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Gateway Experience

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I took 24 hrs off from meditation and read and studied methods, exit strategies etc... Trying to figure out WHY I am not obeing...

I feel like "I am doing something unintentional" to block myself.  

So I've been analyzing my expectations, my goals and trying to see exactly what I am doing when I feel the vibrationbal state.  And what I might need to do.  I know obes are NOT the goal of the monroe gateway experience, but.. I'm hoping so. I feel so close..

I'm also comparing what I actually did in the past that made it successful.  The only thing I can come up with is that I was not trying to obe.. So I really was completely relaxed.  I wasn't trying to do anything except relax. The stars just all lined up..

Starting tonight, doing another immersive experience.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


My advice is to take at least three days off and consolidate your prior experiences, continue some grounding practices...these things often take time to percolate and process on an inner-level.

During that time and continuing on for a couple weeks, add in some daily/nightly affirmations...keep it simple. No more than three affirmations at a time, simply-worded, no abbreviations.

"I know that the out of body experience is enjoyable and safe."
"I know that I am protected by my Guides and God/Source/Universe constantly is with me and loving and protecting."
"I ask permission of my Higher Self and grant myself permission to move out of body and experience the Non-Physical."

This is a subtle form of asking and granting permission within your inner self. Also a form of Intention programming. There is no point in forcing the issue; it's really about 'allowing'.

Relax, passively observe and let it come to you when it naturally chooses patiently waiting for a new horse to decide for itself to wander up to you.

If you get kinesthetic sensations such as swaying, rolling, floating...let it happen, stay calm and let it increase as much as it chooses and the exit will occur naturally.
If it is a Phasing, the hypnogogic images will gradually slow until you can focus on a single scene- again, passively observe and the scene will begin to strengthen to the point you automatically enter the scene.

You are doing great. Maybe time for a break. :wink:
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 14, 2023, 23:28:00
My advice is to take at least three days off and consolidate your prior experiences, continue some grounding practices...these things often take time to percolate and process on an inner-level.

During that time and continuing on for a couple weeks, add in some daily/nightly affirmations...keep it simple. No more than three affirmations at a time, simply-worded, no abbreviations.

"I know that the out of body experience is enjoyable and safe."
"I know that I am protected by my Guides and God/Source/Universe constantly is with me and loving and protecting."
"I ask permission of my Higher Self and grant myself permission to move out of body and experience the Non-Physical."

This is a subtle form of asking and granting permission within your inner self. Also a form of Intention programming. There is no point in forcing the issue; it's really about 'allowing'.

Relax, passively observe and let it come to you when it naturally chooses patiently waiting for a new horse to decide for itself to wander up to you.

If you get kinesthetic sensations such as swaying, rolling, floating...let it happen, stay calm and let it increase as much as it chooses and the exit will occur naturally.
If it is a Phasing, the hypnogogic images will gradually slow until you can focus on a single scene- again, passively observe and the scene will begin to strengthen to the point you automatically enter the scene.

You are doing great. Maybe time for a break. :wink:

Thank you... I have lots to think about as I try to put all this together.  I'm started journaling this experience too.
I appreciate you and LightBeam so much..


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I'm done breaking.  Today I start again.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I am just sitting here buzzing this morning internally and externally from Monroe.  I've been listening to Monroe all night for several days.  

Wave 4 is finished.  Other than my experiences with Free Flow 12, nothing earth-shattering occurred. And that felt pretty significant to me.

So I am moving on to wave 5... I have done wave 4 more than twice.  I will say this -- when I lay down to listen to a tape, my body is responding quicker.  My sense of relaxation or (how do I explain it?) the ability to "get into mode" is much faster. That's ONE THING.

SECOND THING -- for whatever reason, I am not falling asleep any longer.  I'm hoping that is considered progress.   :roll:   During every single tape, I stay awake, which is good.  Great actually.

On wave 5, The first 2 are about intuition and then there is one on Advance focus 12, and then focus 15 starts.  I'm not sure exactly what that is yet.  I have yet to read the manual.  I'll do that in a minute.  It's always a little exciting to start a new wave.

Heres a little synopsis.

Also, I am buying some other CDs.  Three sets...  To keep my options open.  These are not for phasing but just for OBE. Will be a nice addition to my shelf...

Steve G Jones -- Explorations beyond the body, Explorations Intensive and Advanced Journeys.   Should be here next week.  I just want to keep my options open in case Monroe doesn't get me "out"... Which is my ultimate goal.  My backup plan...  :-D


p.s.  I'll start wave 5 this afternoon.  I need to mow this morning before it gets hot.  My corn is finished producing, so I'm going to clear that ground area back to mushroom compost and cover it till next year.  I have a mini farm in my backyard.

I also did some reading here on AP from a woman named Ginny back in the early 2000's.  All I can say is wow!! Amazing s**t!


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I had to come in and cool off from mowing.  So I went ahead and ordered the other set of stuff that I wanted. I order two sets today.
Pretty excited about this.  They are old packaging but brand new in shrink wrap. I paid on eBay around $40 for each one.
Explorations Beyond the Body is 7 CDs and the Explorations Advanced Journeys is 8 CDs. 

And next week, I'm ordering one called Explorations Intensive which is 5 CDs for $30.

The reason I ordered these, and am not worrying about them, is because I read a post by Lionheart (who could that be??) on this forum saying they were really good..   :-D

It's hard to find these.  I don't think they make them any longer.k  They'll be here in 5-10 days. WooHoo! I'm not even sure what's on them all.

7 cds

8 cds

5 cds
Creative Visualization, Akashic Records, Reading Auras, Psychic Abilities


p.s.  The break is over.  Back to mowing.  ugh..


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Im up at 3:40... Eli had to go outside and take care of his business.

I've been sitting here thinking.  I don't care if I phase or obe..

But speaking of OBE's, I feel like (in my gut) if I just get out of body, however it occurs, I think I would instinctively know how to change my vibration and take off to where ever I wanted.  I've done it before. I just need to do the separation.  I feel this so strongly in my heart of hearts that it's difficul to actually express.  I just know. Or I just feel it.

I was listening to advanced focus 12 when I had to get up.  Fixing to put it back on.  I'm just going to try and lose myself in the tones.

Jenn :wink:

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I've listened to Wave 5 (advanced focus 12) all night sitting up in a chair.  I've fixing to listen to it again.  I've had zero sleep.  My feet have been cramping all night and this morning --> due to my mowing in the heat yesterday...

rough rough nite for me.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I'm not to going to post here any longer.  It's pointless.   When I get approved on the new site, I'll continue there. In the meantime, I'll just write anything at home that proves significant and transfer it later. I saw on the new site, they have a journal section.  That great!


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


This is the link to the new site where I am continuing this.  I'm confused as to whether to post here or there.  I don't know if the AP  site will continue or not.  This is all subject to change.

My new link.

AND Advanced Journeys has finally shipped.  Will be here from the 23rd through the 25th.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Lumaza on July 30, 2023, 12:14:54My "Mindfold" was a good blindfold for my Phase sessions
I know this is a little late, but figured I'd chime in... the Mindfold is probably one of the best meditation tools I own (gift from my loving wife <3).  For those times when you just want to get that light gone!  :)


Thank you Lumaza! I look for masks all the time. I have a real soft purple one that I use now that works pretty darn good.  I'll check out your mindfold however as well.

And it looks like the forum is back.  I'm so confused.  Where do I post?  Here or there?  And it's just beautiful here too.  I love it!! It's a breath of fresh air.

I'll come back here but I'll keep an eye on the other.  There is just so much great info here and it's at the tip of my fingers.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


From Aug 20th until Aug 28th, I posted here.

I'm back here now since AP is awesomely back up!!!  And beautiful!! And updated and amazing!!!

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Quote from: Blossom on August 28, 2023, 15:12:14From Aug 20th until Aug 28th, I posted here.

I'm back here now since AP is awesomely back up!!!  And beautiful!! And updated and amazing!!!
Yes!  The conversion went incredibly well and the forums are now up and running better than they ever have.

They'll be online and continually kept updated from now on. 👍


Quote from: Xanth on August 28, 2023, 15:40:57Yes!  The conversion went incredibly well and the forums are now up and running better than they ever have.

They'll be online and continually kept updated from now on. 👍

I am sooooooooooo glad!!!! You did a beautiful job!

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Okay, I have been doing Monroe and Dr. Steve Jones.  I have posted some of this on another web page, but I am going to use AP to continue this and post stuff here since AP is back up for good.

At present I am doing a series of tapes by Dr. Jones called Eplorations Beyond the Body. I also have Advanced Journeys by the same Dr. and one called Explorations Intensive should be here in a couple of days. I felt like I wasn't making much progress with Monroe so I am taking a short break to break to mix it up.  I'm on medication right now that makes 20-30-minute meditations with Monroe difficult.  It's just not enough time for me while on steroids.   Dr. Jones covers a lot of different material, auditory learning, which I feel will help me.

I tried to change the name of this post to Gateway Experience and Dr. Steve G Jones but it did not save. I will just continue here anyway.

My goal, regardless of how I get there, is the OBE or Phase, whether by Monroe or Dr. Jones. 

As far as Dr. Jones, I really like him and his stuff. I like Monroe too. So I'm doing both programs. I've also thrown a little Jurgen in and have listened to some of his stuff too.  I really like him as well.  He doesn't talk during his sessions, which I like.

I am trying hard to train my brain to learn how to easily OBE.  I am determined. I have done it before but it's been a long time.

It's nearly 1-am now.  I'm fixing to do my thing.  The pic is my schedule for Dr. Jones right now.  It's for three weeks.  The five-minute exercises are the prelude to any OBE attempt.  They are to raise energy.

I'll be doing this shortly and tomorrow I'll write about it.  I'll either be listening to Monroe to sleep by or Jurgen.

Cheers, Jenn

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


So I'm sitting at my computer listening to Dr Steve talk about methods of exiting at 3:39 am...

One sounds a lot like what could be considered phasing.

He calls it the "Quantum Teleportation Technique".  He said since the 90s, scientists have been experimenting with teleporting entangled electrons.  Which is two electrons that have similar properties.  But they do the opposite thing.  If one is spinning upwards and to the right, somewhere there is an electron that is spinning downwards and to the left.  And distance is not a factor. If you think it, you make it happen.  You can instantly "teleport". Or phase?

I haven't read anything on this yet, meaning I haven't asked AI or Dr Google.  But I will be.  But tomorrow. I'm fixing to go to bed.  I should have started meditating hours ago but I get caught up reading and listening. He is very interesting to a general layman like me.

Cheers, Jenn

p.s.  Just burning the midnight oil and thinking...

One last thing.  I'm not saying there are electrons in our astral body.  I'm not saying that. I do not believe our astral body has any mass at all in Earth's terms, except maybe we are heavier than air. All I'm saying is that it is a concept that we all can relate to, therefore, it's easier for our brain to accept it so we can do it.  The scientists are using matter.  Phasing or teleportation in the sense that I'm talking about does not use matter, but the concept is similar to our brains. Maybe? Dr. Steve never said phasing.  But I think that the Quantum Teleportation Technique is phasing.  --> "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" ~~ Shakespeare

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


It's now morning.  Here is a simple explanation of entanglement -->  Entanglement

Last night: First I did not OBE or phase (get that out of the way). I used everything according to my chart in the previous post, which I will be doing each time.

But a couple of things were different.  ONE - vibrations started almost immediately. TWO - My thighs did not hurt during the vibrational state like they had been doing for a long time now.  (PROGRESS!!)  The experience was totally different without my thighs hurting to distract me. Because of that I just felt like I was floating inside my body nearly instantly. I just really got into this float and stayed suspended for 30 min or so. It was absolutely blissful. It felt like I was drifting in the dark. I could not believe how easy it was to get into this state when my upper frontal thighs were not hurting. :-) I just lay there and felt like I was in a warm bucket of water.   

Then somewhere in the audio background, I kept hearing this foreign sound.  It brought me back to C1.  My dog was barking to go outside.  After all, it was 4:30 am.  Time for him to use the restroom. (Dang it all to h*ll...).

After he got his business done, when I lay back down, I promptly fell asleep. 

It is 9:11 am right now. Tonight, I plan on being in bed between 10 am and midnight and I will repeat exactly what I did last night.

Jenn  8-)

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


It's 3:29 pm.  I'm going to give it a go in about 30 min...

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I never was able to lay down earlier.  But I am fixing to. My computer is shut down and I'm on my phone and in my pjs.

I just wanted to (or had to) say something I've noticed. Just sitting here in my computer chair, if I close my eyes and take a deep breath to relax, within 2-3 or so seconds I feel vibrations and movement. Wide awake sitting up. Five seconds is too much time. It's quicker than that. It's nearly instantaneous. It's like I close my eyes and it flows into a vibration with movement.

I even experimented a little. I got up and walked around, drank some water and went and sat back down again. Same thing happened.

This is wonderful!!  I'm being entrained!!

It's 1:52 am and I'm finally fixing to lay down. I'm on a weird sleep schedule.

I also finally have my chart exactly like I want it. I am logging everything.  :roll: I can't help it. It's just how I am...


P.s. I'm excited and expectant, but calm.  I spent a lot of time in the back yard today. I'm nice and grounded.  :-D

Last thing. It even happens sitting here holding my phone if I close my eyes. Wow!!  I know it sounds outlandish but it's really true. I consider this true progress!!

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


You're in "the zone"!  Lean into that.

You really can focus entirely upon that and use it!  :)


Yes, I think I'm in the zone too. Thank you for saying that!  That's a great way to describe it.  I've been practicing but right now for whatever reason I'm falling asleep again... :-o All that movement just stuck there!!  But I've been working really hard outside the last couple of days too.  That may be why I'm having trouble staying awake.  I'm just about done with yard work again...

My garden is still producing this September.  I suspect the pear tomatoes will be around through late October.  I'm waiting for my peppers to turn red, but I had to pick some anyway. I've had some amazing hot sauce and spicy things this summer. I have Habernoes, red sativa, and chili pequin growing. I eat the little chili pequin all the time.  Delicious... And the habs are my favorite pepper for cooking.

This was a partial harvest of yesterday.

It's 5:30 am.  I'm fixing to lay back down.  I feel rested so HOPEFULLY I'll stay awake.




"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


Oooooh Habaneros!!  Nice.  :)
I used to grow Ghost Peppers and Carolina Reapers. 
Grew so many of them that I still have boxes full of dried peppers from many years back.   :-o  8-)


Quote from: Xanth on September 02, 2023, 09:57:57Oooooh Habaneros!!  Nice.  :)
I used to grow Ghost Peppers and Carolina Reapers. 
Grew so many of them that I still have boxes full of dried peppers from many years back.   :-o  8-)

I have grown ghost peppers too!!!  Hot as fire!!  I love experimenting with different hot sauces with different flavors and peppers.

I suspect I will have boxes of peppers this year as well.  I have seven pepper plants.  Six in the backyard growing in tires and one in the front yard in a 25-gallon pot.  The ones in the back are nearly up to my shoulders. I have thousands of peppers literally.  They look like a hedge growing.

On another note, I have not obed yet but I have another thing going on.  Since I have been meditating so much, over the last few days, I can be doing something (anything) and this smell will waft in front of me.  A very sweet flowery smell that really just smells delicious. A strong smell. I don't have any flowers in the house so I am not sure what it is but I feel like it's something spiritual related. That has happened two or three times the last couple days.


"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


That is one good looking harvest Blossom.
You have a flower fairy lurking in your garden.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.