The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Astral Consciousness! => Topic started by: Positive3 on May 28, 2016, 12:39:57

Title: Brainwaves
Post by: Positive3 on May 28, 2016, 12:39:57
Today i was wondering in different situations we have different brainwaves , but maybe we could use it for every day life what i mean for example from my situation when i have to learn something and i am feeling tired or way to relaxed or i am lazy so with audio or some kind of meditation i don't know even if this possible to change my brainwave to a state where it can focus and get information easily ? are there any risks to this or is this possible? if yes what kind of methods are for this?
Title: Re: Brainwaves
Post by: Bluefirephoenix on May 28, 2016, 19:57:42
First there really isn't any risk.  The brain activity during astral projection is similar to sleep or hypnotic trance. Second brainwaves are not a simple thing. It's more of a continuem. There never is pure alpha waves pure beta ect. In an EEG which is the tool used to measure brainwaves they place 10-20 leads on the head and each lead might produce a different wave depending on the brain activity in that area. Sounds which are attempting to alter the waves are really altering focus more than actual brain activity and if the sounds are not adjusted according to the output they're not doing much other than creating something to focus on and believe in. It's the focus that generates the waves not the sounds.

So we not only have different brainwaves at different times but the different sections of the brain will have different wave activity.

The best method is to learn to go into a deep trance and focus on relaxing more into the trance without dozing off. Even if you doze try to come out slowly, so go in slow come out slow and it should get interesting.

The problem with audio in general is that it pulls your focus outward instead of allowing it to go inward. It keeps you too superficial. At least for me it does. I gave up using it a couple years ago.

The only risk is if you try to go into a trance while your driving your car or at work.  It's no more risky than dozing during those activities. I don't recommend doing that.
Title: Re: Brainwaves
Post by: Positive3 on May 30, 2016, 11:40:53
Thanks for reply  :-)

Btw i will use this post and ask you one question from my old post (Woman with Black Eyes) you said it could be ET in disguise as far as i understood your comment , have u ever encountered with these beings if yes and if it's  not a secret can you tell me alittle what you spoke about
Title: Re: Brainwaves
Post by: Bluefirephoenix on May 31, 2016, 09:25:08
I'm not sure what I've run into.. I replicated an alien contact experiment that Dr. Steven Greer had done,  and though I didn't see anything something happened. I didn't like it so I shut down  the connection. I think it was mostly in astral. I don't know if anything was around or not. We live in a wooded area and only have a partial horizon view. So whatever it was if it wants to interact will have to do so on a physical level if it is capable of doing so.

I think some of the reports  of black eyed people are probably a result of  tattooing.  You can tatoo the whites of your eyes black or any other color for that matter.

I think most alien contacts are on an astral level and a fair portion probably some kind of self generated phenomenon like thought forms.  These can seem extremely real and intense subjectively. It's easy enough to pick and choose what you interact with on that level so anything that I encounter that  isn't pleasant gets the proverbial axe. Greer's experiments have a lot in common with physical mediumship. I think it's probably the same thing with a different setting. Experimentation is fun and interesting and helps us learn more about consciousness as well as how it interacts and generates  the physical world.
Title: Re: Brainwaves
Post by: Xanth on May 31, 2016, 12:12:49
I had a question about brainwaves which I could never find an answer to.

The brainwaves we monitor... which direction do they go?  Are they really generated BY the brain?  Or are they coming INTO the brain?
I know the answer would SEEM logical to say that they are generated BY the brain, but I haven't actually ever found a definitive answer anywhere on it.
Title: Re: Brainwaves
Post by: Bluefirephoenix on June 01, 2016, 09:53:47
It's the electrical charge produced by phisiological activity. The entire body produces it.  I have doubts as to whether or not the EEG readings have much to do with projection. Projection can occur in any state. Also the energy produced by spiritual activity isn't electrical or magnetic. Dynamo Jack was measured and they found no difference in electrical output even though people subjectively felt shocking sensations when he charged up his qi.
Also I asked a friend of mine to do an experiment with a radio. Analog radio waves are sensitive to both magnetic and electric currents nearby. The radio did not react to the PK activity even though it was a high qi activity. The radio made no noise until it was focused on for PK.   There is also the non local non temporal characteristic of the energy. I can do a remote view at any time in any place regardless of space/time parameters and I can do this instantly. Also the qi does not require contact with the object for PK. Both waves ( which don't require contact) and currents ( which do require contact) are subject to space/time limitations; that is the speed of light.

Joe McMonaegle is capable of space time astral travel so he is subjectively at the target site.  In other words he does remote viewing by astral projection. The same parameters apply. No limits on space time, no contact for PK.  He can do it instantly going back and forth from that state to normal consciosuness. If the brainwaves were the carriers of this phenomenon he could not read another planet and report it in an instant.

So the driving energy in all this is an unknown type of energy that does not share the characteristics of either brain wave activity which is wave generated from current and I don't think has a phisiological basis.  I think the phisiological brain wave activity is simply monitoring the relaxation of the subject and does not give any indication for wether or not projection is occuring or can occur.  Projection has been reported in full waking states I experience bilocation in a fully awake non altered state myself.

I think this PK energy can transform into limited forms that we perceive here on earth, but I'm not sure how that process works.

Title: Re: Brainwaves
Post by: Positive3 on June 01, 2016, 12:02:48
BlueFirePhoenix, can you describe to me what remote viewing is and what happens when u do it or what you can do with it i searched up the information but stories were very different and someimes didn't even make sense to me, so if u can descirbe it from your experineces

What is it and what can you do with it?
Is it really how people describe that you can remote view (from large distances, for example from your home remote viewing me "As person" or something other you haven't seen?