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Meditation by Nameless

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Hi All,

I have used many techniques (very successfully) since coming here to this forum. Thank you to all those who have shared their personal techniques, what an amazing bunch of people you all are.

I thought it high time I share my most effective meditation techniques. This technique (for me) has always led to the most purest and most amazing insights.

My technique is in simply doing. Not sure you can even call it a technique.

Instead of imagining taking a walk, go take a walk and while your at it, let your mind roam free. In short just let your mind go where it will while doing tasks that require little to no input. Most of us can walk, wash dishes, sit in the garden or backyard, stare out a window, fold laundry, pet our pets, swing, go fishing and hundreds of other tasks a day without thought. So while you're at it let your mind go where it will.

Think of it as daydreaming if you will. Children do it easily, especially when they are bored. We all do it easily, especially when we are doing the most mundane chores and leisure activities.

When you find yourself staring, lost in thought, gently bring your focus to your thoughts, just enough to maintain some awareness.

For example; you find you have been staring at something for quite some time, say a tree or a picture. Stay dreamy but take a closer look. That tree or that picture or whatever it is was communicating something to you or you to it. What?

The point is and especially for those who have trouble imagining is that you don't have to. You can just do it.

Well, that's it in a nutshell.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on September 26, 2023, 06:05:03When you find yourself staring, lost in thought, gently bring your focus to your thoughts, just enough to maintain some awareness.

  I will try your method, I've attempted mindfulness during daily tasks, however not in an introspective way.

Thanks for sharing!



Walks, especially in nature really put you automatically in meditative state. Thank you for sharing, Nameless!
I do that almost every day on my walks. I always ask for a special message and I ALWAYS get it. Sometimes 5-10 min into the walk I get nothing and I question if I will receive anything, but it never fails, the moment I bring my attention 100% to the trees around me and I start connecting to them, the message pops up suddenly into my mind. Then I started writing down the messages after each walk because they come so strongly, I don't want to forget them. I read the often to ensure that it sinks into my mind and becomes a part of my constant thoughts, because I want to feel connected to the devine at all time and not only when I meditate. It has been working wonderfully.  I have listed some of the general messages below, but most are very personal. They come like a huge wave of energy and I can feel their meaning with all my being. IT's not like I read a statement or a motivational quote and my brain analyze its meaning. NO, during the nature walks or meditation, or the moments of "downloads" I FEEL them with my entire multiversal self and I feel like my spirit is stretched to every corner of the multiverse. I hope that makes sense.

Some of my messages:
-You will see it when you believe it.
-Release it all. Let go - don't worry about manifestations. You already have it all....somewhere. Just FEEL it
-Knowing is not enough to feel connected to All That IS. Only through unconditional love felt towards everything and everyone can you connect
-The power is always in the now. Use it
-It's a privilege living this life. FEEL every moment and its magic
-What you feel and receive with your spirit is more real than what you see with your eyes and hear with your ears. Trust in the communication and its validity
-walk the walk and trust yourself
-your outer world is a reflection of who you THINK you are. If there is something you don't like, ask yourself, why am I thinking or believing this is a part of me, what is this teaching me?
-everyone's purpose is to create a purpose
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on September 26, 2023, 10:09:18the moment I bring my attention 100% to the trees around me and I start connecting to them, the message pops up suddenly into my mind.

  When I was a kid we had two massive oak trees in our front yard. In dreams they would speak to me, I called them the "grandfather trees".
  My wife catches me in a bit of a trance sometimes staring at trees, for some reason my mind often blanks when I look at them. Maybe I should bring some awareness to those situations.

QuoteThey come like a huge wave of energy and I can feel their meaning with all my being. IT's not like I read a statement or a motivational quote and my brain analyze its meaning.

  I feel like I experience this to a degree, sometimes during a meditation it seems like I am bestowed an understanding that I then have to apply words to, rather than the other way around.
  And other times my notes just read "The tree seems wise", and I can't for the life of me figure out why.
  Thanks for sharing!



Quote from: Donut on September 26, 2023, 15:06:38My wife catches me in a bit of a trance sometimes staring at trees, for some reason my mind often blanks when I look at them. Maybe I should bring some awareness to those situations.
Perhaps you're speaking their very slow language and you're just between words.  :)


Quote from: Nameless on September 26, 2023, 06:05:03In short just let your mind go where it will while doing tasks that require little to no input.

  This has been a wonderful exercise. Teachers of meditation will often say "You are not your thoughts, you're the awareness of them", but I didn't really grasp what that meant until doing this.

  Taking a "look but don't touch" approach to the thoughts and stream of consciousness has also really helped me accept what it is to experience a human brain, and not work to silence it so much.

  Thank you for sharing, this is now a staple exercise for me.
