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X-Ray Girl

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The amazing Russian X-Ray Girl has proved it again.



That's pretty interesting stuff.
"Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind." - Jack Handy


Is there qny possible way to contact that girl? by email or something?

hmmm....i guess not or ever body would bother her, but if you know some way to speak to her, tell me please.

I love you!


If you are asking me, I dont know. I just posted the link that I found in daily news. Why do you want to contact btw?

If she has this ability, there can be a few more people with similar abilities. So whats stopping the governments and scientists to start a combing operation? (There, you have a hint, if you are a government guy reading this.)


Ha ha, that's pretty impressive.

I thought it funny with the American test, only 4 out of 7, lol. What are the chances of guessing the medical diagnosis of even ONE person, never mind 2 or 3. Four out of seven is, quite frankly, amazing.

I think we are going to hear a lot more yet about this case.



Yeah, the thing about scicop, who tested her before,  
that they make an experiment and then after the experiment they explain what was wrong with the experiment, that it made innacurate results.

In the case of the x-ray girl, they talked about how it could be deduced which person had which condition, after the fact, of course.  

Also, if anyone knows about the thing with the Yellow Bamboo group trying to get the JREF's $1mil prize, James Randi's (the head honcho debunker at the JREF) commentary on it states very clearly that it was the guy that he sent over who's fault it was that the results were inconclusive, but also stated that he didn't blame that guy, for whatever reason.  I'll put a link:

It's the second article


I just read the article.  That's crazy stuff!

If anyone's read the book, "The Holographic Universe," it talks about doctors with this same ability.

majour ka

That girl has been in the English tabloid es a few times, shes obviously an exceptional psychic. Lets hope she is treated well, shes still very young.


That's true.  Whatever she's able to do, she's a kid, and I hope they're not treating her like some money-hungry charlatan.


QuoteThat girl has been in the English tabloid es a few times, shes obviously an exceptional psychic. Lets hope she is treated well, shes still very young.

I had a post about about how the mainstream English-speaking media was ignoring the story besides the BBC but it was lost after the forum restoration. Basically western science is arrogant and close-minded, and totally ignore the story or look upon it cynically. The BBC was the only major news source over this way that reported it as the Russians did.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


an update on her

another Russian child..this time a boy..and I feel just as or even more interesting

Hans Solo

Very interesting. However, this magazine seems like the equivalent of National Enquirorer.  Maybe I am wrong but they have alot of stories about UFOS.  Only 4 years away until the first Castastrophe I guess.  Lets hope he is a fraud.

Hans Solo
"Man, I just sprinted a mile and my heart chakra is going crazy!"

"Women only want me for my Focus 4"

majour ka

Hi, we have a paper called the SUN, its the most widley read Tab in the uk. They reported on her last year around this time. They then later sent a reporter over to see for himself.

He confirmed she was able to correctly diagnose a small fracture in his wrist he had done 10 or fiffteen years ago!!

he was convinced, and so where the hundereds of people apparently queing outside her house when she came home from school. All waiting to be diagnosed.

She looked just like any average school girl.

Ive been able to on occasion see peoples ailments by seeing whats like looking at a transparent person with the problem highlighted in shades of blue. BUT the funny thing is not when their in the room with me (then its different) only in that manner when they are some where else on the phone to me for e.g or in another country even. Troubel is its quite spontanious and I realy wana harrness it.



Not sure on the British press ignoring her. I happened to be in the UK last year at the time she was on Breakfast TV and on subsequent news broadcasts. I don't watch TV as a rule, but this did catch my attention for obvious reasons. She was rather amazing to watch. Very forthright, very matter of fact, and very correct.



I wouldn't know about the British press as I live over here in the US, which has a very tightly controlled media from which you'd be hard pressed to hear such a story. It was on doing a Google search to try to find another source for what Pravda was saying that I only found the BBC had an alternative article on it, and no major US media corporations (tabloids have a very bad reputation over here lol). But now I suppose the apathy towards these sorts of things is more of a US thing than the West in general.

Not saying I don't believe it. :)
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?



It was rather amazing to watch, very straightforward, no trickery. Unless all those ordinary-looking people they had lined up as complete strangers were all in on it, which I doubt. I got to know too late and actually tried to get tickets for the live studio but they were sold out. I was staying only about a half hour drive away from the TV studio at the time.



Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it. I dunno what message I've conveyed, but I hope you don't think I was trying to say that I didn't think the story was credible or discredit British media. Rather what I was trying to say was that the US media acts as a big set of blinders for the American people.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?



No, not at all!

I was just trying to give you a little direct infill that's all. Sort of provide a little additional context that may not have been available to you, and in that sense increase your knowledge on the matter. I apologise if I have caused you any confusion. I'm on a little high at the moment because the French have just voted no to this dumb euro constitution thing that has been doing the rounds, and the result came though a little while ago. Finally it's a dead duck. That's where you can count on the French. They take no BS and it was just a load of bull. Democracy in action you could say.



It's no problem, I was just making sure I hadn't sent mixed signals. :)

Yeah, I just read the report that the French said 'no' to it before checking back here and I couldn't help but laugh. And after all those other countries voted yes, lol. From what I read the Dutch are about to vote no as well, so it sounds as though the constitution's screwed. Congrats to you guys! :lol:
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?



Mixed signals, no way my friend. Just a slight problem with only having text to convey the message. Too much room for misunderstanding and all that.

The Euro Constitution was just a load of claptrap. They need to get back to the drawing board and thrash out something realistic, not some cobbled together rubbish. The French simply don't take that kind of nonsense. That's one of the main reasons why I enjoy living here. Inevitably, the supporters will blame the "unpopular" government. But that's just rubbish. This Euro Constitution was the biggest load of waffle I've ever seen coming out of Brussels.



I know this is off topic but what exactly did that constitution say?  I hadn't heard much about this till I just looked it up


That girl has passed so many tests of her ability over the past few years, you'd think that there'd be some kind of "Newsflash : Mainstream science proven wrong !", with a top scientist proclaiming that we need to consider that the fundamentals of our scientific knowledge may be a wee bit shaky.

Yet, this hasn't occurred...and isn't likely to occur either !!!

why not ?!!
I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


QuoteI know this is off topic but what exactly did that constitution say? I hadn't heard much about this till I just looked it up

There's something, you can find more from Google. The constitution would bring with it some potential disadvantages from a capitalist perspective, ie exporting domestic labor to other countries where it would be cheaper. More importantly, the EU would be able to override the democratic decisions of the individual countries in many situations.

QuoteThat girl has passed so many tests of her ability over the past few years, you'd think that there'd be some kind of "Newsflash : Mainstream science proven wrong !", with a top scientist proclaiming that we need to consider that the fundamentals of our scientific knowledge may be a wee bit shaky.

Yet, this hasn't occurred...and isn't likely to occur either !!!

why not ?!!

The scientific institutions are cynical and arrogant. :( There's a large base of cynics here in the US at least that freely attack all number of fields that are not based on direct physical observations as un-scientific and therefore somehow impossible.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?