Meditation „vs.“ Phasing

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I know that Phasing IS a form of meditation, so it's another point I want to ask about.

In one of Xanths blogs he wrote that the difference between phasing and a ,,classical" OBE would be the break (at Focus 12, real-time-zone, so to say) and the performance of an exit technique - while phasing would be the undisrupted continuation of the meditation until you reach Focus 21 and phase (automatically) into a higher dimension.

Therefore, if you mediate and get into some trance (and forget about your body etc.), then you should automatically reach Focus 21, sooner or later, right?
But this would mean that each proper meditation leads to an OBE. Which isn't the case, obviously.

So, my question is: in order to experience an OBE while meditating, how do you establish the intent?
Is it a firm intention at the beginning of the meditation, or do you ,,think" about that intention permanently, while noticing / visualizing / whatever tool you use?
Or is it the experience of that ,,void" (which I not did yet) that represents Focus 21 and you just know that you can start now with your OBE, if you wish?


Quote from: Seeker75 on July 20, 2023, 09:53:46

I know that Phasing IS a form of meditation, so it's another point I want to ask about.

In one of Xanths blogs he wrote that the difference between phasing and a ,,classical" OBE would be the break (at Focus 12, real-time-zone, so to say) and the performance of an exit technique - while phasing would be the undisrupted continuation of the meditation until you reach Focus 21 and phase (automatically) into a higher dimension.

Therefore, if you mediate and get into some trance (and forget about your body etc.), then you should automatically reach Focus 21, sooner or later, right?
But this would mean that each proper meditation leads to an OBE. Which isn't the case, obviously.

So, my question is: in order to experience an OBE while meditating, how do you establish the intent?
Is it a firm intention at the beginning of the meditation, or do you ,,think" about that intention permanently, while noticing / visualizing / whatever tool you use?
Or is it the experience of that ,,void" (which I not did yet) that represents Focus 21 and you just know that you can start now with your OBE, if you wish?

No one has answered you so I will try.  But realize that I am not an expert.  We are all just on our own journey and my answer is based on my experiences and my own path.  I have had about five conscious obes in 20 odd years.

My advise first of all, if you are not utilizing Monroes tapes, to forget about focus 12 or 21 and any of the focuses.  It complicates things.  

Intent by definition is your determination to do something.  You intend to have an OBE.  That establishes your intent.  You reside in a physical shell but are trying to have experiences in what I call "your spiritual self".  You are more than your physical body.  You are more than your physical body.  You are more than your physical body. Know it and believe it and tell yourself this throughout the day. It is heard by your subconscious.  And tell yourself this before any meditation session.

Meditation is simple but also extremely hard.  It's merely quieting the mind and keeping your mind alert, while your body sleeps.  But it's easier said than done. Modern man has forgotten how to relax.

Full body relaxation is the key according to Robert Bruce and many others and I agree with them. When you lay down to meditate, the first step is merely relaxing.  You might twinge somewhere or itch.  That's normal.  Relaxing while keeping your mind alert is not an easy task. I fall asleep most of the time.  But that is your primary goal.  You want your mind to be in that borderland between sleeping and being awake.  Body asleep and mind awake.  You could even include that in your verbal or non verbal intentions.  That state of mind is a great included intention. Say it, believe it and mean it with your whole heart.

After you are completely relaxed, stare into the darkness in front of your closed eyes.  Notice the little lights, the little flashes etc. Sometimes you see real visual things like animals etc.. lol.. You'll notice things that don't make sense.  Just go with the flow and try to stay awake while noticing. The longer you stay awake in this process, the more you passively notice, the deeper you will go. The void will happen without any effort if you stay in this state long enough.  You will know because its feels like you have just entered a dark silent seemingly soundproof room.  It is obvious.  You will KNOW.

Let it lead you where it may.  Overcomplication will lead to failure.  I can't give you advice on exit techniques because that is not my strong suit.  I can get to the void and if I don't spontaneously exit (or phase), I stay in the void or fall asleep... But the void is a very real goal to get to.

I hope someone with more experience will reply to this as well.  This is just based on me.  This is just my viewpoint.  I am a long way from being an expert.

One last thing and this is also just my opinion that alot of people may not agree with.  I don't believe phasing is a meditation technique. Meditation is just meditation. I believe phasing is an exit technique that is commonly called a spontaneous exit.  The path to get to an obe is the same whether you phase-exit or do a classic exit.  Remember, your body and spirit already know how to do this.  You are only learning how to be conscious and aware during the process. And that is what I am also trying to learn right now - to stay conscious and aware.  :roll:



"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'



Quote from: Seeker75 on August 02, 2023, 14:21:30
Thank you for your insights!

Your very welcome.  I just hope it's helpful to you..

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
In Alice in Wonderland by 'Cheshire Cat'


I fully understand what you are saying, but in fact I struggle for years with all that OBE-stuff.
I managed to experience some random lucid dreams, but I absolutely can't experience an conscious ,,exit" / Astral Projection / Phasing into other dimensions / WILD.
I meditate since years and have (mostly) a good dream recall, but the door for willingly OBE-experiences is firmly closed.
Thus I finally gave up and let it be.
But, again, what you say is right and well explained. 👍


A couple of things I sometimes do if I really want a NPE (non physical experience) and am not having success with my regular sessions is:

Rip a day out of the calendar and do consecutive session until I get an exit or at least a LD, so a whole day of
meditating/napping. So far, it has not failed me.

Overtiredness, stay up late till I reach that very tired but can't sleep state, in my case it's around 22 hours.

Both a bit extreme, and the second one probably isn't too healthy, but it does work (for me anyway).

And then there is always the good ol' wake back to bed technique (WBTB), getting woken up in the middle of the night by an alarm clock makes me cranky, so instead I drink a couple glasses of water right before going to bed so I wake up naturally.

Now for the meditation itself, I simply observe what's going on in the mind while not trying to force anything, basically
watch yourself falling asleep. The trick is to... Hmmm... How to say it.. Be curious enough but not too much, or perhaps observe hard enough but not too hard lol, hope you get what I'm getting at. Too little and it's nighty night, too much and you can lie there for hours without anything happening.

Or the complete opposite, hyperfocus on a spot (between the eyes) in the darkness behind the eyes, to the point were everything else disappears and you get sucked in. Till now I haven't been successful with this, got that 'here we go' feeling I get right before an "exit" a couple times, but not all the way yet. It is still useful though, if I get stuck at the 3D blackness (not in the void but looking at it, I guess) with the above method, then this can get me over the hump, so to speak.
And the reason why I'm pursuing this one is it's very fast, like 1/4 or less the time of the observe one, and to challenge myself and work on focusing.

Just a little info/suggestions, hope you find some of it useful.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd




 To me, Phasing is the result of a deeper form of meditation. In the meditation techniques I have read on, they always say it is important to "clear your mind". In Phasing, at least for me. I utilize a "monkey mind" to my advantage (as seen in my Doorway technique). They both start out the same. Relaxation and "calming the mind". When visuals begin to appear, that is when I focus on them and only them and allow them to morph, which they do, into whatever form or scenario they wish to. I stay consciously focused on that and only that. At that point, my physical body is non-existent. It gets even deeper when "mental motion"/etheric motion is added into the mix!  8-)

I got to that point through years of "mental conditioning". Things like closing my eyes and reaching out to a tree in my backyard that is about 100ft away or just simply closing my eyes and focusing on the yo-yo in my hands as it went up and down. I didn't need to pick the yo-yo up. With the NP, thought = action, so the yo-yo was already in my hand. One of my favorite things earlier in my practice was focusing on a spinning top in front of me. I got that idea from that excellent movie "Inception". Leonardo's character used it as a focal point/tool as well. Another of my go-to's earlier in this practice was closing my eyes and "shooting hoops". That was an odd one to me because I was never really into Basketball growing up. That action seemed to create some fantastic results. Things like that got my me used to "etheric body motions and movement". That all evolved into being and experiencing the NPRs as a simple point of consciousness with no limitations. That's when the real fun began!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Seeker75 on July 20, 2023, 09:53:46Or is it the experience of that ,,void" (which I not did yet) that represents Focus 21 and you just know that you can start now with your OBE, if you wish?
Hey Seeker!  My apologies for the delayed response.   :-)

My understanding is that is correct, I believe!! 

And listen to Lumaza above, dude knows his stuff.


Quote from: Lumaza on August 04, 2023, 11:27:36To me, Phasing is the result of a deeper form of meditation. In the meditation techniques I have read on, they always say it is important to "clear your mind". In Phasing, at least for me. I utilize a "monkey mind" to my advantage (as seen in my Doorway technique). They both start out the same. Relaxation and "calming the mind". When visuals begin to appear, that is when I focus on them and only them and allow them to morph, which they do, into whatever form or scenario they wish to. I stay consciously focused on that and only that. At that point, my physical body is non-existent. It gets even deeper when "mental motion"/etheric motion is added into the mix!  8-)

That's a great and helpful explanation, thank you!
I still try to achieve a success, but unfortunately I can't make the visuals coming to morph.
Whatever I try, however long I lay there and meditate, when I randomly see some lights and foggy clouds, the just drift away and don't care about my intention to morph them into something.
Same if I just ignore them.
Because of this I never saw dreamlike scenes which are often described in books when it comes to the famous ,,hypnagogic state".
It's just some vague, small streaks that come and go and nothing more happens.


Quote from: Seeker75 on September 09, 2023, 12:51:56but unfortunately I can't make the visuals coming to morph.
Maybe that's what you're doing wrong.  You don't make them morph, you're just watching and investigating with your awareness.  Just investigate, with a sense of curiosity.

It's like listening really intently to a train whistle going off in the faaaaaaaaar off distance.  You don't MAKE the sound happen, you're just investigating the sounds with your awareness, you might have to REALLY listen though.  That's akin to deepening your awareness towards those visuals. 


Quote from: Xanth on September 09, 2023, 19:17:39Maybe that's what you're doing wrong.  You don't make them morph, you're just watching and investigating with your awareness.  Just investigate, with a sense of curiosity.

Thanks for the advice!
Yes, I already read this in your primer, but after several months of trying it this way I switched to be more active.
Even if I lay there for an hour or in the middle of the night (thanks to insomnia which I get as soon as I lay there with the hope of experiencing something), I see some small streaks or a little bright star, and nothing happens.
I tried to just wait and observe if they change, but they just wander slooowly from one side to the other and disappear.


Quote from: Seeker75 on September 10, 2023, 02:15:33Thanks for the advice!
Yes, I already read this in your primer, but after several months of trying it this way I switched to be more active.
Even if I lay there for an hour or in the middle of the night (thanks to insomnia which I get as soon as I lay there with the hope of experiencing something), I see some small streaks or a little bright star, and nothing happens.
I tried to just wait and observe if they change, but they just wander slooowly from one side to the other and disappear.
Seeker, "jump start" the process. By that I mean utilize creative visualization to get the process in motion. This has been called "priming the pump". Create your own "Happy Place". Work on a project or hobby. Entertain your mind with a visual sport, like shooting hoops or even using a virtual "yo-yo". "Lose yourself" in the "etheric action" or activity. You will see how good an approach like this works. Soon your "imaginary" focal target will take on a life of it's own.

 Do not, for any reason, turn your focus back to what your physical body is doing. This will immediately kill any success you have made. That is a hard thing not to do, but is necessary if you wish to maintain a NPR (non-physical reality) focus. This won't always be the case though. After a while, you will find that you can maintain a "dual" focus. For now, you have to work on holding a focus, period.

 There is a famous song from a band named "38 Special" that is called "Hold on loosely, but don't let go". In a nutshell, that is what you need to learn to do.

 When I do a phase session and am focused on the etheric motion "forward". I see what is in front of me as moving into a cave, hallway or tunnel. Many times, as I am moving deeper into the darkness there, I start to see imagery on the walls of that cave, tunnel or hallway. At that point I can lock onto that imagery, passively observe it and see where it leads to or I can just ignore it, until a more vivid object or scene appears. Either way, it will lead to something new to explore.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on September 10, 2023, 11:40:19I see what is in front of me as moving into a cave, hallway or tunnel. Many times, as I am moving deeper into the darkness there, I start to see imagery on the walls of that cave, tunnel or hallway. At that point I can lock onto that imagery, passively observe it and see where it leads to or I can just ignore it, until a more vivid object or scene appears. Either way, it will lead to something new to explore.

Thank you very much, this is a helpful advice, the tunnel-allegory is priceless.


Quote from: Seeker75 on September 10, 2023, 13:09:28Thank you very much, this is a helpful advice, the tunnel-allegory is priceless.
Your welcome. We all come here to help, learn and share!  :-)

 You will find that with continued practice, it takes mere seconds to actually begin moving into that darkness before your eyes, whereas in the beginning that would take 45 minutes to an hour and half to do. That is what continued "brain entrainment" will do for you. In a way, it becomes your "new norm"!  :wink:

 Tom Campbell used to say, "the NPRs are just a simple focus away"! We just have to learn how to, "allow" and get out of the way so that new NPR can appear.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on September 10, 2023, 13:18:44
Quote from: Lumaza on September 10, 2023, 11:40:19Do not, for any reason, turn your focus back to what your physical body is doing. This will immediately kill any success you have made. That is a hard thing not to do, but is necessary if you wish to maintain a NPR (non-physical reality) focus. This won't always be the case though. After a while, you will find that you can maintain a "dual" focus. For now, you have to work on holding a focus, period.

Would you say that self-talk is okay or rather such a focus to the physical reality?
I'm not good in visualization, I can't see a scene for a longer time before it gets really straining.
What works, though, is to just watch and talk about what I actually see in the darkness.

Though...this is something I already did in the past, and nothing ever happened.
Perhaps I should have continued instead of giving up after an hour?
Or is self-talk too much focus and emphasis on my physical body / reality?


 Seeker. to find success in the practice I find you need to be a silent "Observer" first. Do not question what you see. You could have internal dialogue, but there are things that are counterproductive. One of the worst I find is that when things are beginning to occur and the stage is set, you all of a sudden have the thought "here we go" and because of that, you go nowhere, and the session is done. I got caught up in this countless times. It was that little burst of excitement that killed the experience. Recognizing where you went wrong is crucial.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on September 10, 2023, 13:47:28Seeker. to find success in the practice I find you need to be a silent "Observer" first. Do not question what you see. You could have internal dialogue, but there are things that are counterproductive. One of the worst I find is that when things are beginning to occur and the stage is set, you all of a sudden have the thought "here we go" and because of that, you go nowhere, and the session is done. I got caught up in this countless times. It was that little burst of excitement that killed the experience. Recognizing where you went wrong is crucial.

Yes, and your answer makes even more sense now, for me, after reading your older post you gave in the other thread.
I now understand the importance of mental silence (thus NOT to practice self-talk).

No more questions, you helped me tremendously


 Just live up to your name. Become a "NPR" Seeker!
 I have found that changing your mindset in turn will change your reality. Visting the NPRs often will show you that to be true. You need to "de-program" a lot that has been programmed into you throughout your life. That being that you are only a "physical being". You are consciousness having a physical experience. That doesn't mean that you "have to" have that as your only focus!  :wink:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on September 10, 2023, 14:49:27Just live up to your name. Become a "NPR" Seeker!
 I have found that changing your mindset in turn will change your reality. Visting the NPRs often will show you that to be true. You need to "de-program" a lot that has been programmed into you throughout your life. That being that you are only a "physical being". You are consciousness having a physical experience. That doesn't mean that you "have to" have that as your only focus!  :wink:
OMG, the amount of de-programming the average "human" needs to do is beyond disgusting.  :-D


Hi Seeker.

These visuals will morph if you are deep enough. At the start you should, like the above posts say, just watch and stay aware. Do nothing more, at this early stage you'll still be aware of your body and the noises around it. This is where you start to phase , all you need here is your awareness of self and nothing else. Ignore the visuals and the noises around you. Relax and fall within yourself by staying awake, conciousness only in operation. You will hear less and less of the physical environment and resultantly lose focus of it too. Once the physical worlds noises fade then you are ready for entry into the hypnagogic state.
This entrance is still in contact with the physical so it is important to continue ignoring anything physical. You may hear strange noises at this point and could hear someone shouting for example. All kinds of weird noises can grab your attention. You ignore them all, these are physical world sounds that have been scrambled by your entry through the doorway to the nonphysical. Anytime you get this far they are usually present and this is a great signpost that you are well on your way. Its here when you start to use your visual perceptions of anything that is presented or you can initiate Lumazas doorway method for example.
Its worth the attempt to notice if you get this far. A fan or some physical world noise that's constant helps if you are in a sudden noise environment. This drowns out the background noises and provides a noticing reference for you. Don't try to notice the fan by thinking of it just continue and it'll not be there while you're still aware of yourself. At this point  you're definitely making progress. Things witnessed do come and go , fading into and out of the physical world.
Visual manipulation comes after this disconnect from the physical. Anything attempted while still aware of the physical will lock you into it. Once you cross the disconnect point you are almost free to create whatever your thoughts generate. Almost is a real thing here. You create with a thought so this is the next thing to learn. That clear your mind thing you've heard about everywhere isn't quite what you do. You should have a direction in mind. Manipulation of the world around you can be a thing, theres always visuals to play with or you could easily create a scene of your own. This you do in the physical and draw it or visually create it beforehand so you know it'll be waiting for you once you're past the disconnect point. You can embed it by constant daily thoughts of what you will see and feel.
We can go through this later as there's so many methods to use and you'll know what's good by the feel it gives.
Once you've mastered the phasing completely you'll be able to get away from the physical in tens of seconds once relaxed enough. Its the initial breakout you need to do first. The rest is easy with a little help.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 Excellent post Szaxx with great advice! It's good to have you back my friend!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Szaxx on September 19, 2023, 13:10:20Hi Seeker.

That's a very detailed and impressive description and help, thank you very much for taking the time!
I will follow your guidelines from now on.


I thought it more an overview lol.
I could give far more details of the phasing experience with what I perceive. Thing here is you'll likely be in a different environment and it wouldn't be the same.
These noise changes are a point where I stayed inside of, I halted going deeper just to experience as many as I could to help others. Some were extremely scary, imagine hearing what you perceive as the house falling down around you, doors being torn apart from the weight of debris. This delivers a fast return to the physical and you are wide awake expecting the worst imagery to find nothing out of place but the wind outside blowing under your door an rattling the slates on your roof. What a change the entry point does into the hypnagogic. Ignore it is easy to say when hit with this twist of sound perception. This is where you should be recognising as the point of change from ignoring to interaction. I create my own imagery here and have been on an underground rope decent with a beautiful female instructor. I didn't create her, the NP certainly kept my awareness on a high with this one. At the time I was in the driving seat on a car park while the girls went on a shopping trip.
Other times I have to imagine travelling fast towards distant mountains in an aircraft  of sorts hugging the ground. This example was one of my early successful attempts half a century ago.
The initial stage of getting a NP experience is your ability to switch into a meditative state once comfy. The rest is practice knowing you WILL be successful.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.