The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Astral Consciousness! => Topic started by: Ginny on March 10, 2003, 20:25:13

Title: Beyond the ELS
Post by: Ginny on March 10, 2003, 20:25:13

(Part 2)

I leaned back in the chaise longue and waited. Within a few seconds I felt movement and we were in a huge, whitish tunnel swirling counter clockwise. I said to Om, who was still to my immediate right, "Are we suppose to be in a tunnel?" I got back a yes and watched as it seemed to bend slightly to the right, portions of its rounded walls appearing tranparent. It seemed flexible, gently curving through what I guess was just immense blackness. I saw a brighter area approaching and could then feel we had arrived somewhere as the tunnel disappeared and the sensation of movement stopped.

We were then in what at first felt like a flat blackness but I began detecting a 'substance' to it. There wasn't a three dimensional look or feel to it, but it held a density that I find even now difficult to describe.

Before I could wonder more I was suddenly looking at a transparent sphere or large bubble, and from its center a thick bundle of countless lines or rods made up of what appeared to be light sprang forth, expanding outward to the its surface. These rods of light then seemed to disappear as the sphere returned to being transparent. My interpreter started going nuts and I was processing the data as fast as I could: okay, this is some kind of creature in another world ocean somewhere?---it feels as if I'm in something like water and am floating, next to this sphere? I let the image go asking for better understanding...felt a slight pause and then had the same image and incoming feelings.

I was then aware that I too seemed to be a sphere (I saw around me what looked like a ball of transparent film) and that I was starting to enter in to the other sphere's reality by moving over to the left, as it did, intent on something it was doing. I felt for Om--he was still present but not much help (lately these guys seldom tell me anything, they prefer me figuring things out through popping into and out of experiences!). I focused in on the sphere again, wondering what it was doing and got that it was in the process of creating something. It was busy, intent, focused on something I couldn't perceive...and I had the impression it was either unaware of me or not interested in my presence. I sensed movement. I was somehow involved for a moment in feeling a vigorous action or movement of some kind that the sphere was generating. It felt as if my bubble was then merged with its bubble and for a few seconds I was busy right along with it, assisting in creating something I could neither 'see' or understand in any way. I let the image go again, asking for better undertsanding (kinda sent out a begging to understand Received the same image but I then got or could feel there was something over in the area the sphere was busy with, but I still had no clue what it was: just a black area that felt as if it had mass but I really have no idea if that was correct. It was frustrating because I could feel that something was there in the funny blackness, something with substance (it had a smooth property to it opposed to the rest of the blackness) but I remained utterly mystified.

It then ceased it's work and floated a bit of a distance away and stopped. I moved with it and decided to try to communicate by sending PUL. As I brought the feeling of love, respect and loving acceptance to me and saw/felt it then go to the sphere I watched as a pink area spread out along its' surface and I think then be absorbed into it (I don't think of the color 'pink', or any color for that matter, when I expand my awareness with love energy--so this was interesting). And I immediately got back quite a joyous, loving reply as I was momentarily engulfed in a ball of pink stuff too, a spontaneous, excited rote that said, in essence (my wording), "Hello and I am in complete agreement when it comes to this energy and here's some back at ya!". And while I was experiencing its message it then seemed to turn its attention away, back to whatever it had been doing.

I watched as what appeared to be long, thing cords, each sporting a bulbous end, reached out into the blackness in the opposite direction from where Om and I were. I was starting to wonder if I was witnessing some kind of other planet jellyfish when I felt Om laugh and say no. I asked if the sphere was searching for food and Om again indicated no, saying that it was searching...but it did not need to find sustenance or energy in any form to remain alive. This got my attention. He communicated that we were not on another planet, this was not a 'creature' from another dimension ('creature' meaning other wordly, unknown animal species), and we were not immersed in anything resembling water. A state of confusion started clouding my perception a little. Feeling a bit defensive I reminded Om that we were suppose to be either visiting places of consciousness beyond the ELS that fellow disk members had either experienced and/or were experiencing, and of course he gave me a look that suggested he was in complete agreement with that. A funny feeling hit me and I looked back at the sphere and asked, "This is a disk member?" I sensed Om smiling, his eyes twinkling at my confusion.

The sphere began moving slowly away and Om stated, "He's (he/she/it) unaware of himself. He's unaware of who or what he is". I stared at Om, asking what he was talking about. "He's unaware because he has no concept that he should be aware." I thought about this and said, "He doesn't possess the kind of awareness of self that, say, humans have?" He said that was correct and lovingly watched as the sphere continued to move off into the blackness. I didn't completely understand what Om was getting at but I had the feeling that the sphere was operating at a high level of creativity, curiosity...and that it wasn't thinking out the 'why' of its searchings (???).

It wasn't too long before I felt the need to return to C1 and I thanked Om for, once again, more questions than answers. Once back and when I finally sat up and looked at the clock I realized I'd been gone for over an hour. And then, as is quite often the case, information started flooding into my mind and I wondered about the sphere and what it really was: something about its features, what I witnessed it doing, felt familiar.

Thanks for listening and much love,


Title: Beyond the ELS
Post by: Gandalf on March 11, 2003, 06:13:01
Hi Ginny,
An excellent account!

From what you describe, these spheres sound like 'disk members' that are experimenting with an altered sense of conciousness where they are just pure 'curiosity', Their curiosity seems so overwhelming that it overrides completely any preoccupations with self-awareness.

As a (rather crap) analogy, sometimes I get so into a computer game that temorarily, the urge to complete the mission or achieve the goal overrides everything else, and for a moment I lose all sense of introspective awareness as all that matters is the game at hand (you would have to be a hardened games player to get this!).

I wonder if this sphere level is indeed a higher evolutionary level in itself or if it is more like a game of experimentation. My impression of these higher levels from what people describe, is of beings playing around with and experimenting with different types of conciousness, perhaps this is one of those experiments - an experiment of being pure curiosity.


Title: Beyond the ELS
Post by: clandestino on March 11, 2003, 06:35:28
Hi Ginny ! thanks for another great topic !

Its intriguing how these experiences always pose more questions than answers...

I like the way you said:
"For a second I checked on myself stretched out in my easy chair in C1, to see if I had reached a deep level of relaxation, and my physical body felt like it was a log."

I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who mistakenly holds the conviction that it is hard to get "to and from" F27 and C1. Often I approach it by thinking something along the lines of "ok.....I've got this far, and its taken me this long....I don't want to go all the way back to C1 right now and start all over again !"

As for the disk member, have you had any ideas on who or what this is ?! I've got a few theories (! more like guesses). Here's my best one.

Perhaps the "sphere" was the mind/awareness of a person who has been physically (or mentally, perhaps) incapacitated since birth ? If a person is born without their physical senses, how does their mind develop ? If the mind/soul retains its inquisitive, curious nature, even though it is devoid of inputs like sight, sound, touch, then how does it perceive and experience ??

I'm sure that there are many people who have been brought into the world with these physical disabilites, who can maybe teach us a thing or two about non-physical journeys,
Title: Beyond the ELS
Post by: Ginny on March 11, 2003, 09:18:40
Originally posted by Gandalf

Hi Douglas,

Good analogy as far as I'm concerned. My husband, who isn't that interested in computers, got so involved with the computer game, Mist (spelling?), that he was *gone* for several hours. The 3D look and feel just pulled him in and he'd get stuck in one area of the game and literally forget his objective. Kinda seems this is what happens when we each choose to enter into any reality (especially this physical one), huh?---:o)

That more expanded version of ourselves (Disk, I/There, Higher Self..whatever we want to call it ), from what I know so far, seeks *to know, through experiencing*...and does this by simultaneously entering many parts of itself into all kinds of realities. Your thoughts are interesting...because I wonder if I was witnessing what it's like for a new Disk member, who was in a state of unfettered curiousness. He/she perhaps was totally in 'the Now'.

Thanks for you thoughts and love,

Title: Beyond the ELS
Post by: Ginny on March 11, 2003, 09:57:44
Originally posted by clandestino

Hi Ginny ! thanks for another great topic !

Its intriguing how these experiences always pose more questions than answers...

I like the way you said:
"For a second I checked on myself stretched out in my easy chair in C1, to see if I had reached a deep level of relaxation, and my physical body felt like it was a log."

I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who mistakenly holds the conviction that it is hard to get "to and from" F27 and C1. Often I approach it by thinking something along the lines of "ok.....I've got this far, and its taken me this long....I don't want to go all the way back to C1 right now and start all over again !"

As for the disk member, have you had any ideas on who or what this is ?! I've got a few theories (! more like guesses). Here's my best one.

Perhaps the "sphere" was the mind/awareness of a person who has been physically (or mentally, perhaps) incapacitated since birth ? If a person is born without their physical senses, how does their mind develop ? If the mind/soul retains its inquisitive, curious nature, even though it is devoid of inputs like sight, sound, touch, then how does it perceive and experience ??

I'm sure that there are many people who have been brought into the world with these physical disabilites, who can maybe teach us a thing or two about non-physical journeys,

Hi Mark,

It can be frustrating at times but yea, returning with more questions ensures afterlife exploration never ever gets boring. For me this is good, cause boredom and I don't get along---:o).

I think we all initially believe we can't reach certain nonphysical levels or areas (I sure did), but with the way I explore (in a relaxed conscious state), it's just a question of where and how deeply I choose to have my attention focused. There have been times when I could bi-locate my attention, meaning being simultaneously  aware of the physical as well as the action in a nonphysical place. Took some getting use to but it was interesting.

Your thoughts about the sphere and handicapped people are really interesting. I've often wondered about someone, as you described, experiencing this physical reality where the majority of their awareness is somewhere else. Maybe we've all had this experience too? When I was there with that sphere I was reminded that the reality we were in was beyond the earth life system. So, go figure! (hee)

Thanks Mark and much love,

Title: Beyond the ELS
Post by: Epsilon on March 11, 2003, 18:32:16
Wow Ginny...

Have you ever posted anything uninteresting? [;)]

First the cool retrieval experiences and now this.  Can I be you when I get older?  [:D]

So OM confirmed that it was indeed one of your disk members?  You would think disk members of the same family would be able to recognize each other... hmm.  

Thanks for sharing Ginny!  I am always looking forward to your next posts.  [^]

learn, love & enjoy.

((PS. I tried to post this last night, but I think AP went down for a couple min cause it wouldn't post and I couldn't get the page to load afterwards. ohh well!!) [:P]
Title: Beyond the ELS
Post by: Ginny on March 11, 2003, 22:34:52
QuoteOriginally posted by Epsilon

So OM confirmed that it was indeed one of your disk members?  You would think disk members of the same family would be able to recognize each other... hmm.  

Hi Ethan,

For me, in the last two years, members have preferred (and on a few occasions enjoyed) revealing themselves slowly and I can only assume it has a lot to do with beliefs I'm letting go of (?). We each interpret what we perceive in the nonphysical in our own unique way and according to what we carry with us (beliefs, any fears, assumptions, hopes). So, perhaps you'll be able to recognize your members much more readily than I have.---:o)

Thanks for your kind post...and see you in the great unknown?



Title: Beyond the ELS
Post by: Ginny on March 10, 2003, 20:21:36
Hi everyone,

A few months ago, while at my Focus 27 treehouse, I was informed by disk members that it would be fun or okay that I begin going on short trips with them, to visit other realities our members were experiencing, realities beyond the ELS (earth life system). This was exciting news for me. It felt right that I was to just sit on this for awhile until I felt I was ready, which I did.

In mid February I went to my treehouse just to relax one day and discovered a new person there, in the livingroom. I could feel he had something to do with the upcoming trips and I had some questions...but I found myself a little exasperated that his face was in shadow. I've always figured this shadowing had everything to do with me and my expectations, beliefs?...but still, I was tired of it (lol), so I said loudly to the room, "Why is it that you guys are always partially hidden? Why can't I just see your faces?" And with that the room was instantly ablaze with what 100 lightbulbs must produce...and the new guy was standing much closer to me, with a look of uneasy surprise that matched mine. It seemed that he was just as surprised as I was when the light came on?...or perhaps he was just thinking that I didn't need to over-do it?

In any case, we then sat down and talked. He appeared to be in his 70's, nearly bald, wearing a floor length robe that appeared to be made of an off-white woven kind of cloth. I asked if he was appearing as an elderly gentleman because he was an older disk member, and he said that was fairly accurate. He had a calmness about him that I resonated with..and a feeling of knowledge, gentle understanding. I liked him immediately and asked if it would be okay if I called him OM, for 'old man' (guess this would have been insulting to anyone else) and he smiled and said that would be fine. To make a long story a little shorter here, we discussed a few things and I then returned to C1.

On February 26 I decided it was time to start this new experience and this is what happened.

Once in the 3D blackness I watched for any anomalies and it wasn't difficult to see a slightly elevated one straight ahead. In focusing all of my attention on it I was then where I knew I'd be, my F27 treehouse. I immediately sensed a warm wind (stronger than usual) making the surrounding branches and leaves sway, creating a swishing sound. The windchimes were producing lovely music. No one seemed to be on the deck so as I turned around and sent a "hello" into the house I sensed someone calling my name. Behind me, back out on the deck, was Om standing at a distance by the railing, radiating a happy welcome as he indicated I should have a seat in one of the two chaise longues.

I made myself comfortable and he suggested I just relax and pay attention to the sound of the wind in the leaves, which I did. After a few minutes I then sensed it would be good to pay attention to the chimes and in so doing, one grabbed my attention and seemed to dominate my awareness for a few minutes. It was a deep, resonating bonging that started slowly and increased in frequency (each vibrating 'bong' melted into the next--no silent gaps inbetween) to the point where it leveled out, softened and disappeared. For a second I checked on myself stretched out in my easy chair in C1, to see if I had reached a deep level of relaxation, and my physical body felt like it was a log.

Om then extended his left hand and held my right, we sat for a few minutes just being quiet...and I then got a surprise. An old belief came through announcing its existence with, "I'm never much help to anyone." My reaction was, "Oh boy, not THIS again". I forgot about Om, the deck, everything, and answered to that part of me: "Whoa, wait a minute. I can't have you continuing to hold onto such a concept anymore. Why is this idea still so vital to you?" Answer: "Because it makes me feel alive." I remembered years ago when this debilitating belief, which generated a lot of negative self-talk, seemed to rule my life...and I realized how, in putting up a good fight back then in trying to rid myself of it--with anger, denial, ignoring--I had only succeeded in making it want to live even more. So, I let go of feeling shocked and said I knew of a better way for it to feel alive, twice as alive as a matter of fact! I got back a pause so I continued, saying gently that I needed it to let go of this concept and help me on this new journey. More silence. In knowing that I was the creator of this 'belief', I then felt gratitude and admiration for its tenacity through the years...marveled at its ability to stick with it and feed me the very belief I had originally started. I sensed hesitation...and then knew what was going on and reassured that part of me that no, letting go of this old belief did not mean ' it would die'. I stressed that I actually needed its ability to be strong, to carry a new belief that would enable both of us to feel twice as alive and learn, explore new things. And then I sent that part of me love, a bundle of feelings that communicated into words, "I so admire, respect and appreciate you. Thank you for always doing a great job...and now I have an even more exciting job for you, one I need your help with." And I meant it. I got back more silence and then I could feel it accepting its new 'life', new assignment...and agreement came back, a little tenative but willing to go with the flow. I felt some inner humongous SIGH within and then heard the wind, saw Om sitting near, still holding my hand, radiating a knowing smile. He asked if I was ready to take a little trip and I said yes.

(Part 2 posted below)