How To "pass/go through" Solid Objects?

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K, lately, I just. I hate walls. I hate them. Always getting in my way all up in the astral. (It's a joke :) I am only moderately irritated by their constant blocking of my path)

So my question is, how do YOU pass through things?

For me, what worked SHORTLY, was pressing HARD on windows/walls, and evenutally, if I pressed hard enough, I'd pass through it, (like snapping a cracker in half) but after awhile, it started to take WAAAAY too much energy passing through things (like now the wall in a very "stiff" cracker. lo) now, I hardly bother trying' cause it's so draining. So if anyone has alternative methods, I'd be grateful. :)

It's not like I'm trapped in my house or anything, cause I can still  open doors, but none the less I'd get to new places more effiently if I didn't need a door to get there Lol. Not like some mystical force is putting doors for me to walk through cause of my wall-difficiency :P


Quote from: SaneSir on January 14, 2014, 14:36:30
So my question is, how do YOU pass through things?
Think of them as open doors and they will be just that!  :wink:


Lionheart had a very good suggestion.   Another way is to put a hole in the wall so you can go through it.   You just imagine a hole.   Going through walls works but you need confidence to do it.   When I lack confidence I am not able to do it.


When i get problems, i stick first one hand into the wall, before i go through.

I concentrate on the sensation in the hand and press it at the wall until it begins to move inside the wall. Then i can pass it.


Stop thinking they're physical, solid things.