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Gateway Experience

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Well, I bought the gateway experience on Ebay. I'm starting tomorrow.  I'm open minded and am hoping to have a profound life changing experience but at the same time, I'm trying to keep my expections low and stifle myself a little.  I'm just going to start at the beginning and just work through them and whatever happens just happens.

I'm been reading reviews about them so I can't help being excited. 

Cheers, Jenn

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Blossom on July 23, 2023, 01:37:50

Well, I bought the gateway experience on Ebay. I'm starting tomorrow.  I'm open minded and am hoping to have a profound life changing experience but at the same time, I'm trying to keep my expections low and stifle myself a little.  I'm just going to start at the beginning and just work through them and whatever happens just happens.

I'm been reading reviews about them so I can't help being excited.  

Cheers, Jenn
Good Luck Jenn!  :-)

You are going into this with the right mindset. Low expectations and ready to see what you can see. You do need an open mind though. That is the important part. Heeding the instructions will make "something" happen. What that something will be depends on what you need to experience or see at this point in your NPR (non-physical reality) evolution.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on July 23, 2023, 11:33:41
Good Luck Jenn!  :-)

You are going into this with the right mindset. Low expectations and ready to see what you can see. You do need an open mind though. That is the important part. Heeding the instructions will make "something" happen. What that something will be depends on what you need to experience or see at this point in your NPR (non-physical reality) evolution.

First of all, thank you for replying..  I appreciate it.

I did the orientation twice.  First time I fell asleep.  I woke up two hours later.  Had a very nice nap..  lol

Im working on recording 2 now, which is "Discovery - Intro to focus 10".  I have completed it once and fell asleep again.  Slept for about three hours..  So I am wide awake at 4:36am.  Fixing to try again.

Haven't felt this rested in a long time.

I am reading the specific instructions and information to each particular recording prior to beginning each recording.  

The one I am working on now for Intro to Focus 10 states --> "One of the paradoxes of 'mind awake, body asleep' is the possibility of heightened sensitivity: awareness that the pores of your skin breathe, hearing the swish of blood flow behind your ears, feeling your heart beat. Spontaneous remote sensing is also possible: hearing sounds you would swear you are hearing this time but not the last time, or perceiving faraway, delicate odors. Place all expectations in your box, relax, and simply go with whatever you are experiencing."

I'm glad I know what mind awake/body asleep feels like, which is a good thing I believe.  My very first OBE was the first time I experienced it. I knew I was resting in bed wide awake with closed eyes, but I was very aware of my etheric body rolling on the bed back and forth. I had dual awareness. It was an awesome experience.

I'm trying to determine best time of day/night for me for my sessions.  I live alone but I have an australian shepherd that is around 15 months old named Eli.  In the day time, I can't lay down without him by my side.  He is my shadow dog and is by my side 100% of the time.  At night however, when I go to bed, Eli lays by me for about 15 min until he is sure I am settled in for the evening, and then moves to the front door and lays there until morning or until I get up.  So I believe night is the best time for me.

Well here I go.. Hopefully to focus 10.  I may have to do this one several times before I reach that state but I may not. I am in no rush. I'm going to take it slow. I plan on doing one recording per day OR possibly repeat the same recording if I fall asleep. I have seven wave recordings with complete manuals for each wave.  That is 42 recordings of progress.  I am using wireless headphones and laying in bed.  I may end up using a chair with an ottoman. But I think the bed will work best for me.

Jenn C :roll:

p.s.  I do have a question: What type of headphones are best? open back, closed back, brand?  I know I want wireless.  My budget is probably $200-$250 usa bucks. I might bump that to $300. I'm using some sony wireless now but they are about 5 years old and they could be better. I want to make sure I get every nuance of the recordings.  What about noise cancellation?

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I lay down with my headphones at around 5:30am and started the recording.  I stayed awake for most of it.  I did not get to focus 10 but I think I came close.  I followed all of Monroe's instructions putting my physical matter and cares' in the box and shut the lid. I tried to drift and go with the flow of the recording.  I DO believe I had gotten in a fairly deep meditative state. Then probably close to 10-15 min prior to the end of the recording (and this is a guess), I saw a large clear yellow spider in my peripheral vision moving around watching me. It was not a scary thing.  It was just something that I saw in the blackness.  I tried to keep viewing its movements and concentrate on it and that's the last thing I remember.  My dog woke me about 6:30 wanting outside.  I put him out to use the restroom and I got myself a glass of water.  When I let him back in, I lay back down and had a very vivid dream.  I was very groggy from no sleep. I do not believe this was an LD.

I dreamt about me mowing my lawn at first because all my neighbors were mowing theirs. This was not at my actual house.  It was a dream built house. Anyway, as I was mowing, a group of puppies from the neighbors' yard were burrowing under my metal fence and I spent quite a bit of time putting them back on their side of the fence through an extremely small hole at the bottom of the fence-line. I remember one puppy had the fence snagged on his back and I spent a bit of time releasing him. Then several adult dogs were suddenly in my yard and that were related to the puppies.  Huge dogs. One wore a pack on its back with pockets. It was like a military type dog vest with a large side pocket on each side. My dog Eli was there and he was nosing in the dog's pockets, which did not seem to bother the other dog. They were very large friendly brown dogs.  They were not jumping around or anything like that. By friendly, I mean they were not displaying aggression. They were very calm knowing dogs. Then I suddenly shifted and was under some sort of shelter and all my neighbors were gathered around talking to me. It was a huge shelter.  I cannot remember the conversation we were having but it seems like it was about riding lawn mowers. Then I noticed a man from the group standing toward the rear of the group and he started approaching me and as he got closer I recognized him as an engineer I used to work with many years ago named Robert F.  We hugged and he was glad to see me, as I was him. I was his engineering tech. We worked for a gov company that made wiring harnesses for the space shuttles.  I made booklets of wiring diagrams based on schematics and Robert proofed my work before releasing them to be built. I have not thought about Robert in over 10 years. Yet here he was. He looked exactly the same.  We had some nondescript conversation that I don't remember.  I woke up shortly afterwards and felt out of sorts.

Just a weird disjointed dream.  

I immediately started looking up Robert on facebook and on the net in general to see what had happened to him.  I could not find one single bit of information. It makes me wonder if Robert has passed on.  

The reason I tried looking Robert up is because it reminds me of another incident many years ago. I was asleep and I startled awake.  It felt like my grandfather woke me up by screaming in my face. It was like a jolt of lightening hit me and as soon as I sat up, I knew it was Pa. I could feel him all around me. It was like his face was directly in my face, mere inches apart when I initially woke up.  It was so real that I woke my then husband to tell him something has happened to Pa and I told what had occurred. We waited until daylight to call my aunt who lived in the same city as my grandfather.  Pa was her father and he was in his 90's and lived in a nursing home in Texas with his wife, my grandmother.  I lived in Arkansas at the time.  Quite a distance and many hours away.  When we called she told me that during the night, he had gone to the restroom and fell and hit his head on the sink knocking him out.  My experience was the exact time he had fallen. He developed pneumonia and died a couple weeks later. I never got to see him before he passed. My grandfather was a psychic in our family. He knew beforehand when people in our family were going to pass.  He would tell my grandmother to get his suit cleaned because there was going to be a death.  He was always right.

I also have identical twin daughters that are 45 now.  They would entertain us when they were teenagers by their psychic abilities. We would put them in separate rooms and write a letter on a piece of paper and have one concentrate on it.  The other could guess correctly what letter of the alphabet the other was thinking. I don't remember them ever not being right.  It scared them and they quit entertaining us eventually. :|

So needless to say, I will be repeating "Intro to Focus 10" today after I take a nap this morning...  I'm not done with it.  I don't want to be sleepy when I repeat it. I will get to focus 10 before I move on.

Jenn :-)

p.s.  I am kicking myself for not staying coherent when I saw the yellow spider.  And sorry this is so long.

This is Eli.. My wonderful companion and spoiled protector.  My shadow dog because he stays so close to me that our shadows blend...


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Regarding headphones, it reads like your current headphones are doing the job just fine for now. You could call or email the Institute and ask- I think that initially, they were against noise cancellation as that might interfere with the Hemi-sync, but I think they are more relaxed about that now. Again, it looks like your current setup is working just fine.

Your initial experiences read as very productive. When you fall asleep, that's okay; it means you are certainly relaxing into the session with no problem, and if it's not simply an issue of starting too late at night or being too tired, then this kind of sleep can indicate that "work" is still being done, but at a subconscious level. Those are often described as noticeable "click-outs".

Maybe you are starting your session at your normal bedtime or utilizing the session within a WakeBackToBed technique...if it is during a WBTB technique, then I would suggest staying awake a little longer between the first and second intervals, such as 45 minutes to an hour; then you won't be as strongly pulled back into sleep so quickly.

Even spending multiple weeks at TMI, I could never get to what I felt was a complete F10 Mind Awake/Body Asleep state like I did the first few accidental times I did it at home. What I came to learn was that all the Focus Levels, whether F10, F21 or F27 are not fixed points in Consciousness, but rather a range within a given continuum or spectrum in there can be a high F10 or a low F10 or a middle F10 and it can vary from person to person and from day to day. I eventually realized that I never had to be in a "perfect" F21 or F23 or F27 to experience what I was supposed to. So don't get too caught up in searching for the exact, correct state you think you should be in. Like you wrote, if you feel that you have reached a fairly deep, meditative state, then that's your confirmation. And from what I am reading of your experiences so far, you are doing really just keep on with the relaxed "noticing" and go with the flow of whatever happens.

When you start the F15 or F21 sessions, you might consider finding the time to do back to back sessions, like a session in F12, then a session in F15 and then a session in F21. I know that means a commitment of like three hours, but the "build-on" effect can offer sometimes surprising results...something to consider.

Hope that helps!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 25, 2023, 20:46:30
Regarding headphones, it reads like your current headphones are doing the job just fine for now. You could call or email the Institute and ask- I think that initially, they were against noise cancellation as that might interfere with the Hemi-sync, but I think they are more relaxed about that now. Again, it looks like your current setup is working just fine.

Your initial experiences read as very productive. When you fall asleep, that's okay; it means you are certainly relaxing into the session with no problem, and if it's not simply an issue of starting too late at night or being too tired, then this kind of sleep can indicate that "work" is still being done, but at a subconscious level. Those are often described as noticeable "click-outs".

Maybe you are starting your session at your normal bedtime or utilizing the session within a WakeBackToBed technique...if it is during a WBTB technique, then I would suggest staying awake a little longer between the first and second intervals, such as 45 minutes to an hour; then you won't be as strongly pulled back into sleep so quickly.

Even spending multiple weeks at TMI, I could never get to what I felt was a complete F10 Mind Awake/Body Asleep state like I did the first few accidental times I did it at home. What I came to learn was that all the Focus Levels, whether F10, F21 or F27 are not fixed points in Consciousness, but rather a range within a given continuum or spectrum in there can be a high F10 or a low F10 or a middle F10 and it can vary from person to person and from day to day. I eventually realized that I never had to be in a "perfect" F21 or F23 or F27 to experience what I was supposed to. So don't get too caught up in searching for the exact, correct state you think you should be in. Like you wrote, if you feel that you have reached a fairly deep, meditative state, then that's your confirmation. And from what I am reading of your experiences so far, you are doing really just keep on with the relaxed "noticing" and go with the flow of whatever happens.

When you start the F15 or F21 sessions, you might consider finding the time to do back to back sessions, like a session in F12, then a session in F15 and then a session in F21. I know that means a commitment of like three hours, but the "build-on" effect can offer sometimes surprising results...something to consider.

Hope that helps!


Your reply helped me understand so much!  Thank you very much for that input.  If I'm understanding this right, then there are "ranges" to EACH focus.  And I should not get too caught up in "being perfect"... or what I consider being perfect. Just notice and what will be, will be.

Before I read your reply, I tried F10 twice again yesterday.  Yesterday morning and last night when I went to bed. The first time I fell asleep again but I did reach the point where he was counting 1-10.  I remember that. The second time was a flop due to my dog.  Have you ever felt someone looking at you?  I barely cracked my eyes and his nose was an inch from my face.  He was listening to the recording.

Its frustrating not to get where you think you should be. I feel like that in itself was a slight determent in what I was considering progress to F10. Like you said, I need to relax and just go with the flow.

The part of the recording I am finding difficult is when I'm supposed to look at my legs. When I do that, they tingle, itch and feel restless.

My husband comes over and spends weekends with me, so it will not be a problem doing back to back sessions when that time comes. Three hours is no problem.  He would be glad to help. He would probably take Eli to his house so I could be alone in my house for a long session.

I'm going to do F10 ONE MORE TIME before moving on if you feel like I am being productive.. My dog is ready for his morning nap.  He has been outside since about 5:30am.  I just let him in and he is sleeping.  This is a great time.

I looked up TMI many times and would love to go myself.  I am in awe that you have spent weeks there. That is totally amazing.

I also just called them. Very nice people and very informative.  The woman told me noise cancellation is no problem.  Ear buds are no problem.  They use some skull candy, some sony and quite a few different types.  She said whatever I am comfortable with.  I specifically asked her about expensive headphones.  She said I don't need them.  She did say the best ones are ones that cover your entire ear and block out outside noise and thats all I need.

Awesome... I feel much more relaxed now.


p.s.  The main thing I am noticing just from this short time, is that my dreams are much more vivid and I am feeling more refreshed when I wake up.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I could not resist buying these today.. They weren't expensive.  Just a little over $100. I think it was $119 plus tax. :-D  But they ARE noise cancelling and bluetooth.. I'll try them tonight. This is the first brand the woman mentioned when I called TMI..

On a different note, something that I have noticed the last few months... First of all, I used to NOT be able to rest or sleep in the dark. Or rest or sleep period.  I had to have a light on to even have a chance of getting to sleep.  My normal sleep period was about three hours and that was it. I would go to bed at 3am and wake up at 6am without fail.  Then I bought a very soft comfortable sleep mask on a whim. I still had the light on but with the mask, it was pitch black.  I started sleeping 7 hours and the eye bags went away.  lol.

What I have discovered is that when meditating, even with less sleep, I still feel rested. "Body asleep" is mostly what I need. And I relish the darkess now at night.  I'm hooked on my mask.  I find myself getting up with the mask on and forgetting that's it's on until I realize I can't see..  haha

From a happy jenn... :lol:

headphones50" border="0

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I just had the weirdest experience.

I guess it started yesterday.  I did recording 2 yesterday sitting upright.  I discovered I missed quite a bit of it sleeping.

Then last night I did recordings 3 and 4.  Not going to go into all the specifics right now as I don't have time. I DO believe I was very successful in both of them.  Stayed awake.

But tape 4 is where you create this energy bubble around you with flowing energy shooting out of your head and swirling downward around your body and then coming back up through your feet. I felt very successful at this. In fact I KNOW I was successful. I could feel it at the time it was occurring.

Anyway after doing tape 4, all day today I've been on cloud 9 since I feel it was a great success. I have envisioned this same flowing energy bubble as I've gone about my day. Trying hard to keep it around me as I went about my daily chores. This energy bubble has been uppermost in my mind.

I had a couple errands to run and I wanted to take some vegetables to a lady I know that has helped me out many times in the past with different things. So I wanted to return the favor.  I have a garden in my back yard with corn, beans, habanero peppers, 4 kinds of tomatoes, bell peppers, kale, spinach and lettuce.  So I made her a big care package and took it to her.  

As I was leaving her and heading to my car,  a man on the parking lot that I did not know and had never seen before, came up to me and asked me if I was a christian.  My first thought was "oh crap" and I wanted to tell him to beat it, but when I looked at him, I could see how serious he was and so I decided to curb my tongue.

Now I don't consider myself a christian, nor agnostic, nor an athetist.  I'm not even sure I believe in the typical God that most people believe in.  Not trying to ruffle feathers here, but I'm being honest.  I am spiritual.  I feel like I am etremely spiritual person actually and that's what I told him, that I considered myself a very spiritual person.  He was still staring at me a little odd and he told me he could see a glow around my body and knew that I was a blessed person.  He said it was all over me and extremely obvious to him. He shook my hand and turned to walk away.  I just kept staring at him completely stunned and as he walked he kept turning back to look at me.  He finally waved as he entered a bldg and I waved back.

Did he actually see my energy bubble? Thats all I can fathom. Weird weird weird..  

I am liking these tapes a lot!


p.s.  I am returning my new headphones.  I am not used to meditating on my back.  It has never been a successful position for me in spite of the successes I have had so far. I can't lay on my side with these headphones.  I LOVE the way they produce or reproduce sound.  But I'm going to get noise cancelling earbuds instead and try those.  The sony's I have are great for music but not meditation so much.  I need to be on my side.  

Also laying on my back, my arms and legs don't just twitch when listening to monroes tapes.  They jerk inches off the bed in this position.  Inches... Seriously.  I'm wondering if I have an energy blockage that I'm putting pressure on.  I may need to get RB's pdf back out and do some energy work once more.

My plan today is repeat tape 4 and see what tape 5 is about..


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I bought a book..  Journeys out of the body on ebay used for $8.  Be here in a couple days.  I've never read it. 

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


 Hi Jenn. It sounds like you are doing great!  :-)

I also use noise cancelling headphones. The ones I use are Bose. I bought them over 10 years ago. Music never sounded so good!  8-)

I have read that you fall asleep a lot during this. My advise would be to find a comfortable chair, like a Lazy-boy. Something you could sit comfortably in for a period of time. The reason for this is, all your life you have trained yourself that bed is for sleeping. I personally find it much easier to practice in a my Lazy-boy chair. I usually do what I call "Phase soaks", which is Phasing while lying in the hot water in my bathtub. I am 6'2 and my bathtub is barely 5 ft long. But I get so deep, so quick, that I can't consciously feel the sensation of being crammed into the tub, once I begin my Phase session.

I also use a Blindfold, aka Sleep Mask, even when I sleep. Years ago I found one called the "Mindfold". It was a decent blindfold. But then I came across another one called the "Escape Luxury Sleep Mask". I am on my second one in about 10 years of use. The link to it is below this. I have handwashed it numerous times and still holds up well.

I also sleep with the light on. It's a really bright "night light" though. I have size 13 feet and have broken my toes numerous times due to stubbings!  :-D I sleep with my mask on though, so it is still pitch dark.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I agree with Lumaza that you might consider moving your practice to a comfortable reclining chair, if you have that available. A recline angle of 37 degrees has been reported in the literature as beneficial, but like most things in this practice, adjust it to your own tastes...there are no hard or fast rules...

The three Monroe books are enjoyable reads. However, I would recommend waiting to read any of them until you finish the Gateway Experience sessions. I'm saying that because you are doing so well with them. Reading any new material, especially these books, can "front-load" you with unnecessary and possibly conflicting ideas which might interfere with the ongoing I advise to stay off that for now. Your choice.

I suppose the great energy feeling may be from your REBAL exercise, so if you are feeling that during the day, that is a great confirmation! The Multiverse is certainly reinforcing the recognition with the episode of the guy in the parking lot recognizing your energy in such an obvious way. That is kind of hard to ignore! LoL!

The energy twitches get heavy for me at times. There are nights where I cannot fall asleep and the moment I am close, I startle and jump, sometimes feeling like I've lifted off the bed six inches in a jolt! On nights like this, it can happen ten, twenty times and becomes very distressing and wearing. You may be right about trying some RB Energy balancing techniques...thank you for that idea!

Thank you for taking the time to describe your experiences here. It helps others, and maybe we help, in return.

Good stuff!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: Lumaza on July 27, 2023, 20:22:45
Hi Jenn. It sounds like you are doing great!  :-)

I also use noise cancelling headphones. The ones I use are Bose. I bought them over 10 years ago. Music never sounded so good!  8-)

I have read that you fall asleep a lot during this. My advise would be to find a comfortable chair, like a Lazy-boy. Something you could sit comfortably in for a period of time. The reason for this is, all your life you have trained yourself that bed is for sleeping. I personally find it much easier to practice in a my Lazy-boy chair. I usually do what I call "Phase soaks", which is Phasing while lying in the hot water in my bathtub. I am 6'2 and my bathtub is barely 5 ft long. But I get so deep, so quick, that I can't consciously feel the sensation of being crammed into the tub, once I begin my Phase session.

I also use a Blindfold, aka Sleep Mask, even when I sleep. Years ago I found one called the "Mindfold". It was a decent blindfold. But then I came across another one called the "Escape Luxury Sleep Mask". I am on my second one in about 10 years of use. The link to it is below this. I have handwashed it numerous times and still holds up well.

I also sleep with the light on. It's a really bright "night light" though. I have size 13 feet and have broken my toes numerous times due to stubbings!  :-D I sleep with my mask on though, so it is still pitch dark.

Hi there !..

First of all, your post had me laughing.  It was great!  I relate to every thing you said.

This is the mask I use and mine is purple, like the one displayed in my link below.  I love it so much!  I may order that luxury sleep mask from your link as well.  I like more than one option.. And I doubt I will ever be without a sleep mask again. I use it every single night.  I rest so much better with it on. Its a sleep game changer for me.. And I'm glad I'm not the only adult that needs a night light on.

Bose is a very good brand.  I have heard that many times in my life.  The skullcandy that I purchased yesterday is my first bluetooth item ever.  Never have had anything bluetooth. I'm old school and have always had wired electronics.  I have never even purchased earbuds either until today and they are just awesome.  The sonys that I was using has a usb antenna that plus into a port on the computer with a wire that plugs into the speaker port. They are not considered wireless or bluetooth but I can walk around the house in a limited area with them on. If I go too far away from it's base, it turns into static.  The headphones and the earbuds that I bought, I can go upstairs and even outside with the same clarity as sitting in front of my computer. I'm not sure how I ever lived without them!!  

I had initially decided to take my new headphones back and get earbuds so I could lay on my side in bed.  I ended up keeping the headphones because I love the music quality when using them.  But I ended up also buying some skullcandy earbuds that are also noise canceling.  So now I have headphones and earbuds, with both noise canceling.  I am going to experiment with both and see which works best for me for Monroe. I feel uptown right now. :lol:  

What I want eventually want is some Sennheiser 650+'s with a closed back.  I am repurposing an old antique piano because I want to use it for a keyboard stand.  I want a kawai es920 desperately and I'm thinking about buying myself one for xmas this year. :roll:  

I like your idea of phase soaks.  I never would have thought of that..

Well, it is 12:25am.  I'm fixing to try out my ear buds.  Repeat tape 4 and do tape 5.. I read in the discovery manual that it is a sleep tape.  I think I have that one mastered before I do it..  :-D

I can see where Monroe is going with the discovery recordings.  He is teaching us prerequisites.. which is his system to get to MA/BS...


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 28, 2023, 01:03:56
I agree with Lumaza that you might consider moving your practice to a comfortable reclining chair, if you have that available. A recline angle of 37 degrees has been reported in the literature as beneficial, but like most things in this practice, adjust it to your own tastes...there are no hard or fast rules...

The three Monroe books are enjoyable reads. However, I would recommend waiting to read any of them until you finish the Gateway Experience sessions. I'm saying that because you are doing so well with them. Reading any new material, especially these books, can "front-load" you with unnecessary and possibly conflicting ideas which might interfere with the ongoing I advise to stay off that for now. Your choice.

I suppose the great energy feeling may be from your REBAL exercise, so if you are feeling that during the day, that is a great confirmation! The Multiverse is certainly reinforcing the recognition with the episode of the guy in the parking lot recognizing your energy in such an obvious way. That is kind of hard to ignore! LoL!

The energy twitches get heavy for me at times. There are nights where I cannot fall asleep and the moment I am close, I startle and jump, sometimes feeling like I've lifted off the bed six inches in a jolt! On nights like this, it can happen ten, twenty times and becomes very distressing and wearing. You may be right about trying some RB Energy balancing techniques...thank you for that idea!

Thank you for taking the time to describe your experiences here. It helps others, and maybe we help, in return.

Good stuff!

Hello there..

I unfortunately, don't have a recliner.  I may have to get one.  I used to have one but when my husband moved out, I gave it to him. I need to get another one.  I've lived without a recliner for two years.  How is that even possible?  And I wonder why 37 degrees.  I'll going to try to find something online about that.  That's interesting because it's so specific a degree.  It's a prime number too, which is odd, but then all prime numbers are odd.  :lol: Well, there is 2 too, which is even...

And I can wait on reading the book.  I'm glad you mentioned that to me. I'm pretty involved in the tapes and my garden right now.  I'll put it on the shelf with my other OBE books.  Thank you. I have read so many books about astral travel, obes etc etc... I have a whole section on my shelf.  I love William Buhlman Adventures Beyond the Body.  I've read it cover to cover several times.  But his new book, Higher Self Now, not as much.  In that book, it felt like like he is preparing you for death. I like Bob Peterson too and his Hacking the Out of Body Experience. It has a lot of great ideas. And I have read most of RB's Astral Dynamics as well.  The first version.  It's a pretty darn good book, with so much information.  I have his psychic self defense too, but I haven't read it.  I'm afraid to.  I am not scared to obe and I feel like I don't need protection.  I feel like nothing can hurt me during an OBE. RB sent it to me but when I saw what it was about, I didn't read it because of the possible negative connotations it contains and I was afraid that it would make me feel afraid on a subconscious level to OBE.  Like it might hinder me. I don't want to practice psychic self defense. I feel like my world is safe. But I will forever have it on my shelf.  He signed it and dated it Nov 11, 2002 and wrote in it that he just had to send it so its a very sentimental book.  I've never met RB, but I bet he is a nice person.

I personally like to pretend I am an upright tree, which is prob just shifting my consciousness 6' over my head. But these tapes are an entirely new territory for me. And I'm really enjoying them a lot.  I haven't had a lot of OBE'S but I want to..

okay, I'm hoping to beam up now Scotty...
I got my new earbuds.  Got my new headphones.  What more could a person want?


p.s.  I'm glad it's okay to post what is happening to me on this Monroe journey.  It helps me keep track.  I bought a "back to school" notebook today too, to compare differnt successes.  To track what works, what doesn't work.. etc...  You and Lamaza are helping me a lot..  And I appreciate you both.



"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Love love love my earbuds.  I slept with them on and with recording 5 playing..  they did not come out. They are perfect for what I bought them for.

I don't remember everything that happened to me during this recording.  Its muddy in my mind this morning. But was crystal clear last night.  I was going through my sequence of getting to Focus 10. Putting my troubles in the conversion box and my physical matter.  I also made a distinct point of putting any apprehensions or worries about OBEing in the box so that I could be free.  Then the resonant tuning and my energy balloon.  I forgot my affirmation as I got into the sounds coming through the earbuds. I just relaxed on my side and went with the flow.

Being on my side makes a big difference.

What I distinctly remember is that I found myself floating down either a corridor or a tunnel like structure that was cold and sterile feeling and weird things were under me that I was observing.  I was only about 4-6' above what I was seeing.  There were (I'm sorry) dead people that had faces like pulverized hamburger meat laying around this corridor in uniforms. It was like a war zone.  I slowed my flow and got close down and really looked at them and their faces.  There were no facial features at all.  They were absolutely decimated in the facial area. They were dead.  There is no doubt. I think they had some type of uniform on but I'm not sure but they did have on the same clothes.  They all also had the exact same facial injuries.  I noticed the fact that this did not shock me or repulse me.  It was just something I noticed.  I decided to change my environment and it was suddenly a tunnel of really pretty trees. And so I floated through this corridor of trees and plants.  This was a circular corridor too.  Not square like a hallway. There were still people below me in this corridor as well but they were in realistic cartoon suits smoking cigarettes and cigars and I just floated over them and they were totally unaware of me.  I KNOW there was something else but I can't quite put my finger on it.  I just don't remember.

That is all I remember.  I don't remember Monroe coming back on in focus 10.  I don't remember the end of the recording or even the middle part of the recording. I woke up at 5:30..  I DO remember thinking that I should write this down but I did not stay coherent long enough and obviously dropped out and went to sleep.

I'm fixing to do tape 5 again.  That was really interesting. I have never have experienced anything quite like that.  It was very primal and dark as in what I think a very low vibratory state would be like. Even when I was in the pretty little trees, the cartoon suits were goolish. It was a dark experience but not scary. I was an observer.

I have been up an hour and 15 min after laying down at 2am. It is 6:50am now.  I got up at 5:30am.  

wow..  That was just freaking awesome!!!   :-D

Hit play and repeat.. beam me up again Scotty..


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Blossom on July 27, 2023, 14:13:28

a man on the parking lot that I did not know[/i] and had never seen before, came up to me and asked me if I was a christian.  My first thought was "oh crap" and I wanted to tell him to beat it

hahaha, I'm glad you took the other approach, because something beautiful was revealed. I had that initial reaction when a Jehovah's witness asked me if I wanted to know who God was. But I told him "I have seen God in its entirety. Your religion describes only a tiny part filtered through the human ego. To confine God in one book is offensive." He just stared at me and didn't  know what to say haha, then I walked away.

Blossom, I am not familiar with the instructions of the Gateway Experience, but is it possible to incorporate some visualization that you are some place else and observing, touching objects. Or to incorporate motion such as flying, running fast, swaying? These produce most success with my technique done as I fall asleep every night. Then I am awaken by the vibrations at some point in the night and I exit easily.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on July 28, 2023, 09:20:13
hahaha, I'm glad you took the other approach, because something beautiful was revealed. I had that initial reaction when a Jehovah's witness asked me if I wanted to know who God was. But I told him "I have seen God in its entirety. Your religion describes only a tiny part filtered through the human ego. To confine God in one book is offensive." He just stared at me and didn't  know what to say haha, then I walked away.

Blossom, I am not familiar with the instructions of the Gateway Experience, but is it possible to incorporate some visualization that you are some place else and observing, touching objects. Or to incorporate motion such as flying, running fast, swaying? These produce most success with my technique done as I fall asleep every night. Then I am awaken by the vibrations at some point in the night and I exit easily.

I am also glad I held my tongue.  What that man said has been uppermost on my mind since it happened.  And it was a beautiful moment. I like your response a lot as well.  And no offense to the Jehovah's witnesses but when I was around 8 yrs old, they used to knock on our door all the time at my grandparents house.  I can still see my granddad sitting on the porch chewing his tobacco pacing.  They made him nervous.  He told me to avoid them at all cost because they sat in the trees and sang like birds.  haha..  He was a character.

As far as your question on what I can incorporate, I'm just not sure at this point.  I'm new to this as well.  Each recording is a little different. They seem to be building on each other. Like building blocks. This is the first time I have listened to anything guided.  As I progress in each wave so far, monroe (I guessing its monroes voice) has you repeat the previous recordings instructions in the current recording and then you add the new instructions to the current recording. They are pretty specific.  The absolute goal of wave 1 is mind awake/body asleep, which monroe calls Focus 10. I suspect each wave has a specific goal. I do know the last recording in the wave 1 discovery set is called Free Flow 10 so that may be where I can incorporate something specific to ME. Just with what I have experienced so far, I highly recommend these recordings for anyone seriously wanting to explore consciousness on another level.  It has really surprised me with how "into these recordings" I have become.  

EscapeVelocity and Lumaza could better answer that question about what can be incorporated.  I'm just really not sure.  Right now I'm just going with monroe's flow.

BUT... Visualization is how my past OBE's have occurred. And they were strong and mind blowing and instantaneous. I've seen things that I never knew were possible and it changed my life. But at the time, I was ill. I took medication for four years.  Those four years is when I experienced obe's.  After I quit the medication, I tried all my same techniques but could not get out any longer.  I would always come close. I would feel vibrations but it was like I'd been blocked. I actually felt blocked which I think effects your success. Years passed with no results but I kept trying.  And I never gave up.  I have still not given up. These tapes feel like they are opening me up again to all the possibilities that are.. If you know what I mean. I am nearly hesitant to add anything because I think they are working just as they are.

Prior to having my first OBE, I did not even believe in them.  I have never read about them at that point or even knew anyone who had researched them. I did not even realize there were websites devoted to the study of astral phenomena.  All I knew is my sister telling me about hers.  But I never really believed her. The first time it happened to me, I had been meditating for six months or so trying to relax due to the meds, which hyped me up even more than usual. I'm not very laid back.  haha  When it happened to me, I had to apologize to my sister. But now I know.  After that I started buying books and reading everything I could find on the subject and devoured everything I read. But nothing worked.

What happened last night, the corridor experience, was amazing to me.  It's like "I'M BACK"...


p.s.  One last thing.  I also have read about so many peoples body lifting out and being in their house or their room or flying.  That has never happened to me.  I have never been in this reality if that makes sense.  I either click to some entirely different reality/place OR I am sucked through what feels like a tiny straw and end up in the clouds bouncing and jumping and laughing with many others doing the same. There is nothing like feeling your entire person being compressed and moving through "a straw" and then popping out the other end.

I would love to fly!


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Fixing to repeat wave1-recording5. It's 6:30am.  I've been up about an hour or so.
I think I went to bed around midnight so I have slept 4-5 hours.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Not successful.  Slept again.  Fixing to do it again.  On the other hand, at least I'm getting plenty of rest..  :-D

Also found this link.  AWESOME link that explains each focus..

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Blossom on July 28, 2023, 12:29:07

p.s.  One last thing.  I also have read about so many peoples body lifting out and being in their house or their room or flying.  That has never happened to me.  I have never been in this reality if that makes sense.  I either click to some entirely different reality/place OR I am sucked through what feels like a tiny straw and end up in the clouds bouncing and jumping and laughing with many others doing the same. There is nothing like feeling your entire person being compressed and moving through "a straw" and then popping out the other end.

This video of Skip Atwater might interest you especially the experience starting around 4:30


The Gateway Experience sessions are mostly tightly-scripted and I would suggest sticking to the script. You are right that the Free Flow sessions are not scripted and offered as 45 minute opportunities to apply your own ideas and techniques or to just relax and become more thoroughly familiar with that particular Focus Level. You are having such good experiences early on and there is a long way to go in this Series, so again, I suggest doing just what you are doing now. Don't get hung up on doing any exercise more than twice early on; don't let yourself feel bogged down. There are a lot of exercises waiting for you, and many later ones that will certainly bear repeating multiple times. And once completely finished with the Series, you will likely want to return to certain early Focus Levels such as F10, F12, F15 to understand them better from a new perspective. Also, certain personal work can be done more effectively from some of these "lower" Levels; higher is not necessarily better.

Regarding the differences between Etheric or OBEs that appear to happen closer to the Physical Dimension ( float like a ghost out of your body and roam around your house) versus Phasing experiences...okay, it seems you are already somewhat familiar with the Phasing type, where you click to or instantly materialize in a new environment (arguably the Astral or Mental OBE). This was what I wanted to warn against by putting off reading the Monroe books while doing Gateway. It can get confusing and end up front-loading our expectations. In his book, Monroe started with involuntarily experiencing the "Classic Etheric OBE". He didn't understand it, but described and reported his experiences. This is how it starts for many people, but not all. By his second book, Far Journeys, Monroe was describing how his experiences had evolved into the "Quick-Switch Method" which later became known as Phasing. These are two very different and distinct experiences, but Phasing seems the obvious evolution of our experiences, however one wishes to explain it (and we still have differences about that). The Gateway Experience includes an early Etheric-type exit Session that invites that kind of particular experience. So, the problem with possibly front-loading someone with different types of experiential expectations becomes more apparent. Blossom, it seems that you are already having semi, if not more complete Phasing experiences, even in these early F10 Sessions, so I feel it is important to explain this distinction. Going forward, I just recommend remaining as open to the experience as possible. And Phasing experiences can happen at any time within these Gateway again, always go with the yourself.

Monroe was a pioneer in the truest sense- His first book actually contains a variety of experiences: Most were the Classic Etheric type; but then there were arguably parallel dimension experiences; then what seem clearly Phasing-type; and then even higher-level bodiless, energetic experiences (speaking to Causal, Buddhic, throw in Hindu mysticism) incredible multitude of experiences that many have confirmed in their own ways.

What makes the Monroe books problematic is the timing with when a person reads them. They can be quite eye-opening and revealing...or they can introduce some real confusion into how a person works out and comes to understand their own experiences. Part of the fun, no doubt. I found Journeys in a bookstore when I was twelve, and it helped to explain my experiences at the time, Lol.

Hope that helps. EV
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 30, 2023, 01:42:13
The Gateway Experience sessions are mostly tightly-scripted and I would suggest sticking to the script. You are right that the Free Flow sessions are not scripted and offered as 45 minute opportunities to apply your own ideas and techniques or to just relax and become more thoroughly familiar with that particular Focus Level. You are having such good experiences early on and there is a long way to go in this Series, so again, I suggest doing just what you are doing now. Don't get hung up on doing any exercise more than twice early on; don't let yourself feel bogged down. There are a lot of exercises waiting for you, and many later ones that will certainly bear repeating multiple times. And once completely finished with the Series, you will likely want to return to certain early Focus Levels such as F10, F12, F15 to understand them better from a new perspective. Also, certain personal work can be done more effectively from some of these "lower" Levels; higher is not necessarily better.

Regarding the differences between Etheric or OBEs that appear to happen closer to the Physical Dimension ( float like a ghost out of your body and roam around your house) versus Phasing experiences...okay, it seems you are already somewhat familiar with the Phasing type, where you click to or instantly materialize in a new environment (arguably the Astral or Mental OBE). This was what I wanted to warn against by putting off reading the Monroe books while doing Gateway. It can get confusing and end up front-loading our expectations. In his book, Monroe started with involuntarily experiencing the "Classic Etheric OBE". He didn't understand it, but described and reported his experiences. This is how it starts for many people, but not all. By his second book, Far Journeys, Monroe was describing how his experiences had evolved into the "Quick-Switch Method" which later became known as Phasing. These are two very different and distinct experiences, but Phasing seems the obvious evolution of our experiences, however one wishes to explain it (and we still have differences about that). The Gateway Experience includes an early Etheric-type exit Session that invites that kind of particular experience. So, the problem with possibly front-loading someone with different types of experiential expectations becomes more apparent. Blossom, it seems that you are already having semi, if not more complete Phasing experiences, even in these early F10 Sessions, so I feel it is important to explain this distinction. Going forward, I just recommend remaining as open to the experience as possible. And Phasing experiences can happen at any time within these Gateway again, always go with the yourself.

Monroe was a pioneer in the truest sense- His first book actually contains a variety of experiences: Most were the Classic Etheric type; but then there were arguably parallel dimension experiences; then what seem clearly Phasing-type; and then even higher-level bodiless, energetic experiences (speaking to Causal, Buddhic, throw in Hindu mysticism) incredible multitude of experiences that many have confirmed in their own ways.

What makes the Monroe books problematic is the timing with when a person reads them. They can be quite eye-opening and revealing...or they can introduce some real confusion into how a person works out and comes to understand their own experiences. Part of the fun, no doubt. I found Journeys in a bookstore when I was twelve, and it helped to explain my experiences at the time, Lol.

Hope that helps. EV

I think I let myself get bogged down with tapes 5 and 6.  I've done both over and over multiple multliple times and slept through both tapes. At least 4-5 times with each one with the exception of tape 5 and my corridor experience the first time I listened to it. I'll take your advice and move on today to wave2-Intro to focus 12.  But I am definately coming back to wave1-Discovery- tape 5. 

In looking at your explanations of phasing vs obe, I guess I phased without knowing what it was.  My very first time, I had no body.  It was like I was a point of consciousness in a field or an area of an extraordinary color of blue that I had never seen before. Upwards, downwards and all all around me was this same expanse of blue and it was like I could see everything.  At this point, I was not fearful.  Then large white globes started rising around me and that's when I felt a little fear. It made me feel like I was in water and drowning, even though I knew I was in my bed.  I was still completely awake and aware when this occured.

How I got there, I have tried to reproduce thousands of times. Literally. 

When I would lay down, I would always visualize I was a tree.  A strong upright tree standing in a breeze.  This was a standard relaxation technique for me when I was taking medication.  It always relaxed me but one time it had a different outcome.  I separated while laying down and felt my ethric self rolling back and forth on the bed while I was awake. That was the first time during meditation that this had occurred.  I kept my eyes closed and marved about this.  It was really quite amazing.  My mind at that point was still in my body but I was also aware of my ethric body rolling.  It was duality.

Then I started to hear a low drone sound in my left ear.  And I listened to it.  I tried to concentrate on it instinctively.  As I listened, it got louder and louder.  Then I heard a click and simultaneously, it was like, over my closed eyes, a black curtain lowered and raised in a split second and pop, I was in the blue place. 


If I was going to have an expectation of these tapes, it would be to give me the tools to return to the blue place.  With what I know now, I would not be afraid.

My book is coming on the 3rd. I'm putting it on the shelf and won't read it until these tapes are completely done.

It is 8am.  I'm going to try Intro to focus 12.

And thank you for everything.  Your explanations really help me understand what I am doing.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: floriferous on July 29, 2023, 18:37:50
This video of Skip Atwater might interest you especially the experience starting around 4:30

I'll check this out right now.  Thank you.. I have never heard of Skip Atwater before.


p.s. OKay, I just listened to the whole thing.  Skip had a similar experience but not quite what I experienced.  My straw experiences were a little different. Ive had three straw experiences and there were all nearly exactly the same. I was meditating (being my standard tree) and I felt intense pressure in the back of my head and I would actually feel myself moving through a tiny tube or straw.  I had no control over it.  I could not poke my head out the other end like skip.  I was only conscious of moving through a very very tiny straw-like-thing. I could see the sides of it and I could feel myself compressed in order to fit inside it.   There was no extra room in the straw.  I filled the entire thing up.  I just felt myself moving through it until I got to the end and popped out.  

I found it interesting that it was a white place for him.  Because when I popped out, I was in fluffy white clouds.  There was lots of people there and we were were all jumping.  Gravity was different.  We could jump 50' in the air and we were all laughing because it was so much fun. The entire experience was laughter and joy from jumping.  We did not talk.  We only laughed and jumped like children.  To return to my body, all I had to do was open my eyes.

In fact,  with every experience or obe I've had, to return I just open my eyes.

That was years ago.  Many years ago. Looking back, I think or feel like the pressure in my head was energy build up.  I have always thought or felt like the pressure had to reach a certain level of energy in order to pop into the straw as an exit mechanism. I might be wrong but thats how I see it or explain it.

I want to look up more experiences of skip now.  I hope one day to go to the TMI as a solo vacation.  That would be so awesome..


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


onward to wave 2 - Intro to focus12. 

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


 Hi again Jenn.

My "Mindfold" was a good blindfold for my Phase sessions, but not so good for sleeping. It was too rigid and uncomfortable for sleeping. For many months I just grinned and bared it. My new mask, the one I posted a link to above, is great for both sleeping and Phasing. I don't sweat and it is very comfortable to use while sleeping on my side, which I almost always do.

To your "straw" experience. I had and do still have similar experiences. Years ago I wrote about one it using my old name here on the Astral Pulse, that being "Lionheart". (the link to that is below"). I compared it more to viewing through a "toilet paper roll" though.

I don't want to confuse you because you are in the middle of of your new learning process with Hemi-Sync and Monroe Tapes. But I have a feeling you would be very good with my "Doorway" technique. I have honed it for years now while on the Pulse here. So, you will see all the changes I have made to it through the years. If anything, it is a good read as well. Lime all other techniques that you can use, you don't have to do it "by the book". Possibly there is something in it that you can utilize to create your own personal technique. It was created using the adage I have always lived my life by and that is "KISS". Which stands for Keep It Simple Stupid"!   :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on July 30, 2023, 12:14:54
Hi again Jenn.

My "Mindfold" was a good blindfold for my Phase sessions, but not so good for sleeping. It was too rigid and uncomfortable for sleeping. For many months I just grinned and bared it. My new mask, the one I posted a link to above, is great for both sleeping and Phasing. I don't sweat and it is very comfortable to use while sleeping on my side, which I almost always do.

To your "straw" experience. I had and do still have similar experiences. Years ago I wrote about one it using my old name here on the Astral Pulse, that being "Lionheart". (the link to that is below"). I compared it more to viewing through a "toilet paper roll" though.

I don't want to confuse you because you are in the middle of of your new learning process with Hemi-Sync and Monroe Tapes. But I have a feeling you would be very good with my "Doorway" technique. I have honed it for years now while on the Pulse here. So, you will see all the changes I have made to it through the years. If anything, it is a good read as well. Lime all other techniques that you can use, you don't have to do it "by the book". Possibly there is something in it that you can utilize to create your own personal technique. It was created using the adage I have always lived my life by and that is "KISS". Which stands for Keep It Simple Stupid"!   :-)

Are you a programmer/coder? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to. Your post leads me to believe you are. Its because of the KISS acronym.  Its the gold standard of programmers.

Also I saved and have your links open.  Fixing to read them now.  

Also, I opened all my blinds to let the light in.  I'm hoping my falling sleep is due to being too darn comfortable and chilly in my house..  I'm going to use the new headphones vs the earbuds again and prop myself up in bed as close I can get to 37 degrees.  lol... I'm hoping this will trick me and my subconscious into staying awake..

I MUST find a cheap loungechair if this works.

I actually remember the name Lionheart from years ago.  There also used to be a huge following of avid phasers on this site but at the time I did not understand what was going on because I was not totally familiar with Monroe and phasing. I just read and moved on to continue trying to be a tree.

Intro to focus12 -- I slept.  I did this recording twice back to back.  The second time, I woke up as Monroe was saying something about "Think of the number 12...", which was at the end of the tape.  I'm not falling asleep due to lack to rest.  I'm extremely rested right now.

Going to try again in a new position.

Jenn :-)



"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'