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Cloud 9 and Beyond

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 I call this technique Cloud 9 and Beyond. It could also be named "Stairway to Heaven", since it contains steps too. Although my "Stairway" is very small, since there are not a lot steps in it, it does lead to bliss!  :-)

First a bit of personal background. I have been practicing consciously aware AP since 2011, following an extraordinary 3 night spontaneous AP ordeal that I went underwent. I also live with Chronic Pain and find AP and Deep Mediation to be a great way to relieve/handle or get away from my pain. The pain is always there, it's just in different levels. I usually have to take a Percocet to once or twice a week when the pain peaks and I hate, hate, hate, taking pills! A couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia (you can look up that term if you with to know more about it). I am typing this right now while wearing a eye patch on my left eye, so excuse any errors I may have made here. I'll be able to see it properly in another 4 days. No pity wished or needed, thank you. It is what it is!

I have always used Visualization techniques as my chosen method of Aping. My preferred AP method is Phasing, but I have been successful with the conventional climbing out of the body as well. I actually worked on perfecting my own techniques with Visualization too and was successful with this. But with Trigeminal Neuralgia, visualizing causes pain, So, I had to change/alter my technique quite a it. Now it's all tactile.

This is what I call my Cloud 9 and Beyond, because if you do it right and put an honest effort into it, you will find yourself either on Cloud 9 or "beyond" it. This technique can be used for pain relief, after a hard day at work and you can't stop your internal chatter, as a relaxation/deepening technique for conscious AP attempts or just for pure and total relaxation period. If done before you sleep (while lying on your bed), it can and in my personal experience has many times led to not only vivid LDs, but also awaking in mild or full on Sleep Paralysis.

When I do this technique, I am usually wearing my headphones and have either some relaxing instrumental music playing or one of my Binaural Beat/Isochronic Tones MP3s. I have them at a very low volume though. Just high enough to rid my hearing any background noises.

Step 1: Lie down, sit down, get comfortable and just focus on your regular breathing for a couple of minutes.

Step 2: Leave your rational mind behind. Don't think, just do!  :wink:

Step 3:Close your eyes and become aware of 6 points of focus/directions around your body. Those focus points are to the right of your body, in back of you, to the left, in front, underneath you and lastly over top of you. Don't spend a lot of time with this. A minute or so is fine. Just become aware of these points.

Step 4:While breathing at your regular normal speed, on your inhale I want you to concentrate on your body expanding width wise. On your exhale, I want you feel it retracting back in. You don't need to visualize any of this and don't be surprised or disappointed if your physical body moves while you feel the expansion. Your physical body naturally moves when you focus on a action. This will get better with practice though. Please don't get disappointed if you can't feel anything at first. You WILL get better with time.

Step 5:On your next breath, instead of expanding your width, I want you to expand your length. So, on the inhale now you are expanding lengthwise. On the exhale you are retracting back to normal.

Step 6:During your next breath, on your inhale you are going to now expand frontwards as your belly expands with that breath. On your exhale you are expanding backwards, like your belly is now there (Hence the need to lose your rational mind, lol).

Step 7: Your next breath is going to be just a simple inhale and exhale with no focus on anything expanding.

Step 8:For the next 5-10 minutes, redo steps 4-6. That means on each one of your 4 breaths, you are going to focus on one step. EX. 1st breath, focus on width, your left and right side expanding at the same time. 2nd breath, length, over and under. 3rd breath, stomach out/back out. 4th breath, nothing.

Step 9: This step involves just sowing your breath down gradually. The more you slow down your breathing the further your expansion of steps 4-7 get. Now when you get to step 7, you shouldn't feel your physical body at all. Ether that or it will be extremely numb. Slow down your breathing gradually though. Don't rush the process.

Step 10: This step contains a change to your belly in back out breathe. Now instead of your expansion on belly in/back out, I want you to on the inhale rise up and on the exhale fall back down. At this point you won't feel like you are lying or sitting on anything anyways. According to what you feel, you are already levitating, so you can go as high or low as you wish. There are no restrictions. Do this for as long as you wish.

You can go as deep as you wish. You can use this as your "launch pad" for Phasing or even attempt an actual "out of the body" technique. You will find that you are ready for anything now. Many times I find myself deep in the 3d darkness/void, just enjoying the fact that I feel no more pain.

Try it, put in an honest effort and I am sure you will find this a great way to create a deep NP (non Physical) focus.

Thank You!  :-)


Thats excellent I do a similar thing when I trance down. The wooden body effect is nice especially after I'm sore from lugging and tugging at work.
There's a way to do that on just one part of your body. It's tricky but I've been able to do it to a limited extent. I found it worked on migraines. The only time I have to take pain meds is when I'm in a situation where I cannot focus on the process It's hard to describe It's like going to the deepest part of where the pain is and trancing it.


Quote from: Bluefirephoenix on August 05, 2014, 09:57:55
Thats excellent I do a similar thing when I trance down. The wooden body effect is nice especially after I'm sore from lugging and tugging at work.
There's a way to do that on just one part of your body. It's tricky but I've been able to do it to a limited extent. I found it worked on migraines. The only time I have to take pain meds is when I'm in a situation where I cannot focus on the process It's hard to describe It's like going to the deepest part of where the pain is and trancing it.
The last thing that's great to do, which would be "Step 11" is to on the inhale blow every direction out simultaneous, like you are blowing up a balloon. On the exhale, retract it all back in. I will normally do that to either deepen the experience or when I feel that I am losing control/focus of it altogether.

Could you tell me more about your "Wooden Body Effect" and your one body part technique? I would enjoy hearing more about those two processes.  :-)

I find that techniques like this are great because for one, they don't take a lot of time. Two, you can do them anywhere and lastly they can be used for pain relief, relaxation, to help improve your LD's and your focus NP period. A totally 100% tactile method is great for those people that say they have a hard time with Visualizations.

The technique I use to put focus on one part of my body is Robert Bruce's NEW. I will either sweep or sponge the area of my body that hurts. Either that or I will focus on a body part as far away from the area of pain as I can get. Normally it's the feet.


I had to be shown how to do it by my spirit teacher. The first step was opening and fixing my heart.  Then I just open the heart deeper as I do the body goes numb... feels like a piece of wood. When I get to the head it's different. Initially we worked on opening so another spirit could jump in and work with me. But now it's more I'm going to them. 

The opening and deepening is done first at the heart and at first was very difficult. It took several months before I could even crack open.  Then the lower which anatomically was below the sacral area that is from the sacrum down through the floor. Then the head. ( which was actually painful at first) At the point of where the opening is completed your body feels numb .. and as the goes your awareness of your body decreases substantially. ( except for the itches which seem to nip and bite regardless) If you've been taught to work with your Kundaline energy call to her  when the way is clear  but that's done after initiation and the trancing down I just described can be done before that happens.  The initiation I went through requires an initiated human and angel spirit to perform the procedure. I don't know if it's possible to do this with their help. . 
Overall it took a year before I was able to do that.

The part of getting rid of the pain. Once the ritual was performed I was able to direct the energy that either was awakened or given to me to the area of pain after trancing down and  get rid of most of the pain. It was a skill taught during initiation so I could cope with the pain I had to go through.  It also healed me of severe sinus problems. I had the problem for all my life it was painful and triggering severe headaches The Father said there was a growth a polyp which was very dangerous he healed it.... but after they said I did it. I think I had a lot of help on htat one. and for the first time in my life I've been able to breathe through my nose without medication or sprays. The healing happened over the hour after the first part of the initiation. SInce then I've been able to significantely reduce the pain of headaches and usually only take an occasional asprin if they wake me up at night and I don't have the focus to work on them. I was on 3 prescriptions and a stomach med because they burned my stomach. I take no prescriptions  now. My blood pressure has also been normalized and I don't need the medication, I do monitor it in case it starts up again.


I tried this last night adding the wooden body for effects.
After relaxing and then starting the method not one min had passed by and the visual backdrop changed to what looked like those 3D pictures where you look behind them to see the presented image. It covered all my percieved sight. Then the tunnel effect appeared with squares and these were rotating in opposite directions to the one adjacent. There must have been at least 20 in view. Very peaceful.
I was disturbed physically by being jumped on.
I lost it as a result of this humorous prank.
Revenge attack from my earlier one.
I'll try again soon.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Cat's they have a heart  black as coal  :evil:


Quote from: Szaxx on August 06, 2014, 14:36:06
I tried this last night adding the wooden body for effects.
After relaxing and then starting the method not one min had passed by and the visual backdrop changed to what looked like those 3D pictures where you look behind them to see the presented image. It covered all my percieved sight. Then the tunnel effect appeared with squares and these were rotating in opposite directions to the one adjacent. There must have been at least 20 in view. Very peaceful.
I was disturbed physically by being jumped on.
I lost it as a result of this humorous prank.
Revenge attack from my earlier one.
I'll try again soon.
I am amazed by how quickly I can just "be there" using this technique. Sometimes I just lie down, shut my eyes and start my first couple of breaths, then see that something is already there. It's awesome.

Revenge attack, yes payback's a b*tch, lol!  :-P

Thanks for sharing that, Szaxx!  :-)


Thats an amazing improvement to The Technique Lionheart.
Ill try it tonight and early tomorrow for sure.
Very interesting Feedback btw Szaxx.
I hope to reach the level and wisdom in the art of both of you someday.

Thank You for Sharing!! :-)


 Here's a revision to Step 10 that I found makes a big difference.

On the very slow inhale you are rising, but on the exhale instead of just falling/dropping back down, you can float like a feather and sway back down. As slow as you can do the breathing, makes a big difference on the sensation you will experience.

This revision of Step 10 really increases the sensation and depth of the exercise at hand. It really drives the point home that you have already exited your body and have already taken flight.

Good Luck and Safe Travels!  :-)