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Alternative Rope Method

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[:)]Right. I have been practicing the rope induction method for two or three weeks now with no result. There does not seem to be any 'improvement ' either in visualizing the rope or with getting into a pre-projection state of mind.
   So I recently devised an alternative method for the 'rope' induction. Here is how it is supposed to work.
   Visualize the 'rope' as actually being a colored line of energy (select your own color).
   Visualize yourself moving forward along that line of energy towards and into a space just a few feet away which is, in fact, in the astral or etheral plane.
   Here you can visualize any method of movement that seems appropriate. You can be pulling on the energy line, or floating horizontally or vertically, you can be propelled forward by an unseen (astral) force or whatever way seems best to you.
   I have been experimenting with this method for three days and some definate results seem to be within reach. I will post results if/when they occur.