The Astral Pulse

Astral Chat => Welcome to Astral Chat! => Topic started by: riddled_skies on December 27, 2007, 22:09:30

Title: OCD an addiction, not a disease
Post by: riddled_skies on December 27, 2007, 22:09:30
Hey everybody, I've got some news I think would be interesting.

you know OCD, Obsessive-compulsive-disorder? I was just pondering in the shower this morning (as i do), about OCD.

you see, i just beat OCD as it has been lodged in my subconscious for the longest time. I had OCD of the numbers: doing things a number of times, sets of things, etc.

One of the things I remembered from it was the fact that I had this energy, almost like drugs, released in my very nerves of my body when I followed the OCD's orders. There were a couple elevated moments when I felt crazy, and energy was coming from nowhere! I followed orders so lightning fast I was laughing. I made several percise convulsions according to my order messages and it lasted a decent time. My brain was almost like having a headache but it wasn't... Everything was elevated, i kept thinking i was on cocaine/crack... This got me to thinking.

something "sparked" in my mind about a memory of a commercial about cigarette smoking. It showed a picture of nicotine binding to these ugly looking, sucking nicotine receptors, taking in the nicotine. Knowing very well the struggles of nicotine from my own smoking fathers' perils, I have seen the way nicotine takes over a persons mind and willpower, an addiction. And then the plausible theory hit me..

OCD could be an addiction. Figuring my episodes I have had with it, and the "drugged" feeling, I thought that,

The act of OCD binds to something in your brain, making you think you need it.

As soon as I realized this, It was a lot easier to give the OCD up. I was so afraid of something bad would happen that I scarcely tried to.

Anyway, I have more to this, but that's all for now.