points, but I want to back up for a minute and analyze your lack of experience with dreaming. Are you saying that you have NEVER experienced or remembered even a single dream or a fragment of one? I find that hard to believe, but I suppose it is possible. I haven't read of any scientific research declaring a genetic or physiological reason. The culture one grows up in can definitely have a profound effect; some cultures embrace the relevance of dreams while many others almost completely disregard them. If they aren't important then you don't focus on them; therefore they are not remembered.

The sleep/dream research have consistently shown that EVERYONE dreams; it is an absolutely necessary physiological and psychological function much as a computer needs to routinely have its hard-drive de-fragmented and TIF files deleted, etc. If this is so, then the question becomes one of first remembering, then becoming lucid or 'present' within the dream and becoming familiar with your dream 'self'. And like any skill, it can be learned with consistent practice and patience. Your dream 'self' is arguably similar if not the same as your NP 'self', so if you are looking for baby-steps, then I think that is the place to start: Get to know your dream self by learning to remember your dreams.

Nameless touched on an important point that also occurred to me: Have you ever daydreamed? For instance, you were in class, not listening to the instruction; instead, your mind was far away thinking about something else until your awareness was pulled back by the teacher repeatedly calling your name. That is a form of Phasing, call it Phasing-lite. All forms of Non-Physical Experience, whether it's Phasing or OBE or Dreaming, etc. involve re-focusing your awareness away from the Physical body and re-directing it to some(place?) else. So if you have daydreamed then you already have some idea of what Phasing is...

So how do you begin remembering your dreams? You need 2 things: A sense of purpose and a plan.

The sense of purpose is INTENT. I think that INTENT is likely the most fundamental and necessary 'first step' in attempting any NP activity, and also in sustaining the experience. If you become even marginally proficient in having any kind of NP experiences, you will quickly learn that INTENT becomes a component of practically every action you take. I capitalize the word because it is so very important. INTENT is determination, it is purpose, it is clear-minded thought, it translates into action, it is characterized by its intensity...this becomes readily apparent within the nearly instantaneous thought-responsive environment of the Non-Physical Reality. If you have no INTENT, then you go nowhere; if you have poor, weak or mis-directed INTENT then you quickly lose energy, lose direction, become distracted and the experience degenerates or ends.

So, in remembering your dreams, #1 Intent is needed to make a determined, dedicated and consistent practice of following #2, your plan. The plan is pretty simple- Affirmations. Write down 2 or 3 short, simple, positively-worded statements that you read out loud 3 times every night before bed. Do the same affirmations for a week, then maybe modify them as you see fit. Something like-

"I dream every night and I remember my dreams."
"Every night, my dreaming awareness and memory become stronger and stronger."
"I enjoy my dream adventures and look forward to them."

Write them down once a day, say them 3 times each night. Also keep a notebook and pen next to your bed and take the time to make notes of any impressions that come through. These are all various forms of communicating with your inner self, re-programming your subconscious to let it know what you want and expect.

Do this consistently for 2 weeks and I will be interested in hearing your results. It most definitely IS baby-steps.

So your of the mindset that building that foundation of intent on the NP mainly through building a daily practice of NP related stuff in this case LDing [eventually with the goal of OBE] and before LDing comes just recalling dreams with frequency, to do that is daily intent on journaling Etc?

I would like to add even though I majority lurked I did take a lot in.  The reason for this thread is 2 fold.  The most important being a daily or semi regularly conversation on these topics to keep my neurons fired up heh.  I also like that the experience for me will be documented and I can reflect on where I was to where I am etc. I really appreciate all the replies
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Illuman on February 11, 2018, 16:43:40
Quote from: Visitor on February 11, 2018, 12:29:01
No manual is possible because each individual is different, so different events occur.  A manual where a person projects belief in, would be limiting to just that pathway ...that set of results.  Not much help.

Then you are responsible for what that person experiences also.

Best to let the will of each person result in what it must.

Anything is is control of others.

I do get that.  However I also see patterns in what the majority of astralnauts go through on their journey, while it's true each journey is different and each gets there their own way there is a similar engine in each if those cars .   The function and basics overlap and there doesn't seem to be one coherent place for this.  Of course all these answers are here in this huge repository I am just if the opinion if there was a jumping off thing a good explanation of what fundamentals might effect results and why.  For example the replies in this topic are superb.  I am not convinced a jumping off point is needed it is more a question.  I can see you believe the person's intent can be shown their through willingness to pursue and find these answers and modify and adapt along the way essentially building you up to where you need to be.  I can't argue that really. All just really fascinating stuff to me regardless I just adore the topic in general and the people associated with it. 
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Illuman on February 11, 2018, 16:54:00
I know I am thinking about all this more which I like.  I somehow now have a sleep mask, some ear plugs, various binaural or meditative music ebooks bookmarked blogs etc.  So I like it.  I guess I am also very nervous.  Like i said before that may be irrational but it's that unknown [you can tell me something until your blue in the face but until I experience it I truly can't convince myself I know] that is scary I think.  All this information scattered all over the internet with such varying degrees of opinion is daunting then you throw in misconceptions, movies, retoric, what have you you can build more fears.  So when people say overcome the fear of death I can see why that's so powerful if you do that the rest sort of get conquered.  You may build a new set of fears to conquer but it cleans the slate so to speak.  Tier up start over keep moving along the "enlightenment" spectrum.

It's funny I have so many opinions on a topic I don't have much first hand experience with.  Technically they are all preconceived notions and I guess this process is me trying to talk myself into this as being beneficial and not harmful [subjective terms in this case].  Baby steps is likely right for me to do that to convince myself.  If I can put my toes in the water I can maybe smash some of those notions I have and move on to the next.  But I have a hard time convincing myself to dive head first into the deep water.  [IE shooting right for an OBE,  or even one with extreme intention on change].  With a general foundation my mind can refer to and pull off of to verify the information it's receiving I should be able to strengthen the entire practice of exploration.
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Xanth on February 11, 2018, 20:36:26
Quote from: Illuman on February 11, 2018, 16:21:32
I also get the feeling we are all here for the ride so to speak up or down this spectrum the experience seems more important than the place you end up stopping on the ride.  If not more important equally as important.
That's kind of the thing that most people have a hard time grasping...

The "ride", as you put it, isn't really all that important at all.  The WHAT you do is actually kind of meaningless... it's the INTENT behind WHY you did the actions in your life that's more important.  :)
Title: Re: Just some observations.
Post by: Visitor on February 12, 2018, 02:23:32
I think everything we do is important.  We are not alone and more often than not we are an actor to help someone, to witness something,..... to be strong enough to push someone down the stairs and cause injury and help them experience something.  It's all important. 

Emotions are earth based and only we who come here experience them.  What joy to feel them!  The excitement when the air sparkles in reflection of your energy level...the knot of fear in your stomach in anticipation of something when you feel the grey enveloping you.   To feel that momentary riot of red anger .....and yet feel that low level stability of acceptance beneath it. You can't really lose your nut because underneath is a reminder of balance. 

OBEs pale in comparison. 

I will miss this earth and all it has shown me, when I return home.  I used to feel alone way back, once upon, but then one day mom earth said quietly in my ear...nobody comes here without my acceptance of them.  You are here by my invitation. I know where everyone is and what they are doing.  And then she took me by the hand and for twenty years showed me amazing places, people, different lives.  In each place I was made welcome.  Different people went out their way to make me feel at home.   I felt the memories my past linking me to each country, each place.  It was an astonishing period. 

OBEs are nothing compared to those years. 

That to me was gold.