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Frank's Posts PDF!

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QuoteIt is like you want to learn swimming without going into pool.
There is truth to that statement. But my personal experience has been, using your analogy, I wanted to learn to swim without ever going into the pool, but then I realized, "Hey, what is swimming anyway?" I wanted to do this thing called out of body experiences, but I didn't know exactly what that was. You can read all of the books you want about swimming techniques, but you first have to learn to jump into the pool and not drown. So in my experience, I've read all about the form and techniques the Olympic swimmers use, but so far I'm just learning to tread water. I've jumped into the pool and all that reading didn't prepare me for how to actually keep from drowning. We're just basically talking about our experiences of how we are learning to swim, and in the process, developing a common language of how we are doing it. Someone needs to tell me to keep form drowning, you need to tread water. OK, great. What does that mean? This is were everyone on the forum chimes in to explain how they tread water. 


unless you have spontaneous OBEs (which i never have) you'd have no idea what AP was unless you had read about all these other methods and techniques.  Not many people write AP books just to say, "hey, look at what i did!", they write them to teach you what they've learned.  That's how they communicate their experience and that's how you get to be exposed to something like AP and in turn be motivated to try it. 

If you're ignorant to the subject you have to get your start somehow.  And I agree, the method an author writes about is unique to them and it will not work for anyone else if done in the exact same way.  But it gives you something to try and build on.  You tweak it to accommodate your needs and you create something that works for you.  Methods can hold people back when they cling to them and try to hard (i was guilty of that).  But if you haven't figured out yet that some things need to be explored and personalized then it's gonna take you a long time to project.  Methods and techniques are essential in that regard.
be awesome.


Quote from: Xanth on April 22, 2010, 11:54:58
Well, the reason we study it before hand is so we have a general idea of what to expect and so we can correlate our experiences with others.

As for Frank...
He actually followed Monroe in his very footsteps.  Everything from his practices to his astral footsteps.  He walked the same paths Monroe did.  Only after walking the path, he improved upon and simplified it for us. 

~Ryan :)

I expected this reply from your side. You are never agreed with anyone no matter if he/she says it from his own experience. I normally avoid replying in a thread where you participate, so much negative energy I must say. ;)

You have started praising about Frank lately and it is always easy to Praise/Worship someone who is  dead or not around. Live people hurt your ego while dead can't. That is why people have been worshiping dead.

I bet if Frank would have been alive (in this forum), you would have argued him with same manner. You hardly listen anyone.

Frank didn't follow Monroe, he practiced and then found that most of the things Monroe said was wrong. He didn't say it bluntly because he was a cultured man.

I am against every religious belief or any other spiritual belief system. These belief systems has made our life so complicated and unnatural.

You said you are following Frank, but I see that you are quoting all the focus stages and everything frank said without even experiencing it. How can you be so sure that whatever you are saying is true? It looks like Frank has made you his assistance?

I can see you red and boiling with anger ;)



This debate doesn't need to go on here, as this thread is for something entirely different.
I have PM'd you my response.  :)


Well, good job Xanth. The PDF seems nice. Your forum karma shot up aswell.
4% of teens will stand up for God. Put this in your signature if your one of the 96% that wont... Har har har


thanks so much for this. If it weren't for Frank, I would never be able to face the demons that exist in focus level 2. I would think they are reality and not projections of my imagination. Also if it weren't for Frank I would surely melt with fear at the feet of a real negative entity in the true astral. Frank's teaching show that there is nothing to fear. It's most encouraging and I intend to read all 1000 pages.



first, i'd like to say thanks to xanth for creating this PDF! the effort and dedication required speaks to your character:)

i performed a very lazy search to determine where i should post the below observation, and decided here is as good a place as any, but i can move it if someone suggests it.

i just started reading the PDF and was struck by one of frank's techniques because it resembled an observation i discovered a few weeks ago. here's the relevant section of his post:

"As far as relaxation goes, you just need to be lying on your back fairly comfortably. That's all. Don't "concentrate" on being relaxed. If you do that, you will never be able to do the most important step. Also, put aside all thoughts of "projection techniques" for now. Because concentration on some technique, or other, will again interfere with the most important part, which is: You need to shift your focal point of awareness (or consciousness) upwards. If you concentrate, for a short while, you should realise that your focal point of consciousness is situated immediately behind your physical eyes. And that is probably where it has been all your adult life, during times when you are awake. There lies the difficulty!!! It is SO used to being there, during awake time, it becomes habitually entrenched. Imagine looking at yourself in a mirror and you had drawn a 1cm diameter circle in red felt-tip pen, in the centre of your forehead about 2.5cm up from where your nose joins to your forehead. That's about where you need to be, focal-point of consciousness-wise. You will probably find that the moment you begin doing it, i.e. letting your focal point rise to the correct place, your eyes will "grab it back". You have to teach the eyes to let go and allow the focal point of consciousness to rise up as I describe. As it rises, you may begin to see little shadows, or glimpses of any sort-of this or that. I call it stray energy. Sometimes I might see a little figure coming out of a hazy mist. Just this morning, for instance, I could have sworn I could see the head of a wolf right in front of me! But you need to teach your eyes not to react to it. The way you do that is to keep practising. At first, as your conciousness rises and you see a tiny glimpse of some image or other, the eyes will suddenly try to look. It's like the eyes say, "What was that??? What did I just see!!!" The moment they try to look at whatever it was, your focal point of consciousness will immediately drop back behind your physical eyes. So you'll have to start again. But after a short while, you will pass through the stray-energy stage and begin feeling vibrations. Once you feel those vibrations that's it, you've done it."

when i'm beginning to be 'dialed in' to a potential wake-induced vibrational state i usually see random pictures of very diverse subject matter in my mind. these have become my cue that i'm on my way. however, my automatic reflexes (things like my consciousness snapping back into play, or my stomach 'dropping' a tiny bit when each new image arrives) have kept me from reaching productive levels, i'm sure. it was only a few weeks ago that i discovered for myself that in addition to the reflexes i would also immediately try to examine all the details of these images, thereby breaking the flow of the process. so i began to just adopt a posture of mental relaxation that would allow myself to not be jarred by each new image; sure enough, the vibrations started soon after. as my eyes were the ones doing the 'examining' i believe this is just my way of saying what frank said above (in bold).

this is not a groundbreaking observation, but i thought it might further validate franks point and help struggling beginners, like myself:)


This is a great method for astral projection indeed! Thank you Xanth and Bless you Frank where you may be.
4% of teens will stand up for God. Put this in your signature if your one of the 96% that wont... Har har har


Quote from: indian on April 22, 2010, 11:47:13
Following any model (Monroe's, Frank) will be just like making a belief system. Like you followed religion with the concept of father, son and holy ghost.

I see that everybody wants to understand it before going into it. It is like you want to learn swimming without going into pool.

I am seeing things very differently than Frank said. If I start writing, I know there will be another model. That is why I avoid writing anything about kind of experience I get, because I experience something very different than said in books.

So, go, experience and then make any conclusion. There is no use for all these knowledge, because you can not follow these steps when you are there.

Frank himself didn't follow Monroe and tried to experience things of his own. If he would have started following f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 then he wouldn't have known what he experienced.


there is no use for this knowledge? frank's f2 level of consciousness where thought=action and separate from f3 (being the astral 'proper') seems like the most important piece of knowledge ever considering how easily someone would be fooled into thinking f2 is f3.


Quote from: podizzle on May 27, 2010, 09:49:39
there is no use for this knowledge? frank's f2 level of consciousness where thought=action and separate from f3 (being the astral 'proper') seems like the most important piece of knowledge ever considering how easily someone would be fooled into thinking f2 is f3.
Very well put.  :)



ryan did you make this sticky?
be awesome.


I certainly did.   8-)



You're already corrupt!

be awesome.


if you're going to sticky it clean up the original post


Xanth, as a fellow mod from Astral Viewers I can only say that you are a genious and on the right track. I will be studying all of Kepple's posts because instinct is telling me to do so. The more I think about it, the more I think it really was Frank that I saw in my OOBE. He was building something in that astral pulse island construct. Maybe the prisms he had were tools for him to study spectrums and frequencies. He could even be trying to reach us.

Just speculating though...


@ Xanth: excellent job! I wanted to do that myself, as an uninvolved reader of this forum. I cannot thank you enough as I intend at a certain point in the future to write a post about my impressions when I read the Gandalf's selection of  Frank Kepple's posts a few years ago. Thank you!


I'm reading through the Frank PDF, and he doesn't relay a lot of experiences of his own, but from time to time Frank makes references to Ginny and her experiences, encouraging AP members to read her posts. I think it would be a good idea to compose a Ginny PDF really, as she has such a vast and diverse amount of experiences to share.

I found this one, where Ginny is experiencing not a mind-split, but well a Disk-split, between a human and a wolf, it's mind staggering to me ->;msg118615#msg118615
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


I've considered doing just that.
She didn't have many posts here, but they were quality.

Actually, there are a few members that would be good to toss together their posts into a single place.


Wow, just read a lot of "Frank's" writing and found his Wider Reality model, and I must say I'm deeply impressed. 

I was a little concerned when it came to the concept of Phasing.  It made more sense to me than the classical exits and astral planes and whatnot, but it also incorporated lucid dreams into its model, and I was worried that it was just a lot of people having very lucid dreams and thinking they were projecting.  By explaining that dreams and actual astral awareness are different levels of focus, a lot of my anxiety is gone and I feel more comfortable with pursuing the phasing approach.

Frank's notion of the afterlife, for lack of a better term, really resonates with me.  I've wondered my whole life why people have NDE's and see different environments and entities.  I could only assume that one takes their beliefs with them and that was that.  But the notion of hollow heavens and hollow hells that the religious create for themselves really makes sense to me.  And when you become more open-minded about the whole affair, you are free to leave your hollow heaven and go to a "higher" area.

Frank's discussion of past lives, and the fact that they aren't really sequential but happening all at once, also seems to make sense.  And I'm fascinated that one of his "guides" is really a "future" version of him from another physical planet.

All that said, I must disagree with the man on his concept of God, or rather the lack thereof.  Perhaps my mind will change after I break into the astral, but for now, I believe there is a wizard behind the curtain so to speak.


Quote from: ayearhasgone on July 26, 2011, 07:22:51
Frank's discussion of past lives, and the fact that they aren't really sequential but happening all at once, also seems to make sense.

In one of Frank's Newsletters he got the question why children can remember past lives,
but very seldom (never) remembers future lives. Frank was short on answer. Links to
his 4 Newsletters can be found in this thread. I think the question about reincarnation
was in the third letter. Could you please tell me how it "seems to make sense"?
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Uh oh!  Frank didn't have all the answers!  LOL

It made sense in that it was/is a possibility for what happens.  Just as your guess is as good as mine.


Quote from: Pauli2 on July 26, 2011, 19:19:57
In one of Frank's Newsletters he got the question why children can remember past lives,
but very seldom (never) remembers future lives. Frank was short on answer.
I've chatted with a number of people who visit future lives while projecting. 

You realize the concept of remembering a future event is ridiculous, right?  This world is bound by the illusion of time.  Unless a child is born with some sort of crazy precognition, remembering a future life isn't going to happen.

QuoteCould you please tell me how it "seems to make sense"?
Because time doesn't in the astral.


So I'm wondering if you did AP before you heard of any of these "levels"

b/c if not, you should have also run into the belief system when you AP'd afterwards correct?

and then after hearing about the "levels" your saying that you are unable to AP without running into this belief system.

Quote from: indian on April 22, 2010, 11:47:13
Following any model (Monroe's, Frank) will be just like making a belief system. Like you followed religion with the concept of father, son and holy ghost.

I see that everybody wants to understand it before going into it. It is like you want to learn swimming without going into pool.

I am seeing things very differently than Frank said. If I start writing, I know there will be another model. That is why I avoid writing anything about kind of experience I get, because I experience something very different than said in books.

So, go, experience and then make any conclusion. There is no use for all these knowledge, because you can not follow these steps when you are there.

Frank himself didn't follow Monroe and tried to experience things of his own. If he would have started following f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 then he wouldn't have known what he experienced.




Wait a minute, why are we arguing... people who disagree with Frank, why not go into the astral and check for yourselves?  You have projected, right?  Right?