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Power of concentration

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Can anyone recommend any good information (books, videos, etc) about how to develop deep concentation?
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda


"What are you doing here, Nasrudin? his neighbor asks. "I'm looking for a key which I lost
in the wood?" Nasrudin replies. "Why don't you look for it in the wood?" says the neighbor,
wondering at Nasrudin's folly. "Because there is much more light here"


Thanks, Malganis, for the links.  Blessings upon you!  DH
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda


Hans Solo

I too have been looking into concentration as a necessary skill in order to reliably phase/astral travel (or just in general).  I recently purchased these books:

Concentration:  A guide to Mental Mastery by Mouni Sadhu  (considered to be the best out there--Mine will arrive next week)

Concentration:  An approach to meditation by Earnest Wood  ---I have read half of this book so far and he has a unique method of non straining concentration which I think will be invaluable in phasing.  (fairly good ebook, but way too pricey for the value) 

However, passive awareness is probably the most necessary skill.  I hated when people would talk about the "Power of Now" because basically it was so hard for me to stay in that state and I would get frustrated.  Plus the actual method of getting there was lacking and most of the book was how great it was.
Recently I stumbled upon a free ebook which talked about awareness in a way that I could easily grasp.  That book is "How to control your brain at will".  The thing about awareness is that how aware you are during the day is probably how aware you will be in your dreams and in your OBE.  I have had very unaware OBE's before and you are left wondering "IS THAT IT? Also the "Noticing" exercise of Franks is much easier if you are in the habit of being aware.  If not, you will slip into some sort of mind duologue or day dream state, and that is not what you are looking for, it becomes like a warm fuzzy blanket that smothers your chances unless your lucky enough to pull out of it.

The great thing about this book is that you not only practice awareness but also concentration (chapter 6 on), and it is free (just google it).  I am starting with this book first and then starting the exercises in the books I mentioned in the beginning.  Remember, collecting books on concentration with out doing the practice is like collecting books on Astral will get you nowhere with out the practice.

---------------------------------Beginning of Rant----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This brings up the beef I have with 99% with books on Astral travel.  They never talk about the necessary SKILLS required,only the "technique" which inevitably is just a technique involving loads of concentration.  So, people try it for a while and give up in frustration, looking for the next book that will have the magic technique.  Even Robert Bruce's book on N.E.W energy movement is basically just sitting for 2 hours and concentrating.  BUT...he doesn't talk much about that and so there are probably thousands of people practicing this just spinning their wheels because 100% of their concentration is not on the task.  I liken this to a high jumper writing a book on high jumping for newbies and only giving the techniqe.  "Well, you start from the right side and turn your back, spring into the air and blah blah blah."  How much good would this do the 30lbs overweight couch potato?  Not much.  Techniques without the necessary skills (or fitness) is much of what is out there on astral travel.

IS it any wonder why those buddist monks spend countless hours in concentration.  Also, some of the greatest Astral projectors of our day have been engineers (Robert Monroe, Bruce Moen, Frank---but in the past it was teh same: Swendborg, Emmerson)  Why is this?  Because their job involves lots of mental concentration upon a task.  This is why Mrs. "Hippie" Mooncrystal is never teaching astral travel courses, because she hasn't finished the prerequisites yet.  This is also why most people on these boards don't go anywhere, they are book and technique collectors but don't put in the time to hone the necessary skills (I also used to be this way only just a short time ago)

"Man, I just sprinted a mile and my heart chakra is going crazy!"

"Women only want me for my Focus 4"


Good post Hans. I agree that there dosn't seem to be enough emphasis on how important concentration is. Not just during exercises but for your whole life. AP isn't just a hobby, it's a way of life, both for physical and non-physical experience.


I've got the book called "Pelmanism.The System of Mind and Memory Training" recently. I only skimmed through it but it looks very promising. It teaches you how to control your mind.

The link is at the bottom.

You will be shown:
How to observe.
How to train the senses especially sight and hearing.
How to develop energy enterprise and self-confidence.
How to understand and utilize the principles of association.
How to practice analysis and synthesis the reduction of a statement or problem to its simplest form and the combination of old ideas to develop new ones.
How to concentrate the attention and to strengthen the will.
How to use the forces of suggestion and self-suggestion.
How to arrange for any subject a scheme of study suited to your own conditions.
How to keep the mind and brain in good health.
"What are you doing here, Nasrudin? his neighbor asks. "I'm looking for a key which I lost
in the wood?" Nasrudin replies. "Why don't you look for it in the wood?" says the neighbor,
wondering at Nasrudin's folly. "Because there is much more light here"


Thank you all for posting some resources on the subject.  Keep us posted on anything helpful you learn.    So will I. 

And Hans, I agree with your rant....been there, done that.  That's why I've been trying to find some more resources on sharpening skills.
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda