Theme of Our Reality (All Who See This Please Read, Concerns Your Future)

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Hi all. I've been absent from Astral Pulse for a while but have been researching, days on end, during Winter break. I feel I've been getting messages over the last few months to begin studying for this "transition" foretold by many religions as well as the New World Order and Illuminati. These are my findings:

1) The Illuminati exists. They are a satanic cult of humans guided by "demons" through demonic pacts. A disturbingly large portion of famous, wealthy, and economically/politically/militarily powerful people got to their status through demonic pacts. It's not hard to find info on the families of the Illuminati or prove to yourself that they've had their hand in most major atrocities of this world. At this point I'd be wishing for blissful ignorance if I didn't know 9/11 was an inside job, the world governments are a virtual stage play, and the Illuminati agenda is coming to fruition: a one world, fascist government with a ruling (most likely possessed) elite and micro-chipped population under their control. This may sound familiar but I'm beginning to connect this on a more fundamental, spiritual level. Every dream has a theme and ours is no different.

2) The music industry is the Illuminati's propaganda wing to the younger masses, primarily Rock, Hip Hop and mainstream music in general. I've watched countless music videos littered with satanic imagery and signals it's mind boggeling. Pyramids, the all-seeing eye, devil horns, snakes, and other demonic symbols are just laid out for the masses to see but not give a second thought over. I used to think these videos made no sense. Why don't they reflect what the song is about? Why is Kanye West rapping to a very blatant virgin sacrifice in Coldest Winter? Why is Rihanna simulating masturbation in You Da One? Why has Lady Gaga donned the most grotesque looking costumes I've seen in my life? Why is Katy Perry acting out eventually selling her soul to the devil post-New World Order in ET? They are crafted to brainwash, of course. They are setting the stage. What do we know about Source (Tao/prime creator/collective unconscious/Brahman/Yahweh, etc.)? Like attracts like and thought equals action. They are setting the stage and using our mind (humanity's mind) to program their reality into yours. (Think Astral Pulse Island on an epically larger scale. KEEP THIS IN MIND.)

3) Given 1 and 2 it's apparent (to me) the Illuminati is doing it's best to merge their reality (Biblical Hell) with the reality of Earth. 2 describes how they're doing it visually and audibly. Now I'll tell you how they're doing it emotionally. Emotion is what connects us to Source. Unconditional love is the unifying energy of this entity. I'm sure a lot of people here already know this. In order to entrap us they had to first make us forget our ties to Source (birth/death cycle started with Adam and Eve, first demonic pact) and hence, cut us off from unconditonal love. They introduced the sciences to separate a grounded mind from Source. We no longer felt Source, we questioned it. So people just did whatever they wanted. Is their a Source? Hmm, I don't know so let me go rape, murder, and stomp over people to achieve my goals! Let me be self-serving! Let me be the piece (human with limited senses/ignorant) because I don't remember ever being the Pie (Source.) This is simply what a demon is. A demon is the foolish aspect of consciousness that prefers to be the piece, not the pie. If you're a piece and wish to be a piece (ignorant) you are cut off from this unconditional love energy because it is of the whole metaphysically, not of the parts.

4) So if a demon is cut off from this infinite energy, it must feed off whatever it can find. It sinks into realities like water through cracks in a roof. It takes hold of the weak minded and guides toward the ideal goal of sequestering all consciousness in the particular reality. As before mentioned, it fools it into thinking there is one reality so it never realizes it can escape to Source (why are aliens from a distant world in "this one" reality so heavily promoted?), thus creating a stable energy source of pain and fear for those who turn away from Source. Our reality is infected with this problem and the mass energy is dragging us down into the reality of demons. I'll expand on this in a bit.

5) The demons' safety net is Christianity. I have done research which shows that Jesus was really just an avatar (incarnated form) of a demon performing sorcery to gain alliegence. I can not emphasize this enough, Jesus is not your savior. Do not claim him as your lord, this is no different than a pact with a demon. If you don't now realize the theme of this life is "You are not a servant to anyone" than I hope you learn it soon, because depending on Christianity when times get tough is the second prong in a two pronged attack by the demons. This reality is designed to have the western world be logical (one reality) and yet keep Christianity (concepts of Heaven/Hell) in their back pocket. I feel this means something.

6) Through prophecies (Mayan, Biblical, etc) and what I already know to be true I'm critical thinking of how all these facets of reality that are intricately related will tie together for the transition. I've read in several sources that extra terrestrials will reveal themselves soon and claim to be benevolent. These will be demons in disguise. Their arrival and deception may help solidify the sinful, self-serving, Source denying ways of the public. I read also they will cause mass death within this reality. Atheists will be some of the first to die. They don't remember Source but still they wouldn't claim servitude to an extra terrestrial. If you have no pact with a demon you are in no real danger of a demon! Now this is when my revelation came, Christianity in the back pocket. The public that was led to believe there wasn't a Source (through a Catholic Church filled with satan worship and pedophelia) will start believing in "a" source out of fear and desperation. Suddenly Jesus Christ reveals himself to the Christians, Allah to the Muslims, Hindu gods to the Hindus and so on. These are all demons who wish to make demonic pacts with those who worship them thereby denying Source. Two pronged attack.

7) To recap, the atheists have been killed and all the demonic pacts brought on by self-servers and worshippers of things outside themself (idolatry/denying Source) are trapped in the one reality, one world government. Somewhere along the way the population is microchipped to solidify their separation from Source. Ahh, don't forget anyone spreading ideas of the Source within will be killed too. An efficient system has no leaks, right?

8 ) Now I'm going to explain what will happen for those who know of the Source within. As the mass public drags us, quite literally into a hell realm, we will not fear. Fear is for the ignorant, and we are not ignorant. We will not agree to serve ANYTHING outside of us. Again, Source is within! We have a love for ourselves, and a joy for humanity, Earth and for all consciousness that pervades the universe. Like particles in merky water heading down a sink drain we will rise from the water, suspend in air and be the gods we were originally. Those who can't see passed their self-serving ways (bringing us down to a hell realm) and giving into false gods (sealing their fate in said realm) will go down the drain. More specifically, they will carry on in the New World Order and be subject to the same birth/death cycle.

9) As potential folks described in 8, I'm not sure we will see this New World Order. As our frequencies rise the self-servers and celebrities and politicians and the wealthy who've succumb to this disease will be absent. We will feel renewed in body, mind and spirit. The Earth and the universe will take on spectatular brilliance that had been lost by the oppression and we will carry on in a new, glorious reality connected more deeply with Source.

On the whole, this is what ether and GodsProxy had been trying to tell us and they were right.


Welcome back Astral :)  I've been wondering where you've been.

The only problem with any of this, or at least I believe, is that we're eternal spiritual beings.  If someone wants to have the illusion that they're controlling me while I'm living in this one single reality (a reality amongst an infinite number of realities), then go right ahead... I can't stop them.  But on the flip side, they also can not stop me from spiritually growing.  Whether I continue my growth here and now, or again in some other reality after this physical body of mine withers and dies, doesn't matter in the slightest... it's a reflection upon them more than it ever will be upon me.

Control is an illusion... nobody can control the spirit of another.

Spiritual growth is an individual thing moving at an individual pace.  It's unique to each person.  This is why I believe there are such wide ranging views and opinions of people on this planet.  Everyone is at a different point of their growth cycle.  But this makes it for a very interesting ride, none-the-less.  If you move towards "being" love... then you have nothing to fear from anything.  :)

Whether this planet in this reality attains a one world government (which I do believe will happen one day, perhaps soon even) or not is beyond the scope of personal, individual spiritual growth.

As for "your connection to Source", as you put it... you can connect to that whenever you choose to.  Anyone can connect to it whenever they choose to.  The only catch is that "it's a choice".  It's a matter of how spiritually aware you are... it's a matter of how you've grown spiritually... not a matter of who's controlling or who's stopping you.  Because the only person stopping you from experiencing and becoming love... the only person stopping you from experiencing "Source" is: YOU.

majour ka

 :? Jesus was a demon? lol. Sorry but that is quite funny. So where did you discover this snippet of information?


May I ask about how did you get these information? How did you do your research? Because I can read until I am blue in the face and easily draw conclusions for myself, but it doesn't mean that I've found out any "truth".

I am sure you can interpret music videos in a gazillion ways. Maybe Rihanna just likes to masturbate and Gaga just uses her not-that-mainstream style of expressing herself to sell her sh*t. I do not know too much about given symbols, but I'm pretty sure that snakes have at least one other meaning (Caduceus anyone?) besides your "demonic" one. On the other hand I do think that mainstream music is crap and it's designed to brainwash the audience - but mainly from material reasons :). So maybe staying away from it can be a possible solution, right :)? They can't shove sh*t down on your throat if you don't let them :).

Merging "Biblical Hell" with the physical reality? Does Biblical Hell exist? And in which of the "Hollow Hells" is it located :)?

As far as I understand Jesus and other "prophets" weren't trying to gather followers but trying to help others enlighten themselves. People are in different stages of evolution, so in order to communicate with a given number of them and help them understand the "truth" sometimes you have to use metaphors and simplified concepts. Which, in turn, can be misinterpreted by others and used to manipulate people.

Btw you made my day .).

I am sorry, I am so, for the things you don't know
And as for the things you do, I am sorry for those too


 As long as humanity has the ability to use "free will", we can never be fully controlled. They may try, but they won't succeed. The things that made me stop watching TV were the news broadcasts and the commercials. Mostly the commercials because they are totally based on "ego". You have to have the best I-Phone, the best car, the best skin etc. or else you are the lowest thing on the planet. I believe technology has a lot of positives, like what we are doing here right now for one, but I also believe that we have wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy over did it. There's a big difference between technological advances for health and welfare and technology just to make some "fat cat's pockets" thicker. It's funny though, when you try to bring this up to most people, they all say the same thing "you are dinosaur and you need to get with it". As long as people keep on believing that advertisers will keep brainwashing them. Organized religions falls into this same category. Keep the masses at bay.  :-)


I can't comment on whether Jesus is or can be anyone's saviour but the teachings of Christ are some of the most spiritual directions known. They don't significantly differ from those of such luminaries as Red Cloud, White Eagle, Silver Birch or even Xanth.


Quote from: Astral316 on January 14, 2012, 20:31:54
On the whole, this is what ether and GodsProxy had been trying to tell us and they were right.

GodsProxy has since decided he was wrong and had been deceived. If you really "feel" the heart of the message, it's one of complete fear and deception, there's no love or compassion. You don't hear the Dali Lama, who often talks about the worlds suffering, bring up this kind of stuff. He talks about finding truth inside yourself and being compassionate to others around you. Much like Jesus. There's no talk of blaming others and feeling gypped about your position in life. In fact, you're supposed to forgive your transgressors and not judge others. Edit: I want to add Martin Luther King, Jr. seeing as how it's MLK day here and he preached the same message.

The title of this thread - "theme of our reality" implies we all experience the same reality. When one person can base their reality on the above information and someone else doesn't, it's obvious we all don't view reality in the same manner.

majour ka

Quote from: Ident on January 16, 2012, 05:32:46
I can't comment on whether Jesus is or can be anyone's saviour but the teachings of Christ are some of the most spiritual directions known. They don't significantly differ from those of such luminaries as Red Cloud, White Eagle, Silver Birch or even Xanth.


majour ka

Quote from: Stookie_ on January 16, 2012, 11:44:55
GodsProxy has since decided he was wrong and had been deceived. If you really "feel" the heart of the message, it's one of complete fear and deception, there's no love or compassion. You don't hear the Dali Lama, who often talks about the worlds suffering, bring up this kind of stuff. He talks about finding truth inside yourself and being compassionate to others around you. Much like Jesus. There's no talk of blaming others and feeling gypped about your position in life. In fact, you're supposed to forgive your transgressors and not judge others. Edit: I want to add Martin Luther King, Jr. seeing as how it's MLK day here and he preached the same message.

The title of this thread - "theme of our reality" implies we all experience the same reality. When one person can base their reality on the above information and someone else doesn't, it's obvious we all don't view reality in the same manner.

echo that


Astral, your post seems to have two central ideas that seem contradictory to me-
In one hand you're saying that there is no hope, that 'someone else is in charge' and go about delineating a series of reasons why you think this is so, and make it seem pretty hopeless- because there doesn't seem to be an 'out' in your model of reality.  Then on the other hand you state that we are separate from the source (because of external things) and at the same time state that God is inside of us.  But when you are not condemning every institution there is you are also condemning every institution that affirms the idea of God/Source within, which makes it very confusing.
The only thing I get from your post is the idea that there is no hope, that everything is going to get worse, and that's that.  So which is it, is there no hope, or is there the knowledge that as expressions of Source somehow it's going to be OK?
The idea of a source that is separate from us is not new, but you seem to evolve this idea from an opposite one, somehow.


I think Xanth has stated some wise words: "Nobody can control the spirit of another". We are only controlled when we allow ourselves to be; and most of the people on this and similar forums are too attuned to be controlled by such demonic forces as you describe - assuming they exist. Those not aware of "other dimensions" to life, or rejecting their existence, cannot be controlled, either. Each life form has its own unique will, "life imprint', etc. and cannot be "possessed" unless it wants to be.

You are entitled to your opinions and I respect your right to have them. However, I personally do not believe in all this talk of demons. There are indeed "negative forces", but these merely feed on the negative energy of others. They are not intrinsically "evil", as we all are part of the universe, the source, call it what you will. Such "negative forces" will die away in the long term, as we are all on an evolutionary spiritual journey - and we evolve forwards, not backwards. All this talk of demons and so forth, IMHO, is taking us back to primitive superstition and duality (war between good and bad, between a God with a beard and a being with a toasting fork) rather than true spiritual awareness.

Killa Rican

The thing is when you speak of demons ask yourself what it means to you. What comes to mind when you think of Demons? Do you think of catholic demons? satan? Hell realms? If you dont want to use the word "Demon" that's perfectly ok for the sake of your own terminology.

However yes they are some negative entitys across various parts of the world that make a living off feeding from the negative energy of others. Yes they enjoy suffering and misery. IT sustains them. They need it. Just like we kill lesser life forms on this earth to sustain us. They are beings that are entirely incapable of doing what we may perceive to be "good". It's just not in there instinctive nature.

I'm not speaking of negative entitys one comes across in astral projection, I'm talking about the negs people use in summoning rituals, and send after people, which causes horrible things to happen in one's life, or can lead to possession. Entitys of duality definitely do exist, such as humans are of duality. Some definitely are on the extreme darker scale. But that's just nature. Most people cant even tell a Demonic Entity from an Entity that Is CAPABLE of Choosing between "Right" and "Wrong". Thus they think everything is demonic. lol
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger


Ehhh, guys I'm not going to nitpick or argue with anyone. Do the research yourself if you want to be clued in. I'm just trying to get across the rules of the game and spread a message of peace over fear. Our reality is like a computer simulation and any entity can occupy the image of Jesus and claim to be someone's god. Observance over judgment is key.


Quote from: Killa Rican on January 17, 2012, 10:45:32
The thing is when you speak of demons ask yourself what it means to you. What comes to mind when you think of Demons? Do you think of catholic demons? satan? Hell realms? If you dont want to use the word "Demon" that's perfectly ok for the sake of your own terminology.

However yes they are some negative entitys across various parts of the world that make a living off feed from the negative energy of others. Yes they enjoy suffering and misery. IT sustains them. They need it. Just like we kill lesser life forms on this earth to sustain us. They are beings that are entirely incapable of doing what we may perceive to be "good". It's just not in there instinctive nature.

I'm not speaking of negative entitys one comes across in astral projection, I'm talking about the negs people use in summoning rituals, and send after people, which causes horrible things to happen in one's life, or can lead to possession. Entitys of duality definitely do exist, such as humans are of duality. Some definitely are on the extreme darker scale. But that's just nature. Most people cant even tell a Demonic Entity from an Entity that Is CAPABLE of Choosing between "Right" and "Wrong". Thus they think everything is demonic. lol

I agree. I use the term "demon" because those who become 'reprogrammed' (through pacts and mind control tactics) believe it's due to demons of lore so I decided to stay consistent. In reality they are two dimensional (awareness of awareness, only...can't see they're deeply connected) beings that have mastered the sciences... in other words left brain prisoners that have mastered the prison cell. They don't need to travel the dimensions through the infinite power of Source, they can take their physical bodies with them... hence, why we see shapeshifters, UFOs, reptilians, etc.