How do I get back into my body after an OBE?

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Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. I meditate a lot so it is easy for me to feel the vibrations right before an OBE experience. I purposely don't have an OBE experience because I was unsure how to get back. I read a newsletter from Adrian that we exist everywhere and so it is actually impossible to "project" anywhere - its really our consciousness that is projecting.
Is it true that you just have to 'want' to get back into your body and you will? I have a hard time picturing myself wanting to get back into my body other than me simply being 'scared' back into my body. If I peacefully wish myself back into my body, will I go to it? Pleas share your experience/knowledge so I can visualize this better!:) Thanks guys.


Quote from: markmc on June 11, 2012, 22:08:37
I read a newsletter from Adrian that we exist everywhere and so it is actually impossible to "project" anywhere.

Is it true that you just have to 'want' to get back into your body and you will? If I peacefully wish myself back into my body, will I go to it? Pleas share your experience/knowledge so I can visualize this better!:) Thanks guys.

Hi Mark.

According to that newsletter, the author you are referring to is not practicing an actual OBE (out of body experience). He is practicing an IBE (inner body experience, phasing, subconscious projection).

If you are getting vibrations, chances are you will have an OBE and not an IBE. It may be scary the first time. But, it is nothing you can't handle. It is very hard to stay out of your body for a long time.

The physical body has such a strong magnetic pull on your projected soul that you will have no problems making it back into your physical body. There are no worries there. Your biggest problem will be finding ways to stay out of your body longer.

Good luck and have fun.


Coming back is just like coming out of a dream.

To this day, I have not heard an account of anyone who wants to actually come back, but alas, we must.

There is nothing to fret about.  :-)



 As long as you are still alive and breathing you will always return safely on your own!  :-)


Oh I see I see...alright then thanks for the help guys that does help a bit:) I enjoy your humor as well :):) . I have heard of a few accounts where people did not come back after meditating for a long time. I think that might have to do with their willpower and finding it too much fun to come back? I'm not sure but I was always wondering how...but if the magnetic physical body's pull is what pulls the consciousness back, then I guess I just have to try it out! :) Cheers!!


You probably won't have to worry about "getting back" for a while. 
More often than not, your experience will end prematurely.  :)

majour ka

Yeah Im with Xanth, the hardest thing is staying out. The slightest thought of your body and you back. Just enjoy it.


Awesome! That helps a lot :) thanks guys! Appreciate the talk!