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heart technique.

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Found this article and I think someone will benefit from this technique ither for obe's or just for meditation.
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


If you clench up all your muscles first starting with your toes and work up your body first, this will make the beat stronger to start with and relax the body too.
This process has been used for a very long time as you correctly pointed out.
I used it in the 70's to conciously project many times. I still do occasionally.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 Yes Szaxx, this is basically known as Progressive Relaxation and I use it often as well.

I think most people that live in Chronic Pain also use it or a variance of it, to relieve some of the pain they are experiencing.

Sometimes it's the only way I am going to get to sleep.


Belsebuub is a fascinating site, btw.  :-)


Yea the site is really interesting but I don't understand why someone would call themselves lord of the flys though >_> other then that it's a good site.
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.

Little Bibble

Good people and organisations to look up on the heart are:

Joseph Chiltern Pearce (good for some real understanding on heart intelligence)
Drunvalo Melchizedek (for some interesting heart-centric meditations)
The institute of Heartmath (which has done lots of scientific research into heart intelligence)