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Labels of consciousness

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Hey everybody. I don't use labels much... but it helps me have an understanding for things better in this subject... so I have to use them to make sense of things. I was wondering how it goes in order for you?

When I meditate all I connect with is

"Source" which I consider god... (all that is and ever was and will be) or tom would call this this larger consciousness system.

Then my "spirit" which tom would call an IUOC or "individuated unit of consciousness" but I call it my spirit... could that be the same as a higher self? Because I heard a spirit can have a ton of higher selves that branch off from that original being.

Anything else like soul... etc I don't really focus on because a lot of these people say soul is just still part of a personality you have with ego etc and is one step above the avatar and isn't the spirit.

When I meditate I just connect with my IUOC and source. Which I know is so close to the same thing... just IUOC would be my individual eternal spark of source.

What labels do you use to make sense of this stuff? I've heard people use god/god self too. I know this doesn't really matter to a lot of people but to understand information better I have to use them! Haha
John Kody, ere :) love from new york area


Greetings MarsZM

It's been awhile since I posted here.
For many years I have been greatly interested in different states of consciousness. To date I have been able to determine at least 10 separate and distinct states of consciousness with at least two others as possible.
These 10 states of consciousness are (in ascending order) as follows:
1) Sleep with no dreams (subconscious).
2) Sleep with normal (non-lucid) dreams.
3) False awakenings (where a person believes that they are awake but in fact are actually dreaming).
4) Hypnagogia / hypnapompia The in between state of sleeping and waking, Hypnagogia is before sleep and hypnapompia is after sleep before fully awakening. This also includes deep meditative states and trance. It is also the best state to induce both out of body experiences/astral  projection and remote viewing.
5) Normal waking consciousness.
6) Lucidity. Sometimes this is called "being in the zone". This is the state that allows musicians, actors and other performers to be at their best. Note that I consider a lucid dream to be a hybrid experience where the dreamer is in two states of consciousness (#s 2 and 6) at once.
7) Psychedelia. Actually a very wide ranging state that is usually induced by mind alterents, ethnobotanicals, and various drugs.
8) Out and body and astrally projected (including NDEs with an OBE component.)
9) Permanently deceased including ghosts and spirits and all non human discarnates.
10) Samadhi, Nirvana, Godhead, Brahma.  

In addition I believe that these 2 states of consciousness also exist but have very little evidence as yet.
A) cyber consciousness ( true AI).
B) Crystal consciousness.

Regards 8-)


I like Tom Campbell and his theory. However I do not like his terms and acronyms (IUOC, LCS, NPMR, AUM, etc.) a lot. Hence I don't use them at all.

Personally I like the term Higher Self which for me is also 'part of God/Source'. I also don't know where to put the term 'Soul' since it could be the higher or lower self/mind (ego) indeed when people talk about it according to context (hence there's then also the term 'Oversoul' for the Higher Self as opposed to only 'Soul', but I also do not use that).

I like also the 'new agey' term Source since I find it quite an adequate description. I am not against the term God though despite its religious connotations.

Anyway. It is all just words after all.  :|


Labels confuse me also although admittedly they can be helpful. I generally say God (big G) or Source as the ultimate top spot in my current understanding.

The different states of consciousness still confuse me a bit as different people use different terms it seems. In most experiences I see elements of several states so that adds to the confusion. But the good news is that the confusion only applies to trying to explain to others (which is where we need the labels). For myself there are only two states that matter.
1) Here - physical now
2) Other
Well maybe three as there are times when a person can be in 1 and 2 simultaneously.


Quote from: Nameless on December 16, 2019, 13:41:12
1) Here - physical now
2) Other
This is waayyyy too difficult and complex, could you please simplify this to make it more comprehensible?
:-D :wink:


Quote from: Volgerle on December 16, 2019, 16:40:22
This is waayyyy too difficult and complex, could you please simplify this to make it more comprehensible?
:-D :wink:
Damn, okay. 1 (one) usually comes before 2 (two) but sometimes 1 can follow two... :-D :-D :-D


It's always great to see a voice from the past returning. Welcome back Greytraveller!  :-) 8-) Hopefully you will stay for awhile this time around!  :-)

"Cyber Consciousness"? Is that when you are locked and bonded to your cell phone?  :-D If that's the case, there are many people experiencing this in today's World!

Quote from: Volgerle on December 16, 2019, 16:40:22
This is waayyyy too difficult and complex, could you please simplify this to make it more comprehensible?
:-D :wink:
"Here" and "there". How's that for you?  :-D :-D :-D

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


These two labels definitely did not work for me early in my experiences; but now they do...

Here and there...

But that is just not fair, lol...
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thanx for the welcome back Lumaza  :wink:
I might post some of my more recent OBEs or maybe will provide some links to interesting OBE reports on youtube.

Regards  8-)


Quote from: Greytraveller on December 24, 2019, 03:56:09
I might post some of my more recent OBEs or maybe will provide some links to interesting OBE reports on youtube.
Cool!  8-) I look forward to reading or listening to them!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla