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Xanth and the Eagle Avatar

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I gotta ask, if you don't mind answering.....

Is there any reason in particular you switched into the eagle avatar for those few days?

The reason I ask is because that very image began coming through to me, strong and clear, the evening prior to me coming here to see it by your name.  It was you, right?- the eagle is gone now (and always a chance I was imagining things, or in an alternate reality).   :lol:


Yeah, it was my avatar.  :)
The Eagle is my Animal Guide.

I switched back to my kitten of terror because... well, I was bored at the time?  LoL
Nothing special to it really.  :)


I miss the kitten of terror!   :x
Ok I'm done.  I accept your decision to get a new one.    :|
Waaaahhhhh!!!!!    :cry:
No I don't.


We cross posted!!!! 

Yay!!!!!!  I'm glad you reconsidered.
*Dances gleefully.*



Yeah, I like the kitty better.


I like the kitty too.

It was just interesting timing on the eagle.  I think I was making a connection with you..

Eagle, just in general has been coming up a lot as well.